plot.microNetProps: Plot Method for microNetProps Objects

View source: R/plot.microNetProps.R

plot.microNetPropsR Documentation

Plot Method for microNetProps Objects


Plotting objects of class microNetProps.


## S3 method for class 'microNetProps'
  layout = "spring",
  sameLayout = FALSE,
  layoutGroup = "union",
  repulsion = 1,
  groupNames = NULL,
  groupsChanged = FALSE,
  labels = NULL,
  shortenLabels = "none",
  labelLength = 6L,
  labelPattern = c(5, "'", 3, "'", 3),
  charToRm = NULL,
  labelScale = TRUE,
  labelFont = 1,
  labelFile = NULL,

  # Nodes:
  nodeFilter = "none",
  nodeFilterPar = NULL,
  rmSingles = "none",
  nodeSize = "fix",
  normPar = NULL,
  nodeSizeSpread = 4,
  nodeColor = "cluster",
  colorVec = NULL,
  featVecCol = NULL,
  sameFeatCol = TRUE,
  sameClustCol = TRUE,
  sameColThresh = 2L,
  nodeShape = NULL,
  featVecShape = NULL,
  nodeTransp = 60,
  borderWidth = 1,
  borderCol = "gray80",

  # Hubs:
  highlightHubs = TRUE,
  hubTransp = NULL,
  hubLabelFont = NULL,
  hubBorderWidth = NULL,
  hubBorderCol = "black",

  # Edges:
  edgeFilter = "none",
  edgeFilterPar = NULL,
  edgeInvisFilter = "none",
  edgeInvisPar = NULL,
  edgeWidth = 1,
  negDiffCol = TRUE,
  posCol = NULL,
  negCol = NULL,
  cut = NULL,
  edgeTranspLow = 0,
  edgeTranspHigh = 0,

  # Additional arguments:
  cexNodes = 1,
  cexHubs = 1.2,
  cexLabels = 1,
  cexHubLabels = NULL,
  cexTitle = 1.2,
  showTitle = NULL,
  title1 = NULL,
  title2 = NULL,
  mar = c(1, 3, 3, 3),
  doPlot = TRUE,



object of class microNetProps


indicates the layout used for defining node positions. Can be a character with one of the layouts provided by qgraph: "spring" (default), "circle", or "groups". Alternatively, the layouts provided by igraph (see layout_ are accepted (must be given as character, e.g. "layout_with_fr"). Can also be a matrix with row number equal to the number of nodes and two columns corresponding to the x and y coordinate.


logical. Indicates whether the same layout should be used for both networks. Ignored if x contains only one network. See argument layoutGroup.


numeric or character. Indicates the group, where the layout is taken from if argument sameLayout is TRUE. The layout is computed for group 1 (and adopted for group 2) if set to "1" and it is computed for group 2 if set to "2". Can alternatively be set to "union" (default) to compute a union of both layouts, where the nodes are placed as optimal as possible equally for both networks.


positive numeric value indicating the strength of repulsive forces in the "spring" layout. Nodes are placed closer together for smaller values and further apart for higher values. See the repulsion argument of qgraph.


character vector with two entries naming the groups to which the networks belong. Defaults to the group names returned by netConstruct: If the data set is split according to a group variable, its factor levels (in increasing order) are used. Ignored if arguments title1 and title2 are set or if a single network is plotted.


logical. Indicates the order in which the networks are plotted. If TRUE, the order is exchanged. See details. Defaults to FALSE.


defines the node labels. Can be a named character vector, which is used for both groups (then, the adjacency matrices in x must contain the same variables). Can also be a list with two named vectors (names must match the row/column names of the adjacency matrices). If FALSE, no labels are plotted. Defaults to the row/column names of the adjacency matrices.


character indicating how to shorten node labels. Ignored if node labels are defined via labels. NetCoMi's function editLabels() is used for label editing. Available options are:


Elements of charToRm are removed, labels are shortened to length labelLength, and duplicates are removed using labelPattern.


Elements of charToRm are removed and labels are shortened to length labelLength.


Default. Original dimnames of the adjacency matrices are used.


integer defining the length to which labels shall be shortened if shortenLabels is set to "simple" or "intelligent". Defaults to 6.


vector of three or five elements, which is used if argument shortenLabels is set to "intelligent". If cutting a label to length labelLength leads to duplicates, the label is shortened according to labelPattern, where the first entry gives the length of the first part, the second entry is used a separator, and the third entry is the length of the third part. If labelPattern has five elements and the shortened labels are still not unique, the fourth element serves as further separator, and the fifth element gives the length of the last label part. Defaults to c(5, "'", 3, "'", 3). If the data contains, for example, three bacteria "Streptococcus1", "Streptococcus2" and "Streptomyces", they are by default shortened to "Strep'coc'1", "Strep'coc'2", and "Strep'myc".


vector with characters to remove from node names. Ignored if labels are given via labels.


logical. If TRUE, node labels are scaled according to node size


integer defining the font of node labels. Defaults to 1.


optional character of the form "<file name>.txt" naming a file where the original and renamed node labels are stored. The file is stored into the current working directory.


character indicating whether and how nodes should be filtered. Possible values are:


Default. All nodes are plotted.


x nodes with highest connectivity (sum of edge weights) are plotted.

