
Defines functions data_format data_extract normals_extract normals_raw normals_html normals_dl

Documented in normals_dl

#' Download climate normals from Environment and Climate Change Canada
#' Downloads climate normals from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
#' for one or more stations (defined by `climate_id`s). For details and units,
#' see the [`glossary_normals`] data frame or the `glossary_normals` vignette:
#' \code{vignette("glossary_normals", package = "weathercan")}
#' @param climate_ids Character. A vector containing the Climate ID(s) of the
#'   station(s) you wish to download data from. See the \code{\link{stations}}
#'   data frame or the \code{\link{stations_search}} function to find Climate
#'   IDs.
#' @param normals_years Character. The year range for which you want climate
#'   normals. Default "1981-2010".
#' @param format Logical. If TRUE (default) formats measurements to numeric and
#'   date accordingly. Unlike `weather_dl()`, `normals_dl()` will always format
#'   column headings as normals data from ECCC cannot be directly made into a
#'   data frame without doing so.
#' @inheritParams weather_dl
#' @details Climate normals from ECCC include two types of data, averages by
#'   month for a variety of measurements as well as data relating to the
#'   frost-free period. Because these two data sources are quite different, we
#'   return them as nested data so the user can extract them as they wish. See
#'   examples for how to use the `unnest()` function from the
#'   [`tidyr`](https://tidyr.tidyverse.org/)
#'   package to extract the two different datasets.
#'   The data also returns a column called `meets_wmo` this reflects whether or
#'   not the climate normals for this station met the WMO standards for
#'   temperature and precipitation (i.e. both have code >= A). Each measurement
#'   column has a corresponding `_code` column which reflects the data quality
#'   of that measurement (see the [1981-2010 ECCC calculations
#'   document](https://climate.weather.gc.ca/doc/Canadian_Climate_Normals_1981_2010_Calculation_Information.pdf)
#'   or the [1971-2000 ECCC calculations document](https://climate.weather.gc.ca/doc/Canadian_Climate_Normals_1971_2000_Calculation_Information.pdf)
#'   for more details)
#'   Climate normals are downloaded from the url stored in option
#'   `weathercan.urls.normals`. To change this location use:
#'   `options(weathercan.urls.normals = "your_new_url")`.
#' @return tibble with nested normals and first/last frost data
#' @examplesIf check_eccc()
#' # Find the climate_id
#' stations_search("Brandon A", normals_years = "current")
#' # Download climate normals 1981-2010
#' n <- normals_dl(climate_ids = "5010480")
#' n
#' # Pull out last frost data
#' library(tidyr)
#' f <- unnest(n, frost)
#' f
#' # Pull out normals
#' nm <- unnest(n, normals)
#' nm
#' # Download climate normals 1971-2000
#' n <- normals_dl(climate_ids = "5010480", normals_years = "1971-2000")
#' n
#' # Note that some do not have last frost dates
#' n$frost
#' # Download multiple stations for 1981-2010,
#' n <- normals_dl(climate_ids = c("301C3D4", "301FFNJ", "301N49A"))
#' n
#' # Note, putting both into the same data set can be done but makes for
#' # a very unweildly dataset (there is lots of repetition)
#' nm <- unnest(n, normals)
#' f <- unnest(n, frost)
#' both <- dplyr::full_join(nm, f)
#' both
#' @export

normals_dl <- function(climate_ids, normals_years = "1981-2010",
                       format = TRUE, stn = NULL,
                       verbose = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {

    stop("`stn` is defunct, to use an updated stations data frame ",
         "use `stations_dl()` to update the internal data, and ",
         "`stations_meta()` to check when it was last updated", call. = FALSE)
  stn <- stations()

  check_ids(climate_ids, stn, type = "climate_id")

  yrs <- paste0("normals_", stringr::str_replace(normals_years, "-", "_"))

  n <- dplyr::filter(stn, .data$climate_id %in% climate_ids) %>%
    dplyr::select("prov", "station_name", "station_id", "climate_id",
                  "normals" = dplyr::matches(yrs)) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(climate_id = as.character(.data$climate_id))

  if(nrow(n) == 0) stop("No stations matched these climate ids", call. = FALSE)

  if(all(n$normals == FALSE)) {
    stop("No stations had climate normals available", call. = FALSE)
  } else if(any(n$normals == FALSE)) {
    message("Not all stations have climate normals available (climate ids: ",
            paste0(n$climate_id[!n$normals], collapse = ", "), ")")
    n <- dplyr::filter(n, .data$normals == TRUE) %>%

