
Defines functions applyMask mergeAllPoints plotPoints .plotPoints plotLines .plotLines

## densityMaskTracks-methods
##' @name densityMaskTracks
##' @aliases densityMaskTracks
##' @title densityMaskTracks
##' @rdname densityMaskTracks-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @description mask track lists and lists of track lists using kernel density clusters

##' @usage 
##' densityMaskTracks(trackll, scale = 128, removeEdge = F, separate = F, buildModel = F)
##' @param trackll An uncensored/unfiltered list of track lists
##' @param scale X and Y scale (in pixels) of track video window
##' @param removeEdge Remove edge clusters with incomplete contour lines/ploygons
##' @param separate Separate by cluster
##' @param buildModel Manually configure the kernel density probability (p), while continuously building a model. T to create a model or improve an existing model. F to load in a MODEL.csv for automatic masking.
##' @param track.list A single uncensored/filtered track list.

##' @details
##' This algorithm relies on one parameter, the kernel density probability (p),
##' to mask track lists. Following, describes a method to optimize a workflow to
##' predict p actively.
##' When densityMaskTracks() is called with buildModel = T, it will repeatedly
##' ask the user for the kernel density probability (p) and the number of
##' smallest clusters to elimnate. The kernel density probability (p) is a
##' factor that determines how dense the cluster contours are. Low p creates
##' smaller and/or fewer clusters and vice versa. Adjust p accordingly, but if
##' there are still small extra clusters made in undesired areas, raise the
##' number of smallest clusters to eliminate accordingly (note: sometimes noise
##' clusters are too small to see). Manual input will get progressively easier
##' after 3 data points as the model is continuously being improved and applied.
##' Building the model will create a MODEL.csv in the working directory that can
##' be used to mask automatically if buildModel = F (this will look for one
##' MODEL.csv in the working directory).
##' The separate parameter allows users to separate each track list from one
##' video into their cluster components, creating a list of track lists. 
##' Applying this separate parameter to a list of track lists from multiple
##' videos will simply append all the separated clusters together. Each track
##' list is named "c#" as the header. The # indicating the cluster number.
##' The removeEdge parameter allwos users to automatically remove any clusters
##' that are on edges and/or have an incomplete contour line (discontinuous
##' polgon)
##' Use plotTrackPoints and plotTrackLines to plot lists of track lists into
##' separate scatter/line plots. Use .plotTrackPoints and .plotTrackLines for a
##' single track list. These track lists can be plotted at any point in
##' analysis.
##' EXTRA:
##' The general method for creating a masked track list from a single track list
##' begins by first calculating its kernel density using kernelDensity(), 
##' creating the mask using this value createMask() (while adjusting the kernel
##' density probability [p] as needed), then generating the masked track list
##' using applyMask. The reason why these three steps are separated in the
##' source code is to allow for quick repeated adjustments to the kernel density
##' probability (p), as the other two steps can take more time.
##' The value for the kernel density probability (p) is automatically calculated
##' by default using a regression model estimating the approximate desired
##' probability using the track list's average track length (derived from a
##' specific data set).Thus, it is highly recommended to use
##' uncensored/unfiltered track lists.
##' If one had to apply this function to a large number of typically unvariable
##' track lists, a regression model can be made and integrated into the source
##' code.
##' when building initial masking model, MODEL.csv will be created in the
##' working directory (this can be renamed as long as it ends with MODEL.csv).
##' Each time the model is improved, the manual input will get progressively
##' easier. The output will be a masked trackll that is created exactly as set
##' during the program.

