hockey_goal_frame: The goal frame is where the puck enters after crossing the...

View source: R/features-hockey.R

hockey_goal_frameR Documentation

The goal frame is where the puck enters after crossing the goal line to score a legal goal. The front face of the goal is flush with the goal line, while the back edge features rounded corners and expands outside of the front posts. The goal frame is composed of two pieces: the frame (this method) and the fill (see hockey_goal_frame_fill())


The goal frame has two thicknesses to be careful of: the outer diameter of the posts, and the outer diameter of the pipe in the back of the goal. The frame of the goal is usually red in color


  feature_radius = 0,
  goal_mouth_width = 0,
  goal_back_width = 0,
  goal_depth = 0,
  goal_post_diameter = 0



The radius of the circular part of the goal frame


The width of the goal mouth


The width of the back of the frame of the goal


The depth of the goal from the front of the goal line to the back of the goal frame


The diameter of the post of the goal


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the frame of the goal

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.