
Defines functions generateAifMaskImage deconvolutionSVD trapz bloodPerfusionSVD

Documented in bloodPerfusionSVD deconvolutionSVD generateAifMaskImage trapz

#' Calculate blood perfusion using deconvolution.
#' Implementation of the deconvolution technique of Ostergaard et al.
#' (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8916023) for calculating cerebral
#' (or pulmonary) blood flow.  Other relevant references include
#' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16261573,
#' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8916023, and
#' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15332240.
#' @param perfusionImage time series (n-D + time) perfusion acquisition.
#' @param voiMaskImage n-D mask image indicating where the cerebral blood
#' flow parameter images are calculated.
#' @param aifMaskImage n-D mask image indicating where the arterial input
#' function is calculated.
#' @param thresholdSVD is used to threshold the smaller elements of the
#' diagonal matrix during the SVD regularization.  0.2 is a common choice
#' (cf. page 571, end of column 2 in
#' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16971140).
#' @param deltaTime time between volumetric acquisitions.  We assume a uniform
#' time sampling.
#' @return list with the cerebral blood flow image (cbfImage), cerebral blood
#' volume image (cbvImage), mean transit time (mttImage), and arterial input
#' function signal from the image (aifSignal) and the calculated arterial input
#' function concentration (aifConcentration).
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' perfusionFileName <- ""
#' if (file.exists(perfusionFileName)) {
#'   perfusionImage <- antsImageRead(
#'     filename = perfusionFileName,
#'     dimension = 4, pixeltype = "float"
#'   )
#'   voiMaskImage <- antsImageRead(
#'     filename = voiMaskFileName,
#'     dimension = 3, pixeltype = "unsigned int"
#'   )
#'   aifMaskImage <- antsImageRead(
#'     filename = aifMaskFileName,
#'     dimension = 3, pixeltype = "unsigned int"
#'   )
#'   deltaTime <- 3.4
#'   results <- bloodPerfusionSVD(perfusionImage,
#'     voiMaskImage, aifMaskImage,
#'     thresholdSVD = 0.2, deltaTime = deltaTime
#'   )
#'   antsImageWrite(results$cbfImage, paste0("cbf.nii.gz"))
#'   antsImageWrite(results$cbvImage, paste0("cpbv.nii.gz"))
#'   antsImageWrite(results$mttImage, paste0("mtt.nii.gz"))
#' }
#' }
#' @export

bloodPerfusionSVD <- function(
    perfusionImage, voiMaskImage, aifMaskImage,
    thresholdSVD = 0.2, deltaTime = 1.0) {
  if (missing(perfusionImage)) {
    stop("Error:  The perfusion image is not specified.\n")

  if (missing(voiMaskImage)) {
    stop("Error:  The VOI mask image is not specified.\n")

  if (missing(aifMaskImage)) {
    aifOutput <- generateAifMaskImage(perfusionImage, voiMaskImage)
    aifMaskImage <- aifOutput$aifMaskImage

  # The AIF signal is defined as the mean intensity value over the AIF
  # region of interest at each time point

  aifMatrix <- timeseries2matrix(perfusionImage, aifMaskImage)

  Saif <- NULL
  if (ncol(aifMatrix) == 1) {
    Saif <- as.vector(aifMatrix)
  } else {
    Saif <- rowMeans(aifMatrix, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Automatically find start of the AIF signal by finding the point at
  # which the signal intensity curve exceeds 10% of the maximum

  SaifMaxIndex <- which(Saif == max(Saif))
  SaifStartIndex <- tail(which(Saif[1:SaifMaxIndex] <
    0.1 * (max(Saif) - min(Saif))), n = 1) + 1
  if (length(SaifStartIndex) == 0) {
    SaifStartIndex <- which(Saif == min(Saif))

  S0aif <- mean(Saif[1:(SaifStartIndex - 1)], na.rm = TRUE)

  # See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16261573, page 711,
  # equation (3).  Note that we exclude the constant of proportionality, k,
  # and the TE parameters as they cancel out in estimating the residue
  # function.

  Caif <- -log(Saif / S0aif)

  # If we can estimate the product CBF * R(t) we obtain an estimate for
  # CBF because R(0) = 1. CBF * dT * R = ( V * L^-1 * U^T ) * Cvoi (cf
  # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8916023, page 713, equation (9)).

  dSVD <- deconvolutionSVD(Caif, thresholdSVD)

  # Measured signal over the entire region of interest

  Svoi <- timeseries2matrix(perfusionImage, voiMaskImage)
  numberOfTimePoints <- nrow(Svoi)

  # Baseline signal

  S0voi <- colMeans(Svoi[1:SaifStartIndex, ], na.rm = TRUE)
  S0voi <- matrix(rep(S0voi, numberOfTimePoints),
    nrow = numberOfTimePoints, byrow = TRUE

  # See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16261573, page 711, equation (3).
  # Note that we exclude the constant of proportionality, k, and the TE
  # parameters as they cancel out in estimating the residue function.

