Man pages for stiv1n/CYCLeR
CircRNA transcriptome assembly tool

combine_two_BSJ_tablescombine BSJs
filter_bamBAM file filter
find_depleted_featuresCircRNA feature selection
get_seqsExtract sequence per exon bin
make_BSJ_grConvert BSJ string to GRanges obejct
make_BSJ_sgPreparation of the BSJ-specific splice graphs
merge_fastaMerging 2 'DNAStringSets'
merge_qicsMerging 2 assemblies
overlap_SG_BSJOverlap of BSJ and a splice graph
parse_filesParse BSJ input
plotRanges2Plot ranges
prep_circular_sgPreparing circular splice graph features
prep_output_gtfCreation of GTF based on CYCLeR results
process_BSJsProcess BSJs
recount_featuresRe-count of the reads per exon bin
RPKM_calcRPKM calculation for the genomic features
transcripts_per_sampleTranscript assembly
stiv1n/CYCLeR documentation built on Sept. 15, 2022, 4:39 p.m.