
Defines functions PDPMix

Documented in PDPMix

#' Function for posterior sampling of DP mixture of logistic regressions for binary data.
#' This function takes in a training data.frame and optional testing data.frame and performs posterior sampling. It returns posterior predictions and posterior clustering for training and test sets.
#' The function is built for binary outcomes.
#' Please see \url{https://stablemarkets.github.io/ChiRPsite/index.html} for examples and detailed model and parameter descriptions.
#' @import stats
#' @param d_train A \code{data.frame} object with outcomes and model covariates/features. The outcome must be \code{numeric} coded with \code{1}s and \code{0}s. All features must be \code{as.numeric} - either continuous or binary with binary variables coded using \code{1} and \code{0}. Categorical features are not supported. We recommend standardizing all continuous features. NA values are not allowed and each row should represent a single subject, longitudinal data is not supported.
#' @param d_test Optional \code{data.frame} object containing a test set of subjects containing all variables specifed in \code{formula}. The same rules that apply to \code{d_train} apply to \code{d_test}.
#' @param formula Specified in the usual way, e.g. for \code{p=2} covariates, \code{y ~ x1 + x1}. All covariates - continuous and binary - must be \code{as.numeric} , with binary variables coded as \code{1} or \code{0}. We recommend standardizing all continuous features. NA values are not allowed and each row should represent a single subject, longitudinal data is not supported.
#' @param burnin integer specifying number of burn-in MCMC draws. 
#' @param iter integer greater than \code{burnin} specifying how many total MCMC draws to take.
#' @param init_k Optional. integer specifying the initial number of clusters to kick off the MCMC sampler.
#' @param prop_sigma_b Optional. If you specified \code{p} covariates in \code{formula}, \code{p+1} regression parameters are sampled for the probability of the outcome being one using a Metropolis step.  \code{prop_sigma_b} is a \code{p+1} by \code{p+1} covariance matrix for the Metropolis proposal distribution.
#' @param beta_prior_mean Optional. If there are \code{p} covariates as length \code{p+1} \code{as.numeric} vector specifying mean of the Gaussian prior on the outcome model's conditional mean parameter vector. Default is regression coefficients from running logistic regression on the outcome.
#' @param beta_prior_var Optional. If there are \code{p} covariates as length \code{p+1} \code{as.numeric} vector specifying variance of the Gaussian prior on the outcome model's conditional mean parameter vector. The full covarince of the prior is set to be diagonal. This vector specifies the diagonal enteries of this prior covariance. Default is estimated variances from running logistic regression on the outcomes..
#' @param beta_var_scale Optional. A multiplicative constant that scales \code{beta_prior_var}. If you leave \code{beta_prior_mean} and \code{beta_prior_var} at their defaults, This constant toggles how wide new cluster parameters are dispersed around the observed data parameters.
#' @param mu_scale Optional. An numeric, scalar constant that controls how widely distributed new cluster continuous covariate means are distributed around the empirical covariate mean. Specifically, all continuous covariates are assumed to have Gaussian likelihood with Gaussian prior on their means. \code{mu_scale=2} specifies that the variance of the Gaussian prior is twice as large as the empirical variance.
#' @param tau_scale Optional. An numeric, scalar constant that controls how widely distributed new cluster continuous covariate variances are distributed around the empirical variance. Specifically, all continuous covariates are assumed to have Gaussian likelihood with Inverse Gamma prior on their variance. \code{tau_scale=2} specifies that the rate of the InvGamma prior is twice as large as the empirical variance.
#' @return Returns \code{predictions$train} and \code{cluster_inds$train}. \code{predictions$train} returns an \code{nrow(d_train)} by \code{iter - burnin} matrix of posterior predictions. \code{cluster_inds$train} returns an \code{nrow(d_train)} by \code{iter - burnin} matrix of cluster assignment indicators, which can be input into the function \code{cluster_assign_mode()} to compute posterior mode assignment. \code{predictions$test} and \code{cluster_inds$test} are returned if \code{d_test} is specified.
