football_coaching_box_line: The coaching box line is the line that separates the team...

View source: R/features-football.R

football_coaching_box_lineR Documentation

The coaching box line is the line that separates the team bench area from the coaching box. This line should be a different color than the bench area and coaching box, which may be the same color


The coaching box line is the line that separates the team bench area from the coaching box. This line should be a different color than the bench area and coaching box, which may be the same color


football_coaching_box_line(coaching_box_line_length = 0, feature_thickness = 0)



The length of the line forming the coaching box line


The thickness with which to draw the line


A data frame of the bounding box of the coaching box line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.