#' @title Create and store association matrices for permuted data
#' @description The function creates and returns a matrix with permuted group
#' labels and saves association matrices computed for the permuted data to
#' an external file.
#' @param x object of class \code{"microNet"} or \code{"microNetProps"}
#' (returned by \code{\link[NetCoMi]{netConstruct}} or
#' \code{\link[NetCoMi]{netAnalyze}}).
#' @param computeAsso logical indicating whether the association matrices should
#' be computed. If \code{FALSE}, only the permuted group labels are computed
#' and returned.
#' @param nPerm integer indicating the number of permutations.
#' @param cores integer indicating the number of CPU cores used for
#' permutation tests. If cores > 1, the tests are performed in parallel.
#' Is limited to the number of available CPU cores determined by
#' \code{\link[parallel]{detectCores}}. Defaults to 1L (no parallelization).
#' @param seed integer giving a seed for reproducibility of the results.
#' @param permGroupMat an optional matrix with permuted group labels
#' (with nPerm rows and n1+n2 columns).
#' @param fileStoreAssoPerm character giving the name of a file to which the
#' matrix with associations/dissimilarities of the permuted data is saved.
#' Can also be a path.
#' @param append logical indicating whether existing files (given by
#' fileStoreAssoPerm and fileStoreCountsPerm) should be extended.
#' If \code{TRUE}, a new file is created only if the file is not existing.
#' If \code{FALSE}, a new file is created in any case.
#' @param storeCountsPerm logical indicating whether the permuted count matrices
#' should be saved to an external file. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Ignored if \code{fileLoadCountsPerm} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param fileStoreCountsPerm character vector with two elements giving the
#' names of two files storing the permuted count matrices belonging to the
#' two groups.
#' @param logFile character string naming the log file to which the current
#' iteration number is written. Defaults
#' to \code{NULL} so that no log file is generated.
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), status messages are shown.
#' @return Invisible object: Matrix with permuted group labels.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load data sets from American Gut Project (from SpiecEasi package)
#' data("amgut1.filt")
#' # Generate a random group vector
#' set.seed(123456)
#' group <- sample(1:2, nrow(amgut1.filt), replace = TRUE)
#' # Network construction:
#' amgut_net <- netConstruct(amgut1.filt, group = group,
#' measure = "pearson",
#' filtTax = "highestVar",
#' filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 30),
#' zeroMethod = "pseudoZO", normMethod = "clr")
#' # Network analysis:
#' amgut_props <- netAnalyze(amgut_net, clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")
#' # Use 'createAssoPerm' to create "permuted" count and association matrices,
#' # which can be reused by netCompare() and diffNet()
#' # Note:
#' # createAssoPerm() accepts objects 'amgut_net' and 'amgut_props' as input
#' createAssoPerm(amgut_props, nPerm = 100L,
#' computeAsso = TRUE,
#' fileStoreAssoPerm = "assoPerm",
#' storeCountsPerm = TRUE,
#' fileStoreCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"),
#' append = FALSE, seed = 123456)
#' # Run netcompare using the stored permutation count matrices
#' # (association matrices are still computed within netCompare):
#' amgut_comp1 <- netCompare(amgut_props, permTest = TRUE, nPerm = 100L,
#' fileLoadCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1",
#' "countsPerm2"),
#' seed = 123456)
#' # Run netcompare using the stored permutation association matrices:
#' amgut_comp2 <- netCompare(amgut_props, permTest = TRUE, nPerm = 100L,
#' fileLoadAssoPerm = "assoPerm")
#' summary(amgut_comp1)
#' summary(amgut_comp2)
#' all.equal(amgut_comp1$properties, amgut_comp2$properties)
#' # Run diffnet using the stored permutation count matrices in diffnet()
#' diff1 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 100L,
#' fileLoadCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1", "countsPerm2"))
#' # Run diffnet using the stored permutation association matrices
#' diff2 <- diffnet(amgut_net, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 100L,
#' fileLoadAssoPerm = "assoPerm")
#' #plot(diff1)
#' #plot(diff2)
#' # Note: Networks are empty (no significantly different associations)
#' # for only 100 permutations
#' }
#' @import foreach doSNOW filematrix
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom WGCNA randIndex
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
createAssoPerm <- function(x,
computeAsso = TRUE,
nPerm = 1000L,
cores = 1L,
seed = NULL,
permGroupMat = NULL,
fileStoreAssoPerm = "assoPerm",
append = TRUE,
storeCountsPerm = FALSE,
fileStoreCountsPerm = c("countsPerm1",
logFile = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Check input arguments
args_in <- as.list(environment())
args_out <- .checkArgsCreateAP(args_in)
for (i in 1:length(args_out)) {
assign(names(args_out)[i], args_out[[i]])
if (inherits(x, "microNet")) {
# Parameters used for network construction
parNC <- x$parameters
assoType <- x$assoType
xgroups <- x$groups
matchDesign <- x$matchDesign
twoNets <- x$twoNets
callNetConstr <- x$call
count1 <- x$countMat1
count2 <- x$countMat2
countsJoint <- x$countsJoint
count_norm1 <- x$normCounts1
count_norm2 <- x$normCounts2
} else { # class=microNetProps
parNC <- x$paramsNetConstruct
assoType <- x$input$assoType
xgroups <- x$input$groups
matchDesign <- x$input$matchDesign
twoNets <- x$input$twoNets
callNetConstr <- x$input$call
count1 <- x$input$countMat1
count2 <- x$input$countMat2
countsJoint <- x$input$countsJoint
count_norm1 <- x$input$normCounts1
count_norm2 <- x$input$normCounts2
distNet <- ifelse(assoType == "dissimilarity", TRUE, FALSE)
if (!twoNets) {
stop("Input contains only a single network.")
