
Defines functions kerneldens qrV getQe getQs plot.rqfun print.rqfun rqfun

Documented in plot.rqfun print.rqfun rqfun

###################Define a Class of rqfun for qunatile regression function ###############
# example of usage:
#    x = rqfun(mu = 3, sd = 5)

########################Initiate regression function#####################################
rqfun = function(mu=0, sd=1, dist='norm', term=c('1'), pos=2, method='exact',
                         a=NA,  b=NA) {
  x = list(mu=mu, sd=sd, dist=dist, term=term, pos=pos, method=method)
  if (x$dist == 'bin') {
    if (x$mu<0||x$mu>1)
      stop("Probability of binary distribution is between 0 and 1.")
    x$sd = sqrt(x$mu*(1-x$mu))

  if (x$dist == 'unif') {
    if(is.na(a)|is.na(b)) {
      a = mu - sqrt(3)*sd
      b = mu + sqrt(3)*sd
    } else {
      x$mu = (a+b)/2
      x$sd = sqrt(1/12)*(b-a)
    x$a = a
    x$b = b
  class(x) = 'rqfun'

##################print summary of quantile regression function################################
# example of usage:
#    x = rqfun(a = 1, b = 10, dist = 'unif')
#    print(x)
print.rqfun = function(x, ...) {
  x.dim = length(x$term)
  pos = x$pos
  cat('The covriate X has the following', x.dim+1, 'components:\n')
  cat('    Intercept \n')
  for (i in 1:x.dim) {
    if (x$term[i] == '1')
      cat('    x     ')
    if (x$term[i] == '-1')
      cat('    1/x')
    if (x$term[i] == 'sqrt')
      cat('    sqrt(x)')
    if (x$term[i] == '2')
      cat('    x^2   ')
    if (x$term[i] == '3')
      cat('    x^3   ')
    if (x$term[i] == 'log')
      cat('    log(x) ')
    for(j in 1:length(pos)) {
      if ((1+1) == pos[j]) cat('    *')
  if (x$dist == 'unif') {
    cat('where x has a uniform distribution with a = ', x$a, 'and b = ', x$b, '\n')
  } else {
    cat('where x has a ', x$dist, 'distribution with mean = ', x$mu, 'and variance = ', (x$sd)^2, '\n')
  if (x$method == 'exact')
    cat('Exact ')
    cat('Simulation ')
  cat('method is used to calculate matrix Q = E(t(X)%*%(X)).\n')
  cat('Term(s) with * will be used in sample size calculation')

#############Plot qunatile regression function curve #####################
# example of usage:
#    x = rqfun(mu = 3, sd = 5, term = c('sqrt', '1', '2'))
#    plot(x)
plot.rqfun = function(x, beta=NULL, B = 100, ...) {
  x.dim = length(x$term)
    beta = rep(1, (x.dim+1))

  Qs = getQs(x, B = B, X.return = TRUE)
  X = Qs$X
  plot(X[, 1], X[, -1]%*%beta, type = 'l', xlab = 'x', ylab = 'g(x)')
  bc = paste(beta[1])
  for(i in 1:x.dim)
    bc = paste(bc, ', ', beta[i+1])
  title(paste('Quantile regression function for \nbeta = (', bc, ').'))

###########Find the matrix Q by simulation method#######################
getQs = function(x, B = 100000, X.return=FALSE) {
  # I removed set.seed because it was used in the main program.
  # We do not use set.seed multiple time in the simulation
  if(x$dist == 'norm')
    xi = rnorm(B, x$mu, x$sd)
  if(x$dist == 'bin')
    xi = rbinom(B, 1, x$mu)
  if(x$dist == 'unif')
    xi = runif(B, x$a, x$b)

  x.dim    = length(x$term)
  X        = matrix(0, B, x.dim+1)
  x.lab    = rep(' ', x.dim+1)
  X[, 1]   = rep(1, B)
  x.lab[1] = 'Intercept'
  for (i in 1:x.dim) {
    j = i + 1
    if (x$term[i] == '1') {
      X[, j] = xi
      x.lab[j] = 'x'
    if (x$term[i] == '-2') {
      # how to handle xi = 0?
      X[, j] = 1/xi^2
      x.lab[j] = '1/x^2'
    if (x$term[i] == '-1') {
      # how to handle xi = 0?
      X[, j] = 1/xi
      x.lab[j] = '1/x'
    if (x$term[i] == '1/sqrt') {
      # how to handle xi = 0?
      X[, j] = 1/xi^0.5
      x.lab[j] = '1/sqrt(x)'

    if (x$term[i] == 'sqrt') {
      if (min(xi)<0)
        stop("Error: There is negative value in sqrt term.")
      X[, j] = xi^0.5
      x.lab[j] = 'sqrt(x)'
    if (x$term[i] == '2') {
      X[, j] = xi^2
      x.lab[j] = 'x^2'
    if (x$term[i] == '3') {
      X[, j] = xi^3
      x.lab[j] = 'x^3'
    if (x$term[i] == 'exp') {
      X[, j] = exp(xi)
      x.lab[j] = 'e^x'
    if (x$term[i] == 'log') {
      X[, j] = log(xi)
      x.lab[j] = 'log(x)'
  Q =t(X)%*%X/B
  dimnames(Q) = list(x.lab, x.lab)

  if(X.return) {
    Xb = cbind(xi, X)
    Xb = Xb[1:min(B, 100), ]
    tmp = sort(Xb[, 1], index.return=TRUE)
    Xb = Xb[tmp$ix, ]
    return(list(Q=Q, X=Xb))
  } else {

