hockey_center_faceoff_spot: The center faceoff spot is the spot at which the game begins....

View source: R/features-hockey.R

hockey_center_faceoff_spotR Documentation

The center faceoff spot is the spot at which the game begins. Its center should lie directly in the center of the ice surface. Its radius is passed as a key in rink_params


The center faceoff spot is the spot at which the game begins. Its center should lie directly in the center of the ice surface. Its radius is passed as a key in rink_params


hockey_center_faceoff_spot(feature_radius = 0)



The radius of the center faceoff spot


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the center faceoff spot

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.