
Defines functions fixed.pval despace message_print paste.and

Documented in despace fixed.pval message_print paste.and

#  File R/string.utilities.R in package statnet.common, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2007-2023 Statnet Commons

#' Concatenates the elements of a vector (optionaly enclosing them in quotation
#' marks or parentheses) adding appropriate punctuation and conjunctions.
#' A vector \code{x} becomes "\code{x[1]}", "\code{x[1]} and \code{x[2]}", or
#' "\code{x[1]}, \code{x[2]}, and \code{x[3]}", depending on the langth of
#' \code{x}.
#' @param x A vector.
#' @param oq Opening quotation symbol. (Defaults to none.)
#' @param cq Closing quotation symbol. (Defaults to none.)
#' @param con Conjunction to be used if `length(x)>1`. (Defaults to "and".)
#' @return A string with the output.
#' @seealso paste, cat
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' print(paste.and(c()))
#' print(paste.and(1))
#' print(paste.and(1:2))
#' print(paste.and(1:3))
#' print(paste.and(1:4,con='or'))
#' @export
paste.and <- function(x, oq='', cq='', con='and'){
  x <- paste(oq, x, cq, sep='')
  if(length(x)==0) return('')
  if(length(x)==1) return(x)
  if(length(x)==2) return(paste(x[1L],con,x[2L]))
  if(length(x)>=3) return(paste0(paste(x[-length(x)], collapse=", "),', ',con,' ',ult(x)))

#' [`print`] objects to the [`message`] output.
#' A thin wrapper around [`print`] that captures its output and prints
#' it as a [`message`], usually to STDERR.
#' @param ... arguments to [`print`].
#' @param messageArgs a list of arguments to be passed directly to [`message`].
#' @examples
#' cat(1:5)
#' print(1:5)
#' message_print(1:5) # Looks the same (though may be in a different color on some frontends).
#' suppressMessages(print(1:5)) # Still prints
#' suppressMessages(message_print(1:5)) # Silenced
#' @export
message_print <- function(..., messageArgs=NULL){
  #' @importFrom utils capture.output
  do.call(message, c(list(paste(capture.output(print(...)),collapse="\n")), messageArgs))

#' A one-line function to strip whitespace from its argument.
#' @param s a character vector.
#' @examples
#' stopifnot(despace("\n \t  ")=="")
#' @export
despace <- function(s) gsub("[[:space:]]", "", s)

#' Format a p-value in fixed notation.
#' This is a thin wrapper around [format.pval()] that guarantees fixed
#' (not scientific) notation, links (by default) the `eps` argument to
#' the `digits` argument and vice versa, and sets `nsmall` to equal
#' `digits`.
#' @param pv,digits,eps,na.form,... see [format.pval()].
#' @return A character vector.
#' @examples
#' pvs <- 10^((0:-12)/2)
#' # Jointly:
#' fpf <- fixed.pval(pvs, digits = 3)
#' fpf
#' format.pval(pvs, digits = 3) # compare
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(all(fpf == c("1.000", "0.316", "0.100", "0.032", "0.010", "0.003", "0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001")))
#' }
#' # Individually:
#' fpf <- sapply(pvs, fixed.pval, digits = 3)
#' fpf
#' sapply(pvs, format.pval, digits = 3) # compare
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(all(fpf == c("1.000", "0.316", "0.100", "0.032", "0.010", "0.003", "0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001")))
#' }
#' # Control eps:
#' fpf <- sapply(pvs, fixed.pval, eps = 1e-3)
#' fpf
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(all(fpf == c("1.000", "0.316", "0.100", "0.032", "0.010", "0.003", "0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001", "<0.001")))
#' }
#' @export
fixed.pval <- function(pv, digits = max(1, getOption("digits") - 2),
                       eps = 10^-digits, na.form = "NA", ...) {
  if (missing(digits) && !missing(eps)) {
    digits <- ceiling(-log10(eps))
  o <- options(scipen = 200)
  format.pval(round(pv, digits), digits, eps = eps,
              na.form = na.form, nsmall = digits, ...)
statnet/statnet.common documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 11:02 p.m.