
Defines functions sm_statCorr

Documented in sm_statCorr

#' Linear regression slope and statistical values (R or R2 and p values)
#' from a paired correlation test.
#' @description
#' This combines two different functions:
#' 1) `geom_smooth()` from ggplot, and 2) `stat_cor()` from ggpubr.
#' `geom_smooth()` is used to fit the best-fit model, whereas
#' `stat_cor()` is used to print correlation results at an optimized location.
#' Updates from smplot2 include more flexibility, less input arguments and its
#' pairing with `sm_hvgrid()` / `sm_corr_theme()`.
#' @param ...
#' Arguments for the properties of regression line, such as `linetype`, `color`, etc.
#' For more information, type ?geom_smooth
#' @param fit.params
#' Paramters for the fitted line, such as color, linetype and alpha.
#' @param corr_method
#' Method of the correlation test.
#' Options include: 'pearson', 'kendall', or 'spearman'.
#' @param alternative
#' Specifies the alternative hypothesis (H1). 'two.sided' is the standard way.
#' 'greater' is a positive association, whereas 'less' is a negative association.
#' @param separate_by
#' This marks how the p- and r- values should be separated.
#' The default option is: ','
#' For more information, check out stat_cor() from the ggpubr package.
#' @param label_x
#' Location of the statistical value prints along the figure's x-axis.
#' It asks for a number within the x-axis limit.
#' @param label_y
#' Location of the statistical value prints along the figure's y-axis.
#' It requires a number within the y-axis limit.
#' @param text_size
#' Size (numerical value) of the texts from correlation.
#' @param show_text
#' If the statistical result needs to be displayed, the input should be TRUE (default).
#' If the statistical result is not needed, the input should be FALSE.
#' @param borders
#' If the border needs to be displayed, the input should be TRUE.
#' If the border is not needed, the input should be FALSE.
#' @param legends
#' If the legend needs to be displayed, the input should be TRUE.
#' If the legend is not needed, the input should be FALSE.
#' @param r2
#' FALSE or TRUE. TRUE if user wants to compute R2. FALSE if R needs to be computed.
#' @param R2
#' Same as r2.
#' @return Plots a best-fitted linear regression on a correlation plot
#' with results from correlation statistical tests.
#' @import ggplot2 cowplot
#' @importFrom ggpubr stat_cor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(smplot2)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) +
#' geom_point(shape = 21, fill = '#0f993d', color = 'white', size = 3) +
#'  sm_statCorr() # computes R
#'  ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) +
#' geom_point(shape = 21, fill = '#0f993d', color = 'white', size = 3) +
#'  sm_statCorr(R2 = TRUE) # computes R2
sm_statCorr <- function(...,
                        fit.params = list(),
                        corr_method = 'pearson',
                        alternative = 'two.sided',
                        separate_by = ',',
                        label_x = NULL,
                        label_y = NULL,
                        text_size = 4,
                        show_text = TRUE,
                        borders = TRUE,
                        legends = FALSE,
                        r2 = FALSE, R2) {

  if (!missing(R2)) {
    r2 <- R2

  params <- list(...)
  fit.params <- modifyList(params, fit.params)

  fitPlot <- do.call('geom_smooth',
                     modifyList(list(method = 'lm', se = FALSE,
                                     alpha = 0.2, weight = 0.8), fit.params))

  if (r2 == FALSE) { # R
    textPlot <- ggpubr::stat_cor(p.accuracy = 0.001, method = corr_method,
                                 alternative = alternative,
                                 label.sep = separate_by,
                                 label.x = label_x,
                                 label.y = label_y,
                                 size = text_size)
  } else { #R2
    if (separate_by == "\n") {
      textPlot <- ggpubr::stat_cor(aes(label = paste(paste0('atop(',after_stat(rr.label),',', after_stat(p.label),')'),
                                                     sep = "~~")),
                                   p.accuracy = 0.001, method = corr_method,
                                   alternative = alternative,
                                   label.x = label_x,
                                   label.y = label_y,
                                   size = text_size)
    } else { textPlot <- ggpubr::stat_cor(aes(label = paste(after_stat(rr.label), after_stat(p.label),
                                                            sep = paste0("~`",separate_by,"`~"))),
                                          p.accuracy = 0.001, method = corr_method,
                                          alternative = alternative,
                                          label.x = label_x,
                                          label.y = label_y,
                                          size = text_size)

  if (show_text == FALSE) {
    textPlot <- NULL

       sm_hvgrid(borders = borders, legends = legends))

globalVariables(c('rr.label', 'p.label'))
smin95/sesplot documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:35 a.m.