##' @examples

##' # create trackll 
##' track.folder=system.file("extdata","SWR1",package="smt")
##' trackll <- createTrackll(folder=track.folder, input = 1, cores = 2)
##' # mask trackll using using default model (may not fit all data)
##' trackll.masked=densityMaskTracks(trackll)
##' # plot to see the masking effect
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll)
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll.masked)
##' # create trackll by build model manually, useful when default model does not
##' yield good masking either too strigent or too lose
##' trackll.masked.md <- densityMaskTracks(trackll, buildModel = T)
##' # model building is recommended for new dataset, currently one needs to
##' manually evaluate the goodness of the masking, and strength /lose it by
##' specifying p value when prompted by the command.
##' # This is an example of masking model building process
##' # Masking mage6 ...
##' # No initial model read. If desired, ensure there is one file ending in
##' MODEL.csv in working directory.
##' # 2 clusters. mage6 masked at kernel density probability = 0.5 , eliminate = 0 
##' # Done (1 = YES; 0 = NO)?: 0 # assume too strigent answer no. 
##' # New kernel density probability (p): 0.6 # assume too strigent, losen it to 0.6 
##' # Number of smallest clusters to elimnate (recommended 0, unless last resort): 0 
##' # as recommended
##' # 2 clusters. mage6 masked at kernel density probability = 0.6 , eliminate = 0 
##' # Done (1 = YES; 0 = NO)?: 1 # yes. 
##' # New MODEL.csv created.
##' # Masked track list for mage6 created.
##' # All tracks lists masked.
##' # compare results
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll) # original
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll.masked) # masked using default masking model
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll.masked.md) # masked using losened up masking model 
##' # now one can used this modified Model.csv to process data that was not
##' masked well using default model by simply putting Model.csv in the working
##' directory and set buildModel=F
##' trackll.masked2 <- densityMaskTracks(trackll, buildModel = F)
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll.masked.md) # masked by building new (lossen up) model
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll.masked2) # masked using provided (lossen up) model without building it

##' @export .densityMaskTracks
##' @export densityMaskTracks
##' @export plotPoints
##' @export plotLines
##' @export .plotPoints
##' @export .plotLines


#library(dplyr) #bind_rows, MASS::kde2d
#library(sp) #point.in.polygon

#### kernelDensity ####

#Returns kernel density

kernelDensity = function (track.list, scale = 128){
    #Merge track list into a single dataframe
    df <- mergeAllPoints(track.list)
    #Calculate kernel density from dataframe
    dens <- MASS::kde2d(df[[1]], df[[2]], n=200, lims=c(c(0, scale), c(0, scale)));
    return (dens);

#### createMask ####

#Returns binary mask and plots

createMask = function (track.list, scale = 128, kernel.density, p = NULL, eliminate = NULL, plot = T, separate = F, removeEdge = F){
    #Store all merged track coordinate points into a dataframe
    df <- mergeAllPoints(track.list)
    if (is.null(p)){
        p = 0.5
    if (is.null(eliminate)){
        eliminate = 0
    if (p <= 0 || p >= 1){
        cat("\np set to safe value of 0.5.\n")
        p = 0.5
    # Calculate contours to plot
    prob <- c(p)
    dx <- diff(kernel.density$x[1:2])
    dy <- diff(kernel.density$y[1:2])
    sz <- sort(kernel.density$z)
    c1 <- cumsum(sz) * dx * dy 
    levels <- sapply(prob, function(x){ 
        approx(c1, sz, xout = 1 - x)$y
    #Create the countour polygon with using coordinate points
    ls <- contourLines(kernel.density, level=levels)
    #Remove edge/border clusters by removing all contour lines that are not complete polygons
    if (removeEdge){
        i = 1
        repeat {
            #Compare the first and last points in the polygon vector for continuity
            if (tail(ls[[i]]$x, n = 1) != head(ls[[i]]$x, n = 1) || tail(ls[[i]]$y, n = 1) != head(ls[[i]]$y, n = 1)){
                ls[[i]] <- NULL
            } else {
                i = i + 1
            #Break loop if complete
            if (is.null(ls) || i >= length(ls) + 1){
    #Keep only the largest user-specified number of clusters, if given
    if (eliminate > 0){
        num.clusters = length(ls) - eliminate;
        while (length(ls) >  num.clusters){
            noise = 0;
            min = Inf;
            for (i in 1:length(ls)){
                if(length(ls[[i]][[2]]) < min){
                    noise = i
                    min = length(ls[[i]][[2]])
            ls[[noise]] <- NULL
    #Use coordinate coordinate polygon to create the cluster shape
    cluster <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(ls)){
        cluster[[i]] <- point.in.polygon(df[[1]], df[[2]], ls[[i]]$x, ls[[i]]$y)
    #Create binary mask of track coordinates
    df$region <- factor(Reduce("+", cluster))
    #Plot with mask and contour
        title = paste(getTrackFileName(track.list),"Mask with Kernel Density Probability (p) of", round(p, digits = 3), sep = " ");
        plot(df[[2]] ~ df[[1]], col=region, data=df, xlim = c(0, scale), ylim = c(0, scale), xlab = "x (Pixels)", ylab = "y (Pixels)", main = title, cex = .1)
        contour(kernel.density, levels=levels, labels=prob, add=T)
    cat("\n", length(ls), "clusters.", getTrackFileName(track.list), "masked at kernel density probability =", round(p, digits = 3), ", eliminate =", eliminate, "\n")
    if (!separate){
    } else {

