
Defines functions .coverage .nucleotideIdentity .iupacConsensus .dnaBasesOnly .asIUPAC .majorityConsensus .findMostCommonBase .consensusMatrix consensusProfile

Documented in consensusProfile

#' Get sequence information from an alignment
#' \code{consensusProfile()} takes a DNA multiple alignment as input and
#' returns all the data needed for subsequent primer and probe design process.
#' The function is a wrapper to
#' \code{Biostrings::consensusMatrix()} (Pages et al., 2020).
#' @param x
#' A \code{Biostrings::DNAMultipleAlignment} object.
#' @param ambiguityThreshold
#' "Detection level" for ambiguous bases.
#' All DNA bases that occur with a relative frequency higher than the
#' specified value will be included when the IUPAC consensus character
#' is determined.
#' Can range from 0 to 0.2, defaults to \code{0}.
#' @return
#' An \code{RprimerProfile} object, which contains the following information:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{position}{Position in the alignment.}
#'   \item{a}{Proportion of A.}
#'   \item{c}{Proportion of C.}
#'   \item{g}{Proportion of G.}
#'   \item{t}{Proportion of T.}
#'   \item{other}{Proportion of bases other than A, C, G, T.}
#'   \item{gaps}{Proportion of gaps (recognized as "-" in the alignment).}
#'   \item{majority}{Majority consensus sequence.
#'   Denotes the most frequently occurring nucleotide.
#'   If two or more bases occur with the same frequency,
#'   the consensus nucleotide will be randomly selected among these.}
#'   \item{identity}{Proportion of sequences, among all sequences with a
#'   DNA base (i.e., A, C, G or T), that has the majority consensus base.}
#'   \item{iupac}{The consensus sequence expressed in IUPAC format.
#'   The IUPAC consensus sequence only
#'   takes 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T' and '-' as input. Degenerate bases
#'   will be skipped. If a position only contains
#'   degenerate bases, the IUPAC consensus will be \code{NA} at that
#'   position.}
#'   \item{coverage}{Proportion of sequences in the target alignment,
#'   among all sequences with a DNA base, that are covered the IUPAC consensus
#'   character.
#'   The value will be 1 if there are no "remaining" DNA bases (and/or if
#'   \code{ambiguityThreshold = 0}).}
#' }
#' @references
#' Pages, H., Aboyoun, P., Gentleman R., and DebRoy S. (2020). Biostrings:
#' Efficient manipulation of biological strings. R package version
#' 2.57.2.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' consensusProfile(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' consensusProfile(exampleRprimerAlignment, ambiguityThreshold = 0.05)
consensusProfile <- function(x, ambiguityThreshold = 0) {
    if (!methods::is(x, "DNAMultipleAlignment")) {
        stop("'x' must be a DNAMultipleAlignment object.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!(ambiguityThreshold >= 0 && ambiguityThreshold <= 0.2)) {
            "'ambiguityThreshold' must be a number from 0 to 0.2.",
            call. = FALSE
    x <- .consensusMatrix(x)
    profile <- list()
    profile$position <- seq_len(ncol(x))
    profile$a <- unname(x["A", ])
    profile$c <- unname(x["C", ])
    profile$g <- unname(x["G", ])
    profile$t <- unname(x["T", ])
    profile$other <- unname(x["other", ])
    profile$gaps <- unname(x["-", ])
    profile$majority <- .majorityConsensus(x)
    profile$identity <- .nucleotideIdentity(x)
    profile$iupac <- .iupacConsensus(x, ambiguityThreshold)
    profile$iupac[profile$majority == "-"] <- "-"
    profile$coverage <- .coverage(x, ambiguityThreshold)
    profile$coverage[profile$majority == "-"] <- NA

# Helpers ======================================================================

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
.consensusMatrix <- function(x) {
    x <- Biostrings::consensusMatrix(x, as.prob = TRUE)
    colnames(x) <- seq_len(ncol(x))
    bases <- c("A", "C", "G", "T", "-")
    other <- colSums(x[!rownames(x) %in% bases, , drop = FALSE])
    x <- x[rownames(x) %in% bases, , drop = FALSE]
    rbind(x, other)

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' x <- .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' .findMostCommonBase(x[, 1])
.findMostCommonBase <- function(x) {
    mostCommon <- names(x)[x == max(x)]
    if (length(mostCommon) > 1) mostCommon <- sample(mostCommon, 1)

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' x <- .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' .majorityConsensus(x)
.majorityConsensus <- function(x) {
    consensus <- apply(x, 2, .findMostCommonBase)

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .asIUPAC("A,G,C")
.asIUPAC <- function(x) {
    x <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = ","), use.names = FALSE)
    x <- x[order(x)]
    x <- unique(x)
    bases <- c("A", "C", "G", "T", "-")
    x <- x[x %in% bases]
    x <- paste(x, collapse = ",")

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' x <- .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' .dnaBasesOnly(x)
.dnaBasesOnly <- function(x) {
    bases <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
    s <- x[rownames(x) %in% bases, , drop = FALSE]
    apply(s, 2, \(x) x / sum(x))

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' x <- .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' .iupacConsensus(x)
.iupacConsensus <- function(x, ambiguityThreshold = 0) {
    x <- .dnaBasesOnly(x)
    basesToInclude <- apply(x, 2, \(y) {
        paste(rownames(x)[y > ambiguityThreshold], collapse = ",")
    consensus <- vapply(
        basesToInclude, .asIUPAC, character(1L),

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' x <- .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' .nucleotideIdentity(x)
.nucleotideIdentity <- function(x) {
    x <- .dnaBasesOnly(x)
    identity <- apply(x, 2, max)
    identity[is.nan(identity)] <- NA

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerAlignment")
#' x <- .consensusMatrix(exampleRprimerAlignment)
#' .coverage(x, ambiguityThreshold = 0.05)
.coverage <- function(x, ambiguityThreshold = 0) {
    x <- .dnaBasesOnly(x)
    x[x > ambiguityThreshold] <- 0
    coverage <- 1 - colSums(x)
sofpn/rprimer documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 4:19 p.m.