renameTaxa: Rename taxa

View source: R/renameTaxa.R

renameTaxaR Documentation

Rename taxa


Function for renaming taxa in a taxonomic table, which can be given as matrix or phyloseq object.

It comes with functionality for making unknown and unclassified taxa unique and substituting them by the next higher known taxonomic level, e.g., an unknown genus "g__" can automatically be renamed to "1_Streptococcaceae(F)". User-defined patterns determine the format of known and substituted names. Unknown names (e.g., NAs) and unclassified taxa can be handled separately. Duplicated names within one or more chosen ranks can also be made unique by numbering them consecutively.


  pat = "<r>_<name>",
  substPat = "<r>_<name>_<subst_r>_<subst_name>",
  unknown = c(NA, "", " ", "__"),
  numUnknown = TRUE,
  unclass = c("unclassified", "Unclassified"),
  numUnclass = TRUE,
  numUnclassPat = "<name><num>",
  numDupli = NULL,
  numDupliPat = "<name><num>",
  ranks = NULL,
  ranksAbb = NULL,
  ignoreCols = NULL



taxonomic table (matrix containing the taxonomic names; columns must be taxonomic ranks) or phyloseq object.


character specifying the pattern of new taxonomic names if the current name is KNOWN. See the examples and default value for a demo. Possible space holders are:


Taxonomic name (either the original or replaced one)


Taxonomic rank in lower case


Taxonomic rank with first letter in upper case


Abbreviated taxonomic rank in lower case


Abbreviated taxonomic rank in upper case


character specifying the pattern of new taxonomic names if the current name is UNKNOWN. The current name is substituted by the next higher existing name. Possible space holders (in addition to that of pat):


Substituted taxonomic name (next higher existing name)


Taxonomic rank of substitute name in lower case


Taxonomic rank of substitute name with first letter in upper case


Abbreviated taxonomic rank of substitute name in lower case


Abbreviated taxonomic rank of substitute name in upper case


character vector giving the labels of unknown taxa, without leading rank label (e.g., "g_" or "g__" for genus level). If numUnknown = TRUE, unknown names are replaced by a number.


logical. If TRUE, a number is assigned to all unknown taxonomic names (defined by unknown) to make them unique.


character vector giving the label of unclassified taxa, without leading rank label (e.g., "g_" or "g__" for genus level). If numUnclass = TRUE, a number is added to the names of unclassified taxa. Note that unclassified taxa and unknown taxa get a separate numbering if unclass is set. To replace all unknown and unclassified taxa by numbers, add "unclassified" (or the appropriate counterpart) to unknown and set unclass to NULL.


logical. If TRUE, a number is assigned to all unclassified taxa (defined by unclass) to make them unique. The pattern is defined via numUnclassPat.


character defining the pattern used for numbering unclassified taxa. Must include a space holder for the name ("<name>") and one for the number ("<num>"). Default is "<name><num>" resulting e.g., in "unclassified1".


character vector giving the ranks that should be made unique by adding a number. Elements must match column names. The pattern is defined via numDupliPat.


character defining the pattern used for numbering duplicated names (if numDupli is given). Must include a space holder for the name ("<name>") and one for the number ("<num>"). Default is "<name><num>" resulting e.g., in "Ruminococcus1".


character vector giving rank names used for renaming the taxa. If NULL, the functions tries to automatically set rank names based on common usage.


character vector giving abbreviated rank names, which are directly used for the place holders <r>, <subst_r>, <R>, and <subst_R> (the former two in lower case and the latter two in upper case). If NULL, the first letter of the rank names is used.


numeric vector with columns to be ignored. Names remain unchanged for these columns. Columns containing NAs are ignored automatically only if ignoreCols = NULL. Note: length of ranks and ranksAbb must match the number of non-ignored columns.


Renamed taxonomic table (matrix or phyloseq object, depending on the input).


