
Defines functions .plot_cv_K .get_q2_threshold_by_K .get_q2_aggregates_chosen_var check_names_params .get_best_K .generate_folds .perform_multiple_NMF_runs .msg_range .cv_model_select_pyNMF2 performSearchForK get_n_seeds .grid_srch_par_df .compute_q2 .perform_single_NMF_run .get_q2_using_py

# @title
# Get the reconstruction accuracy, \eqn{Q^{2}}, for a given choice of parameter
# values
# @param x The parameter values. Expected columns "k_vals", "alpha" and "fold".
# @param seed_val The seed to be used.
# @param verbose Default to \code{0} which will not print any messages, or can
# be set to \code{1} which will print messages.
# @return \eqn{Q^{2}}, a real value
# @importFrom MASS ginv
.get_q2_using_py <- function(x, cvfolds, X) {
    this_k <- as.numeric(x["k_vals"])
    this_alpha <- as.numeric(x["alpha"])
    this_seed <- as.numeric(x["seed_val"])
    test_fold <- as.numeric(x["fold"])
    train_rows <-
        cvfolds$cvf_rows$subsets[cvfolds$cvf_rows$which != test_fold]
    train_cols <-
        cvfolds$cvf_cols$subsets[cvfolds$cvf_cols$which != test_fold]
    test_rows <-
        cvfolds$cvf_rows$subsets[cvfolds$cvf_rows$which == test_fold]
    test_cols <-
        cvfolds$cvf_cols$subsets[cvfolds$cvf_cols$which == test_fold]
    ## Split data matrix X -- separate the training and test parts
    ##        _      _
    ##   X = |  A  B  |
    ##       |_ C  D _|
    ## Reconstruct A, by performing NMF on D
    ## More details in Owen and Perry, Annals of Statistics, 2009
    submatrixD <- X[train_rows, train_cols]
    submatrixA <- X[test_rows, test_cols]
    submatrixB <- X[test_rows, train_cols]
    submatrixC <- X[train_rows, test_cols]

    ## NMF on submatrixD
    ## 1. Setup params
    ## 2. NMF call, using python/scikit-learn NMF
    nmf_submatrixD_result <- .perform_single_NMF_run(Xmat = submatrixD,
                                kVal = as.integer(this_k),
                                alphaVal = this_alpha, seedVal = this_seed)
    D_W <- nmf_submatrixD_result$featuresMatrix
    D_H <- nmf_submatrixD_result$samplesMatrix
    reconstructed_submatrixA <- as.matrix(submatrixB) %*%
        MASS::ginv(D_H) %*% MASS::ginv(D_W) %*% as.matrix(submatrixC)
    q2 <- .compute_q2(as.matrix(submatrixA), reconstructed_submatrixA)
## =============================================================================

## BiocParallel version
.perform_single_NMF_run <- function(Xmat, kVal, alphaVal, seedVal) {
    reticulate::source_python(system.file("python", "perform_nmf.py",
                                            package = "seqArchR",
                                            mustWork = TRUE)
    nmf_result <- reticulate::py_suppress_warnings(
                                nPatterns = as.integer(kVal),
                                nIter = as.integer(2000),
                                givenAlpha = alphaVal,
                                givenL1_ratio = 1,
                                seed_val = as.integer(seedVal)
    D_W <- as.matrix(get_features_matrix(nmf_result))
    D_H <- as.matrix(get_samples_matrix(nmf_result))
    return(list(featuresMatrix = D_W, samplesMatrix = D_H))
## =============================================================================

# @title Compute \eqn{Q^2} Value
# @description Computes the reconstruction accuracy, \eqn{Q^2}, given the
# original matrix and the recontructed matrix to check against.
# @param A The original matrix
# @param recA The reconstructed matrix
# @return Q^2, the reconstruction accuracy
.compute_q2 <- function(A, recA) {
    ## input: original matrix, reconstructed portion
    ## return: computed q2 val
    if (!is.matrix(A)) {
        stop("Original matrix is not of type matrix")
    if (!is.matrix(recA)) {
        stop("Reconstructed matrix is not of type matrix")
    if (sum(dim(A)) == 2 && is.na(A)) {
        stop("Empty: Original matrix")
    if (sum(dim(recA)) == 2 && is.na(recA)) {
        stop("Empty: Reconstructed matrix")
    second_term_num <- sum((A - recA) ^ 2)
    second_term_den <- sum(A ^ 2) # TO-DO: make sure this is not zero
    if (second_term_den != 0.0) {
        q2 <- 1 - (second_term_num / second_term_den)
    } else {
        q2 <- 0.0
## =============================================================================

