volleyball_service_zone_mark: The service zone marks are the lines beyond the end lines...

View source: R/features-volleyball.R

volleyball_service_zone_markR Documentation

The service zone marks are the lines beyond the end lines that denote where a legal serve must take place. These appear as four hash marks that are out of bounds of the court, but contained within the free zone (see volleyball_free_zone() for reference)


The service zone marks are the lines beyond the end lines that denote where a legal serve must take place. These appear as four hash marks that are out of bounds of the court, but contained within the free zone (see volleyball_free_zone() for reference)


volleyball_service_zone_mark(service_zone_mark_length = 0, line_thickness = 0)



The distance the service zone mark extends away from the outer edge of the end line


The thickness of the service zone marks


A data frame containing the bounding box of the service zone mark

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.