createAssoPerm: Create and store association matrices for permuted data

View source: R/createAssoPerm.R

createAssoPermR Documentation

Create and store association matrices for permuted data


The function creates and returns a matrix with permuted group labels and saves association matrices computed for the permuted data to an external file.


  computeAsso = TRUE,
  nPerm = 1000L,
  cores = 1L,
  seed = NULL,
  permGroupMat = NULL,
  fileStoreAssoPerm = "assoPerm",
  append = TRUE,
  storeCountsPerm = FALSE,
  fileStoreCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"),
  logFile = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



object of class "microNet" or "microNetProps" (returned by netConstruct or netAnalyze).


logical indicating whether the association matrices should be computed. If FALSE, only the permuted group labels are computed and returned.


integer indicating the number of permutations.


integer indicating the number of CPU cores used for permutation tests. If cores > 1, the tests are performed in parallel. Is limited to the number of available CPU cores determined by detectCores. Defaults to 1L (no parallelization).


integer giving a seed for reproducibility of the results.


an optional matrix with permuted group labels (with nPerm rows and n1+n2 columns).


character giving the name of a file to which the matrix with associations/dissimilarities of the permuted data is saved. Can also be a path.


logical indicating whether existing files (given by fileStoreAssoPerm and fileStoreCountsPerm) should be extended. If TRUE, a new file is created only if the file is not existing. If FALSE, a new file is created in any case.


logical indicating whether the permuted count matrices should be saved to an external file. Defaults to FALSE. Ignored if fileLoadCountsPerm is not NULL.


character vector with two elements giving the names of two files storing the permuted count matrices belonging to the two groups.


character string naming the log file to which the current iteration number is written. Defaults to NULL so that no log file is generated.


logical. If TRUE (default), status messages are shown.


Invisible object: Matrix with permuted group labels.


  # Load data sets from American Gut Project (from SpiecEasi package)

  # Generate a random group vector
  group <- sample(1:2, nrow(amgut1.filt), replace = TRUE)

  # Network construction:
  amgut_net <- netConstruct(amgut1.filt, group = group,
                            measure = "pearson",
                            filtTax = "highestVar",
                            filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 30),
                            zeroMethod = "pseudoZO", normMethod = "clr")

  # Network analysis:
  amgut_props <- netAnalyze(amgut_net, clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")

  # Use 'createAssoPerm' to create "permuted" count and association matrices,
  # which can be reused by netCompare() and diffNet()
  # Note: 
  # createAssoPerm() accepts objects 'amgut_net' and 'amgut_props' as input
  createAssoPerm(amgut_props, nPerm = 100L, 
                 computeAsso = TRUE,
                 fileStoreAssoPerm = "assoPerm",
                 storeCountsPerm = TRUE, 
                 fileStoreCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"),
                 append = FALSE, seed = 123456)
  # Run netcompare using the stored permutation count matrices 
  # (association matrices are still computed within netCompare):
  amgut_comp1 <- netCompare(amgut_props, permTest = TRUE, nPerm = 100L, 
                            fileLoadCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", 
                            seed = 123456)
  # Run netcompare using the stored permutation association matrices:
  amgut_comp2 <- netCompare(amgut_props, permTest = TRUE, nPerm = 100L, 
                            fileLoadAssoPerm = "assoPerm")
  all.equal(amgut_comp1$properties, amgut_comp2$properties)
  # Run diffnet using the stored permutation count matrices in diffnet()
  diff1 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 100L, 
                  fileLoadCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"))
  # Run diffnet using the stored permutation association matrices 
  diff2 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 100L, 
                  fileLoadAssoPerm = "assoPerm")
 # Note: Networks are empty (no significantly different associations) 
 # for only 100 permutations

stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.