#' @keywords Dirichlet Process binary outcomes logistic
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n<-1000 # simulate 1000 subjects
#' # Cluster 1: 5 continuous covariates with mean 5, variance 5
#' x1 <- replicate(2,  rnorm(n/2, 10, 5) ) 
#' # Cluster 2: 5 continuous covariates with mean 5, variance 5
#' x2 <- replicate(2,  rnorm(n/2, -10, 5))
#' # outcome for both clusters
#' y <- numeric(length = n)
#' y[1:500] <- rbinom(500, 1, pnorm(-5 + x1 %*% matrix(c(-2,2), ncol=1) )  )
#' y[501:1000] <- rbinom(500, 1, pnorm(5 + x2 %*% matrix(c(2,-2), ncol=1)  ) )
#' # combine into data.frame
#' d <- data.frame(rbind(x1,x2), y)
#' # normalize covariates...helps for numerical stability.
#' d$X1 <- scale(d$X1)
#' d$X2 <- scale(d$X2)
#' set.seed(100)
#' # split data into training (800 obs) and testing (200 obs)
#' test_ids <- sample(1:1000, 200, replace = FALSE )
#' d_test <- d[test_ids, ]
#' d_train <- d[-test_ids, ]
#' logit_res <- PDPMix(d_train = d_train, d_test = d_test, 
#'                     formula = y ~ X1 + X2,
#'                     burnin = 100, iter = 200, 
#'                     beta_prior_var = rep(3, 3), # fairly flat priors
#'                     beta_prior_mean = rep(0,3), # null centered priors
#'                     prop_sigma_b = diag(rep(.001, 3)) , # proposal covariance 
#'                     init_k = 5, tau_scale = 3, mu_scale = 3)
#' @export
PDPMix<-function(d_train, formula, d_test=NULL, burnin=100, iter=1000,
                 beta_prior_mean=NULL, beta_prior_var=NULL,
                 init_k=10, beta_var_scale=1000, mu_scale=1, tau_scale=1,
                 prop_sigma_b = diag(rep(.025, nparams))){
  #### 0 - Parse User Inputs                                                ####
  # error checking user inputs
  if( missing(d_train) ){ stop("ERROR: must specify a training data.frame.") }
  x <- all.vars(formula[[3]]) # covariate names
  y <- all.vars(formula[[2]]) # outcome name
  nparams <- length(x) + 1
  error_check(func_args, 'PDP')
    xt <- model.matrix(data=d_test,
                       object= as.formula(paste0('~ ',paste0(x, collapse = '+'))))
    nt <- nrow(xt)
  x_type <- vector(length = length(x))
  for(v in 1:length(x)){
    if( length(unique(d_train[, x[v] ]))==2 ){
      x_type[v] <- 'binary'
    }else if(length(unique(d_train[,x[v]]))>2){
      x_type[v] <- 'numeric'
  store_l <- iter - burnin
  y <- d_train[,y]
  x_names <- x
  x <- model.matrix(data=d_train, object = formula )
  xall_names <- x_names
  nparams_all <- length(xall_names)
  xall <- d_train[,xall_names]
  all_type_map <- c(x_type)
  names(all_type_map) <- c(x_names)
  xall_type <- all_type_map[as.character(xall_names)]
  xall_names_bin <- xall_names[xall_type == 'binary']
  xall_names_num <- xall_names[xall_type == 'numeric']
  # parse numeric versus binary variables for outcome model
  n_bin_p <- sum(x_type=='binary')
  n_num_p <- sum(x_type=='numeric')
  ## calibrate priors
    reg <- glm(data=d_train, formula = formula, family = binomial('probit'))
    beta_prior_mean <- reg$coefficients
    reg <- glm(data=d_train, formula = formula, family = binomial('probit'))
    beta_prior_var <- beta_var_scale*diag(vcov(reg))
  prior_means <- apply(x[,xall_names_num, drop=F], 2, mean)
  names(prior_means) <- xall_names_num
  prior_var <- mu_scale*apply(x[,xall_names_num, drop=F], 2, var)
  names(prior_var) <- xall_names_num
  g2 <- rep(2, n_num_p)
  names(g2) <- xall_names_num
  b2 <- tau_scale*apply(x[,xall_names_num, drop=F], 2, var)
  names(b2) <- xall_names_num
  K <- init_k
  a <- 1
  #### 1 - Create Shells for storing Gibbs Results                          ####
  alpha <- numeric(length = store_l)
  curr_class_list <- 1:K
  class_names <- paste0('c',curr_class_list)
  c_shell<-matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=1) # shell for indicators
  class_shell <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=store_l)