  Cvoi <- -log(Svoi / S0voi)

  residueFunction <- dSVD %*% Cvoi / deltaTime
  residueFunction[residueFunction < 0.0] <- 0.0

  # cbf is the maximum of the residue function at each voxel

  .colMax <- function(data) apply(data, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
  cbf <- .colMax(residueFunction)
  cbfOutputImage <- matrixToImages(
    antsImageClone(voiMaskImage, "float")

  # cbv is area under the curve at each voxel using the trapezoidal rule

  cbv <- trapz(seq(
    from = 0.0, by = deltaTime,
    length.out = nrow(residueFunction)
  ), residueFunction)
  cbvOutputImage <- matrixToImages(
    antsImageClone(voiMaskImage, "float")

  mtt <- cbv / cbf
  mtt[which(is.na(mtt))] <- 0.0
  mttOutputImage <- matrixToImages(
    antsImageClone(voiMaskImage, "float")

    cbfImage = cbfOutputImage,
    cbvImage = cbvOutputImage,
    mttImage = mttOutputImage,
    aifSignal = Saif,
    aifConcentration = Caif

#' Calculate the area under a sampled curve (or set of curves).
#' Given a vector (or a matrix) representing a curve (or set of
#' curves, columnwise),
#' the area (or set of areas) is calculated using the trapezoidal rule.
#' @param x vector of samples for the dependent variable.
#' @param y vector or matrix of samples for the independent variable.
#' In the case of the latter, curves are organized column-wise.
#' @return area (areas) under the sampled curve (curves).
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.0001)
#' y <- exp(x)
#' # Compare with true area of exp( 1 ) - 1 = 1.718282...
#' areaEstimate <- trapz(x, y)
#' @export

trapz <- function(x, y) {
  idx <- 2:length(x)
  if (is.vector(y)) {
    return(0.5 * ((x[idx] - x[idx - 1]) %*% (y[idx] + y[idx - 1])))
  } else {
    return(0.5 * ((x[idx] - x[idx - 1]) %*% (y[idx, ] + y[idx - 1, ])))

#' Regularize SVD (deconvolution) solution of cerebral blood flow.
#' Ostergaard's regularization approach for a model independent solution of
#' cerebral blood flow using a blood pool contrast agent
#' (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8916023).
#' @param arterialInputFunction vector specifying the arterial input function
#' over time.
#' @param thresholdSVD is used to threshold the smaller elements of the
#' diagonal matrix during the SVD regularization.  0.2 is a common choice
#' (cf. page 571, end of column 2 in
#' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16971140).
#' @return regularized residue function, i.e. the right-hand side of
#'         CBF * dT * R = ( V * L^-1 * U^T ) * Cvoi.
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @examples
#' S0aif <- 17.62
#' Saif <- c(
#'   16.25, 16.37, 20.22, 78.96, 230.5, 249.79, 198.58, 147.76,
#'   110.39, 111.64, 129.43
#' )
#' Caif <- -log(Saif / S0aif)
#' dSVD <- deconvolutionSVD(Caif, 0.2)
#' @export
deconvolutionSVD <- function(arterialInputFunction, thresholdSVD = 0.2) {
  if (!is.vector(arterialInputFunction)) {
    stop("Expecting a vector.")

  N <- length(arterialInputFunction)
  Caif <- mat.or.vec(N, N)

  for (j in 1:N)
    Caif[j:N, j] <- arterialInputFunction[1:(N - j + 1)]
  S <- svd(Caif)
  Dinv <- 1.0 / S$d

  Dinv[which(S$d < thresholdSVD * max(S$d))] <- 0.0

  dSVD <- S$v %*% diag(Dinv) %*% t(S$u)

