
Defines functions latex_template latex.tangram latex.cell_subheader latex.cell_header latex.logical latex.cell_label latex.cell latex.default isKnitr latex

Documented in latex latex.cell latex.cell_header latex.cell_label latex.cell_subheader latex.default latex.logical latex.tangram latex_template

# tangram a general purpose table toolkit for R
# Copyright (C) 2017 Shawn Garbett
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Render to LaTeX methods for tangram cell objects
#' Each of these methods will render the cell object as a LaTeX fragment
#' There are addition arguments possible to control the rendering, but
#' due to some oddities between CRAN requirements and how R handles defaults
#' (for full details see the source code)
#' they are as follows
#' * cgroup.just character; The text of the column justification used in the table
#' * arraystretch numeric; The arraystretch parameter used for vertical spacing
#' * style character; can be null or "nejm" for different table styling
#' * rel_size numeric; a scaling to be applied to the entire table, e.g. rel_size=-2
#' * placement character; placement directive, defaults to "H"
#' @param object object; the item to render to latex
#' @param fragment logical; Is this a complete LaTeX document or just the table fragment
#' @param filename character; filename to write LaTex into
#' @param append logical; Should the write be an append operation or overwrite
#' @param na.blank logical; Dispaly NAs as blanks.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return the LaTeX rendering
#' @include compile-cell.R
#' @include render-latex-map.R
#' @examples
#' latex(cell_label("123"))
#' latex(hmisc_iqr(rnorm(20)))
#' latex(hmisc_fraction(45, 137))
#' tbl <- tangram(drug~bili, pbc, "tbl")
#' latex(tbl)
#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex <- function(object, ...)
  UseMethod("latex", object)

# Helper function to see if in knitr context
# Not perfect, a bit of a hack
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33107908/how-to-tell-if-code-is-executed-within-a-knitr-rmarkdown-context
isKnitr <- function()
  ("knitr" %in% .packages()) &&

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.default <- function(object, ...)
  warning(paste("summary unhandled class : ", paste(base::class(object), collapse=', ')))

  latexify(paste0(as.character(object), collapse=" "))

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.cell <- function(object, na.blank=TRUE, ...)
      return(if(na.blank) "" else "NA")
    } else {

  sep  <- if(is.null(attr(object, "sep"))) ", " else attr(object, "sep")

    latexify(paste(object, collapse=sep))
  } else {
    name <- vapply(names(object), function(n) if(nchar(n)>0) paste0(n,"=") else "", "character")
    latexify(paste(paste0(name, as.character(object)), collapse=sep))

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.cell_label <- function(object, ...)
  # Turn "*" for interaction terms into a break
  label <- gsub("\\\\\\*", "$\\times$\n\n\u00a0\u00a0", object)

  # Turn leading spaces into a set of non breaking html space
  label <- gsub("^\\s+", "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0", label)

  label <- latexify(label)

  if(is.null(attr(object, 'units')))
    paste0(label, " {\\textit{\\relsize{-1} ", latexify(attr(object, 'units')), "}}")

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.logical <- function(object, ...)
  } else {

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.cell_header <- function(object, ...)
  cls <- class(object)

  class(object) <- cls[2:length(cls)]

  paste0("\\textbf{",  latex(object, ...), "}")

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.cell_subheader <- function(object, ...)
  cls <- class(object)

  class(object) <- cls[3:length(cls)]

  paste0("{\\relsize{-1} ",  latex(object, ...), "}")

#' @rdname latex
#' @export
latex.tangram <- function(object,
  # Nasty Automagic handling of special LaTeX parameters
  # Because a tangram object is constructed via a call, that object can be passed to
  # a print function in a rendering context and the additional ... arguments are needed.
  # These are lost in the REPL and need to be recovered.
  # However, someone could call this function directly and those arguments need to take precedence
  # Additionally there needs to be defaults for decent default handling.
  na.blank     <- NULL # These lines are to pass CRAN checks, because it can't fathom assign
  cgroup.just  <- NULL
  arraystretch <- NULL
  relsize      <- NULL
  placement    <- NULL
  style        <- NULL
  pandoc_md    <- NULL
  render_style <- NULL # An override
  defaults <- list(
  obj.args  <- attr(object, "args")
  obj.args[["style"]] <- attr(object, "style") # And yet another special case
  if("render_style" %in% names(obj.args)) obj.args[["style"]] <- obj.args[["render_style"]]
  call.args <- list(...)
  if("render_style" %in% names(call.args)) warning("`render_style` argument ignored in direct latex call. Use `style` instead.")
  for(i in names(defaults))
           if(i %in% names(call.args)) { call.args[[i]] } else
           if(i %in% names(obj.args))  { obj.args[[i]]  } else
                                       { defaults[[i]]  }

  if("pct_width" %in% names(call.args)) stop("tangram now uses longtable and width scaling is no longer supported try relsize=-2")

  # Find footnote
  footnote <- attr(object, "footnote")
  footnote <- if(is.null(footnote)) "" else paste0(latexify(paste0(footnote, collapse="\n\n")), "\n")