"highestDegree", "highestBetween", "highestClose", "highestEigen"

x nodes with highest degree/betweenness/closeness/eigenvector centrality are plotted.


Only nodes belonging the same cluster as to variables that are given as character vector via nodeFilterPar.


Plotted are only nodes belonging to clusters with a minimum number of nodes of x.


Character vector with variable names to be plotted

Necessary parameters (e.g. "x") are given via the argument nodeFilterPar.


parameters needed for the filtering method defined by nodeFilter.


character value indicating how to handle unconnected nodes. Possible values are "all" (all single nodes are deleted), "inboth" (only nodes that are unconnected in both networks are removed) or "none" (default; no nodes are removed). Cannot be set to "all", if the same layout is used for both networks.


character indicating how node sizes should be determined. Possible values are:


Default. All nodes have same size (hub size can be defined separately via cexHubs).

"degree", "betweenness", "closeness", "eigenvector"

Size scaled according to node's centrality


Size scaled according to the sum of counts (of microbes or samples, depending on what nodes express).


Size scaled according to the sum of normalized counts (of microbes or samples), which are exported by netConstruct.

"TSS", "fractions", "CSS", "COM", "rarefy", "VST", "clr", "mclr"

Size scaled according to the sum of normalized counts. Available are the same options as for normMethod in netConstruct. Parameters are set via normPar.


list with parameters passed to the function for normalization if nodeSize is set to a normalization method. Used analogously to normPar of netConstruct().


positive numeric value indicating the spread of node sizes. The smaller the value, the more similar are the node sizes. Node sizes are calculated by: (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)) * nodeSizeSpread + cexNodes. For nodeSizeSpread = 4 (default) and cexNodes = 1, node sizes range from 1 to 5.


a character specifying the node colors. Possible values are "cluster" (colors according to determined clusters), "feature" (colors according to node's features defined by featVecCol), "colorVec" (the vector colorVec). For the former two cases, the colors can be specified via colorVec. If colorVec is not defined, the rainbow function from grDevices package is used. Also accepted is a character value defining a color, which is used for all nodes. If NULL, "grey40" is used for all nodes.


a vector or list with two vectors used to specify node colors. Different usage depending on the "nodeColor" argument:

nodeColor = "cluster"

colorVec must be a vector. Depending on the sameClustCol argument, the colors are used only in one or both networks. If the vector is not long enough, a warning is returned and colors from rainbow() are used for the remaining clusters.

nodeColor = "feature"

Defines a color for each level of featVecCol. Can be a list with two vectors used for the two networks (for a single network, only the first element is used) or a vector, which is used for both groups if two networks are plotted.

nodeColor = "colorVec"

colorVec defines a color for each node implying that its names must match the node's names (which is also ensured if names match the colnames of the original count matrix). Can be a list with two vectors used for the two networks (for a single network, only the first element is used) or a vector, which is used for both groups if two networks are plotted.


a vector with a feature for each node. Used for coloring nodes if nodeColor is set to "feature". Is coerced to a factor. If colorVec is given, its length must be larger than or equal to the number of feature levels.


logical indicating whether the same color should be used for same features in both networks (only used if two networks are plotted, nodeColor = "feature", and no color vector/list is given (via featVecCol)).


if TRUE (default) and two networks are plotted, clusters having at least sameColThresh nodes in common have the same color. Only used if nodeColor is set to "cluster".


indicates how many nodes a cluster must have in common in the two groups to have the same color. See argument sameClustCol. Defaults to 2.


character vector specifying node shapes. Possible values are "circle" (default), "square", "triangle", and "diamond". If featVecShape is not NULL, the length of nodeShape must equal the number of factor levels given by featVecShape. Then, each shape is assigned to one factor level (in increasing order). If featVecShape is NULL, the first shape is used for all nodes. See the example.


a vector with a feature for each node. If not NULL, a different node shape is used for each feature. Is coerced to factor mode. The maximum number of factor levels is 4 corresponding to the four possible shapes defined via nodeShape.


an integer between 0 and 100 indicating the transparency of node colors. 0 means no transparency, 100 means full transparency. Defaults to 60.


numeric specifying the width of node borders. Defaults to 1.


character specifying the color of node borders. Defaults to "gray80"


logical indicating if hubs should be highlighted. If TRUE, the following features can be defined separately for hubs: transparency (by hubTransp), label font (by hubLabelFont), border width (by hubBorderWidth), and border color (by hubBorderCol).


numeric between 0 and 100 specifying the color transparency of hub nodes. See argument nodeTransp. Defaults to 0.5*nodeTransp. Ignored if highlightHubs is FALSE.


integer specifying the label font of hub nodes. Defaults to 2*labelFont. Ignored if highlightHubs is FALSE.


numeric specifying the border width of hub nodes. Defaults to 2*borderWidth. Ignored if highlightHubs is FALSE.


character specifying the border color of hub nodes. Defaults to "black". Ignored if highlightHubs is FALSE.


character specifying how edges are filtered. Possible values are:


Default. All edges are plotted.


