
Defines functions thin_contour calcCentroid outer_contour img_check

Documented in img_check outer_contour thin_contour

#' Check image to ensure it has the right type
#' @param img an object to check to see if it is a cimg with the right channels
#' @param keep_alpha should the image keep an alpha channel?
#' @param keep_color should the image be in color?
#' @return a cimg of the correct specifications (if possible), otherwise, will
#'           error out
img_check <- function(img, keep_alpha = F, keep_color = F) {

  if (!"cimg" %in% class(img)) {
    message("img is not a cimg object. Attempting to convert")
    img <- imager::as.cimg(img)
  assertthat::assert_that("cimg" %in% class(img))

  if (keep_alpha & !keep_color) {
    warning("Cannot keep alpha channel and remove color channels. Alpha channel will be removed")
    keep_alpha <- F

  if (!keep_alpha) {
    if (length(imager::color.at(img, 1, 1)) == 4) {
      message("removing alpha channel")
      img <- imager::rm.alpha(img)
    assertthat::assert_that(length(imager::color.at(img, 1, 1)) < 4,
                            msg = "removal of alpha channel failed")

  if (!keep_color) {
    if (length(imager::color.at(img, 1, 1)) > 1) {
      message("converting image to grayscale")
      img <- img %>%
    assertthat::assert_that(length(imager::color.at(img, 1, 1)) == 1,
                            msg = "grayscale conversion failed")


#' Get outer contour of the object
#' This function scans each row and column of the image and finds the minimum
#' and maximum coordinates which are less than thr (by default, the mean value
#' of the image).
#' @param img a cimg object
#' @param thr threshold to use for the image
#' @param as_cimg return the points as a cimg object?
#' @return either a cimg of points or a data frame of points indicating the boundary
#' @importFrom dplyr data_frame mutate filter select bind_rows group_by arrange summarize '%>%' ungroup
#' @export
outer_contour <- function(img, thr = mean(img), as_cimg = TRUE) {
  x <- y <- yidx <- type <- coord <- xidx <- value <- NULL

  img <- img_check(img, keep_alpha = F, keep_color = F)

  # Contour point detection
  ypoints <- img %>%
    imager::imsplit(axis = "y")
  ypointdf <- lapply(1:length(ypoints), function(z) {
    idx <- which(as.numeric(ypoints[[z]]) < thr)
    if (length(idx) > 0) {
      data_frame(x = c(min(idx), max(idx)),
                 type = c("min", "max"),
                 yidx = names(ypoints)[z])
  }) %>%
  ypointdf <- ypointdf %>%
    mutate(y = gsub(x = yidx, pattern = "y = ", replacement = "") %>%
           coord = "y") %>%
    select(x, y, type, coord)

  xpoints <- img %>%
    imager::imsplit(axis = "x")
  xpointdf <- lapply(1:length(xpoints), function(z) {
    idx <- which(as.numeric(xpoints[[z]]) < thr)
    if (length(idx) > 0) {
      return(data_frame(y = c(min(idx), max(idx)),
                        type = c("min", "max"),
                        xidx = names(xpoints)[z]))
  }) %>%
  xpointdf <- xpointdf %>%
    mutate(x = gsub(x = xidx, pattern = "x = ", replacement = "") %>%
           coord = "x") %>%
    select(x, y, type, coord)

  contour_points <- bind_rows(xpointdf, ypointdf) %>%
    group_by(x, y) %>%
    arrange(coord, type) %>%
    summarize(type = paste(unique(type), collapse = ","),
              coord = paste(unique(coord), collapse = ",")) %>%

  if (as_cimg) {
    contour_points <- contour_points  %>%
      mutate(value = 1) %>%
      select(x, y, value) %>%
      imager::as.cimg(dim = dim(img))


calcCentroid <- function(mat) {
  # From the IM:::calcCentroid method:
  # selectMethod(IM:::calcCentroid, "matrix")
  m <- mat.or.vec(3, 1)
  NY <- dim(mat)[1]
  NX <- dim(mat)[2]
  m[1] <- sum(mat)
  m[2] <- sum(t(mat) %*% (1:NY))
  m[3] <- sum(mat %*% (1:NX))
  c(m[2]/m[1], m[3]/m[1])

#' Thin outer contour by removing points overlappling radially from the centroid
#' @param contour results from outer_contour
#' @param img thresholded image (used to calculate the centroid)
#' @param centroid centroid of the image
#' @param n_angles number of unique angles to use
#' @param as_cimg return the points as a cimg object?
#' @return either a cimg of points or a data frame of points indicating the
#'   boundary
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter group_by arrange '%>%' ungroup desc row_number select
#' @export
thin_contour <- function(contour, img = NULL, centroid = NULL, n_angles = 1800, as_cimg = TRUE) {
  value <- y <- y1 <- x <- x1 <- angle <- radius <- ard <- NULL

  assertthat::assert_that(!(is.null(img) & is.null(centroid)),
                          msg = "Either img or centroid must not be null")

  if (!is.null(img)) {
    img <- img_check(img)

  if (is.null(centroid)) {
    imgmat <- img[,]
    centroid <- imgmat %>%
      calcCentroid() %>%

  assertthat::assert_that(length(centroid) == 2)

  if (imager::is.cimg(contour)) {
    contour <- as.data.frame(contour) %>%
      filter(value > 0)

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(contour, "x"))
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(contour, "y"))

  contour_points <- contour %>%
    mutate(x1 = centroid[1], y1 = centroid[2],
           angle = atan2(y - y1, x - x1),
           radius = sqrt((y - y1)^2 + (x - x1)^2)) %>%
    mutate(ard = round(angle * n_angles) / n_angles) %>%
    arrange(desc(radius)) %>%
    group_by(ard) %>%
    filter(row_number() == 1) %>%

  if (as_cimg) {
    contour_points <- contour_points  %>%
      mutate(value = 1) %>%
      select(x, y, value) %>%
      imager::as.cimg(dim = dim(img))

srvanderplas/ImageAlignR documentation built on Jan. 24, 2021, 5:10 a.m.