

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    if (input$learnmore != 0L) {
      updateTabsetPanel(session, 'mainnavbar', selected = 'Help')

  load_dsc_rds = reactive({

    if (input$data_type == 'upload' & (!is.null(input$dsc_output_upload))) {

      dsc_raw = readRDS(file = input$dsc_output_upload$datapath)

    } else if (input$data_type == 'example') {

      # defensive programming on file name
      if (input$dsc_example %in% c('one_sample_location',
                                   'yet_another_example')) {
        dsc_raw = readRDS(file = paste0('data/', input$dsc_example, '.rds'))
      } else {
        dsc_raw = NULL

    } else {
      dsc_raw = NULL



    dsc_raw = load_dsc_rds()
    if (!is.null(dsc_raw)) {
      dsc_ace = dsc2ace(dsc_raw)
      updateAceEditor(session, 'ace_upload', value = dsc_ace)

    dsc_raw = load_dsc_rds()
    if (!is.null(dsc_raw)) {
      dsc_ace = dsc2ace(dsc_raw)
      updateAceEditor(session, 'ace_filter', value = dsc_ace)

  output$dsc_blocks_ui = renderUI({

    dsc_raw = load_dsc_rds()
    dsc_blocks = get_blocks(dsc_raw)
    dsc_execs = get_execs(dsc_raw)

    n_blocks = length(dsc_blocks)
    blocks_ui_list = vector('list', n_blocks)

    for (i in 1L:n_blocks) {
      blocks_ui_list[[i]] =
        selectizeInput(inputId  = paste0('execs_', dsc_blocks[i]),
                       label    = dsc_blocks[i],
                       choices  = c("NULL", dsc_execs[[dsc_blocks[i]]]),
                       multiple = TRUE)
    # this is a list of render UI


  output$dsc_params_ui = renderUI({

    dsc_raw = load_dsc_rds()
    dsc_blocks = get_blocks(dsc_raw)
    dsc_execs  = get_execs(dsc_raw)
    dsc_params = get_params(dsc_raw)

    params_ui_list = NULL

    params_ui_list = list(params = dsc_params)


  ############### testing to get the table out
  # just test what in the uiblock
  output$input_type_text <- renderText({
    dsc_raw = load_dsc_rds()
    dsc_blocks = get_blocks(dsc_raw)
    dsc_execs = get_execs(dsc_raw)

    n_blocks = length(dsc_blocks)
    AA = (unlist(reactiveValuesToList(input)[paste0('execs_', dsc_blocks[1:n_blocks])]))
    # paste("you choose", AA)

  # just to test the output of the table
  output$filtered_master_table = renderDataTable({
    dsc_raw = load_dsc_rds()
    dsc_blocks = get_blocks(dsc_raw)
    dsc_execs = get_execs(dsc_raw)

    n_blocks = length(dsc_blocks)
    # AA = (unlist(reactiveValuesToList(input)[paste0('execs_', dsc_blocks[1:n_blocks])]))
    current_result = dsc_raw$master_mse
    # filter_result = dplyr::filter(current_result, simulate_name == "rnorm.R")

  ####################### the following are for the output the tables and this part is just for dsc Omega
  rv = reactiveValues()

  open_proj_message <- eventReactive(input$open_proj, {
    crt_path = getwd()
    data_path = paste0(crt_path,"/data")
    open_path = paste0(data_path,"/",input$project_name)
    # restore this path
    # the further action should be inside of this current path.
    rv$crt_path = open_path
    # paste("You have open a dsc project",input$project_name,"in",open_path)
    "please complete your annotation step by step."

  output$open_proj_note <- renderText({
    # open a project and indicate the directory

  #### tag add system
  inserted <- c()

  observeEvent(input$insertBtn, {
    btn <- input$insertBtn
    id <- paste0('tag_', btn)
      selector = '#placeholder',
      ## wrap element in a div with id for ease of removal
      ui = tags$div(
          column(width = 5,
                 selectizeInput(inputId  = paste0("tag_",id),
                                 label    = "select tags",
                                 choices  = rv$dsc_meta$groups,
                                 multiple = TRUE)
          column(width = 5,
                 textInput(paste0("alias_",id), label = "Alias for this tag", 
                           value = "")
        id = id
    inserted <<- c(id, inserted)

  observeEvent(input$removeBtn, {
      ## pass in appropriate div id
      selector = paste0('#', inserted[length(inserted)])
    inserted <<- inserted[-length(inserted)]
  # test the output the alias
  output$text_alias <- renderText({ 
    meta_var = c()
    meta_var_list = names(input)[which(names(input) %in% rv$block_names)]
    for(i in 1:length(meta_var_list)) meta_var = c(meta_var, input[[meta_var_list[i]]])
    meta_part = ""
    for(i in 1:length(meta_var)) meta_part = paste(meta_part,meta_var[[i]])