  # Find caption
  caption <- attr(object, "caption")
  caption <- if(is.null(caption) || is.na(caption)) "" else latexify(caption)

  result <- ""
    result <- paste(result,
  else if(pandoc_md ||isKnitr())
    result <- paste0(result, "\n```{=latex}\n")

  if(style=="nejm") result <- paste0(result,

  if(style=="lancet") result <- paste0(result, "\\definecolor{lancet-red}{RGB}{245,224,220}\n")

  if(relsize != 0) result <- paste0(result, "{\\relsize{",relsize,"}\n")
  if(style %in% c("nejm", "lancet")) result <- paste0(result, "{\\fontfamily{cmss}\\selectfont\n")

  nrows <- rows(object)
  ncols <- cols(object)
  text  <- matrix(data=rep("", nrows*ncols), nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols)

  # Render it all
  last_header_row <- 0 # Current Header Row
  last_header_col <- 0
  sapply(1:nrows, FUN=function(row) {
    sapply(1:ncols, FUN=function(col) {
      if(last_header_row == 0 && !inherits(object[[row]][[col]], "cell_header"))
        last_header_row <<- row - 1
        last_header_col <<- col - 1
      text[row,col] <<- latex(object[[row]][[col]], na.blank, style=style, ...)

      colspan <- attr(object[[row]][[col]], "colspan")
      if(!is.null(colspan) && colspan > 1)
        text[row, col] <<- paste0("\\multicolumn{",colspan,"}{c}{", text[row, col], "}")
        for(i in (col+1):(col+colspan-1)) object[[row]][[i]] <<- NA

      rowspan <- attr(object[[row]][[col]], "rowspan")
      if(!is.null(rowspan) && rowspan > 1)
        text[row, col] <<- paste0("\\multirow{",rowspan,"}{*}{", text[row, col], "}")
        for(k in (row+1):(row+rowspan-1))
          object[[k]][[col]] <<- cell(" ")

  pasty <- apply(text, 1, function(x) paste0(paste(na.omit(x), collapse=" & "), "\\\\\n"))

  # Special coloring
    for(i in 1:length(pasty))
      parity <- attr(object[[i]][[1]], "parity")
      target <- attr(object[[last_header_row+1]][[1]], "parity")
      if(parity == target || i <= last_header_row  )
        pasty[i] <- paste0("\\rowcolor{lancet-red}", pasty[i])

  if(is.null(cgroup.just)) {
    cgroup.just <- paste0(c(rep("l", last_header_col), rep("c", ncols-last_header_col)),collapse="")
    if(style=="nejm")   cgroup.just <- paste0("|", cgroup.just, "|")
    if(style=="lancet") cgroup.just <- paste0("!{\\color{lancet-red}\\vrule width 4pt}", cgroup.just, "!{\\color{lancet-red}\\vrule width 4pt}")

  result <- paste0(result, "\\renewcommand*{\\arraystretch}{", arraystretch, "}\n")
  if(style=="nejm") result <- paste0(result, "\\rowcolors{2}{nejm-yellow}{white}\n")

  result <- paste0(result, "\\begin{longtable}[",placement,"]{",cgroup.just,"}\n")

  if(caption != "") result <- paste0(result, "\\caption{",caption,"} \\\\ \n")

  result <- if(style=="nejm"){
                paste0(result, "\\hline\\hline\n") else
                paste0(result, "\\hline\n\\rowcolor{nejm-header}\\multicolumn{",ncols,"}{|l|}{Table \\thetable{}: ",caption,"} \\\\\n\\hline\n")
            } else if(style=="hmisc") {
              paste0(result, "\\hline\\hline\n")
            } else {
              paste0(result, "\n")

  if(last_header_row > 0) result <- paste0(result, paste0(as.vector(pasty)[1:last_header_row],collapse=""))
  if(style=="hmisc") result  <- paste0(result, "\\hline\n")
  if(style=="lancet") result <- paste0(result, "\\hlineB{2.5}\n")

  result <- paste0(result, paste0(as.vector(pasty)[(last_header_row+1):nrows], collapse=''))

  if(style=="hmisc")  result <- paste0(result, "\\hline\\hline\n")
  if(style=="nejm")   result <- paste0(result, "\\hline\n")
  if(style=="lancet") result <- paste0(result, "\n")

  if(nchar(footnote) > 0 && style=="nejm") result <- paste0(result, "\\rowcolor{white}")
  if(nchar(footnote) > 0) result <- paste0(result, "\\multicolumn{",ncols,"}{p{0.7\\columnwidth}}{", footnote,"}\n")

  result <- paste0(result, "\\end{longtable}\n")

  if(relsize != 0) result <- paste0(result, "}\n")

  if(style %in% c("nejm","lancet")) result <- paste0(result, "}\n")

    result <- paste0(result, "\\end{document}\n")
  } else if(pandoc_md || isKnitr())
    result <- paste0(result, "```\n\n")

  result <- gsub("$\\s*$", "", result)

  if(!is.null(filename)) cat(result, file=filename, append=append)

  class(result) <- c("knit_asis", "latex", "character")
  attr(result, "knit_cacheable") <- NA


#' Return a LaTeX template that works with tangram
#' Pandoc in the current version of RStudio does not allow for setting
#' package options to xcolor and this has made it incompatible with
#' the LaTeX generated by this package. This provides a known
#' working template.
#' An example header would look like the following:
#' ---
#' title: "A Document Full of Beautiful Tables"
#'   output:
#'     pdf_document:
#'     "`r tangram::latex_template()`"
#' ---
#' @return filename of LaTeX template
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  latex_template()
latex_template <- function()
  file.path(system.file(package="tangram"), "extdata", "tex", "tangram.template")
spgarbet/tangram documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 7:13 p.m.