football_goal_line: The goal lines are the lines the ball must cross while being...

View source: R/features-football.R

football_goal_lineR Documentation

The goal lines are the lines the ball must cross while being either passed or ran in order to score a touchdown. The interior edge of the goal line (relative to the center of the field of play) should lie at the 0 yard line, and the center of the 1 yard line should be exactly 1 yard from this edge of the goal line


The goal lines are the lines the ball must cross while being either passed or ran in order to score a touchdown. The interior edge of the goal line (relative to the center of the field of play) should lie at the 0 yard line, and the center of the 1 yard line should be exactly 1 yard from this edge of the goal line


football_goal_line(field_width = 0, feature_thickness = 0)



The width of the field


The thickness of the goal line


A data frame of the bounding box of the goal line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.