
Defines functions getL varexp AICadj BICadj

Documented in AICadj BICadj getL varexp

#' Ways to compare SITAR models for fit
#' \code{BICadj} and \code{AICadj} calculate the BIC and AIC for SITAR models,
#' adjusting the likelihood for Box-Cox transformed y variables. \code{varexp}
#' calculates the variance explained by SITAR models, compared to the
#' corresponding fixed effect models. \code{getL} is used by \code{[AB]ICadj} to
#' find what power the y variable is raised to.
#' The deviance is adjusted if the y variable is power-transformed, using the
#' formula
#' \deqn{adjusted deviance = deviance - 2n ( (\lambda-1) * log(gm) + %
#' log(abs(\lambda)) )}{%
#' deviance - 2n ( (lambda-1) * log(gm) + log(abs(lambda)) )}
#' where \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} is the power transform, and \eqn{n} and
#' \eqn{gm} are the length and geometric mean of \code{y}.
#' The variance explained is given by \deqn{\% explained = 100 * (1 -%
#' (\sigma_2/\sigma_1)^2)}{\% explained = 100 * (1 - (sigma2/sigma1)^2)} where
#' \eqn{\sigma_1}{sigma1} is the fixed effects RSD and \eqn{\sigma_2}{sigma2}
#' the SITAR random effects RSD.
#' \code{BICadj} and \code{AICadj} accept non-\code{sitar} models with a
#' \code{logLik} class. \code{varexp} ignores objects not of class
#' \code{sitar}.
#' \code{getL} does not detect if the variable in \code{expr}, or its log, contains a multiplying constant,
#' so that the expressions \code{log(x)} and \code{1 + 2 * log(3 * x)} both return 0.
#' @aliases BICadj AICadj varexp getL
#' @param \dots one or more SITAR models.
#' @param k numeric, the penalty per parameter to be used; the default k = 2 is
#' the classical AIC.
#' @param pattern regular expression defining names of models.
#' @param expr quoted or unquoted expression containing a single variable name.
#' @return For \code{BICadj} and \code{AICadj} a named vector of deviances in
#' increasing order.  For \code{varexp} a named vector of percentages in
#' decreasing order. For \code{getL} the power the variable in \code{expr}
#' is raised to, or \code{NA} if \code{expr} is not a power of (a multiple of)
#' the variable.

#' @author Tim Cole \email{tim.cole@@ucl.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BIC}}, \code{\link{AIC}}
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' data(heights)
#' ## fit sitar model for height
#' m1 <- sitar(x=age, y=height, id=id, data=heights, df=5)
#' ## update it for log(height)
#' m2 <- update(m1, y=sqrt(height))
#' ## compare variance explained in the two models
#' varexp(m1, m2)
#' ## compare BIC adjusting for sqrt transform
#' ## the pattern matches names starting with "m" followed by a digit
#' BICadj(pattern="^m[0-9]")
#' ## find what power height is raised to
#' getL(quote(sqrt(sqrt(height))))
#' @export
BICadj <- function(..., pattern=NULL)
{	ARG <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...
if (!is.null(pattern)) pattern <- ls(envir=parent.frame(), pattern=pattern)
ARG <- unique(c(unlist(sapply(ARG, deparse)), pattern))
dev <- sapply(ARG, function(obj) {
  obj <- eval(parse(text=obj), parent.frame(4))
  if (is.character(try(ll <- logLik(obj), TRUE))) return(NA)
  #	check for call.sitar$y or else call$y or else call$formula
  if (!is.null(obj$call.sitar)) obj$call <- obj$call.sitar
  #	check for call$y or call$model
  if (!is.null(obj$call$y)) ycall <- obj$call$y
  else if (!is.null(obj$call$model)) ycall <- obj$call$model[[2]]
  else if (!is.null(obj$call$formula)) ycall <- obj$call$formula[[2]]
  else return(NA)
  data <- if ('sitar' %in% class(obj))
  else {
    if (!is.null(obj$call$subset))
      data <- data[eval(obj$call$subset, data), ]
  y <- eval(as.name(all.vars(ycall)), data)
  lambda <- getL(ycall)
  sly <- ifelse(lambda == 1, 0, sum(log(y)))
  BIC(ll) - 2 * ((lambda - 1) * sly + length(y) * log(abs(lambda) + (lambda == 0)))
dev <- dev[!is.na(dev)]
if (length(dev) == 0) return(invisible())
round(dev[order(dev)], 1)

#' @rdname BICadj
#' @export
AICadj <- function(..., k=2, pattern=NULL)
{	ARG <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...
if (!is.null(pattern)) pattern <- ls(envir=parent.frame(), pattern=pattern)
ARG <- unique(c(unlist(sapply(ARG, deparse)), pattern))
dev <- sapply(ARG, function(obj) {
  obj <- eval(parse(text=obj), parent.frame(4))
  if (is.character(try(ll <- logLik(obj), TRUE))) return(NA)
  #	check for call.sitar$y or else call$y or else call$formula
  if (!is.null(obj$call.sitar)) obj$call <- obj$call.sitar
  #	check for call$y or call$model
  if (!is.null(obj$call$y)) ycall <- obj$call$y
  else if (!is.null(obj$call$model)) ycall <- obj$call$model[[2]]
  else if (!is.null(obj$call$formula)) ycall <- obj$call$formula[[2]]
  else return(NA)
  data <- eval(obj$call$data)
  if (!is.null(obj$call$subset))
    data <- data[eval(obj$call$subset, data), ]
  y <- eval(as.name(all.vars(ycall)), data)
  lambda <- getL(ycall)
  sly <- ifelse(lambda == 1, 0, sum(log(y)))
  AIC(ll, k=k) - 2 * ((lambda - 1) * sly + length(y) * log(abs(lambda) + (lambda == 0)))
dev <- dev[!is.na(dev)]
if (length(dev) == 0) return(invisible())
round(dev[order(dev)], 1)

#	varexp

#' @rdname BICadj
#' @export
varexp <- function(..., pattern=NULL)
  #	returns % of variance explained by sitar model(s)
{	ARG <- list(...)
if (!is.null(pattern)) {
  pattern <- ls(envir=parent.frame(), pattern=pattern)
  ARG <- c(ARG, lapply(as.list(pattern), get))
pc <- lapply(ARG, function(obj) {
  if (!'ns' %in% names(obj))
    100 * (1 - (obj$sigma / summary(obj$ns)$sigma)^2)
names(pc) <- c(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$..., pattern)
pc <- unlist(pc[!is.na(pc)])
if (length(pc) == 0)
round(pc[rev(order(pc))], 2)

#	getL

#' @rdname BICadj
#' @importFrom stats D
#' @export
getL <- function(expr) {
  varname <- all.vars(expr)
  if (length(varname) != 1) {
    warning('expr does not contain a sole variable')
  x <- exp(c(-1, 1)*11) # two arbitrary positive numbers
  assign(varname, x)
  dydx <- eval(D(expr, varname))
  if ('log' %in% all.names(expr)) {
    x <- 1 / x / dydx
    lambda <- 0
  } else {
    x <- x * dydx / eval(expr)
    lambda <- mean(x)
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(diff(x), 0)))
statist7/sitar documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 2:08 a.m.