  # Download data
  n <- n %>%
      html = purrr::pmap(list(.data$prov, .data$station_id, .data$climate_id),
                         ~normals_html(..1, ..2, ..3, normals_years)),
      normals = purrr::map(.data$html, normals_raw),
      meets_wmo = purrr::map_lgl(.data$normals, meets_wmo),
      normals = purrr::map(.data$normals, normals_extract),
      frost = purrr::map(.data$normals, frost_find),
      normals = purrr::map2(.data$normals, .data$climate_id,
                            ~ data_extract(.x, climate_id = .y)),
      frost = purrr::map2(.data$frost, .data$climate_id,
                          ~ frost_extract(.x, climate_id = .y)),
      n_data = purrr::map_dbl(.data$normals, nrow),
      n_frost = purrr::map_dbl(.data$frost, nrow))

  if(any(no_data <- n$n_data + n$n_frost == 0)) {
    message("All climate normals missing for some stations (climate_ids: ",
            paste0(n$climate_id[no_data], collapse = ", "), ")")

  # Format dates etc.
  n <- dplyr::mutate(n,
                     normals_years = !!normals_years,
                     normals = purrr::map2(.data$normals,
                     frost = purrr::map2(.data$frost,

  dplyr::select(n, "prov", "station_name", "climate_id", "normals_years",
                "meets_wmo", "normals", "frost")

normals_html <- function(prov, station_id, climate_id, normals_years) {
  yrs <- stringr::str_extract(normals_years, "^[0-9]{4}")
  q <- list(format = "csv", lang = "e", prov = tolower(prov), yr = yrs,
            stnID = station_id, climateID = climate_id,
            submit = "Download Data")

  get_check(url = getOption("weathercan.urls.normals"), query = q,
            task = "access climate normals")

normals_raw <- function(html, nrows = -1) {
  # Extract file
  html %>%
    httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "latin1") %>%
    stringr::str_split(pattern = "\n") %>%
    unlist() %>%
    # Get rid of all special symbols

normals_extract <- function(n, return = "data") {
  wmo <- find_line(n, cols = "meets WMO standards")
  skip <- find_line(n, cols = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar"))
  if(return == "data") {
    if(length(wmo) > 0) {
      n <- n[c(wmo, skip:length(n))]
    } else {
      n <- n[skip:length(n)]
    # Remove WMO if exists
    if(stringr::str_detect(n[1], "WMO standards")) n <- n[-1]

    # Remove empty strings if they exist
    n <- stringr::str_remove_all(n, "[,]{2,}$")

data_extract <- function(n, climate_id) {

  # Remove frost dates
  n <- frost_find(n, type = "remove")


  # Read normals (expect warnings due to header rows, etc.)
  suppressWarnings(n <- readr::read_csv(I(n), col_types = readr::cols()))

  if(nrow(n) == 0) return(dplyr::tibble())

  # Line up names to deal with duplicate variable names
  names(n)[1] <- "variable"
  n <- dplyr::mutate(n, variable = tolower(.data$variable))

  # Mark title variables align variable names accordingly
  nn <- dplyr::filter(n_names,
                      stringr::str_detect(.data$new_var, "title"),
                      .data$variable %in% n$variable)
  # Remove missing groups
  nn <- dplyr::filter(n_names, .data$group %in% nn$group)

  # Detect missing measurements
  missing_data <- dplyr::filter(nn, .data$type == "unique") %>%
    dplyr::anti_join(dplyr::select(n, "variable"), by = "variable")
  nn <- dplyr::filter(nn, !.data$new_var %in% missing_data$new_var)

  # Remove leftover missing subgroups
  nn <- dplyr::group_by(nn, .data$subgroup) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!all(.data$type == "sub")) %>%

