


# Create test data
# Checked by Mans M and Paul B 24th of June 2019
N <- 50
K <- 10
S <- 1000
a0 <- 1
b0 <- 1
p <- 0.5
y <- rbinom(N, size = K, prob = p)
fake_data <- data.frame(y,K)

# The log posterior
log_post <- function(p, y, a0, b0, K) {
  log_lik <- sum(dbinom(x = y, size = K, prob = p, log = TRUE))  # the log likelihood
  log_post <- log_lik + dbeta(x = p, shape1 = a0, shape2 = b0, log = TRUE)  # the log prior
it <- optim(par = 0.5, fn = log_post, control = list(fnscale = -1),
            hessian = TRUE,  y = y, a0 = a0, b0 = b0, K = K,
            lower = 0.01, upper = 0.99, method = "Brent")
lap_params <- c(mu = it$par, sd = sqrt(solve(-it$hessian)))

a <- a0 + sum(y)
b <- b0 + N * K - sum(y)
fake_true_posterior <- as.matrix(rbeta(S, a, b))
fake_laplace_posterior <- as.matrix(rnorm(n = S, mean = lap_params["mu"], sd = lap_params["sd"]))
# mean(fake_laplace_posterior); sd(fake_laplace_posterior)

p_draws <- as.vector(fake_laplace_posterior)
log_p <- numeric(S)
for(s in 1:S){
  log_p[s] <- log_post(p_draws[s], y = y, a0 = a0, b0 = b0, K = K)
log_g <- as.vector(dnorm(as.vector(fake_laplace_posterior), mean = lap_params["mu"], sd = lap_params["sd"], log = TRUE))

llfun <- function(data_i, draws) {
  dbinom(data_i$y, size = data_i$K, prob = draws, log = TRUE)

ll <- matrix(0, nrow = S, ncol = N)
for(j in 1:N){
  ll[, j] <- llfun(data_i = fake_data[j, , drop=FALSE], draws = fake_laplace_posterior)

test_that("loo_approximate_posterior.array works as loo_approximate_posterior.matrix", {

  # Create array with two "chains"
  log_p_mat <- matrix(log_p, nrow = (S/2), ncol = 2)
  log_g_mat <- matrix(log_g, nrow = (S/2), ncol = 2)
  ll_array <- array(0, dim = c((S/2), 2 , ncol(ll)))
  ll_array[,1,] <- ll[1:(S/2),]
  ll_array[,2,] <- ll[(S/2 + 1):S,]

  # Assert that they are ok
  expect_equivalent(ll_array[1:2,1,1:2], ll[1:2,1:2])
  expect_equivalent(ll_array[1:2,2,1:2], ll[(S/2+1):((S/2)+2),1:2])

  # Compute aploo
  expect_silent(aploo1 <- loo_approximate_posterior.matrix(x = ll, log_p = log_p, log_g = log_g))
  expect_silent(aploo2 <- loo_approximate_posterior.array(x = ll_array, log_p = log_p_mat, log_g = log_g_mat))
  expect_silent(aploo1b <- loo.matrix(x = ll, r_eff = rep(1, N)))

  # Check equivalence
  expect_equal(aploo1$estimates, aploo2$estimates)
  expect_equal(class(aploo1), class(aploo2))
  expect_failure(expect_equal(aploo1b$estimates, aploo2$estimates))
  expect_failure(expect_equal(class(aploo1), class(aploo1b)))

  # Should fail with matrix
  expect_error(aploo2 <- loo_approximate_posterior.matrix(x = ll, log_p = as.matrix(log_p), log_g = log_g))
  expect_error(aploo2 <- loo_approximate_posterior.matrix(x = ll, log_p = as.matrix(log_p), log_g = as.matrix(log_g)))

  # Expect log_p and log_g be stored in the approximate_posterior in the same way
  expect_length(aploo1$approximate_posterior$log_p, nrow(ll))
  expect_length(aploo1$approximate_posterior$log_g, nrow(ll))
  expect_equal(aploo1$approximate_posterior$log_p, aploo2$approximate_posterior$log_p)
  expect_equal(aploo1$approximate_posterior$log_g, aploo2$approximate_posterior$log_g)


test_that("loo_approximate_posterior.function works as loo_approximate_posterior.matrix", {

  # Compute aploo
  expect_silent(aploo1 <- loo_approximate_posterior.matrix(x = ll, log_p = log_p, log_g = log_g))
  expect_silent(aploo1b <- loo.matrix(x = ll, r_eff = rep(1, N)))
  expect_silent(aploo2 <- loo_approximate_posterior.function(x = llfun, log_p = log_p, log_g = log_g, data = fake_data, draws = fake_laplace_posterior))

  # Check equivalence
  expect_equal(aploo1$estimates, aploo2$estimates)
  expect_equal(class(aploo1), class(aploo2))
  expect_failure(expect_equal(aploo1b$estimates, aploo2$estimates))

  # Check equivalence
  # Expect log_p and log_g be stored in the approximate_posterior in the same way
  expect_length(aploo2$approximate_posterior$log_p, nrow(fake_laplace_posterior))
  expect_length(aploo2$approximate_posterior$log_g, nrow(fake_laplace_posterior))
  expect_equal(aploo1$approximate_posterior$log_p, aploo2$approximate_posterior$log_p)
  expect_equal(aploo1$approximate_posterior$log_g, aploo2$approximate_posterior$log_g)

stan-dev/loo documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:20 a.m.