  # this is to read the dsc from the user's computer
  volumes <- c(Root = '~' )
  shinyDirChoose(input, 'dsc_directory', roots=volumes, session=session, restrictions=system.file(package='base'))

  read_meta_file = eventReactive(input$dsc_directory,{
    dsc_dir = parseDirPath(volumes, input$dsc_directory)
    meta_folder = paste0(dsc_dir,"/.sos/.dsc")
    tag_file = list.files(meta_folder)[sapply(list.files(meta_folder),function(x){grepl("shinymeta",x) })]
    tag_file_name = as.vector(sapply(tag_file,function(x){(unlist(strsplit(x,'[.]')))[length(unlist(strsplit(x,'[.]')))-2]}))
    radioButtons(inputId  = "meta_file",
                   label    = paste('please choose a meta file'),
                   choices  = tag_file_name,
                   selected = NULL
                   # choices  = tag_file,

  # this is to choose the different type of meta file
  output$meta_file <- renderUI({

  read_meta_output = eventReactive(input$meta_file,{
    dsc_dir = parseDirPath(volumes, input$dsc_directory)
    meta_folder = paste0(dsc_dir,"/.sos/.dsc")
    tag_file_name = input$meta_file
    tag_file = list.files(meta_folder)[sapply(list.files(meta_folder),function(x){grepl("shinymeta",x) })]
    tag_file = tag_file[sapply(tag_file,function(x){grepl(tag_file_name,x) })]
    dsc_meta = readRDS(paste0(meta_folder,"/",tag_file))
    rv$dsc_meta = dsc_meta
    block_names = unique(sapply(dsc_meta$variables,function(x){(unlist(strsplit(x,'[:]')))[1]}))
    rv$block_names = as.vector(block_names)
    block_list = list()
    for(i in 1:length(block_names)){
      block_list[[i]] = checkboxGroupInput(inputId  = block_names[i],
                   label    = paste(block_names[i]),
                   choices  = rv$dsc_meta$variables[sapply(rv$dsc_meta$variables,function(x){grepl(block_names[i],x) })],
                   # choices  = tag_file,
                   width = 3
    #selectizeInput(inputId  = "meta_var",
    #               label    = paste('select quantaties :'),
    #               choices  = rv$dsc_meta$variables,
    #               multiple = TRUE)

  # add the meta
  output$meta_output <- renderUI({

  # this is to hide the dsc load
                   shinyjs::toggle(id = "step_1_load", anim = TRUE))
                   shinyjs::toggle(id = "step_2_load", anim = TRUE))
                   shinyjs::toggle(id = "step_3_load", anim = TRUE))
                   shinyjs::toggle(id = "step_4_load", anim = TRUE))

  # this is just for test
  output$tagged_dsc_note <- renderText({

  # try to read the annotation from the list
  tagged_command = eventReactive(input$apply_annotation,{
    rv$app_dir = getwd()
    dsc_dir = parseDirPath(volumes, input$dsc_directory)
    tag_list = names(input)[sapply(names(input),function(x){grepl("tag_tag_",x) })]
    tag_index = which(sapply(names(input),function(x){grepl("tag_tag_",x) }))
    # to restore the index of tag in the input
    rv$tag_index = tag_index
    ### TODO think about when the index in empty
    tag_content = list()
    for(i in 1:length(tag_list)){
      tag_content[[i]] = c(input[[tag_list[i]]])
    # to get the alias into the tag part
    alias_list = names(input)[sapply(names(input),function(x){grepl("alias_tag_",x) })]
    alias_index = which(sapply(names(input),function(x){grepl("alias_tag_",x) }))
    # to restore the index of tag in the input
    rv$alias_index = alias_index
    ### TODO think about when the index in empty
    alias_content = list()
    for(i in 1:length(alias_list)){
      alias_content[[i]] = c(input[[alias_list[i]]])
    # compose tag part
    tag_part = ""
    for (i in 1:length(tag_content)) tag_part = paste0(tag_part, ' ', "'", paste(alias_content[[i]],paste(tag_content[[i]], collapse='&&'),sep = '='), "'")
    # read the meta content
    meta_var = c()
    meta_var_list = names(input)[which(names(input) %in% rv$block_names)]
    for(i in 1:length(meta_var_list)) meta_var = c(meta_var, input[[meta_var_list[i]]])
    meta_part = ""
    for(i in 1:length(meta_var)) meta_part = paste(meta_part,meta_var[[i]])
    # name part
    meta_folder = paste0(dsc_dir,"/.sos/.dsc")
    # meta_file_name = list.files(meta_folder)[sapply(list.files(meta_folder),function(x){grepl("shinymeta",x) })]
    meta_file_name = input$meta_file
    #name_part_vec = unlist(strsplit(meta_file_name,'[.]'))
    #name_part = name_part_vec[length(name_part_vec)-2]
    name_part = meta_file_name
    system_command = paste("dsc -e",meta_part,"--target",name_part,"--tags",tag_part, "-v 0","-o", paste0(rv$crt_path,"/",name_part,".rds"))
      crt_data = readRDS(paste0(rv$crt_path,"/",name_part,".rds"))
      rv$crt_data = crt_data

