
Defines functions gather_species_inventory_terradat

Documented in gather_species_inventory_terradat

#' Convert species inventory data into tall, tidy data frame
#' @description Given species inventory data create a tall format data frame
#' usable by other terradactyl functions.
#' @param dsn Character string. The full filepath and filename (including file
#' extension) of the geodatabase containing the table of interest. This field
#' is unnecessary if you supply either both of tblSpecRichDetail and
#' tblSpecRichHeader (AIM/DIMA/TerrADat) or PLANTCENSUS (LMF/NRI).
#' @param source Character string. The data source format,
#' \code{"AIM", "TerrADat", "DIMA", "LMF", "NRI"} (case independent).
#' @param tblSpecRichDetail Dataframe of the data structure tblSpecRichDetail
#' from the DIMA database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields.
#' Use with tblSpecRichHeader when data source is AIM, DIMA, or TerrADat;
#' alternately provide dsn.
#' @param tblSpecRichHeader Dataframe of the data structure tblSpecRichHeader
#' from the DIMA database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields.
#' Use with tblSpecRichDetail when data source is AIM, DIMA, or TerrADat;
#' alternately provide dsn.
#' @param PLANTCENSUS Dataframe of the data structure PLANTCENSUS from LMF/NRI
#' database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields. Use when data
#' source is LMF or NRI; alternately provide dsn.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @name gather_species_inventory
#' @family <gather>
#' @return A tall data frame containing species inventory data.
#' @examples
#' gather_species_inventory(dsn = "Path/To/AIM_Geodatabase.gdb",
#'                          source = "AIM")
#' gather_species_inventory(dsn = "Path/To/LMF_Geodatabase.gdb",
#'                          source = "LMF")
#' aim_specrichdetail <- read.csv("Path/To/tblSpecRichDetail.csv")
#' aim_specrichheader <- read.csv("Path/To/tblSpecRichHeader.csv")
#' gather_species_inventory(source = "AIM",
#'                          tblSpecRichDetail = aim_specrichdetail,
#'                          tblSpecRichHeader = aim_specrichheader)
#' lmf_census <- read.csv("Path/To/PLANTCENSUS.csv")
#' gather_species_inventory(source = "LMF",
#'                          PLANTCENSUS = lmf_census)

#' @export gather_species_inventory_terradat
#' @rdname gather_species_inventory
gather_species_inventory_terradat <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                              tblSpecRichDetail = NULL,
                                              tblSpecRichHeader = NULL) {

  if(!is.null(tblSpecRichDetail) & !is.null(tblSpecRichHeader)) {
    species_inventory_detail <- tblSpecRichDetail
    species_inventory_header <- tblSpecRichHeader
  } else if (!is.null(dsn)){
      stop("dsn must be a valid filepath to a geodatabase containing tblSpecRichDetail and tblSpecRichHeader")

    # load raw tables
    species_inventory_detail <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_read(dsn,
                                                             layer = "tblSpecRichDetail",
                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T
    species_inventory_header <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_read(dsn,
                                                             layer = "tblSpecRichHeader",
                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T

  } else {
    stop("Supply either tblSpecRichDetail and tblSpecRichHeader, or the path to a GDB containing those tables")

  # Add null DBKey column if not present
  if(!("DBKey" %in% colnames(species_inventory_header))) species_inventory_header$DBKey <- NA
  if(!("DBKey" %in% colnames(species_inventory_detail))) species_inventory_detail$DBKey <- NA

  # Make Species Inventory Detail  a tall dataframe
  species_detail_tall <- tall_species(species_inventory_detail = species_inventory_detail)

  # Join with header data and strip out NA codes
  species_inventory_tall <- dplyr::left_join(
    x = species_inventory_header,
    y = species_detail_tall#,
    # by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey")
  ) %>%
    subset(!is.na(Species)) %>%
    dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in%
                       c("DateModified", "FormType", "DataEntry",
                         "DataErrorChecking", "DateLoadedInDb", "created_user", "created_date", "last_edited_user", "last_edited_date", "GlobalID")

#' @export species_count
#' @rdname gather_species_inventory
species_count <- function(species_inventory_tall, ...) {
  grouping_variables <- rlang::quos(...)

  if ("DBKey" %in% colnames(species_inventory_tall)) {
    levels <- rlang::quos(DBKey, PrimaryKey)
  } else {
    levels <- rlang::quos(PrimaryKey)

  # make sure that there are a unique set of species for each grouping level
  species_inventory_tall <- species_inventory_tall %>%
    ) %>%

  species_count <- species_inventory_tall %>%
    dplyr::count(!!!levels, !!!grouping_variables) %>%
    tidyr::unite(indicator, !!!grouping_variables, sep = ".") %>%
    dplyr::filter(!grepl(indicator, pattern = "^NA$|\\.NA|NA\\.|\\.NA\\."))


