Man pages for svalvaro/MQmetrics
Quality Control of Protemics Data

generateReportGenerates a report including all the plots of MQmetrics.
make_MQCombinedRead MaxQuant Tables From Directory
MaxQuantAnalysisInfoExperiment Information
PlotAcquisitionCycleAcquisition Cycle and MS/MS
PlotAllDynamicRangePlots the dynamic range for all samples
PlotAndromedaScoreAndromeda score for the best associated MS/MS spectrum.
PlotChargeThe charge-state of the precursor ion.
PlotCombinedDynamicRangeDynamic range of all the samples combined
PlotHydrophobicityPeptide hydrophobicity by GRAVY score
PlotIntensityIntensity / LFQ intensity per sample.
PlotiRTMax intensities of the iRT peptides in each sample.
PlotiRTScoreScore vs retention time of the iRT peptides
PlotIsotopePatternPlot Isotope Pattern and Isotope Pattern Sequenced
PlotMsMsComparison of the MS/MS submitted and identified in each...
PlotPCAPrincipal Component Analysis of the Intensity values.
PlotPeaksTotal number of peaks detected and sequenced
PlotPeptidesIdentifiedTotal number of peaks detected and sequenced
PlotProteaseSpecificityProtease Specificity
PlotProteinCoverageProtein coverage and degradation.
PlotProteinOverlapProtein Overlap Between Samples
PlotProteinPeptideRatioIdentification Ratio Between Peptides and Proteins
PlotProteinsIdentifiedProteins Identified per sample.
PlotPTMPost-Translational Modifications
PlotPTMAcrossSamplesPlot PTM across samples
PlotTotalIonCurrentTotal Ion Current
ReportTablesReport Tables with summary data
svalvaro/MQmetrics documentation built on Jan. 14, 2022, 6:36 p.m.