
# A method for inferring the maximum-likelihood network based on log-odds from
# contrasts.
# Initial creation: August 10, 2015
# Yuriy Sverchkov

#' Multiple start (by default greedy) search,
#' only over ancesty-like networks:
multiStartANetworkSearch <- function(
  # See getMLNetwork for parameter definitions
  # Let n = number of actors
  actors = getActors(lp)
  n = howManyActors(lp)
  nReporters = howManyReporters(lp)
  # We want to do a search starting with each combination of the possible
  # n^2 - n edges.
  # Start by getting the list of edges
  edges = which( matrix( TRUE, nrow=n, ncol=n ) & ! diag(n) )
  # Keep track of max score
  max.score = -Inf
  max.network = NULL
  # Next iterate over 0-max num of edges
  for ( n.edges in 0:length(edges) )
    # Iterate over combinations
    for ( combination in combn(edges, n.edges, simplify = FALSE) ){
      # Make ancestry graph
      ancestry = diag(n)
      for ( i in combination ) ancestry[i] = TRUE
      # Check ancestry (skip if not holding)
      if ( all( ancestry == inclusive.ancestry( ancestry ) ) ){
        # Get a network from the ancestry graph      
        network = cbind( ancestry & !diag(n), matrix( FALSE, nrow=n, ncol=nReporters ) )
        ml.result =
          searchFunction( lp, n, nReporters, network )
        candidate.network = ml.result$network
        candidate.score = ml.result$score
        if( candidate.score > max.score ){
          max.score = candidate.score
          max.network = candidate.network
  return( list( score = max.score, network = max.network ) )

#' Multiple start (by default greedy) search:
multiStartNetworkSearch <- function(
  # See getMLNetwork for parameter definitions
  # Let n = number of actors
  actors = getActors(lp)
  n = howManyActors(lp)
  nReporters = howManyReporters(lp)
  # We want to do a search starting with each combination of the possible
  # n^2 - n edges.
  # Start by getting the list of edges
  edges = which(
    matrix( TRUE, nrow=n, ncol=n ) &
    !diag( n ) )
  # Keep track of max score
  max.score = -Inf
  max.network = NULL
  # Next iterate over 0-max num of edges
  for( n.edges in 0:length(edges) )
    # Iterate over combinations
    for( combination in combn(edges, n.edges, simplify = FALSE) ){
      # Make a starting network
      network = matrix( FALSE, nrow=n, ncol=(n+nReporters) )
      for( i in combination ) network[i] = TRUE
      # Score
      #candidate.score = scoreNetwork( network, lp )
      ml.result =
        searchFunction( lp, n, nReporters, network )
      candidate.network = ml.result[[1]]
      candidate.score = ml.result[[2]]
      if( candidate.score > max.score ){
        max.score = candidate.score
        max.network = candidate.network

#' Greedy edge toggle search:
getMLNetwork <- function(
  nActors = length(getActors(lp)),
  nReporters = howManyReporters(lp),
  network=matrix( FALSE, nrow=nActors,  ncol=(nActors+nReporters)),
  score=scoreNetwork( network, lp ) )
  # lods: data structure describing the log-odds comparing various KOs
  # n.actors: the number of things upstream in the network
  # n.reporters: the number of genes affected by the actors
  # network: initial network from which to begin the search (default is empty)
  # score: initial score of initial network
  # Graph is represented by the directed adjacency matrix where network[a,b] == TRUE
  # indicates the edge a->b
  print( paste0( nActors, " actors and ", nReporters, " reporters." ))
    print(paste0("Score: ",score))
    score.change.matrix <- scoreEdgeToggles( network, lp )
    max.change <- max(score.change.matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
    if ( max.change <= 0 || max.change == Inf ) {
    } else {
      while ( max.change > 0 ) {
        max.index <- which(score.change.matrix == max.change, arr.ind = TRUE)
        row = sample( 1:(dim(max.index)[1]), 1 )
        a = max.index[row,1]
        b = max.index[row,2]
        print( paste0( "Toggled ", a, ",", b, " yielding change: ", max.change ))
        network[a,b] = !network[a,b]
        score = score + max.change
        if ( b <= nActors ) break
        # This is a short-circuit to execute all reporter-link changes together
        # Without recomputing the score change matrix.
        # Only actor-link changes require recomputation.
        score.change.matrix[a,b] = -Inf
        score.change.matrix[1:nActors,1:nActors] = -Inf
        max.change = max(score.change.matrix, na.rm = TRUE)