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
# create combined data matrix
if (assoType == "dissimilarity") {
n1 <- ncol(count1)
n2 <- ncol(count2)
n <- n1 + n2
nVar <- nrow(count1)
xbind <- cbind(count1, count2)
} else {
if (parNC$jointPrepro) {
n1 <- nrow(count_norm1)
n2 <- nrow(count_norm2)
nVar <- ncol(count_norm1)
xbind <- rbind(count_norm1, count_norm2)
} else {
n1 <- nrow(count1)
n2 <- nrow(count2)
nVar <- ncol(count1)
xbind <- rbind(count1, count2)
n <- n1 + n2
# create matrix with permuted group labels
if (is.null(permGroupMat)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Create matrix with permuted group labels ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
perm_group_mat <- .getPermGroupMat(n1 = n1, n2 = n2, n = n, nPerm = nPerm,
matchDesign = matchDesign)
if (verbose) {
} else {
stopifnot(ncol(permGroupMat) == n)
perm_group_mat <- permGroupMat
# compute and store association matrices
if (computeAsso) {
stopifnot(length(fileStoreAssoPerm) == 1)
if (append) {
fmat <- suppressWarnings(try(fm.open(filenamebase = fileStoreAssoPerm),
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(fmat, "try-error")) {
fmat <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreAssoPerm,
nrow = (nVar * nPerm), ncol = (2 * nVar))
if (verbose) {
message("New files '",
paste0(fileStoreAssoPerm, ".bmat and "),
paste0(fileStoreAssoPerm, ".desc.txt created. "))
startIndex <- 0
} else {
fmat.tmp <- as.matrix(fmat)
fmat <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreAssoPerm,
nrow = nrow(fmat.tmp) + (nVar * nPerm),
ncol = (2 * nVar))
fmat[1:nrow(fmat.tmp), 1:(2 * nVar)] <- fmat.tmp
startIndex <- nrow(fmat.tmp)
} else {
fmat <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreAssoPerm,
nrow = (nVar * nPerm), ncol = (2 * nVar))
startIndex <- 0
if (verbose) {
message("Files '",
paste0(fileStoreAssoPerm, ".bmat and "),
paste0(fileStoreAssoPerm, ".desc.txt created. "))
if (storeCountsPerm) {
stopifnot(length(fileStoreCountsPerm) == 2)
if (append) {
fmat_counts1 <-
suppressWarnings(try(fm.open(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[1]),
silent = TRUE))
fmat_counts2 <-
suppressWarnings(try(fm.open(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[2]),
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(fmat_counts1, "try-error") ||
inherits(fmat_counts2, "try-error")) {
fmat_counts1 <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[1],
nrow = (n1 * nPerm), ncol = nVar)
fmat_counts2 <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[2],
nrow = (n2 * nPerm), ncol = nVar)
if (verbose) {
message("New files '",
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[1], ".bmat, "),
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[1], ".desc.txt, "),
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[2], ".bmat, and "),
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[2], ".desc.txt created. "))
startIndex_counts1 <- startIndex_counts2 <- 0
} else {
fmat_counts1.tmp <- as.matrix(fmat_counts1)
fmat_counts2.tmp <- as.matrix(fmat_counts2)
fmat_counts1 <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[1],
nrow = nrow(fmat_counts1.tmp) + (n1 * nPerm),
ncol = nVar)
fmat_counts2 <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[2],
nrow = nrow(fmat_counts2.tmp) + (n2 * nPerm),
ncol = nVar)
fmat_counts1[1:nrow(fmat_counts1.tmp), 1:nVar] <- fmat_counts1.tmp
fmat_counts2[1:nrow(fmat_counts2.tmp), 1:nVar] <- fmat_counts2.tmp
startIndex_counts1 <- nrow(fmat_counts1.tmp)
startIndex_counts2 <- nrow(fmat_counts2.tmp)
} else {
fmat_counts1 <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[1],
