hockey_zone_line: The zone lines are the lines that separate the neutral zone...

View source: R/features-hockey.R

hockey_zone_lineR Documentation

The zone lines are the lines that separate the neutral zone from the offensive and defensive zones. Its line thickness should be given by 'major_line_thickness' as this is a major line on the ice surface


The zone lines are the lines that separate the neutral zone from the offensive and defensive zones. Its line thickness should be given by 'major_line_thickness' as this is a major line on the ice surface


hockey_zone_line(rink_width = 0, feature_thickness = 0)



The width of the rink


The thickness of the zone line


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the zone line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.