  beta_shell <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparams, ncol = K)
  colnames(beta_shell) <- class_names
  rownames(beta_shell) <- colnames(x)
  c_b_shell <- vector(mode = 'list', length = n_bin_p) # -1 for trt
  names(c_b_shell) <- xall_names_bin
  c_n_shell <- vector(mode = 'list', length = n_num_p)
  names(c_n_shell) <- xall_names_num
  for( p in xall_names_bin ){
    c_b_shell[[p]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = K)
    c_b_shell[[p]][1,] <- rep(.5, K)
    colnames(c_b_shell[[p]]) <- class_names
  for( p in xall_names_num ){
    c_n_shell[[p]] <- list(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=K),
                           matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=K))
    c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][1, ] <- rep(0, K)
    c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][1, ] <- rep(20^2, K)
    colnames(c_n_shell[[p]][[1]]) <- class_names
    colnames(c_n_shell[[p]][[2]]) <- class_names
  c_b_new <- numeric(length = n_bin_p)
  names(c_b_new) <- xall_names_bin
  c_n_new <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = n_num_p)
  colnames(c_n_new) <- xall_names_num
    c_b_new_test <- numeric(length = n_bin_p)
    names(c_b_new_test) <- xall_names_bin
    c_n_new_test <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = n_num_p)
    colnames(c_n_new_test) <- xall_names_num
    predictions <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 2)
    predictions[[1]] <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = store_l)
    predictions[[2]] <- matrix(nrow = nt, ncol = store_l)
    names(predictions) <- c('train','test')
    cluster_inds <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 2)
    cluster_inds[[1]] <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = store_l)
    cluster_inds[[2]] <- matrix(nrow = nt, ncol = store_l)
    names(cluster_inds) <- c('train','test')
    predictions <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 1)
    predictions[[1]] <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = store_l)
    names(predictions) <- c('train')
    cluster_inds <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 1)
    cluster_inds[[1]] <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = store_l)
    names(cluster_inds) <- c('train')
  #### 2 - Set Initial Values                                               ####
  # initially assign everyone to one of K clusters randomly with uniform prob
  c_shell[,1] <- sample(x = class_names, size = n,
                        prob = rep(1/K,K), replace = T)
  beta_start <- matrix(0, nrow=nparams, ncol=K)
  colnames(beta_start) <- class_names
  for(k in class_names){
    beta_shell[,k] <- beta_prior_mean
  for(p in xall_names_bin ){
    c_b_shell[[p]][1,] <- rep(1, K)
  for(p in xall_names_num ){
    c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][ 1 , ] <- rep(0, K)
    c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][ 1 , ] <- rep(20^2, K)
  #### 3 - Gibbs Sampler                                                    ####
  message_seq <- seq(2, iter, round(iter/20) )
  cat(paste0('Iteration ',2,' of ', iter,' (burn-in) \n'))
  message_step <- (iter)/10
  for(i in 2:iter){
    ## print message to user
    if( i %% message_step == 1 ) cat(paste0('Iteration ',i,' of ',
                                            ifelse(i>burnin,' (sampling) ',
                                                   ' (burn-in)') ,
    # compute size of each existing cluster
    nvec<-table(factor(class_ind,levels = class_names) )
    #### 3.1 - update Concentration Parameter                               ####
    a_star <- rnorm(n = 1, mean =  a, sd = 1)
      r_num <- cond_post_alpha(a_star, n, K, nvec)
      r_denom <- cond_post_alpha(a, n, K, nvec)
      r <- exp(r_num - r_denom)
      accept <- rbinom(1,1, min(r,1) )==1
      if(accept){ a <- a_star }