nrow = (n1 * nPerm), ncol = nVar)
fmat_counts2 <- fm.create(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[2],
nrow = (n2 * nPerm), ncol = nVar)
startIndex_counts1 <- startIndex_counts2 <- 0
if (verbose) {
message("Files '",
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[1], ".bmat, "),
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[1], ".desc.txt, "),
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[2], ".bmat, and "),
paste0(fileStoreCountsPerm[2], ".desc.txt created. "))
if (!is.null(seed)) {
seeds <- sample.int(1e8, size = nPerm)
} else {
seeds <- NULL
if (cores > 1) {
if (parallel::detectCores() < cores) cores <- parallel::detectCores()
if (verbose) {
message("Starting socket cluster to compute permutation ",
"associations in parallel ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores, outfile = "")
'%do_or_dopar%' <- get('%dopar%')
if (verbose) {
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Compute permutation associations ... ")
'%do_or_dopar%' <- get('%do%')
if (verbose) {
pb<-txtProgressBar(0, nPerm, style=3)
progress<-function(n) {
opts <- list(progress=progress)
} else {
opts <- list()
if (!is.null(logFile)) cat("", file=logFile, append=FALSE)
p <- NULL
propsPerm <- foreach(
p = 1:nPerm,
.packages = c(
.export = c(".calcAssociation", "cclasso", "gcoda"),
.options.snow = opts
) %do_or_dopar% {
if (!is.null(logFile)) {
cat(paste("iteration", p,"\n"),
file=logFile, append=TRUE)
if (verbose) progress(p)
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seeds[p])
if (assoType == "dissimilarity") {
count1.tmp <- xbind[ ,which(perm_group_mat[p, ] == 1)]
count2.tmp <- xbind[ ,which(perm_group_mat[p, ] == 2)]
} else {
count1.tmp <- xbind[which(perm_group_mat[p, ] == 1), ]
count2.tmp <- xbind[which(perm_group_mat[p, ] == 2), ]
if (!parNC$jointPrepro) {
# zero treatment and normalization necessary if
# in network construction two count matrices
# were given or dissimilarity network is created
count1.tmp <- .zeroTreat(countMat = count1.tmp,
zeroMethod = parNC$zeroMethod,
zeroParam = parNC$zeroPar,
needfrac = parNC$needfrac,
needint = parNC$needint,
verbose = FALSE))
count2.tmp <- .zeroTreat(countMat = count2.tmp,
zeroMethod = parNC$zeroMethod,
zeroParam = parNC$zeroPar,
needfrac = parNC$needfrac,
needint = parNC$needint,
verbose = FALSE))
count1.tmp <- .normCounts(countMat = count1.tmp,
normMethod = parNC$normMethod,
normParam = parNC$normPar,
zeroMethod = parNC$zeroMethod,
needfrac = parNC$needfrac,
verbose = FALSE))
count2.tmp <- .normCounts(countMat = count2.tmp,
normMethod = parNC$normMethod,
normParam = parNC$normPar,
zeroMethod = parNC$zeroMethod,
needfrac = parNC$needfrac,
verbose = FALSE))
if (storeCountsPerm) {
fmat_counts1 <- fm.open(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[1])
fmat_counts2 <- fm.open(filenamebase = fileStoreCountsPerm[2])
fmat_counts1[startIndex_counts1 + (p-1) * n1 + (1:n1),
1:nVar] <- count1.tmp
fmat_counts2[startIndex_counts2 + (p-1) * n2 + (1:n2),
1:nVar] <- count2.tmp
assoMat1.tmp <- .calcAssociation(count1.tmp,
measure = parNC$measure,
measurePar = parNC$measurePar,
verbose = FALSE)
assoMat2.tmp <- .calcAssociation(count2.tmp,
measure = parNC$measure,
measurePar = parNC$measurePar,
verbose = FALSE)
fmat <- fm.open(filenamebase = fileStoreAssoPerm)
fmat[startIndex + (p-1) * nVar + (1:nVar),
1:nVar] <- assoMat1.tmp
fmat[startIndex + (p-1) * nVar + (1:nVar),
nVar + (1:nVar)] <- assoMat2.tmp
if (verbose) {
if (cores > 1) {
if (verbose) {
message("Stopping socket cluster ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
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