
Defines functions shinyPlot_HUC_Time_Series_and_Difference

Documented in shinyPlot_HUC_Time_Series_and_Difference

#' Primary Time Series and Difference Plot after HUC Click
#' Description goes here.
#' @param x Numeric; The values to be plotted.
#' @param col Character; The plot color.
#' @export
#' @return Numeric vector.
#' @examples
#' shinyPlot_HUC_Time_Series_and_Difference()
shinyPlot_HUC_Time_Series_and_Difference   <- function(default. = FALSE,
                                                       feederList. = NULL,
                                                       x = subToHUC,
                                                       iv = oShinyValues,
                                                       ptSP. = ptSP.trim,
                                                       timeStep. = timeStep,
                                                       path.obs. = path.obs,
                                                       col = cbPalette,
                                                       ablCol = 'darkgrey',
                                                       colDif = 'firebrick',
                                                       HCU. = HCU,
                                                       dataCategory. = dataCategory,
                                                       multiplot.cex = 1.4,
                                                       multiplot.lab = 1.4,
                                                       cex.main = 1.2,
  # Extract sliderTime. from feederList
  if (!is.null(feederList.)){
    sliderTime. <- feederList.$slider_time
    sliderTime. <- NULL
  # Create plot
  if (default.){
    if (is.null(sliderTime.)){
      drange <- NULL
      #drange <- lubridate::decimal_date(as.Date(sliderTime.))
      drange <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = sliderTime.,
                                month = c(1,12),
                                day = c(1,31)))
    layout(mat     = matrix(data  = c(1,2,3,4),
                            nrow  = 4,
                            ncol  = 1,
                            byrow = T),
           widths  = 1,
           heights = c(2, 1, 0.5, 0.75))
    par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), oma = c(3,6,3,3))
    #-- ET direct data plot
    plot(x        = 1,
         type     = 'n',
         main     = '',
         xaxs     = "i",
         ylab     = '(mm)',
         xlim     = drange,
         xlab     = '',
         xaxt     = 'n',
         cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
         cex.lab  = multiplot.lab)
    mtext(text = paste('HUC'),
          line = 1,
          font = 2,
          cex = cex.main)
    mtext(text = paste0('    ','\n(mm)'),
          side = 2,
          line = 3)
    #-- Difference plot
    plot(x        = 1,
         type     = 'n',
         main     = '',
         xaxs     = "i",
         ylab     = 'Diff (mm)',
         xlab     = '',
         xlim     = drange,
         xaxt     = 'n',
         yaxt     = 'n',
         cex.lab  = multiplot.lab)
    axis(side = 4,
         cex.axis = multiplot.cex)
    mtext(text = 'Diff\n(mm)',
          side = 2,
          line = 3)
    #--  sd plot
    plot(x        = 1,
         type     = 'n',
         main     = '',
         xaxs     = "i",
         ylab     = 'Standard\nDev',
         xlab     = 'Time',
         xlim     = drange,
         cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
         cex.lab  = multiplot.lab)
    mtext(text = 'Standard\nDev',
          side = 2,
          line = 3)
    #-- legend
    if (is.null(sliderTime.)){
      drange <- NULL
      drange <- as.Date(sliderTime.)
    layout(mat     = matrix(data  = c(1,2,3,4),
                            nrow  = 4,
                            ncol  = 1,
                            byrow = T),
           widths  = 1,
           heights = c(2, 1, 0.5, 0.75))
    par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), oma = c(3,6,3,3))
    #------ ET direct data plot
    # start plot with first dataset
    if (!is.null(drange)){
      y <- x[((as.Date(zoo::index(x)) >= as.Date(drange[1])) & (as.Date(zoo::index(x)) <= as.Date(drange[2]))),]
      if (is.null(dim(y))) {
        x <- zoo::as.zoo(as.data.frame(y))
        zoo::index(x) <- as.Date(zoo::index(y))
        x <- y
    # Set background color
    if (!is.null(ptSP.)){
      if (feederList.$showObs_InvEnvColors){
        man.bg <- 'lightgrey'
        man.abl <- 'white'
        man.minmax <- 'white'
        man.2575 <- 'darkgrey'
        man.bg <- 'white'
        man.abl <- ablCol
        man.minmax <- 'lightgrey'
        man.2575 <- 'darkgrey'
      man.bg <- 'white'
      man.abl <- ablCol
      man.minmax <- 'lightgrey'
      man.2575 <- 'darkgrey'
    if ((!is.null(ptSP.))){
      if (!is.null(iv)){
        if (feederList.$showObs_quantEnv){
          ylimRange <- range(c(min(iv$envInput$y25, na.rm = T), max(iv$envInput$y75, na.rm = T),
                         range(range(x, na.rm = T))),
                         na.rm = T)
        if (feederList.$showObs_minmaxEnv){
          ylimRange <- range(c(min(iv$envInput$yMin, na.rm = T), max(iv$envInput$yMax, na.rm = T),
                               range(range(x, na.rm = T))),
                             na.rm = T)
        ylimRange <- range(range(x, na.rm = T))
      ylimRange <- range(range(x, na.rm = T))
    plot(x        = x[,1],
         col      = col[1],
         main     = '',
         xaxs     = "i",
         ylab     = paste0(dataCategory.,'\n(mm)'),
         #xlim     = drange,
         type     = 'n',
         ylim     = ylimRange,
         xlab     = '',
         xaxt     = 'n',
         cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
         cex.lab  = multiplot.lab,
         cex.main = cex.main,
         lwd      = 2,
         yaxs     = 'i')
    rect(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3],par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4],col = man.bg)
