tennis_baseline: The baseline is the line behind which a player will serve the...

View source: R/features-tennis.R

tennis_baselineR Documentation

The baseline is the line behind which a player will serve the ball. It spans the entire width of the court, and its back edge denotes the furthest boundary inside of which a ball can land and be considered in play


The baseline is the line behind which a player will serve the ball. It spans the entire width of the court, and its back edge denotes the furthest boundary inside of which a ball can land and be considered in play


tennis_baseline(court_width = 0, feature_thickness = 0)



The width of the court


The thickness of the baseline


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the baseline

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.