extractfragments <- function(object, pspecidx=NULL) {
if(class(object) != "xsAnnotate"){
stop("Object parameter is no xsAnnotate object.\n");
if (is.null(pspecidx)) {
pspecidx <- seq(along=object@pspectra)
result <- list();
ruleLoss <- which(object@ruleset$massdiff > 0);
for (pspec in pspecidx) {
sp <- getpspectra(object, grp=pspec)
rt <- median(sp[, "rt"])
peakID <- object@pspectra[[pspec]]
if(object@sample[1] == 1 & length(sampnames(object@xcmsSet)) == 1){
#single sample
#intIdx <- intVal;
intIdx <- "maxo";
##multiple sample
intIdx <- colnames(object@groupInfo)[object@psSamples[pspec]+7+length(levels(sampclass(object@xcmsSet)))]
## All peaks without annotation
nonannoidx <- grepl("^$", sp[,"adduct"])
## Annotation alternatives
annos <- object@annoGrp[object@annoGrp[, "psgrp"]==pspec, , drop=FALSE]
ipsidx <- order(annos[, "ips"], decreasing=TRUE)
annos <- annos[ipsidx, , drop=FALSE]
## only export pspec for which at least some annos exist
## maybe be more specific later ?
for (i in seq(length.out=nrow(annos))) {
annoid <- annos[i, "id"]
neutralmass <- object@annoGrp[annoid, "mass"]
## All peaks in sp which *could* be a fragment of neutralmass
fragpeakidx <- sp[, "mz"] < neutralmass
## All peaks in sp annotated with *this* annoid
annopeakidx <- object@pspectra[[pspec]] %in% object@annoID[
which(object@annoID[, "grpID"]==annoid & (object@annoID[,"ruleID"] %in%(ruleLoss))), "id"]
fragmentidx <- object@pspectra[[pspec]] %in% object@annoID[
which(object@annoID[, "grpID"]==annoid & !(object@annoID[,"ruleID"] %in%(ruleLoss))), "id"]
annopeakidx <- annopeakidx & !fragmentidx
## unannotated OR monoisotopic peaks
nonisoidx <- sapply(peakID, function(x) {
if(x %in% object@isoID[, "isopeak"]) {
} else {
#nonisoidx <- grepl("(^$)|( 0 +)", sp[, "isotopes"])
## all known-to-be-multiply-charges
multichargeidx <- object@pspectra[[pspec]] %in% sapply(object@annoID[object@annoID[, "grpID"]==annoid, "id"],
function(x) {
ion <- object@derivativeIons[[x]];
if (length(ion) > 0) {
if (ion[[1]]$charge > 1) {
} else {
return (NA)
} else {
}}) & annopeakidx
filteredsp <- sp[!multichargeidx & fragpeakidx & nonisoidx & ( nonannoidx | !annopeakidx ), , drop=FALSE]
o <- order(filteredsp[, "mz"])
if (length(o) > 0) {
result[[length(result)+1]] <- list(Pseudospectrum=pspec, AnnotationID=annoid, RentionTime=rt,
ParentMass=neutralmass, Peaks=filteredsp[o, c("mz", intIdx), drop=FALSE])
fragments2metfrag <- function(result, filedir=NULL) {
lapply(result, function(x){
zz <- file(paste(filedir, x$Pseudospectrum, "_", x$AnnotationID, ".mf", sep=""), "w");
cat("# Mode: 1\n", file=zz)
cat("# Pseudospectrum:", x$Pseudospectrum, "\n", file=zz)
cat("# Annotation alternative:", x$AnnotationID, "\n", file=zz)
cat("# Retentiontime:", x$RentionTime, "\n", file=zz)
cat("# Parent Mass: ", x$ParentMass, "\n", file=zz)
write.table(x$Peaks,row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, file=zz)
pspec2metfrag <- function(object, pspecidx=NULL, filedir=NULL) {
result <- extractfragments(object, pspecidx)
fragments2metfrag(result, filedir)
## CAMERA pseudo-spectra to MetFusion
pspec2metfusion <- function(object, pspecidx=NULL, filedir=NULL) {
result <- extractfragments(object, pspecidx)
fragments2metfusion(result, filedir)
fragments2metfusion <- function(result, filedir=NULL) {
lapply(result, function(x){
zz <- file(paste(filedir, x$Pseudospectrum, "_", x$AnnotationID, ".mf", sep=""), "w");
cat("# mfDatabaseIDs: \n", file=zz)
cat("# mfLimit: 10000", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mfFormula: ", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mbLimit: 100", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mfDatabase: ", "chemspider", "\n", file=zz) # kegg, pubchem, chemspider, beilstein, knapsack, massbank, sdf
cat("# mfMZabs: 0.01", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mfMZppm: 30.0", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# clustering: true", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mbCutoff: 5", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mfAdduct: ", "Neutral", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mfSearchPPM: 30.0", "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mfParentIon: ", x$ParentMass, "\n", file=zz)
cat("# mbIonization: ", substr(object@polarity,1,3), "\n", file=zz) # pos, neg, both
cat("# mfExactMass: ", x$ParentMass, "\n", file=zz)
#cat("# Mode: 1\n", file=zz)
#cat("# Pseudospectrum:", x$Pseudospectrum, "\n", file=zz)
#cat("# Annotation alternative:", x$AnnotationID, "\n", file=zz)
#cat("# Retentiontime:", x$RentionTime, "\n", file=zz)
#cat("# Parent Mass: ", x$ParentMass, "\n", file=zz)
cat("# peaks: ", "\n", file=zz)
write.table(x$Peaks,row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, file=zz)
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