  ######## here are for the visualization
  output$result_folder <- renderUI({
    # read_tag()
    data_dir = paste0(getwd(),"/data")
    res_file = list.files(data_dir)# [sapply(list.files(data_dir),function(x){grepl("rds",x) })]
    selectizeInput(inputId  = "meta_folder_out",
                   label    = paste('View Folder:'),
                   choices  = res_file,
                   multiple = TRUE)

  result_file = eventReactive(input$meta_folder_out,{
    result_folder = paste0(getwd(),"/data/",input$meta_folder_out)
    tag_file = list.files(result_folder)[sapply(list.files(result_folder),function(x){grepl("rds",x) })]
    selectizeInput(inputId  = "meta_file_out",
                   label    = paste('meta file:'),
                   choices  = tag_file,
                   multiple = TRUE)

  output$meta_file_out <- renderUI({
  read_result = eventReactive(input$meta_file_out,{
    result_folder = paste0(getwd(),"/data/",input$meta_folder_out,"/",input$meta_file_out)
    RDS_file = readRDS(result_folder)
  output$meta_quantaty_out <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    contents = sapply(res_file,function(x){strsplit(x,"_")})
    new_contents = list()
    for (i in 1:length(contents)) {
      key = paste0(contents[[i]][(length(contents[[i]]) - 1) :length(contents[[i]])], collapse = '_')
      if (key %in% names(new_contents)) {
        new_contents[[key]] = append(new_contents[[key]], paste0(contents[[i]][1:(length(contents[[i]])-2)], collapse = '_'))
      } else {
        new_contents[[key]] = paste0(contents[[i]][1:(length(contents[[i]])-2)], collapse = '_')
    # new_contents example
    # > new_contents
    # $scores_score
    # [1] "dia"             "DSC_TIMER_dia"   "huge"            "DSC_TIMER_huge" 

  # this is for the box plot
  output$box_content <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    box_file = res_file[-which(grepl("DSC_",res_file))]
    selectizeInput(inputId  = "box_content",
                   label    = paste('choose the component:'),
                   choices  = box_file,
                   multiple = TRUE)

  output$violin_content <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    violin_file = res_file[-which(grepl("DSC_",res_file))]
    selectizeInput(inputId  = "violin_content",
                   label    = paste('choose the component:'),
                   choices  = violin_file,
                   multiple = TRUE)
  output$timer_content <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    timer_file = result_list[[res_file[which(grepl("TIMER",res_file))]]]
    timer_names = names(timer_file)
    selectizeInput(inputId  = "timer_content",
                   label    = paste('choose the component:'),
                   choices  = timer_names,
                   multiple = TRUE)

  box_data = eventReactive(input$box_content,{
    result_list = read_result()
    n_col = length(input$box_content)
    scores = c()
    score_type = c()
    for(i in 1:n_col){
      scores = c(scores,unlist(result_list[(input$box_content)[i]]))
      score_type = c(score_type, rep((input$box_content)[i],length( unlist(result_list[(input$box_content)[i]]))))
    data_mat = cbind(scores,score_type)
    colnames(data_mat) = c("values","Type")
    data_df = data.frame(data_mat)
    data_df$values = as.numeric(as.character(data_df$values))

