hockey_center_line: The center line is the line that divides the ice surface in...

View source: R/features-hockey.R

hockey_center_lineR Documentation

The center line is the line that divides the ice surface in half. Its center should lie directly in the center of the ice surface. Its line thickness should be given by 'major_line_thickness' as this is a major line on the ice surface


The center line is the line that divides the ice surface in half. Its center should lie directly in the center of the ice surface. Its line thickness should be given by 'major_line_thickness' as this is a major line on the ice surface


  feature_thickness = 0,
  rink_width = 0,
  center_faceoff_spot_gap = 0



The thickness of the center line


The width of the rink


A data frame of the bounding coordinates of the center line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.