#### applymask ####

#Creates masked track list

applyMask = function(track.list, mask){
    #Instantiate a masked track list with indexing variables
    masked.track.list = list();
    masked.track.list.names = list();
    index.mask = 1;
    index = 1;
    #Loop through all tracks
    for(i in 1:length(track.list)){
        mask.bool = TRUE;
        #Remove any tracks outside mask
        for (j in 1:nrow(track.list[[i]])){
            if (mask[[index]] == 1){
                mask.bool = FALSE;
            index = index + 1;
        if (!mask.bool){
            masked.track.list[index.mask] <- track.list[i];
            index.mask = index.mask + 1;
            masked.track.list.names[1 + length(masked.track.list.names)] = names(track.list[i]);
    names(masked.track.list) <- masked.track.list.names;
    #Return masked track list
    return (masked.track.list);

#### mergeAllPoints ####

mergeAllPoints = function(track.list){
    if (length(track.list[[1]]) == 3){
        df <- bind_rows(track.list, .id = "Trajectory")[, c("x", "y", "z")]
    } else {
        df <- bind_rows(track.list, .id = "Trajectory")[, c("x", "y", "z", "Frame")]
    return (df);

#### .densityMaskTracks ###

.densityMaskTracks = function (track.list, scale = 128, removeEdge = F, separate = F, buildModel = F){
    #Initial confirmation
    track.name = getTrackFileName(track.list)
    cat("\n Masking", track.name, "...\n")
    #Calculate kernel density
    kd <- kernelDensity(track.list, scale = scale);
    #Set model variables
    points = nrow(mergeAllPoints(track.list))
    tracks = length(track.list)
    avg = points/tracks
    #Find initial model
    model.fit = NULL
    model = NULL;
    model.file = list.files(path=getwd(),pattern="MODEL.csv",full.names=T, ignore.case = T)
    if (length(model.file) != 1){
        cat("\nNo initial model read. If desired, ensure there is one file ending in MODEL.csv in working directory.\n")
        p = 0.5;
    } else {
        model = read.csv(model.file)
        if (nrow(model) < 3){
            cat(paste("\n", basename(model.file), " read.\n", sep = ""))
            p = 0.5
            cat("\nNote: Model has less than 3 points. Need more data. p set to safe default 0.5.\n")
        } else {
            model.fit <- summary(fit <- lm(model$Probability ~ model$Average.Track.Length))
            cat(paste("\n", basename(model.file), " read. R-squared = ", round(model.fit$r.squared, digits = 3), "\n", sep = ""))
            cat("\nPredicting p...\n")
            p = model.fit$coefficients[[1]] + model.fit$coefficients[[2]] * avg
            if (!(p > 0 || p < 1)){
                cat("\nWarning: Model inaccuracy! p set to safe default 0.5.\n")
                p = 0.5
    #Option between automatic and manual
    if (!buildModel){
        #Automatically initial mask
        mask <- createMask(track.list, scale = scale, kd, p = p, separate = separate, removeEdge = removeEdge);
    } else {
        new.model <- NULL;
        #Instantiate to default parameters
        eliminate = 0;
        done = FALSE;
        #reate mask using default mask
        mask <- createMask(track.list, scale = scale, kd, p = p, separate = separate, removeEdge = removeEdge);
        #Repeatedly ask if satisfied with mask
        while (!done){
            #Done prompt
            done = as.integer(readline(prompt="Done (1 = YES; 0 = NO)?: "))
            #If invalid input / not a number, set to default 0
            if (is.na(done)){
                cat("\nInvalid input, set to default 0 = NO.\n")
                done = 0;
            #Convert integer to logical
            done = as.logical(done)
            #If done, add to new model data frame and break
            if (done){
                new.model <- data.frame(track.name, points, tracks, points/tracks, p);
                colnames(new.model) <- c("File Name", "Points", "Tracks", "Average Track Length", "Probability");
            #Request new p
            p = as.numeric(readline(prompt="New kernel density probability (p): "))
            #If invalid input / not a number, set to default
            if (is.na(p)){
                cat("\nInvalid input, set to default.\n")
                p = NULL;
            #Request to eliminate
            eliminate = as.integer(readline(prompt="Number of smallest clusters to elimnate (recommended 0, unless last resort): "))
            #If invalid input / not a number, set to default
            if (is.na(eliminate)){
                cat("\nIncorrect input, set to default = 0.\n")
                eliminate = 0;
            #Create mask using set parameter
            mask <- createMask(track.list, scale = scale, kd, p = p, eliminate = eliminate, separate = separate, removeEdge = removeEdge);
        #Create new MODEL.csv or append new model accordingly
        if (is.null(model)){
            cat("\nNew MODEL.csv created.\n")
            write.table(new.model, file = "MODEL.csv", sep = ",", row.names = F);
        } else {
            write.table(new.model, file = basename(model.file), sep = ",", append = T, col.names = F, row.names = F);
            cat(paste("\nData point added to ", basename(model.file), ".\n", sep = ""))
    #Apply mask depending on desire to separate clusters
    if (typeof(mask) == "integer"){
        #Apply full mask to track list and return
        masked.track.list <- applyMask(track.list, mask);
        cat("\n Masked track list for", getTrackFileName(track.list), "created.\n")
    } else {
        #Create new list of track lists for separated clusters
        masked.trackll.cells <- list()
        masked.trackll.cells.names <- list()
        #Loop through separated masks and apply to track list
        for (i in 1:length(mask)){
            masked.trackll.cells[[length(masked.trackll.cells)+1]] <- applyMask(track.list, mask[[i]]);
            masked.trackll.cells.names[[length(masked.trackll.cells.names)+1]] <- i;
        #Name separated list of track lists apppropriately and return
        names(masked.trackll.cells) <- paste("c", masked.trackll.cells.names, sep ="");
        cat("\n Masked list of track lists (separated by cluster) for", getTrackFileName(track.list), "created.\n")