  # Make subgroups unique
  n <- dplyr::left_join(n,
                        dplyr::filter(nn, .data$type != "sub") %>%
                          dplyr::select("variable", "subgroup"),
                        by = "variable")
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(n))) {
    if(is.na(n[["subgroup"]][i])) n[["subgroup"]][i] <- n[["subgroup"]][i-1]

  n <- dplyr::mutate(n, variable_sub =
                       paste0(.data$variable, "_", .data$subgroup))

  # Detect extra measurements not expected
  missing_names <- dplyr::anti_join(dplyr::select(n, "variable_sub"),
                                    nn, by = "variable_sub")

  if(nrow(missing_names) > 0) {
    stop("Not all variables for climate station ", climate_id,
         " were identified.\nPlease report this here: ",
         "https://github.com/ropensci/weathercan/issues", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (nrow(nn) != nrow(n)) {
    stop("Variables for climate station ", climate_id,
         " were misidentified. Please report this here: ",
         "https://github.com/ropensci/weathercan/issues", call. = FALSE)

  # Join new, unique measurement names by sub labels
  n_nice <- dplyr::left_join(n, dplyr::select(nn, "new_var", "variable_sub"),
                             by = "variable_sub")

  # Check for problems
  if(!all(nn$variable[nn$new_var %in% n_nice$new_var] %in% n$variable)) {
    stop("Variable names did not align correctly during formating, ",
         "consider using 'format = FALSE' and/or reporting this error.",
         .call = FALSE)

  # Remove titles
  nn <- dplyr::filter(nn, !stringr::str_detect(.data$new_var, "title"))
  n_nice <- dplyr::filter(n_nice, !stringr::str_detect(.data$new_var, "title"))

  # Get codes
  codes <- dplyr::select(n_nice, "code" = "Code", "new_var") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(new_var = paste0(.data$new_var, "_code")) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = "new_var", value = "code")

  # Spread variables
  n_nice <- n_nice %>%
    dplyr::select(-"Code", -"variable", -"subgroup", -"variable_sub") %>%
    tidyr::gather(key = "period", value = "measure", -"new_var") %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = "new_var", value = "measure") %>%
    # Add Codes

  # Column order
  o <- c(rbind(nn$new_var, paste0(nn$new_var, "_code")))

  n_nice <- dplyr::select(n_nice, "period", dplyr::all_of(o))

  # Row order
  o <- names(n)[!names(n) %in% c("variable", "Code", "subgroup", "variable_sub")]
  n_nice %>%
    dplyr::mutate(period = factor(.data$period, levels = o)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$period) %>%

data_format <- function(n, climate_id) {
  fmts <- dplyr::filter(n_formats, .data$new_var %in% names(n))
  dates <- dplyr::filter(fmts, .data$format == "date") %>%
  nums <- dplyr::filter(fmts, .data$format == "numeric") %>%
  chars <- dplyr::filter(fmts, .data$format == "character") %>%

  # Prepare dates (if missing, NA)
  n_fmt <- n %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = dates,
                     ~dplyr::if_else(. == "", as.character(NA),
                                     paste0(., "/", as.numeric(period)))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = dates,
                     ~dplyr::if_else(period == "Year", as.character(NA), .))

  # In case of warnings
  tryCatch({n_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(n_fmt, .vars = dates, ~lubridate::ydm(.))},
           warning = function(w) stop(climate_id,
                                      " has a formating issue with dates",
                                      call. = FALSE))
  tryCatch({n_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(n_fmt, .vars = nums, as.numeric)},
           warning = function(w) stop(climate_id,
                                      " has a formating issue with numbers",
                                      call. = FALSE))
  tryCatch({n_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(n_fmt, .vars = chars,
                                      ~dplyr::if_else(. == "",
           warning = function(w) stop(climate_id,
                                      " has a formating issue with characters",
                                      call. = FALSE))

frost_extract <- function(f, climate_id) {

  if(all(f == "")) return(dplyr::tibble())

  frost_free <- stringr::str_which(f, f_names$variable[f_names$group == 1][1])
  frost_probs <- stringr::str_which(f, f_names$variable[f_names$group == 2][1])

