curling_hog_line: The hog line is the line that begins the Free Guard Zone at...

View source: R/features-curling.R

curling_hog_lineR Documentation

The hog line is the line that begins the Free Guard Zone at each end of the ice. Its inner edge (relative to the nearest house) should be used as its anchor point


The hog line is the line that begins the Free Guard Zone at each end of the ice. Its inner edge (relative to the nearest house) should be used as its anchor point


curling_hog_line(line_thickness = 0, sheet_width = 0)



The thickness of the hog line


The width of the curling sheet, from side wall to side wall


A data frame containing the bounding box of the hog line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.