volleyball_attack_line: The attack line runs from sideline to sideline separating the...

View source: R/features-volleyball.R

volleyball_attack_lineR Documentation

The attack line runs from sideline to sideline separating the court's backcourt (volleyball_backcourt()) from the front zone (volleyball_front_zone()). Players in the front row may attack from either side of this line, while players in the back row must begin their attack from the backcourt side of the line. The anchor point of this feature should be its outer edge


The attack line runs from sideline to sideline separating the court's backcourt (volleyball_backcourt()) from the front zone (volleyball_front_zone()). Players in the front row may attack from either side of this line, while players in the back row must begin their attack from the backcourt side of the line. The anchor point of this feature should be its outer edge


volleyball_attack_line(court_width = 0, line_thickness = 0)



The width of the court, measured from the exterior edges of the sidelines


The thickness of the attack line


A data frame containing the bounding box of the attack line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.