#--- Load and edit data -----------------------------------------------------

global <- subset_taxa(GlobalPatterns, Kingdom == "Bacteria")
taxtab <- global@tax_table@.Data[1:10, ]

# Add some unclassified taxa
taxtab[c(2,3,5), "Species"] <- "unclassified"
taxtab[c(2,3), "Genus"] <- "unclassified"
taxtab[2, "Family"] <- "unclassified"

# Add some blanks
taxtab[7, "Genus"] <- " "
taxtab[7:9, "Species"] <- " "

# Add taxon that is unclassified up to Kingdom
taxtab[9, ] <- "unclassified"
taxtab[9, 1] <- "Unclassified"

# Add row names
rownames(taxtab) <- paste0("OTU", 1:nrow(taxtab))


#--- Example 1 (default setting) --------------------------------------------

# Example 1 (default setting)
# - Known names are replaced by "<r>_<name>"
# - Unknown names are replaced by "<r>_<name>_<subst_r>_<subst_name>"
# - Unclassified taxa have separate numbering
# - Ranks are taken from column names
# - e.g., unknown genus -> "g_1_f_Streptococcaceae"

renamed1 <- renameTaxa(taxtab)

#--- Example 2 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Use phyloseq object (subset of class clostridia to decrease runtime)

global_sub <- subset_taxa(global, Class == "Clostridia")

renamed2 <- renameTaxa(global_sub)
tax_table(renamed2)[1:5, ]

#--- Example 3 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Known names remain unchanged
# - Substituted names are indicated by their rank in brackets
# - Pattern for numbering unclassified taxa changed
# - e.g., unknown genus -> "Streptococcaceae (F)"
# - Note: Numbering of unknowns is not shown because "<name>" is not 
#   included in "substPat"

renamed3 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, numUnclassPat = "<name>_<num>",
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<subst_name> (<subst_R>)")

#--- Example 4 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Same as before but numbering shown for unknown names
# - e.g., unknown genus -> "1 Streptococcaceae (F)"

renamed4 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, numUnclassPat = "<name>_<num>",
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name> <subst_name> (<subst_R>)")

#--- Example 5 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Same numbering for unkown names and unclassified taxa
# - e.g., unknown genus -> "1_Streptococcaceae(F)"
# - Note: We get a warning here because "Unclassified" (with capital U) 
#   are not included in "unknown" but occur in the data

renamed5 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, unclass = NULL,
                         unknown = c(NA, " ", "unclassified"), 
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)")

#--- Example 6 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Same as before, but OTU9 is now renamed correctly

renamed6 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, unclass = NULL,
                         unknown = c(NA, " ", "unclassified", "Unclassified"),
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)")

#--- Example 7 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Add "(<Rank>: unknown)" to unknown names
# - e.g., unknown genus -> "1 Streptococcaceae (Genus: unknown)"

renamed7 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, unclass = NULL,
                         unknown = c(NA, " ", "unclassified", "Unclassified"),
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name> <subst_name> (<Rank>: unknown)")

#--- Example 8 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Do not substitute unknowns and unclassified taxa by higher ranks
# - e.g., unknown genus -> "1"

renamed8 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, 
                         pat = "<name>", substPat = "<name>")

#--- Example 9 --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Error if ranks cannot be automatically determined 
#   from column names or taxonomic names

taxtab_noranks <- taxtab
colnames(taxtab_noranks) <- paste0("Rank", 1:ncol(taxtab))

## Not run: 
renamed9 <- renameTaxa(taxtab_noranks, 
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)")

## End(Not run)

# Ranks can either be given via "ranks" ... 
(ranks <- colnames(taxtab))

renamed9 <- renameTaxa(taxtab_noranks, 
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)",
                         ranks = ranks)

# ... or "ranksAbb" (we now use the lower case within "substPat")
(ranks <- substr(colnames(taxtab), 1, 1))

renamed9 <- renameTaxa(taxtab_noranks, 
                         pat = "<name>", 
                         substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_r>)",
                         ranksAbb = ranks)

#--- Example 10 -------------------------------------------------------------
# - Make names of ranks "Family" and "Order" unique by adding numbers to 
#   duplicated names

renamed10 <- renameTaxa(taxtab, 
                          pat = "<name>", 
                          substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)",
                          numDupli = c("Family", "Order"))

any(duplicated(renamed10[, "Family"]))
any(duplicated(renamed10[, "Order"]))

stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.