
#' Make a robust DRC estimate using a method based on Nguyen et al. 2014
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()} and the argument \code{fct = LL.4()}.
#' @param form A formula associated with the fit.
#' @param conv Numeric value representing the convergence criterion (manhattan distance between weight vectors).
#' @param maxits Numeric value representing maximum number of iterations.
#' @param verbose Logical. If TRUE reports the manhattan distance for each iteration.
#' @param drm_error Logical. Determines if drc() convergence failure results in a error (TRUE) or warning (FALSE)
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' robustifyDrc(fit, disp~wt)
#' @export
robustifyDrc <- function(fit, form, conv=0.01, maxits=100, verbose=FALSE,
                         drm_error=FALSE) {
  environment(form) <- environment()
  d <- fit$data
  ow <- fit$weights
  d$weights <- .biweightMean(resid(fit))
  mdist <- sum(abs(ow - d$weights))
  if (verbose) {
    print(paste0("Manhattan distance = ", mdist))
  if (mdist > conv & maxits > 0) {
      maxits <- maxits - 1
      # fit <- drc::drm(formula, weights=weights, data=d, fct=drc::LL.4(),
      #                 control = drc::drmc(errorm=drm_error, useD=deriv))
      fit <- .tryFit(form, data=d, w=d$weights, drm_error=drm_error)
      robustifyDrc(fit, form, conv=conv, maxits=maxits, verbose = verbose)
  else { return(fit) }

.tryFit <- function(form, data, w=NULL, drm_error=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(w)) {
    w <- rep(1, nrow(data))
  environment(form) <- environment()
  fit <- try(drc::drm(form, data = data, weights = w, fct = drc::LL.4(),
                  control = drc::drmc(errorm = drm_error)), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(fit) == "list" | class(fit) == "try-error") {
    fit <- drc::drm(form, data = data, weights = w, fct = drc::LL.4(),
                    control = drc::drmc(errorm = drm_error, useD = TRUE))
    warning("just kidding, it worked")

#' Bastard child of \code{robustifyDRC()}
#' While loop formulation of \code{robustifyDRC()} to eleminate scoping woes and pasing of formula in arguments
#' @param conv Numeric value representing the convergence criterion (manhattan distance between weight vectors)
#' @param maxits Numeric value representing maximum number of iterations
#' @param verbose Logical. If TRUE reports the manhattan distance for each iteration.
robusty <- function(fit, conv=0.01, maxits=100, verbose = TRUE) {
  mdist <- 1
  of <- as.formula(fit, globalenv())
  # of <- as.formula(fit, env = environment())
  print(identical(globalenv(), environment()))

  while ( maxits > 0 ) {

    if (verbose) { cat("Interaction # ", abs(maxits - 101), "\nDistance", mdist, "\n-") }

    ow <- fit$weights
    d <- fit$data
    d$weights <- .biweightMean(resid(fit))

    fit <- drc::drm(of, weights = weights, data = d, fct=drc::LL.4())
    mdist <- sum(abs(ow - d$weights))

    if (mdist <= conv) {
      cat("Distance ", mdist)
      break }

    maxits <- maxits - 1

.biweightMean <- function(r) { # weighting scheme from Nguyen et al. 2014
    mr <- mean(abs(r))
    lim <- 6 * mr
    w <- sapply(r, function(x) {ifelse(abs(x) < lim, (1 - (x/lim)^2)^2, 0)})

#' Get the y value of the upper asymptote in a 4-parmeter log-logistic function
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()} and the argument \code{fct = LL.4()}.
#' @param CI95 Logical. Report 95\% confidence interval.
#' @return The y intercept of the upper asymptote.
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' getUpperAsym(fit)
#' @export
getUpperAsym <- function(fit, CI95 = FALSE) {
  res <- cbind(confint(fit), fit$coefficients)
  colnames(res)[3] <- "estimate"
  res <- res["d:(Intercept)", ]
  if (!CI95) {
    res <- res["estimate"]

#' Get the y value of the lower asymptote in a 4-parmeter log-logistic function
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()} and the argument \code{fct = LL.4()}.
#' @param CI95 Logical. Report 95\% confidence interval.
#' @return The y intercept of the lower asymptote.
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' getLowerAsym(fit)
#' @export
getLowerAsym <- function(fit, CI95 = FALSE) {
  res <- cbind(confint(fit), fit$coefficients)
  colnames(res)[3] <- "estimate"
  res <- res["c:(Intercept)", ]
  if (!CI95) {
    res <- res["estimate"]

#' Get the EC50 value of a 4-parmeter log-logistic function
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()} and the argument \code{fct = LL.4()}.
#' @param CI95 Logical. Report 95\% confidence interval.
#' @return The x value corresponding to point at which the function is rotationally symmetric.
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' getEC50(fit)
#' @export
getEC50 <- function(fit, CI95 = FALSE) {
  res <- cbind(confint(fit), fit$coefficients)
  colnames(res)[3] <- "estimate"
  res <- res["e:(Intercept)", ]
  if (!CI95) {
    res <- res["estimate"]

#' Get the Hill coefficient of a 4-parmeter log-logistic function
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()} and the argument \code{fct = LL.4()}.
#' @param CI95 Logical. Report 95\% confidence interval.
#' @return The Hill coefficient:
#' \eqn{y=c+\frac{d-c}{1+10^{(ln(\tilde{e})-x) \times Hill}}}.
#' Where c = upper asymptote, d = lower asymptote, and \eqn{\tilde{e}} = the EC50 value.
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' getEC50(fit)
#' @export
getHillSlope <- function(fit, CI95=FALSE) {
  res <- cbind(confint(fit), fit$coefficients)
  colnames(res)[3] <- "estimate"
  res <- res["b:(Intercept)", ]
  res <- (-1 * res) / log(10)
  if (!CI95) {
    res <- res["estimate"]

#' Generate y values in increments of a given x range.
#' @param range A 2-element numeric vector giving the x range.
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()}.
#' @param logrange Logical. If TRUE increments are in log space.
#' @param npoint Numeric. The number of increments in the x range.
#' @return A data frame of x and y values.
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' curve <- getCurves(range(mtcars$wt), fit, logrange = F)
#' plot(ys~xs, data=curve)
#' @export
getCurves <- function(range, fit, logrange = TRUE, npoint=100) {
  range %<>% sort
  if (logrange) {
    range <- log(range)
  step <- (range[2] - range[1]) / (npoint - 1)
  xs <- seq(range[1], range[2], step)
  if (logrange) {
    xs <- exp(xs)
  ys <- sapply(xs, predDRC, fit)
  res <- data.frame(xs, ys)

#' Get the bottom and top of a log-logistic curve in a given x range.
#' @param fit An object of class drc fit with \code{drm()}.
#' @param high_x Numeric. The high end of the x range.
#' @param low_x Numeric. The low end of the x range.
#' @return A named vector reporting the top and bottom of the curve (toc, boc)
#' @examples
#' fit <- drc::drm(disp~wt, data=mtcars, fct=drc::LL.4())
#' getYBounds(fit, 2, 5)
#' @export
getYBounds <- function(fit, high_x, low_x) {
  y1 <- predDRC(high_x, fit)
  y2 <- predDRC(low_x, fit)
  ys <- sort(c(y1, y2))
  res <- c(boc = ys[1], toc = ys[2])
stevehoang/assayr documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:20 a.m.