#' @export tall_species
#' @rdname gather_species_inventory
tall_species <- function(species_inventory_detail) {
  tall_list <- lapply(1:nrow(species_inventory_detail), FUN = function(X, df) {
    # split species strings concatenated in a single field
    codes <- stringr::str_split(df[X, "SpeciesList"], pattern = ";")[[1]]

    # Format output
    output <- data.frame(
      "PrimaryKey" = df$PrimaryKey[X],
      "RecKey" = df$RecKey[X],
      "Species" = codes
  }, df = species_inventory_detail)
  # Combine output
  output <- dplyr::bind_rows(tall_list)

  # Remove NAs and blanks
  output <- dplyr::filter(output, !(Species %in% c("", NA)))


# Gather LMF data
#' @export gather_species_inventory_lmf
#' @rdname gather_species_inventory
gather_species_inventory_lmf <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                         file_type = "gdb",
                                         PLANTCENSUS = NULL) {
    plantcensus <- PLANTCENSUS
  } else if(!is.null(dsn)){

    plantcensus <- switch(file_type,
                          "gdb" = {
                                                         layer = "PLANTCENSUS",
                                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T
                          "txt" = {
                            read.table(paste(dsn, "plantcensus.txt", sep = ""),
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                       header = FALSE, sep = "|",
                                       strip.white = TRUE
                          "csv" = {
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    # if it is in a text file, there are no field names assigned.
    if (file_type == "txt") {
      plantcensus <- name_variables_nri(
        data = plantcensus,
        table_name = "PLANTCENSUS"

  } else {
    stop("Supply either PLANTCENSUS or the path to a GDB containing that table")

  # Get species count
  species_inventory <- plantcensus %>%
    dplyr::group_by(PrimaryKey) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(., SpeciesCount = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
    merge(., plantcensus)

  # rename fields
  species_inventory <- dplyr::rename(species_inventory,
                                     Species = CPLANT
  ) %>% dplyr::select(., -c(SURVEY:SEQNUM)) %>%
    dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% c("GlobalID", "created_user",
                                      "created_date", "last_edited_user", "last_edited_date"))


#' export gather_species_inventory_survey123
#' rdname gather_species_inventory
# gather_species_inventory_survey123 <- function(SpeciesRichness_0 = NULL,
#                                                SpecRichDetail_1 = NULL) {
#   species_inventory_detail <- SpecRichDetail_1
#   species_inventory_header <- SpeciesRichness_0
#   # Check for duplicate PrimaryKeys
#   dupkeys <- species_inventory_header$PlotKey[duplicated(species_inventory_header$PlotKey)]
#   if(length(dupkeys) > 0){
#     dupnames <- paste(unique(dupkeys), collapse = ", ")
#     warning(paste("Duplicate PrimaryKeys found. Change PlotKey in the original data:", dupnames))
#   }
#   # Add null DBKey column if not present
#   if(!("DBKey" %in% colnames(species_inventory_header))) species_inventory_header$DBKey <- NA
#   if(!("DBKey" %in% colnames(species_inventory_detail))) species_inventory_detail$DBKey <- NA
#   # Convert PlotKey to PrimaryKey and attach to detail
#   species_inventory_header$PrimaryKey <- species_inventory_header$PlotKey
#   species_inventory_detail <- dplyr::left_join(species_inventory_detail,
#                                                species_inventory_header %>% dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, GlobalID),
#                                                by = c("ParentGlobalID" = "GlobalID"))
#   # Make Species Inventory Detail  a tall dataframe
#   species_detail_tall <- tall_species(species_inventory_detail = species_inventory_detail)
#   # Join with header data and strip out NA codes
#   species_inventory_tall <- dplyr::left_join(
#     x = species_inventory_header,
#     y = species_detail_tall#,
#     # by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey")
#   ) %>%
#     subset(!is.na(Species)) %>%
#     dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in%
#                        c("DateModified", "FormType", "DataEntry",
#                          "DataErrorChecking", "DateLoadedInDb", "created_user", "created_date", "last_edited_user", "last_edited_date", "GlobalID")
#     )
#   return(species_inventory_tall)
# }

#' Species Inventory Gather wrapper
#' @export gather_species_inventory
#' @rdname gather_species_inventory
gather_species_inventory <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                     tblSpecRichDetail = NULL,
                                     tblSpecRichHeader = NULL,
                                     PLANTCENSUS = NULL,
                                     # SpeciesRichness_0 = NULL,
                                     # SpecRichDetail_1 = NULL,
                                     file_type = "gdb") {

  if(toupper(source) %in% c("AIM", "TERRADAT", "DIMA")){
    species_inventory <- gather_species_inventory_terradat(
      dsn = dsn,
      tblSpecRichDetail = tblSpecRichDetail,
      tblSpecRichHeader = tblSpecRichHeader
  } else if(toupper(source) %in% c("LMF", "NRI")){
    species_inventory <- gather_species_inventory_lmf(
      dsn = dsn, file_type = file_type,
  # } else if (toupper(source) == "SURVEY123"){
  #   species_inventory <- gather_species_inventory_survey123(
  #     SpeciesRichness_0 = SpeciesRichness_0,
  #     SpecRichDetail_1 = SpecRichDetail_1)

  } else {
    stop("source must be AIM, TerrADat, DIMA, LMF, or NRI (all case independent)")

  # Add source field so that we know where the data came from
  # species_inventory$source <- toupper(source)
  species_inventory$source <- source

  if("sf" %in% class(species_inventory)) species_inventory <- sf::st_drop_geometry(species_inventory)

  if (any(class(species_inventory) %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))) {
    change_vars <- names(species_inventory)[do.call(rbind, vapply(species_inventory,
                                                                  class))[, 1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")]
    species_inventory <- dplyr::mutate_at(species_inventory, dplyr::vars(change_vars),

  # reorder so that primary key is leftmost column
  species_inventory <- species_inventory %>%
    dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, DBKey, tidyselect::everything())

smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m.