getQe = function(x){
  # Matrix for polynomial of x
  if (x$dist=="norm"){
    u1 = x$mu
    u2 = x$mu^2 + x$sd^2
    u3 = x$mu^3 + 3*x$mu*x$sd^2
    u4 = x$mu^4 + 6*x$mu^2*x$sd^2 + 3*x$sd^4
    u5 = x$mu^5 + 10*x$mu^3*x$sd^2 + 15*x$mu*x$sd^4
    u6 = x$mu^6 + 15*x$mu^4*x$sd^2 + 45*x$mu^2*x$sd^4+15*x$sd^6
  else if (x$dist=="unif"){
    if (is.na(x$a)&&is.na(x$b)){
      a = x$mu-sqrt(3)*x$sd
      b = x$mu+sqrt(3)*x$sd
    else {
    u1 = (a+b)/2
    u2 = (a^2+a*b+b^2)/3
    u3 = (a+b)*(a^2+b^2)/4
    u4 = (a^4+a^3*b+a^2*b^2+a*b^3+b^4)/5
    u5 = (b^6-a^6)/(6*(b-a))
    u6 = (b^7-a^7)/(7*(b-a))
  else {
    stop("ERROR: x shall be either normal or uniform distribution.")

  Ex = c(1,u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6)
  x.power = matrix(c(0,as.numeric(x$term)), d, d)
  index = x.power+t(x.power)+1
  Q=matrix(Ex[index], d, d)

# Calculate the asymptotic variance matrix of quantile regression beta hat
qrV=function(x, sd, tau, dist="Norm",kernel.smooth,bw,subint){
  # x       Covariate
  # s       sd of error distribution
  # dist    distribution of error: Norm, Cauchy or Gamma
  # w       A vector of weights when d="Mix"
  x.dim = length(x$term)

  if(x.dim == 1)
    Q=matrix(c(1,x$mu,x$mu,x$mu^2+x$sd^2),nrow = 2,ncol = 2)

  if(x.dim > 1) {
    # use simulation method to find Q
    if (x$method == 'sim')
      Q = getQs(x)
    else # use exact method to find Q
      Q = getQe(x)

  if (is.null(dist)||is.character(dist)==TRUE){
  if (is.null(dist)||dist=="Norm") {
    if (length(sd)>1)
      stop("Need a single number for standard deviation.")
    df2 = dnorm(qnorm(tau,0,sd),0,sd)^2
  else if (dist=="Cauchy") {
    if (length(sd)>1)
      stop("Need a single number for Cauchy scale parameter.")
    df2 = dcauchy(qcauchy(tau,0,sd),0,sd)^2
  else if(dist=='Gamma') {
    # Error Ui has Gamma distribution with Gamma(k, 1/k), Var(Ui) = 1/k = s^2
    # log(Yi) = x%*%beta + log(Ui) - log(U_tau)
    # Vi = logUi - logU_tau, Vi has density density U_tau*exp(v)*f_Ui(U_tau*exp(v))
    # V_tau = 0
    k = 1/sd^2
    U_tau = qgamma(tau,k,scale = 1/k)
    df2 = (U_tau*dgamma(U_tau,k,scale = 1/k))^2
  else if(is.numeric(dist)==TRUE){
  Var = tau*(1-tau)/df2*Q
kerneldens<-function(dist, tau, kernel.smooth=NULL, bw=NULL){
  m = 100
  pt = (1:m)/(m+1)
  s = sd(dist)
  ## if bw is null, then a good choice is half of Q75-Q25
  if(is.null(bw)) {
    bw = 1.5*s*n^(-0.2)
  fplus=function(x) (x + abs(x))/2
  k0=function(x) dnorm(x)
  K0=function(x) pnorm(x)
  k1=function(x) dunif(x,-1/2,1/2) #also dunif(x+1/2)
  k2=function(x) (fplus(x+1)-2*fplus(x)+fplus(x-1))
  k3=function(x) ((fplus(x+3/2))^2-3*(fplus(x+1/2))^2+3*(fplus(x-1/2))^2+(fplus(x-3/2))^2)/2
  k4=function(x) ((fplus(x+2))^3-4*(fplus(x+1))^3+6*(fplus(x))^34*(fplus(x-1))^3+(fplus(x-2))^3)/6
  K1=function(x) punif(x,-1/2,1/2) #also punif(x+1/2)
  K2=function(x) ((fplus(x+1))^2-2*(fplus(x))^2+(fplus(x-1))^2)/2
  K3=function(x) ((fplus(x+3/2))^3-3*(fplus(x+1/2))^3+3*(fplus(x-1/2))^3-(fplus(x-3/2))^3)/6
  K4=function(x) ((fplus(x+2))^4-4*(fplus(x+1))^4+6*(fplus(x))^4-4*(fplus(x-1))^4+(fplus(x-2))^4)/24
  x = quantile(dist, pt)
  if(is.null(kernel.smooth)) {

  if (kernel.smooth==1){
  else if (kernel.smooth==2){
  else if (kernel.smooth==3){
  else if (kernel.smooth==4){
  ftau = fsmooth[sum(Fsmooth <= tau)]
  kerinfo=list(x = x, fx = fsmooth, Fx=Fsmooth, ftau = ftau)
#m = 100
#rs = rchisq(m, 16)
#ki = kerneldens(rs, 0.5, kernel.smooth=2)
#plot(ki$x, ki$fx, type = 'l')
#lines(ki$x, dchisq(ki$x, 16))
statapps/power.ctepd documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:22 a.m.