#### densityMaskTracks ####

densityMaskTracks = function (trackll, scale = 128, removeEdge = F, separate = F, buildModel = F){
    #Instantiate empty list
    masked.trackll <- list()
    #Option to separate
    if (separate){
        #Apply separation to each track list and append the resulting list of track lists to each other
        for (i in 1:length(trackll)){
            tracks <- .densityMaskTracks(trackll[[i]], scale = scale, removeEdge = removeEdge, separate = separate, buildModel = buildModel)
            masked.trackll <- append(masked.trackll, tracks)
        names(masked.trackll) <- paste(names(trackll), names(masked.trackll), sep = "_")
    } else {
        #Apply algorithm to each track list
        for (i in 1:length(trackll)){
            masked.trackll[[i]] <- .densityMaskTracks(trackll[[i]], scale = scale, removeEdge = removeEdge, separate = separate, buildModel = buildModel)
        names(masked.trackll) <- names(trackll)
    #Confirmation text and return
    cat("\nAll tracks lists masked.\n")

#### plotPoints ####

plotPoints = function(trackll, scale = 128){
    for (i in 1:length(trackll)){
        .plotPoints(trackll[[i]], scale = scale)
        title(sub= names(trackll)[[i]])

.plotPoints = function(track.list, scale = 128){
    df <- mergeAllPoints(track.list)
    plot(df[[1]], df[[2]], xlim = c(0, scale), ylim = c(0, scale), xlab = "x (Pixels)", ylab = "y (Pixels)", main = paste("Tracks Plot for ", getTrackFileName(track.list), sep = ""), cex = .1);

#### plotLines ####

plotLines = function(trackll, scale = 128){
    for (i in 1:length(trackll)){
        .plotLines(trackll[[i]], scale = scale)
        title(sub= names(trackll)[[i]])

.plotLines = function(track.list, scale = 128){
    plot(track.list[[1]][[1]], track.list[[1]][[2]], type = "l", xlim = c(0, scale), ylim = c(0, scale), xlab = "x (Pixels)", ylab = "y (Pixels)", main = paste("Tracks Plot for ", getTrackFileName(track.list), sep = ""));
    for(i in 2:length(track.list)){
        lines(track.list[[i]][[1]], track.list[[i]][[2]])
snjy9182/smt documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:19 a.m.