
Defines functions vcov.summary.reReg coef.summary.reReg vcov.reReg coef.reReg print.summary.reReg summary.reReg pvalTab print.reReg

#' @exportS3Method print reReg
print.reReg <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.reReg(x))
    stop("Must be a reReg object")
  cat("Call: \n")
  if(x$typeRec == "cox.LWYY")
    cat("\nFitted with the Cox model of Lin et al. (2000):")
  if(x$typeRec == "cox.GL")
    cat("\nFitted with the Cox model of Ghosh and Lin (2002):")
  if(x$typeRec == "am.GL")
    cat("\nFitted with the accelerated mean model of Ghosh and Lin (2003):")
  if (x$typeTem != ".") cat("\nRecurrent event process:")
  if (x$typeRec == "gsc") {
    p <- length(x$par1)
    mat <- rbind(c("Shape", rep("", p - 1), "Size", rep("", p - 1)),
                 rep(x$varNames, 2), format(c(x$par1, x$par2), digits = 5))
    prmatrix(mat, rowlab = rep("", nrow(mat)), collab = rep("", 1 + ncol(mat)), quote = FALSE)
  } else {
    mat <- rbind(x$varNames, format(x$par1, digits = 5))
    prmatrix(mat, rowlab = rep("", nrow(mat)), collab = rep("", ncol(mat)), quote = FALSE)
  if (length(x$par3) > 0) {
    cat("\nTerminal event:")
    if (x$typeRec == "gsc") {
      p <- length(x$par3)
      mat <- rbind(c("Shape", rep("", p - 1), "Size", rep("", p - 1)),
                   rep(x$varNames, 2), format(c(x$par3, x$par4), digits = 5))
      ## mat <- cbind(mat[,1:p], "    ", mat[,1:p])
      prmatrix(mat, rowlab = rep("", nrow(mat)), collab = rep("", 1 + ncol(mat)),
               quote = FALSE)
    } else {
      mat <- rbind(x$varNames, format(x$par3, digits = 5))
      prmatrix(mat, rowlab = rep("", nrow(mat)), collab = rep("", ncol(mat)), quote = FALSE)
    ## print.default(format(x$alpha, digits = digits), print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE)
  } else {
    n <- length(unique(x$DF$id))
    nevent <- sum(x$DF$event > 0)
    avg.event <- nevent / n
    cat("\nNumber of subjects:", n)
    cat("\nNumber of recurrent events:", nevent)
    cat("\nAverage recurrent events per subject:", avg.event)

pvalTab <- function(pe, se, names = NULL) {
  if (is.null(se)) se <- NA
  tab <- cbind(Estimate = pe, StdErr = se,
               z.value = pe / se, p.value = 2 * pnorm(-abs(pe / se)))
  ## tab <- cbind(Estimate = round(pe, 5), StdErr = round(se, 5),
  ##              z.value = round(pe / se, 5), p.value = round(2 * pnorm(-abs(pe / se)), 5))
  if (!is.null(names)) rownames(tab) <- names

#' @exportS3Method summary reReg
summary.reReg <- function(object, test = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.reReg(object)) stop("Must be a reReg object")
  if (object$typeRec == "nonparametric") {
    t0 <- sort(unique(c(object$DF$time1, object$DF$time2)))
    t0 <- t0[t0 > 0]
    out <- list(call = object$call, typeRec = object$typeRec,
                coefficients.rec = data.frame(time = t0, rate = object$Lam0(t0)))
    if (!is.null(object$Haz0))
      out$coefficients.rec$hazard <- object$Haz0(t0)
    out$typeRec <- object$typeRec
  if (object$typeRec != "nonparametric") {
    coefficients.rec <- pvalTab(object$par1, object$par1.se, object$varNames)
    if (object$typeRec == "gsc") 
      coefficients.rec <-
        list(coefficients.shape = coefficients.rec,
             coefficients.size = pvalTab(object$par2, object$par2.se, object$varNames))
    out <- list(call = object$call, typeRec = object$typeRec, coefficients.rec = coefficients.rec)
    if (!is.null(object$par3))
      out$coefficients.haz <- pvalTab(object$par3, object$par3.se, object$varNames)
    if (object$typeTem == "gsc")
      out$coefficients.haz <-
        list(coefficients.shape = out$coefficients.haz,
             coefficients.size = pvalTab(object$par4, object$par4.se, object$varNames))
    if (object$typeRec == "gsc" & !is.null(object$par1.vcov) & !is.null(object$par2.vcov)) {
      p <- length(object$par1)
      out$HA.chi <- bAib(object$par1.vcov, object$par1)
      out$HB.chi <- bAib(object$par2.vcov, object$par2)
      g <- object$par2 - object$par1
      out$HG.chi <- bAib(object$par2.vcov - object$par1.vcov - 2 * object$vcovRec12, g)
      out$HA.pval <- 1 - pchisq(out$HA.chi, p)
      out$HB.pval <- 1 - pchisq(out$HB.chi, p)
      out$HG.pval <- 1 - pchisq(out$HG.chi, p)
    if (object$typeTem == "gsc" & !is.null(object$par3.vcov) & !is.null(object$par4.vcov)) {
      p <- length(object$par3)
      out$tem.HA.chi <- bAib(object$par3.vcov, object$par3)
      out$tem.HB.chi <- bAib(object$par4.vcov, object$par4)
      g <- object$par4 - object$par3
      out$tem.HG.chi <- bAib(object$par4.vcov - object$par3.vcov - 2 * object$vcovTem12, g)
      out$tem.HA.pval <- 1 - pchisq(out$tem.HA.chi, p)
      out$tem.HB.pval <- 1 - pchisq(out$tem.HB.chi, p)
      out$tem.HG.pval <- 1 - pchisq(out$tem.HG.chi, p)
    out$typeRec <- object$typeRec
    out$typeTem <- object$typeTem
    out$test <- test
  out$vcov <- vcov(object)
  class(out) <- "summary.reReg"