For association networks, only edges corresponding to an absolute association >= x are plotted. For dissimilarity networks, only edges corresponding to a dissimilarity <= x are plotted. The behavior is similar to that of sparsification via threshold in netConstruct().


The first x edges with highest edge weight are plotted.

x is defined by edgeFilterPar, respectively.


numeric specifying the "x" in edgeFilter.


similar to edgeFilter but the edges are removed only after computing the layout so that edge removal does not influence the layout. Defaults to "none".


numeric specifying the "x" in edgeInvisFilter.


numeric specifying the edge width. See argument "edge.width" of qgraph.


logical indicating if edges with a negative corresponding association should be colored different. If TRUE (default), argument posCol is used for edges with positive association and negCol for those with negative association. If FALSE and for dissimilarity networks, only posCol is used.


vector (character or numeric) with one or two elements specifying the color of edges with positive weight and also for edges with negative weight if negDiffCol is set to FALSE. The first element is used for edges with weight below cut and the second for edges with weight above cut. If a single value is given, it is used for both cases. Defaults to c("#009900", "darkgreen").


vector (character or numeric) with one or two elements specifying the color of edges with negative weight. The first element is used for edges with absolute weight below cut and the second for edges with absolute weight above cut. If a single value is given, it is used for both cases. Ignored if negDiffCol is FALSE. Defaults to c("red", "#BF0000").


defines the "cut" parameter of qgraph. Can be either a numeric value (is used for both groups if two networks are plotted) or vector of length two. The default is set analogous to that in qgraph: "0 for graphs with less then 20 nodes. For larger graphs the cut value is automatically chosen to be equal to the maximum of the 75th quantile of absolute edge strengths or the edge strength corresponding to 2n-th edge strength (n being the number of nodes.)" If two networks are plotted, the mean of the two determined cut parameters is used so that edge thicknesses are comparable.


numeric value between 0 and 100 specifying the transparency of edges with weight below cut. The higher this value, the higher the transparency.


analogous to edgeTranspLow, but used for edges with weight ABOVE cut.


numeric scaling node sizes. Defaults to 1.


numeric scaling hub sizes. Only used if nodeSize is set to "hubs".


numeric scaling node labels. Defaults to 1. If set to 0, no node labels are plotted.


numeric scaling the node labels of hub nodes. Equals cexLabels by default. Ignored, if highlightHubs = FALSE.


numeric scaling title(s). Defaults to 1.2.


if TRUE, a title is shown for each network, which is either defined via groupNames, or title1 and title2. Defaults to TRUE if two networks are plotted and FALSE for a single network.


character giving a title for the first network.


character giving a title for the second network (if existing).


a numeric vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) defining the plot margins. Works similar to the mar argument in par. Defaults to c(1,3,3,3).


logical. If FALSE, the network plot is suppressed. Useful for saving the output (e.g., the layout) without plotting.


further arguments being passed to qgraph, which is used for network plotting.


Returns (invisibly) a list with the following elements:

q1,q2 the qgraph object(s)
layout layout(s) specifying node positions
nodecolor one or two vectors with node colors (one for each group)
labels one or two vectors with node labels


# Load data sets from American Gut Project (from SpiecEasi package)

# Network construction
amgut_net <- netConstruct(amgut1.filt, measure = "pearson",
                          filtTax = "highestVar",
                          filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 50),
                          zeroMethod = "pseudoZO", normMethod = "clr",
                          sparsMethod = "threshold", thresh = 0.3)

# Network analysis
amgut_props <- netAnalyze(amgut_net)

### Network plots ###
# Clusters are used for node coloring: 
     nodeColor = "cluster")

# Remove singletons
     nodeColor = "cluster", 
     rmSingles = TRUE)

# A higher repulsion places nodes with high edge weight closer together
     nodeColor = "cluster", 
     rmSingles = TRUE, 
     repulsion = 1.2)

# A feature vector is used for node coloring
# (this could be a vector with phylum names of the ASVs)
featVec <- sample(1:5, nrow(amgut1.filt), replace = TRUE)

# Names must be equal to ASV names
names(featVec) <- colnames(amgut1.filt)

     rmSingles = TRUE, 
     nodeColor = "feature", 
     featVecCol = featVec,
     colorVec = heat.colors(5))

# Use a further feature vector for node shapes
shapeVec <- sample(1:3, ncol(amgut1.filt), replace = TRUE)
names(shapeVec) <- colnames(amgut1.filt)

     rmSingles = TRUE,
     nodeColor = "feature",
     featVecCol = featVec,
     colorVec = heat.colors(5), 
     nodeShape = c("circle", "square", "diamond"),
     featVecShape = shapeVec, 
     highlightHubs = FALSE)

stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Dec. 1, 2024, 10:52 p.m.