    #### 3.2 - update parameters conditional on classification              ####
    K <- length(unique(class_names))
    for(k in class_names){ # cycle through existing clusters - update parameters
      ck_ind <- class_ind == k
      y_ck <- y[ck_ind]
      x_ck <- x[ck_ind,, drop=FALSE]
      beta_shell[ ,k] <- metrop_hastings(x_0 = beta_shell[ ,k], iter = 1,
                                         log_post_density = cond_post_beta_pdp,
                                         y= y, xm = x_ck,
                                         prop_sigma = prop_sigma_b,
                                         beta_prior_mean = beta_prior_mean,
                                         beta_prior_var = beta_prior_var)[[1]]
      for( p in xall_names_bin ){
        c_b_shell[[p]][1, k] <- rcond_post_mu_trt(x_ck = x_ck[, p])
      for( p in xall_names_num ){
        c_n_shell[[p]][[1]][1,k] <- rcond_post_mu_x(x_ck = x_ck[, p],
                                                    phi_x = c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][1,k],
                                                    lambda = prior_means[p],
                                                    tau = prior_var[p])
        c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][1,k] <- rcond_post_phi(mu_x = c_n_shell[[p]][[1]][1, k],
                                                   x = x_ck[ , p],
                                                   g2 = g2[p], b2 = b2[p])
    #### 3.3 - update classification conditional on parameters              ####
    ## draw parameters for potentially new cluster from priors
    ### draw beta, gamma, phi, covariate parameters
    beta_new <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = beta_prior_mean,
                                 sigma = diag(beta_prior_var) )

    for(p in xall_names_bin){
      c_b_new[p] <- rbeta(n = 1, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1)
    for(p in xall_names_num){
      c_n_new[1, p] <- rnorm(n = 1, prior_means[p], sqrt(prior_var[p]) )
      c_n_new[2, p] <- invgamma::rinvgamma(n = 1, shape = g2[p], rate = b2[p])
    name_new <- paste0('c', max(as.numeric(substr(class_names, 2,10))) + 1)
    ## compute post prob of membership to existing and new cluster,
    ## then classify
    weights <- class_update_train_pdp(n = n, K = length(class_names), alpha = a,
                                      name_new =  name_new,
                                      uniq_clabs = colnames(beta_shell),
                                      clabs = class_ind,
                                      y = y, x = x,
                                      x_cat_shell = c_b_shell , x_num_shell = c_n_shell,
                                      ## col number of each covar...index with base 0
                                      cat_idx=xall_names_bin, num_idx=xall_names_num,
                                      beta_shell = beta_shell,
                                      cat_new = c_b_new, num_new=c_n_new)
    c_shell[,1] <- apply(weights, 1, FUN = sample,
                         x=c(colnames(beta_shell), name_new), size=1, replace=T)
    #### 4.0 - update shell dimensions as clusters die/ are born            ####
    new_class_names <- unique(c_shell[,1])
    K_new <- length(new_class_names)
    # Grow shells by adding labels/parameters of new clusters
    new_class_name <- setdiff(new_class_names, class_names)
    if(length(new_class_name)>0){ # new cluster was born
      beta_shell <- cbind(beta_shell, t(beta_new) )
      colnames(beta_shell)[K+1] <- new_class_name
      for(p in xall_names_bin ){
        c_b_shell[[p]] <- cbind( c_b_shell[[p]], c_b_new[p] )
        colnames(c_b_shell[[p]])[K+1] <- new_class_name
      for(p in xall_names_num ){
        c_n_shell[[p]][[1]] <- cbind(c_n_shell[[p]][[1]], c_n_new[1, p])
        colnames(c_n_shell[[p]][[1]])[K+1] <- new_class_name
        c_n_shell[[p]][[2]] <- cbind(c_n_shell[[p]][[2]], c_n_new[2, p])