    # Calc and include obs data as necessary
    if (!is.null(ptSP.)){
      # if (feederList.$showObs_minmaxEnv || feederList.$showObs_quantEnv || feederList.$showObs){
      #   iv <- METsteps::zooEnvParameters(zoo.fnames = paste0(path.obs., ptSP.@data$OurID, '.csv'),
      #                                    timeStep2 = timeStep.)
      # }else{
      #   iv <- NULL
      # }
      if (feederList.$showObs_minmaxEnv & !is.null(iv)){
        envelope(xall = iv$envInput$xMinMax,
                 y1 = iv$envInput$yMax,
                 y2 = iv$envInput$yMin,
                 col = man.minmax,
                 border = man.minmax)
      if (feederList.$showObs_quantEnv & !is.null(iv)){
        envelope(xall = iv$envInput$x2575,
                 y1 = iv$envInput$y75,
                 y2 = iv$envInput$y25,
                 col = man.2575,
                 border = man.2575)
      if (feederList.$showObs & !is.null(iv)){
        lines(iv$envZoo$envMean, lty=2)
      iv <- NULL
    lines(x = x[,1],
          col = col[1],
          lwd = 2)
    mtext(text = paste('HUC', HCU.),
          line = 1,
          font = 2,
          cex = cex.main)
    mtext(text = paste0(dataCategory.,'\n(mm)'),
          side = 2,
          line = 3)
    # add remaining datasets with line() function and calculate ensemble mean
    if (ncol(x) > 1){
      for (i in 2:ncol(x)){
        lines(x    = x[,i],
              col  = cbPalette[i],
              xaxs = "i",
              lwd  = 2)
      # Calculate ensemble means and add to plot
      ensembleMeans <- zoo::zoo(rowMeans(x), stats::time(x))
      points(x = ensembleMeans,
             col = 'black',
             xaxs = 'i',
             lwd = 2,
             pch = 16)
      lines(x = ensembleMeans,
            col = 'black',
            xaxs = 'i',
            lwd = 1,
            lty = 1)
    # abline(v   = unique(as.integer(zoo::index(x))),
    #        col = ablCol,
    #        lty = 2)
    yrs <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = unique(lubridate::year(index(x))),
                           month = 1,
                           day = 1))
    abline(v   = yrs,
           col = man.abl,
           lty = 2)
    #------ Difference Plot
      #par(mar = c(0, 6.2, 0, 2.1))
    if (ncol(x) == 1){
      plot(x        = x,
           type     = 'n',
           main     = '',
           xaxs     = 'i',
           ylab     = 'Diff (mm)',
           xlab     = '',
           xaxt     = 'n',
           yaxt     = 'n',
           #xlim     = drange,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
           cex.lab  = multiplot.lab)
      axis(side = 4,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex)
      yrs <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = unique(lubridate::year(index(x))),
                             month = 1,
                             day = 1))
      abline(v   = yrs,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 2)
      # abline(v   = unique(lubridate::year(zoo::index(x))),
      #        col = ablCol,
      #        lty = 2)
      abline(h   = 0,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 1)
      mtext(text = 'Diff\n(mm)',
            side = 2,
            line = 3)
    if (ncol(x) == 2){
      plot(x        = x[,2] - x[,1],
           col      = colDif,
           main     = '',
           xaxs     = "i",
           ylab     = 'Diff (mm)',
           xlab     = '',
           xaxt     = 'n',
           yaxt     = 'n',
           #xlim     = drange,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
           cex.lab  = multiplot.lab,
           lwd      = 2)
      axis(side = 4,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex)
      # abline(v   = unique(as.integer(zoo::index(x))),
      #        col = ablCol,
      #        lty = 2)
      yrs <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = unique(lubridate::year(index(x))),
                             month = 1,
                             day = 1))
      abline(v   = yrs,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 2)
      abline(h   = 0,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 1)
      mtext(text = 'Diff\n(mm)',
            side = 2,
            line = 3)
    if (ncol(x) > 2){
      combinations  <- t(combn(x = ncol(x),
                               m = 2))
      combFUNdif <- function(combrow, x){
        x[, combrow[2]] - x[, combrow[1]]
      difmat        <- zoo::as.zoo(apply(X      = combinations,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN    = combFUNdif,
                                         x      = x))
      zoo::index(difmat) <- zoo::index(x)
      plot(x        = difmat[,1],
           col      = colDif,
           main     = '',
           xaxs     = "i",
           ylab     = 'Diff (mm)',
           xlab     = '',
           #xlim     = drange,
           xaxt     = 'n',
           yaxt     = 'n',
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