.grid_srch_par_df <- function(this_K, aBase, aPow, kFolds, nIter){
    dummy_seed <- 1234
    ## need this only as place filler for the seed_val column in the
    ## grid_search_params df
    grid_search_params <- expand.grid(list(
        k_vals = this_K,
        alpha = aBase ^ aPow,
        fold = seq_len(kFolds), iteration = seq_len(nIter),
        seed_val = dummy_seed
    seed_val_list <- get_n_seeds(n = kFolds*nIter)
    grid_search_params[, "seed_val"] <- seed_val_list

get_n_seeds <- function(n){
    return(sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, size = n, replace = FALSE))

# should this be part of main help?
#  For 'result_aggl' and 'result_dist', it has been observed that
# agglomeration by 'ward.D' clustering and Euclidean distance work well
# together while complete linkage works well with 'correlation' as distance.
# The former works well for architectures that resemble those observed in
# Drosophila, and the later works well for architectures resembling those in
# mice.
performSearchForK <- function(X, cvfolds, startVal, endVal, step = 1,
                            prev_best_K = -1, best_K = 0, prev_df = NULL,
                            param_ranges, kFolds, nRuns, bpparam,
                            set_verbose = 1){
    vrbs <- ifelse(set_verbose == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
    dbg <- ifelse(set_verbose == 2, TRUE, FALSE)
    kValues <- seq(startVal, endVal, by = step)
    .msg_pstr("Checking K = [", paste(kValues, collapse = ","), "]", flg=vrbs)
    for (this_K in kValues){
        if(prev_best_K != best_K && !is.na(this_K) && this_K != 0){
            grid_search_params <- .grid_srch_par_df(this_K,

                aBase = 0, aPow = 1,
                kFolds = kFolds, nIter = nRuns)
            ## Using BiocParallel
            q2_vals <- unlist(BiocParallel::bplapply(
                            FUN = function(i) {
                            .get_q2_using_py( grid_search_params[i,],
                                                cvfolds = cvfolds,
                                                X = X)
                            BPPARAM = bpparam)
            grid_search_results <- as.data.frame(grid_search_params[,
                    c("k_vals", "alpha", "fold", "iteration")],
                    col.names = c("k_vals", "alpha", "fold", "iteration"))
            grid_search_results$q2_vals <- q2_vals
            if (is.null(prev_df)) {
                best_K <- .get_best_K(grid_search_results)
                prev_df <- grid_search_results
            } else {
                new_df <- rbind(grid_search_results, prev_df)
                prev_best_K <- best_K
                best_K <- .get_best_K(new_df)
                prev_df <- new_df
            .msg_pstr("Prev best K:", prev_best_K,
                        "Best K:", best_K,
                        "This K:", this_K, flg=dbg)
            .msg_pstr("Curr nrows:", nrow(grid_search_results),
                        "Total nrows:", nrow(prev_df), flg=dbg)
    returnObject <- list(best_K = best_K, prev_best_K = prev_best_K,
                        return_df = prev_df)

# @title Perform Model Selection via Cross-Validation
# @description The function performs model selection via cross-validation for
# choosing the optimal values of parameters for NMF. These are K, the number of
#  factors in NMF, and \eqn{\alpha}, the sparsity coefficient.
# @param X The given data matrix
# @param param_ranges An object holding the range of values for parameters
# \code{k}, \code{alphaBase}, and \code{alphaPow}.
# @param kFolds Numeric The number of cross-validation folds.
# @param parallelDo Set to \code{1} if you want to parallelize, else \code{0}.
# @param nRuns Number of runs for NMF.
# @param nCores If \code{parallel} is set to \code{1}
# @param seed_val The seed to be set.
# @param set_verbose Default to \code{0} which will not print any messages, or
# can be set to \code{1} which will print messages. Value passed to the
# \code{get_q2_val} function
# @return A data.frame/tibble of grid_search_results
# @importFrom methods is
.cv_model_select_pyNMF2 <- function(X,
                                    kFolds = 5,
                                    nRuns = 20,
                                    returnBestK = TRUE,
                                    cgfglinear = TRUE,
                                    coarse_step = 10,
                                    askParsimony = FALSE,
                                    debugFlag = FALSE,
                                    verboseFlag = TRUE,
                                    bpparam) {
    dbg <- debugFlag
    vrbs <- verboseFlag
    if (!is.matrix(X) && !is(X, "dgCMatrix")) {
        stop("X not of type matrix/dgCMatrix")
    if (kFolds < 3) {
        if (kFolds < 0) {
            stop("Number of cross-validation folds cannot be negative")
        } else {
            stop("Set at least 3 cross-validation folds")
    } else if (kFolds > ncol(X)) {
        stop("CV folds should be less than or equal to #sequences.
                Standard values: 3, 5, 10.")
    ## Check names in param_ranges list, the function relies on it below
    if (length(setdiff(names(param_ranges), c("alphaPow", "alphaBase",
                                    "k_vals"))) > 0) {
        stop("Expected elements in param ranges: alphaBase, alphaPow, k_vals")
    ## Get cross-validation folds
    cvfolds <- .generate_folds(dim(X), kFolds)