        colnames(c_n_shell[[p]][[2]])[K+1] <- new_class_name
    # shrink shells by deleting labels of clusters that have died.
    dead_classes <- setdiff(class_names, new_class_names)
    if(length(dead_classes) > 0){ # clusters have died
      beta_shell <- beta_shell[,! colnames(beta_shell) %in% dead_classes, drop=F]
      for(p in xall_names_bin){
        c_b_shell[[p]] <- c_b_shell[[p]][, ! colnames(c_b_shell[[p]]) %in% dead_classes, drop=F]
      for(p in xall_names_num){
        c_n_shell[[p]][[1]] <- c_n_shell[[p]][[1]][, ! colnames(c_n_shell[[p]][[1]]) %in% dead_classes, drop=F]
        c_n_shell[[p]][[2]] <- c_n_shell[[p]][[2]][, ! colnames(c_n_shell[[p]][[2]]) %in% dead_classes, drop=F]
    K <- K_new
    class_names <- new_class_names
    if( i > burnin ){
      #### 5.0 - Predictions on a Training and Test set & Store Results     ####
        name_new_test<-paste0('c', max(as.numeric(substr(class_names,2,10)))+1)
        for(p in xall_names_bin){
          c_b_new_test[p] <- rbeta(n = 1, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1)
        for(p in xall_names_num){
          c_n_new_test[1, p] <- rnorm(n = 1, prior_means[p], sqrt(prior_var[p]) )
          c_n_new_test[2, p] <- invgamma::rinvgamma(n = 1,shape = g2[p], rate = b2[p])
        beta_new <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = beta_prior_mean,
                                     sigma = diag(beta_prior_var) )
        weights_test <- class_update_test_pdp(n = nt, K = length(class_names) ,
                                              alpha =a,
                                              name_new = name_new_test,
                                              uniq_clabs = colnames(beta_shell),
                                              clabs = c_shell[,1],
                                              x = xt,
                                              x_cat_shell = c_b_shell,
                                              x_num_shell = c_n_shell,
                                              cat_idx = xall_names_bin,
                                              num_idx = xall_names_num,
                                              cat_new = c_b_new_test,
                                              num_new = c_n_new_test)
        c_shell_test <- apply(weights_test, 1, FUN = sample,
                              x=c(colnames(beta_shell), name_new_test),
                              size=1, replace=T)
        test_pred <- post_pred_draw_test_pdp(n=nt, x=xt, pc=c_shell_test,
                                             beta_shell = beta_shell,
                                             name_new = name_new_test,
                                             beta_new = beta_new)
        train_pred<-post_pred_draw_train_pdp(n=n, x=x, pc=c_shell[,1],
                                             beta_shell = beta_shell)
        # cluster indicators
        cluster_inds[['train']][, i-burnin] <- c_shell[,1]
        cluster_inds[['test']][, i-burnin] <- c_shell_test
        # predictions
        predictions[['train']][, i-burnin ] <- train_pred
        predictions[['test']][, i-burnin  ] <- test_pred
        train_pred<-post_pred_draw_train_pdp(n=n, x=x, pc=c_shell[,1],
                                             beta_shell = beta_shell)
        # cluster indicators
        cluster_inds[['train']][, i-burnin] <- c_shell[,1]
        # predictions
        predictions[['train']][, i-burnin ] <- train_pred
  results <- list(cluster_inds=cluster_inds,
                  predictions = predictions)
  cat('Sampling Complete.')
stablemarkets/ChiRP documentation built on July 26, 2021, 2:25 a.m.