  violin_data = eventReactive(input$violin_content,{
    result_list = read_result()
    n_col = length(input$violin_content)
    scores = c()
    score_type = c()
    for(i in 1:n_col){
      scores = c(scores,unlist(result_list[(input$violin_content)[i]]))
      score_type = c(score_type, rep((input$violin_content)[i],length( unlist(result_list[(input$violin_content)[i]]))))
    data_mat = cbind(scores,score_type)
    colnames(data_mat) = c("values","Type")
    data_df = data.frame(data_mat)
    data_df$values = as.numeric(as.character(data_df$values))
  timer_data = eventReactive(input$timer_content,{
    result_list = read_result()
    result_list = result_list$DSC_TIMER
    n_col = length(input$timer_content)
    scores = c()
    score_type = c()
    for(i in 1:n_col){
      scores = c(scores,unlist(result_list[(input$timer_content)[i]]))
      score_type = c(score_type, rep((input$timer_content)[i],length( unlist(result_list[(input$timer_content)[i]]))))
    data_mat = cbind(scores,score_type)
    colnames(data_mat) = c("values","Type")
    data_df = data.frame(data_mat)
    data_df$values = as.numeric(as.character(data_df$values))

  output$pi_0_plot_1 = renderPlot({
    dat = violin_data()
    p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=Type, y=values)) +
      geom_violin() +
      geom_dotplot(binaxis='y', stackdir='center', dotsize = .5, binwidth = 1/100)

  output$pi_0_plot_2 = renderPlotly({
    dat = box_data()
    p <- plot_ly(dat, y = ~ values, x = ~ Type, type = "box",color = ~Type)
  output$pi_0_plot_3 = renderPlotly({
    dat = timer_data()
    p <- plot_ly(dat, y = ~ values, x = ~ Type, type = "box",color = ~Type)
  ############################   this is a test
  output$crt_data_size = renderText({
    res_file = read_scatter_data()
    paste(dim(res_file),sep = ",")
  output$crt_box_content <- renderUI({
    res_file = rv$crt_data
    box_file = names(res_file)[-which(grepl("DSC_",names(res_file)))]
    selectizeInput(inputId  = "crt_box_content",
                   label    = paste('choose the component:'),
                   choices  = box_file,
                   multiple = TRUE)
  crt_data = eventReactive(input$crt_box_content,{
    result_list = rv$crt_data
    n_col = length(input$crt_box_content)
    scores = c()
    score_type = c()
    for(i in 1:n_col){
      scores = c(scores,unlist(result_list[(input$crt_box_content)[i]]))
      score_type = c(score_type, rep((input$crt_box_content)[i],length( unlist(result_list[(input$crt_box_content)[i]]))))
    data_mat = cbind(scores,score_type)
    colnames(data_mat) = c("values","Type")
    data_df = data.frame(data_mat)
    data_df$values = as.numeric(as.character(data_df$values))
  output$pi_0_plot_4 = renderPlotly({
    dat = crt_data()
    p <- plot_ly(dat, y = ~ values, x = ~ Type, type = "box",color = ~Type)
  # the following is for the scatter plot
  # I will just use the data frame from the boxplot
  output$scatter_content_x <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    scatter_file = res_file[-which(grepl("DSC_",res_file))]
    radioButtons(inputId  = "scatter_x",
                 label    = paste('quantaty on x axis'),
                 choices  = scatter_file,
                 selected = NULL
  output$scatter_content_y <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    scatter_file = res_file[-which(grepl("DSC_",res_file))]
    radioButtons(inputId  = "scatter_y",
                 label    = paste('quantaty on y axis'),
                 choices  = scatter_file,
                 selected = NULL

  output$scatter_index <- renderUI({
    result_list = read_result()
    res_file = names(result_list)
    scatter_file = res_file[-which(grepl("DSC_",res_file))]
    N_length = length(result_list[[2]])
    numericInput("scatter_index", "index of replicate",1, min = 1, max = N_length)
  read_scatter_data = eventReactive({input$scatter_x 
    result_list = read_result()
    x_content = result_list[input$scatter_x]
    y_content = result_list[input$scatter_y]
      x_value = as.vector(data.frame(x_content)[input$scatter_index])
      y_value = as.vector(data.frame(y_content)[input$scatter_index])
      x_value = unlist(x_content)
      y_value = unlist(y_content)
    data_mat = cbind(x_value,y_value)
    colnames(data_mat) = c("x","y" )
    data_df = data.frame(data_mat)
  output$pi_0_plot_5 = renderPlotly({
    dat = read_scatter_data()
    p <- plot_ly(dat,x = ~x, y = ~y )

stephenslab/shinydsc documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:33 p.m.