    #### New strategy
    if(returnBestK) {
        set_verbose <- ifelse(debugFlag, 2, ifelse(verboseFlag, 1, 0))
            prev_df <- NULL
            ## when either lo or hi values are best, so we need to perform
            ## a fine-grained search
            ## to note when the mid value happens to be
            ## the best
            mi <- seq(coarse_step, max(param_ranges$k_vals), by=coarse_step)
            lo <- mi-1
            hi <- mi+1
            stopifnot(length(lo) == length(mi) && length(lo) == length(hi))
            ## For loop for coarse-grained search
            prev_best_K <- -1
            best_K <- 0
            for (kCGIdx in seq_along(lo)){
                searchReturnCoarse <- performSearchForK(X = X,
                    cvfolds = cvfolds,
                    startVal = lo[kCGIdx],
                    endVal = hi[kCGIdx],
                    step = 1,
                    prev_best_K = prev_best_K,
                    best_K = best_K,
                    prev_df = prev_df,

                    bpparam = bpparam,
                    kFolds = kFolds, nRuns = nRuns,
                    set_verbose = set_verbose)
                best_K <- searchReturnCoarse$best_K
                prev_best_K <- searchReturnCoarse$prev_best_K
                prev_df <- searchReturnCoarse$return_df

                if(best_K == mi[kCGIdx]){
                    ## Work done, leave loop?
                    .msg_pstr("mi value is best", flg=dbg)
                        ## When mi value is chosen as best, in order for
                        ## the 1-SE rule, it would be a good idea compute
                        ## q2 values for at least 5 consecutive values of
                        ## K less than mi.
                        ## This means that, in thise case, we would set
                        ## the variable fgIL to (mi-5)
                        ## Then, the 1-SE rule could lead to choosing a
                        ## smaller value.
                        ## Scenario when the mi value is best, first check
                        ## the 1-SE rule,
                        ## What is the value chosen by this rule?
                        ## Does it already include values from the previous
                        ## triplet, if any?
                        ## If yes, we may need computations for a few
                        ## consecutive values below that value
                        ## TODO
                        fgIL <- max(mi[kCGIdx]-5, 1)
                        ## shield against setting 0
                        fgOL <- max(lo[kCGIdx]-1, 1)
                        .msg_range(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs)
                        ## Added to handle case when 1-SE rule is not
                        ## applied
                        fgIL <- max(mi[kCGIdx]-1, 1)
                        ## shield against setting 0
                        fgOL <- max(mi[kCGIdx]-1, 1)
                        .msg_range(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs)
                } else if(best_K == lo[kCGIdx]){
                    if (best_K == min(lo)){ ## fgIL is 1
                        .msg_pstr("min(lo) is best", flg=dbg)
                        fgIL <- 1
                        fgOL <- min(lo)-1
                        .msg_range(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs)
                    } else{
                        ## go fine over interval (hi[kCGIdx]+1 , lo[kCGIdx])
                        .msg_pstr("lo value is best", flg=dbg)
                        fgOL <- lo[kCGIdx]-1    # fine-grained search outer
                        fgIL <- hi[kCGIdx-1]+1  # and inner limit
                        .msg_range(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs)
                } else if(kCGIdx > 1 && best_K == hi[kCGIdx-1]){
                    .msg_pstr("prev hi is best", flg=dbg)
                    fgIL <- hi[kCGIdx-1]+1
                    fgOL <- lo[kCGIdx]-1
                    .msg_range(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs)
                else if(best_K == hi[kCGIdx]){
                    ## best_K is equal to hi, go to next coarse-grained iteration
                    .msg_pstr("Next interval of coarse-grained grid",
            ## Fine-grained search
            searchReturnFine <- performSearchForK( X = X,