           cex.lab  = multiplot.lab,
           lwd      = 2,
           ylim     = c(min(difmat, na.rm = T),
                        max(difmat, na.rm = T)))
      axis(side = 4,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex)
      for (i in 2:ncol(difmat)){
        lines(x    = difmat[,i],
              xaxs = 'i',
              col  = colDif,
              lwd  = 2,
              lty  = i)
      # abline(v   = unique(as.integer(index(x))),
      #        col = ablCol,
      #        lty = 2)
      yrs <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = unique(lubridate::year(index(x))),
                             month = 1,
                             day = 1))
      abline(v   = yrs,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 2)
      abline(h   = 0,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 1)
      mtext(text = 'Diff\n(mm)',
            side = 2,
            line = 3)
    #------ sd Plot
    if (ncol(x) > 1){
      #Calculate standard deviation
      sdZoo <- apply(X = x,
                     MARGIN = 1,
                     FUN = sd,
                     na.rm = T)
      sdZoo <- zoo::zoo(sdZoo)
      zoo::index(sdZoo) <- zoo::index(x)
      plot(x        = sdZoo,
           type     = 'l',
           main     = '',
           xaxs     = "i",
           ylab     = 'Standard\nDev',
           xlab     = 'Time',
           #xlim     = drange,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
           cex.lab  = multiplot.lab)
      # abline(v   = unique(as.integer(index(x))),
      #        col = ablCol,
      #        lty = 2)
      yrs <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = unique(lubridate::year(index(x))),
                             month = 1,
                             day = 1))
      abline(v   = yrs,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 2)
      abline(h   = 0,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 1)
      mtext(text = 'Standard\nDev',
            side = 2,
            line = 3)
      plot(x        = x,
           type     = 'n',
           main     = '',
           xaxs     = "i",
           ylab     = 'Standard\nDev',
           xlab     = 'Time',
           #xlim     = drange,
           cex.axis = multiplot.cex,
           cex.lab  = multiplot.lab)
      # abline(v   = unique(as.integer(index(x))),
      #        col = ablCol,
      #        lty = 2)
      yrs <- as.Date(ISOdate(year = unique(lubridate::year(index(x))),
                             month = 1,
                             day = 1))
      abline(v   = yrs,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 2)
      abline(h   = 0,
             col = ablCol,
             lty = 1)
      mtext(text = 'Standard\nDev',
            side = 2,
            line = 3)
    #------ legend
    plot(1, type = 'n', bty = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1))
    # add legend
    if (feederList.$showObs & !is.null(iv)){
      if (ncol(x) > 1){
        legend(x = 'bottom',
               legend = c(dnames, 'Ens. Mean', 'Mean Obs'),
               pch    = c(rep(15, length(dnames)), 15, NA),
               lty    = c(rep(NA, length(dnames)), NA, 2),
               col    = c(cbPalette[1:ncol(x)], 'black', 'black'),
               pt.cex = 2,
               cex    = 1.2,
               horiz  = F,
               bty    = 'n',
               ncol   = floor(length(c(dnames, 'Ens. Mean', 'Mean Obs'))/2),
               x.intersp = 1,
               y.intersp = 1,
               inset = 0 
        legend(x      = 'bottom',
               legend = c(dnames, 'Mean Obs'),
               pch    = c(rep(15, length(dnames)), NA),
               lty    = c(rep(NA, length(dnames)), 2),
               col    = c(cbPalette[1:ncol(x)], 'black'),
               pt.cex = 2,
               cex    = 1.2,
               horiz  = T,
               bty    = 'n',
               ncol   = floor(length(c(dnames, 'Mean Obs'))/2),
               x.intersp = 1,
               y.intersp = 1,
               inset = 0 
      if (ncol(x) > 1){
        legend(x      = 'bottom',
               legend = c(dnames, 'Ens. Mean'),
               pch    = 15,
               col    = c(cbPalette[1:ncol(x)], 'black'),
               pt.cex = 2,
               cex    = 1.2,
               horiz  = T,
               bty    = 'n',
               ncol   = floor(length(c(dnames, 'Ens. Mean'))/2),
               x.intersp = 1,
               y.intersp = 1,
               inset = 0 
        legend(x      = 'bottom',
               legend = dnames,
               pch    = 15,
               col    = cbPalette[1:ncol(x)],
               pt.cex = 2,
               cex    = 1.2,
               horiz  = T,
               bty    = 'n',
               ncol   = floor(length(c(dnames))/2),
               x.intersp = 1,
               y.intersp = 1,
               inset = 0
ssaxe-usgs/METsteps documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:54 p.m.