
Defines functions Norm_Y cal_MSE process_Y

Documented in cal_MSE Norm_Y process_Y

###### ------------------------- Process Expression data ------------------------- ######

#' Standard way to preprocess the count matrix. It is the QC step for the genes.
#' @param Y A gene expression data (Raw count matrix)
#' @param thre The threshold of minimum number of cells expressing a certain gene (default =2)
#' @return A processed gene expression matrix. It is \emph{not log transformed}
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' YY = process_Y(Y, thre=2)
#' @export
process_Y = function(Y, thre = 2){
    Y = as.matrix(Y)
    row_exprs_rate = rowMeans(Y != 0)
    row_sds = rowVars(Y)
    ncell = ncol(Y)
    rem_id1 = which(row_exprs_rate <= thre/ncell)
    rem_id2 = which(row_sds == 0)
    rem_id = union(rem_id1, rem_id2)
    if (length(rem_id) > 0) {Y = Y[-rem_id, ]}

#' Standard way to preprocess the count matrix. It is the QC step for the genes.
#' @param Ynorm A normalized gene expression matrix. If not, we will normalize it for you.
#' @param cluster The clustering outcomes. Specifically, they are cluster labels.
#' @param return_mses True or False indicating whether returning the MSE.
#' @return The MSE of the clustering centers with the predicted Y.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' Ynorm = Norm_Y(Y)
#' cluster = trueclass
#' MSE_res = cal_MSE(Ynorm, cluster)
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @export
cal_MSE = function(Ynorm, cluster, return_mses = FALSE){
    Xregressor = model.matrix(~as.factor(cluster)-1)
    beta = solve(t(Xregressor)%*%Xregressor) %*% (t(Xregressor)%*%t(Ynorm))
    Yfit = Xregressor %*% beta
    res = t(Ynorm) - Yfit
    mse = mean(res^2)
    if (return_mses){
        mses = res^2
        res = list(mse = mse, mses = mses)
        res = mse

#' Normalize the count expression matrix by the size factor and take the log transformation.
#' @param Y a count expression matrix
#' @return a normalized matrix
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' Ynorm = Norm_Y(Y)
#' @export
Norm_Y = function(Y){
    L = colSums(Y)/median(colSums(Y))
    Ynorm = log(sweep(Y, 2, L, FUN = "/") + 1)

#' set up for the parallel computing for biocParallel.
#' This function sets up the environment for parallel computing.
#' @param nProc number of processors
#' @param BPPARAM bpparameter from bpparam
#' @keywords internal
#' @return BAPPARAM settings
#' @examples 
#' setUp_BPPARAM(nProc=1)
#' @export
setUp_BPPARAM = function (nProc = 0, BPPARAM = NULL)
    if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
        if (nProc != 0) {
            if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                result <- SnowParam(workers = nProc)
            else {
                result <- MulticoreParam(workers = nProc)
        else {
            result <- bpparam()
    else {
suke18/FEAST documentation built on Sept. 14, 2021, 12:22 a.m.