#' @exportS3Method print summary.reReg
print.summary.reReg <- function(x, ...) {
  if (x$typeRec != "nonparametric" & !is.na(x$coefficients.rec)[1]) {
    cat("Call: \n")
    if(x$typeRec == "cox.LWYY")
      cat("\nFitted with the Cox model of Lin et al. (2000):")
    if(x$typeRec == "cox.GL")
      cat("\nFitted with the Cox model of Ghosh and Lin (2002):")
    if(x$typeRec == "am.GL")
      cat("\nFitted with the accelerated mean model of Ghosh and Lin (2003):")
    if (x$typeRec == "gsc") {
      p <- nrow(x$coefficients.rec$coefficients.shape)
      cat("\nRecurrent event process (shape):\n")
      cat("\nRecurrent event process (size):\n")
      if (x$test) {
        cat("\nHypothesis tests:")
        cat("\nHo: shape = 0 (Cox-type model):")
        cat(paste("\n     X-squared = ", round(x$HA.chi, 4), ", df = ", p,
                  ", p-value = ", round(x$HA.pval, 4), sep = ""))
        cat("\nHo: size = 0 (Accelerated rate model):")
        cat(paste("\n     X-squared = ", round(x$HB.chi, 4), ", df = ", p,
                  ", p-value = ", round(x$HB.pval, 4), sep = ""))
        cat("\nHo: shape = size (Accelerated mean model):")
        cat(paste("\n     X-squared = ", round(x$HG.chi, 4), ", df = ", p,
                  ", p-value = ", round(x$HG.pval, 4), sep = ""))
    } else {
      cat("\nRecurrent event process:\n")
    ## Lin-Wei-Yang-Ying method (fitted with coxph with robust variance)
    if (x$typeTem != ".") {
      if (x$typeTem == "gsc") {
        p <- nrow(x$coefficients.haz$coefficients.shape)
        cat("\n\nTerminal event (shape):\n")
        cat("\nTerminal event (size):\n")
        if (x$test) {
          cat("\nHypothesis tests:")
          cat("\nHo: shape = 0 (Cox-type model):")
          cat(paste("\n     X-squared = ", round(x$tem.HA.chi, 4), ", df = ", p,
                    ", p-value = ", round(x$tem.HA.pval, 4), sep = ""))
          cat("\nHo: size = 0 (Accelerated rate model):")
          cat(paste("\n     X-squared = ", round(x$tem.HB.chi, 4), ", df = ", p,
                    ", p-value = ", round(x$tem.HB.pval, 4), sep = ""))
          cat("\nHo: shape = size (Accelerated mean model):")
          cat(paste("\n     X-squared = ", round(x$tem.HG.chi, 4), ", df = ", p,
                    ", p-value = ", round(x$tem.HG.pval, 4), sep = ""))
      } else {
        cat("\nTerminal event:\n")
  if (x$typeRec == "nonparametric") {
    cat("\nNonparametric estimation:\n")

#' @exportS3Method coef reReg
coef.reReg <- function(object, ...) {
  as.numeric(c(object$par1, object$par2, object$par3, object$par4))

#' @exportS3Method vcov reReg
vcov.reReg <- function(object, ...) {
  vcovRec <- vcovTem <- NULL
  if (is.null(object$par1.vcov))
    return(list(vcovRec = vcovRec, vcovTem = vcovTem))
  if (object$typeRec == "cox") {
    vcovRec <- object$par1.vcov[-1, -1, drop = FALSE]
    attr(vcovRec, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
  if (object$typeRec %in% c("am", "ar")) {
    vcovRec <- object$par1.vcov
    attr(vcovRec, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
  if (object$typeRec == "gsc") {
    vcovRec.shape <- object$par1.vcov
    vcovRec.size <- object$par2.vcov
    attr(vcovRec.shape, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
    attr(vcovRec.size, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
    vcovRec <- list(vcovRec.shape = vcovRec.shape, vcovRec.size = vcovRec.size)
  if (object$typeTem == ".") return(vcovRec)    
  if (object$typeTem != "gsc") {
    vcovTem <- object$par3.vcov
    attr(vcovTem, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
  if (object$typeTem == "gsc") {
    vcovTem.shape <- object$par3.vcov
    vcovTem.size <- object$par4.vcov
    attr(vcovTem.shape, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
    attr(vcovTem.size, "dimnames") <- list(object$varNames, object$varNames)
    vcovTem <- list(vcovTem.shape = vcovTem.shape, vcovTem.size = vcovTem.size)        
  list(vcovRec = vcovRec, vcovTem = vcovTem)

#' @exportS3Method coef summary.reReg
coef.summary.reReg <- function(object, ...) {
  if (is.null(object$coefficients.haz))
    return(list(coefficients.rec = object$coefficients.rec,
                coefficients.haz = object$coefficients.haz))

#' @exportS3Method vcov summary.reReg
vcov.summary.reReg <- function(object, ...) {
stc04003/reReg documentation built on June 11, 2024, 7:22 a.m.