                cvfolds = cvfolds,
                startVal = fgIL,
                endVal = fgOL,
                step = 1,
                prev_best_K = -1,
                best_K = 0,
                prev_df = NULL,
                kFolds = kFolds, nRuns = nRuns, bpparam = bpparam,
                set_verbose = set_verbose)
            best_K <- searchReturnFine$best_K
            fine_prev_df <- searchReturnFine$return_df
            combined_df <- rbind(prev_df, fine_prev_df)
            best_K <- .get_best_K(combined_df, parsimony = askParsimony)
            ## Ensure chosen value is not the lower boundary
            kValsInDF <- as.numeric(unlist(combined_df["k_vals"]))
            if(best_K != 1 && !any((best_K-1) - kValsInDF == 0)){
                .msg_pstr("Chosen best K is lowest in the range tested.",
                    "Making sure...", flg=vrbs)
                attemptCount <- 1
                makeSureK <- best_K
                while(makeSureK != 1 &&
                        !any((makeSureK-1) - kValsInDF == 0)){
                    # Ensure the new value is not already computed
                    fgIL <- max(best_K - 1*attemptCount, 1)
                    fgOL <- fgIL
                    .msg_range(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs)
                    searchReturnFine <-
                        performSearchForK( X = X,
                            cvfolds = cvfolds,
                            startVal = fgIL,
                            endVal = fgOL,
                            step = 1,
                            prev_best_K = -1,
                            best_K = 0,
                            prev_df = combined_df,
                            param_ranges = param_ranges,
                            kFolds = kFolds,
                            nRuns = nRuns, bpparam = bpparam,
                            set_verbose = set_verbose)
                    combined_df <- searchReturnFine$return_df
                    makeSureK <- .get_best_K(combined_df,
                                                parsimony = askParsimony)
                    attemptCount <- attemptCount + 1
                    kValsInDF <- as.numeric(unlist(combined_df["k_vals"]))
                best_K <- makeSureK
                .msg_pstr("Made sure, best K is: ", best_K, flg=dbg)


    if(best_K == max(param_ranges$k_vals)){
        cli::cli_alert_warning(c("Best K: {best_K} is already the maximum ",
                                "value for K specified. Try increasing ",
                                "the range"))
## =============================================================================

.msg_range <- function(fgIL, fgOL, vrbs){
    .msg_pstr("Choosing interval:", fgIL, "-", fgOL, flg=vrbs)

.perform_multiple_NMF_runs <- function(X, kVal, alphaVal, nRuns = 100,
                                        bootstrap = TRUE, bpparam) {
    new_ord <- lapply(seq_len(nRuns), function(x){seq_len(ncol(X))})
        new_ord <- lapply(seq_len(nRuns), function(x){
            sample(ncol(X), ncol(X), replace = FALSE)})
    seed_val_list <- get_n_seeds(n = nRuns)
    nmf_result_list <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(nRuns),
                                    FUN  = function(x) {
                                        Xmat = X[,new_ord[[x]]], kVal = kVal,
                                        alphaVal = alphaVal,
                                        seedVal = seed_val_list[x])
                                    BPPARAM = bpparam
    return(list(nmf_result_list = nmf_result_list, new_ord = new_ord))

# @title Generate Cross-Validation Data Splits
# @description This function generates the row and column indices for the
# cross-validation splits.
# @param Xdims Dimensions of matrix data matrix X.
# @param kFolds Number of cross-validation folds.
# @return A list of two elements: rowIDs and columnIDs for different cross-
# validation folds.
# @importFrom cvTools cvFolds
.generate_folds <- function(Xdims, kFolds) {
    ## Xdims gives the dimensions of the matrix X
    cvf_rows <- cvTools::cvFolds(Xdims[1], K = kFolds, type = "random")

    cvf_cols <- cvTools::cvFolds(Xdims[2], K = kFolds, type = "random")

    return(list(cvf_rows = cvf_rows, cvf_cols = cvf_cols))
## =============================================================================

