Man pages for stefpeschel/NetCoMi
Network Construction and Comparison for Microbiome Data

calcGCDGraphlet Correlation Distance (GCD)
calcGCMGraphlet Correlation Matrix (GCM)
cclassoCCLasso: Correlation inference of Composition data through...
colToTranspAdding transparency to a color
createAssoPermCreate and store association matrices for permuted data
diffnetConstructing Differential Networks for Microbiome Data
dot-boottestBootstrap Procedure for Testing Statistical Significance of...
dot-calcAssociationCompute associations between taxa
dot-calcPropsCalculate network properties
dot-getVecNamesFunction for Generating Vector Names
dot-permTestDiffAssoPermutation Tests for Determining Differential Associations
editLabelsEdit labels
gcodagCoda: conditional dependence network inference for...
installNetCoMiPacksInstall all packages used within NetCoMi
multAdjustMultiple testing adjustment
netAnalyzeMicrobiome Network Analysis
NetCoMi-packageNetCoMi: Network Comparison for Microbial Compositional Data
netCompareGroup Comparison of Network Properties
netConstructConstructing Networks for Microbiome Data
plot.diffnetPlot method for objects of class diffnet
plotHeatCreate a heatmap with p-values
plot.microNetPropsPlot Method for microNetProps Objects
print.GCDPrint method for GCD objects
renameTaxaRename taxa
summarize.microNetCompSummary Method for Objects of Class microNetComp
summarize.microNetPropsSummary Method for Objects of Class microNetProps
testGCMTest GCM(s) for statistical significance
stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.