hockey_center_faceoff_circle: The center faceoff circle is where the each period of the...

View source: R/features-hockey.R

hockey_center_faceoff_circleR Documentation

The center faceoff circle is where the each period of the game begins. It differs from the non-centered faceoff circles in that there are no adjoining hash marks on this circle. It is also a different color than the non-centered faceoff circles. Its line thickness should be given by 'minor_line_thickness' as this is a minor line on the ice surface


This draws the line defining the faceoff circle at center ice. The line is circular in shape, and usually dark blue in color


hockey_center_faceoff_circle(feature_radius = 0, feature_thickness = 0)



The radius of the center faceoff circle


The thickness of the line of the center faceoff circle


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the center faceoff circle

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.