#' Automatically generate an arterial input function mask.
#' Automated approach for generating a mask to be used for modeling the
#' arterial input function using the method described in
#' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15956519.
#' @param perfusionImage time series (n-D + time) perfusion acquisition.
#' @param voiMaskImage n-D mask image indicating where the cerebral blood
#' flow parameter images are calculated.
#' @param index If the user prefers a specific voxel if looking at the
#' plots, they can simply specify the index (gleaned from the file names)
#' and the corresponding AIF mask image is created.
#' @return list( mask image, fitting results )
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @export
generateAifMaskImage <- function(
    perfusionImage, voiMaskImage,
    index = NA) {
  fitGaussianFunction <- function(x, y, mean, logStd, scale, offset) {
    f <- function(p) {
      d <- p[3] * dnorm(x, mean = p[1], sd = exp(p[2])) + p[4]
      error <- sum((d - y)^2, na.rm = TRUE) / length(d)

    optimization <- optim(c(mean, logStd, scale, offset), f)

  voiPerfusionMatrix <- timeseries2matrix(perfusionImage, voiMaskImage)

  if (!is.na(index)) {
    aifMatrix <- matrix(voiPerfusionMatrix[1, ], nrow = 1) * 0
    aifMatrix[1, index] <- 1
    aifMaskImage <- matrixToImages(aifMatrix, voiMaskImage)[[1]]

    return(list(aifMaskImage = aifMaskImage))

  # As we iterate through each voxel and look at the time series, we:
  #  1. fit the image time-series intensities to a gaussian (mean, std,
  #     scale, and offset).  Note that the time series spacing is 1
  #     although we might want to add this as a parameter.
  #  2. we prune candidate voxels based on the fit.  We exclude voxels
  #     where
  #        a. the fitted mean is less than the minTime or greater than
  #           the maxTime,
  #        b. the fitted std is < 1.5 or > 5.  This is purely based on
  #           looking at some data which we might want to revisit,
  #        c. the fitted scale is less than 10.0,
  #        d. we test the goodness of fit with the estimated model
  #           using the Chi-squared test and exclude any voxels where
  #           p < 0.1.

  headers <- c(
    "Index", "GaussianFitMean", "GaussianFitStd", "GaussianFitScale",
    "GaussianFitOffset", "GoodnessOfFit"
  fittingResults <- data.frame(matrix(
    data = NA,
    nrow = ncol(voiPerfusionMatrix), ncol = length(headers)
  colnames(fittingResults) <- headers

  timePoints <- seq_len(nrow(voiPerfusionMatrix))
  minTime <- 0.0
  maxTime <- 1.0 * length(timePoints)

  initialMean <- 0.5 * length(timePoints)
  initialStandardDeviation <- 1.0
  initialOffset <- 0.0

  count <- 1
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(voiPerfusionMatrix)))
    # convert signal to concentration (ignore 1/TE factor).
    concentrationData <- -log((voiPerfusionMatrix[, i]) /
      (voiPerfusionMatrix[1, i]))
    if (any(concentrationData < 0)) {

    gauss <-
            x = timePoints, y = concentrationData,
            mean = initialMean, logStd = log(initialStandardDeviation),
            scale = 0.5 * max(concentrationData), offset = initialOffset
        error = function(cond) {

    if (length(gauss) == 1 && is.na(gauss)) {

    gauss$par[2] <- exp(gauss$par[2])
    if (gauss$par[1] < minTime || gauss$par[1] > maxTime ||
      gauss$par[2] < 1.5 || gauss$par[2] > 5.0 ||
      gauss$par[3] < 10 || gauss$par[4] < 0) {

    modelData <- gauss$par[3] * dnorm(timePoints,
      mean = gauss$par[1], sd = gauss$par[2]
    ) +

    goodnessOfFit <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(
      x = concentrationData,
      p = modelData, rescale.p = TRUE, simulate.p.value = TRUE

    if (goodnessOfFit$p.value < 0.1) {

    fittingResults$Index[count] <- i
    fittingResults$GaussianFitMean[count] <- gauss$par[1]
    fittingResults$GaussianFitStd[count] <- gauss$par[2]
    fittingResults$GaussianFitScale[count] <- gauss$par[3]
    fittingResults$GaussianFitOffset[count] <- gauss$par[4]

    fittingResults$GoodnessOfFit[count] <- goodnessOfFit$p.value
    count <- count + 1

  deletedColumns <- seq.int(from = count, to = nrow(fittingResults), by = 1)
  fittingResults <- fittingResults[-deletedColumns, ]

  if (nrow(fittingResults) == 0) {
    warning("Empty results.  No voxels survived criteria.")

  # We sort the remaining voxels by the scale of the fitted model and
  # choose the voxel with the highest scale.
  fittingResults <- fittingResults[order(fittingResults$GaussianFitScale), ]

  aifMatrix <- matrix(voiPerfusionMatrix[1, ], nrow = 1) * 0
  aifMatrix[1, fittingResults$Index[1]] <- 1
  aifMaskImage <- matrixToImages(aifMatrix, voiMaskImage)[[1]]

  return(list(aifMaskImage = aifMaskImage, fittingResults = fittingResults))
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.