  # Frost free days overall
  if(length(frost_free) > 0) {
    if(length(frost_probs) == 0) last <- length(f) else last <- frost_probs - 1

    f1 <- readr::read_csv(I(f[frost_free:last]),
                          col_names = c("variable", "value", "frost_code"),
                          col_types = readr::cols(), progress = FALSE) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = "variable", value = "value")

    n <- tibble_to_list(f_names[f_names$variable %in% names(f1),
                                c("new_var", "variable")])
    f1 <- dplyr::rename(f1, !!n) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = dplyr::vars(dplyr::contains("date")),
                       ~lubridate::yday(lubridate::as_date(paste0("1999", .)))) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(length_frost_free =
                      stringr::str_extract(.data$length_frost_free, "[0-9]*"),
                    length_frost_free = as.numeric(.data$length_frost_free))
  } else f1 <- na_tibble(f_names$new_var[f_names$group == 1])

  # Frost free probabilities
  if(length(frost_probs) > 0) {
    f2 <- readr::read_csv(I(f[frost_probs:length(f)]),
                          col_names = FALSE, col_types = readr::cols(),
                          progress = FALSE) %>%
    f2 <- data.frame(prob = rep(c("10%", "25%", "33%", "50%",
                                  "66%", "75%", "90%"), 3),
                     value = c(t(f2[2, 2:8]), t(f2[4, 2:8]), t(f2[6, 2:8])),
                     measure = c(rep(f2[1,1], 7), rep(f2[3,1], 7),
                                 rep(f2[5,1], 7))) %>%
      tidyr::spread("measure", "value")

    n <- tibble_to_list(f_names[f_names$variable %in% names(f2),
                                c("new_var", "variable")])

    f2 <- dplyr::rename(f2, !!n)
  } else f2 <- na_tibble(f_names$new_var[f_names$group == 2])

  if(nrow(f1) == 0 & nrow(f2) == 0) {
    r <- cbind(f1, f2)
  } else {
    r <- dplyr::full_join(
      dplyr::mutate(f1, climate_id = climate_id),
      dplyr::mutate(f2, climate_id = climate_id),
      by = "climate_id", relationship = "many-to-many") %>%


frost_find <- function(n, type = "extract") {

  frost <- find_line(n, "station data \\(Frost-Free\\)")

  # If no frost-free title, look for next measurement

  if(length(frost) == 0) {
    for(i in f_names$variable) {
      frost <- find_line(n, i)
      if(length(frost) != 0) break

  if(length(frost) == 1) {
    if(type == "extract") r <- n[(frost):length(n)]
    if(type == "remove") r <- n[1:(frost-1)]
  } else {
    if(type == "extract") r <- ""
    if(type == "remove") r <- n

frost_format <- function(f, climate_id) {
  fmts <- dplyr::filter(f_formats, .data$new_var %in% names(f))
  dates <- dplyr::filter(fmts, .data$format == "date") %>%
  nums <- dplyr::filter(fmts, .data$format == "numeric") %>%
  chars <- dplyr::filter(fmts, .data$format == "character") %>%

  f_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(f, .vars = dates,
                            ~dplyr::if_else(. == "" | is.na(.), as.character(NA),
                                            paste0(., " 1999")))

  # In case of warnings
  tryCatch({f_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(f_fmt, .vars = dates,
           warning = function(w) stop(climate_id,
                                      " has a formating issue with dates",
                                      call. = FALSE))
  tryCatch({f_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(f_fmt, .vars = nums,
           warning = function(w) stop(climate_id,
                                      " has a formating issue with numbers",
                                      call. = FALSE))
  tryCatch({f_fmt <- dplyr::mutate_at(f_fmt, .vars = chars,
                                      ~dplyr::if_else(. == "",
           warning = function(w) stop(climate_id,
                                      " has a formating issue with characters",
                                      call. = FALSE))

meets_wmo <- function(n) {
  start <- stringr::str_which(n, "STATION_NAME")
  any(stringr::str_detect(n[start:(start+1)], "\\*"))
steffilazerte/weathercan documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 7:13 p.m.