# @title Get the best performing value of K (number of factors in NMF)
# @param x A data.frame/tibble, grid_search_results, as returned by
# \code{.cv_model_select_pyNMF2}
# @return A number The best performing value of K.
.get_best_K <- function(x, parsimony = FALSE) {
    # Assumes, max q2_val is best
    # Returns simply the best performing K value
    averages <-
        .get_q2_aggregates_chosen_var(x, chosen_var = x$k_vals, base::mean)
    ## Using the one-std error rule for selecting a parsimonious model
    sd_by_K <- .get_q2_aggregates_chosen_var(x, x$k_vals, stats::sd)
    se_by_K <- sd_by_K / sqrt(nrow(x)/nrow(sd_by_K))
    averages$SD <- sd_by_K$q2_vals
    averages$SE <- se_by_K$q2_vals
    idx_best <- as.numeric(which.max(unlist(averages["q2_vals"])))
    best_K <- as.numeric(averages[idx_best, "rel_var"])
        ## Return the value of K using the one SE rule
        se_rule_threshold <- averages[idx_best, "q2_vals"] -
            averages[idx_best, "SE"]
        best_K_by_se_rule <- averages[
            which(unlist(averages["q2_vals"]) > se_rule_threshold), "rel_var"]
        best_K_by_se_rule_chosen <- min(best_K_by_se_rule)
## =============================================================================

check_names_params <- function(x){
    if (length(setdiff(
        c("k_vals", "alpha", "fold", "iteration",
    )) > 0) {
        .msg_pstr(names(x), flg=FALSE)
            "Check colnames in data.frame, expecting five element names: ",
            c("k_vals", "alpha", "fold", "iteration", "q2_vals")

# @title Aggregate \eqn{Q^2} Values
# @description Aggregate the \eqn{Q^2} values from the grid search results.
# @param x The return object from \code{\link{.cv_model_select_pyNMF2}}.
# @param chosen_var The variable to aggregate over.
# @param chosen_func The aggregate function to use (should be a function
# already existing wihtin R). Possible values are: \code{mean} and \code{sd}.
# @return The mean of $Q^2$ values per the chosen variable
# @importFrom stats aggregate
.get_q2_aggregates_chosen_var <- function(x, chosen_var, chosen_func) {
    ## Returns the mean of q2 values per the chosen variable
    averages <- stats::aggregate(x,
                                by = list(rel_var = chosen_var),
                                simplify = TRUE)
## =============================================================================

# @title Get Threshold Value for Selecting \eqn{\alpha}
# @description Get the threshold value for selection of \eqn{\alpha} by
# looking at cross-validation performance for K.
# @param model_selectK Cross-validation performance over K values.
# @return The \eqn{Q^2} threshold value.
# @importFrom stats sd
.get_q2_threshold_by_K <- function(model_selectK) {
    mean_by_K <- .get_q2_aggregates_chosen_var(model_selectK,
    sd_by_K <- .get_q2_aggregates_chosen_var(model_selectK,
    se_by_K <- sd_by_K / sqrt(nrow(sd_by_K))
    best_K <- .get_best_K(model_selectK)
    idx_best_K <- which(sd_by_K$rel_var == best_K)
    q2_threshold <- list(mean = as.numeric(mean_by_K[idx_best_K, "q2_vals"]),
                        se = as.numeric(se_by_K[idx_best_K, "q2_vals"]))
## =============================================================================

# @title Plot Cross-Validation Performance of K
# @description Plot showing performance of different values of K tested in
# cross-validation.
# @param averages The average of performance values for different combinations
# in grid search
# @return A ggplot object so you can simply call \code{print} or \code{save}
# on it later.
# @import ggplot2
.plot_cv_K <- function(averages) {
    # Using ggplot to plot
    if ("rel_var" %in% averages) {
        message("Plotting Q2 vs. K: check colnames in the object
        (need 'rel_var' as 'k')")
    if ("q2_vals" %in% averages) {
        message("Plotting Q2 vs. K: check colnames in the object",
                " (need 'q2_vals')")
    message("Plotting Q2 as a function of K")
    p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(averages, aes_string(x = "rel_var", y = "q2_vals")) +
        ggplot2::geom_point() +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = averages$rel_var,
                            labels = averages$rel_var) +
            title = "Reconstruction accuracy, Q\U00B2 = f(#Factors)",
            x = "#Factors (K)",
            y = paste0("Reconstruction accuracy (Q\U00B2)")
## =============================================================================
snikumbh/seqArchR documentation built on March 11, 2024, 7:06 p.m.