#'   Network score calculation
#'   Assumes the following structure for lprobs:
#'   lprobs$single.gt.wt is an n.actors x n.reporters matrix with the log probability
#' that the single KO has a greater effect than the WT effect on the reporter.
#'   lprobs$single.ngt.wt is log( 1 - exp( single.gt.wt ) )
#'   lprobs$double.eq.single is a 3-d n.actors (1) x n.actors (2) x n.reporters array
#' of the probability that actor 1 knocked out with actor 2 have the same effect on the
#' reporter as actor 1 alone.
#'   lprobs$double.gt.single is as above but probability of the double KO having a
#' greater effect
scoreNetwork <- function( network, lp ){
  # Determine current ancestry.
  # ancestry(A,B) means A is an ancestor of B
  # start with edges
  ancestry <- network
  # grow the ancestry until no change
    old.ancestry <- ancestry
    for (node in 1:ncol(network)) {
      ancestors <- ancestry[,node]
      ancestry[,node] = ancestors | apply(network[,ancestors],1,any)
    if( all(ancestry == old.ancestry) ) {break}
  # Ok. now that we have the ancestry...
  # Score presence of an actor being an ancestor of a reporter
  reporter.ancestry <- ancestry[,howManyActors(lp)+(1:howManyReporters(lp))]
  score <-
    sum( ancestryScoreMatrix(lp)[reporter.ancestry], na.rm=TRUE ) +
    sum( log1mexp( ancestryScoreMatrix(lp)[!reporter.ancestry] ), na.rm=TRUE )
  #   Score two actors sharing a pathway: one is an ancestor of the other and both
  # are ancestors of the reporter.
  #   Score of two actors in independent pathways: both are ancestors of the reporter
  # but neither is an ancestor of the other.
  for (i1 in 2:howManyActors(lp)) {
    g1 = getActors(lp)[i1]
    for (i2 in 1:(i1-1)) {
      g2 = getActors(lp)[i2]
      both = reporter.ancestry[i1,] & reporter.ancestry[i2,]
      if( ancestry[i1,i2] || ancestry[i2,i1])
        score <- score + sum( scoreSharedPathways(lp, g1, g2)[both], na.rm=TRUE )
        score <- score + sum( scoreIndependentPathways(lp, g1, g2)[both], na.rm=TRUE )

#' Smart edge toggle
#' laps stands for local ancestry and pathway scores
scoreEdgeToggles = function(
  # For easy writing
  n = howManyActors(laps)
  # The result matrix
  toggle.scores =
  actor.ancestry = inclusive.ancestry(network)
  # Get original ancestry vectors for reporters
  for( r in 1:howManyReporters(laps))
    original.ancestry.vectors[,r] =
  # Compute toggle scores for actor edges
  for( a in 1:n )
    for( b in (1:n)[-a] ){
      alternate.edges = network[1:n,1:n]
      alternate.edges[a,b] = !network[a,b]
      alternate.ancestry = inclusive.ancestry(alternate.edges)
      # score.change computation
      score.change = 0;
      for( r in 1:howManyReporters(laps) )
        score.change = score.change +
            reporter = r,
            old.ancestry = original.ancestry.vectors[,r],
            new.ancestry = apply(as.matrix(alternate.ancestry[,network[,r+n]]),1,any),
            old.actor.ancestry = actor.ancestry,
            new.actor.ancestry = alternate.ancestry,
      toggle.scores[a,b] = score.change
  # Compute toggle scores for reporter edges
  for( r in 1:howManyReporters(laps) )
    for( a in 1:n ){
      alternate.parent.vector = network[,r+n]
      alternate.parent.vector[a] = !alternate.parent.vector[a]
      alternate.ancestry.vector =
      toggle.scores[a,r+n] = compute.score.change(
        reporter = r,
        old.ancestry = original.ancestry.vectors[,r],
        new.ancestry = alternate.ancestry.vector,
        old.actor.ancestry = actor.ancestry,
        new.actor.ancestry = actor.ancestry,


#' Compute the score change
compute.score.change = function(
  n = howManyActors(laps))
  score.change = 0
  # Single-KO score update
  if( any( new.ancestry != old.ancestry ) )
    score.change = score.change +
      sum( ancestryScoreMatrix( laps )[new.ancestry,reporter], na.rm=TRUE ) +
      sum( log1mexp(ancestryScoreMatrix( laps )[!new.ancestry,reporter]), na.rm=TRUE ) -
      sum( ancestryScoreMatrix( laps )[old.ancestry,reporter], na.rm=TRUE ) -
      sum( log1mexp(ancestryScoreMatrix( laps )[!old.ancestry,reporter]), na.rm=TRUE )
  # Double-KO score update
  if( any(new.ancestry != old.ancestry) ||
      any(new.actor.ancestry != old.actor.ancestry, na.rm = TRUE))
    for( a in 2:n )
      for( b in 1:(a-1) ){
        if( new.ancestry[a] && new.ancestry[b] )
          if( new.actor.ancestry[a,b] || new.actor.ancestry[b,a] )
            score.change = score.change +
              scoreSharedPathways( laps, a, b )[reporter]
            score.change = score.change +
              scoreIndependentPathways( laps, a, b )[reporter]
        if( old.ancestry[a] && old.ancestry[b] )
          if( old.actor.ancestry[a,b] || old.actor.ancestry[b,a] )
            score.change = score.change -
              scoreSharedPathways( laps, a, b )[reporter]
            score.change = score.change -
              scoreIndependentPathways( laps, a, b )[reporter]

##################### START November 10, 2015 #######################
#' Exhaustive network search that will come up with actor-node-splits
#' if they are necessary based on the data.
searchWithSplits = function( laps )
  # See getMLNetwork for parameter definitions
  # Let n = number of actors
  n = howManyActors( laps )
  nReporters = howManyReporters( laps )
  # We want to do a search starting with each combination of the possible
  # n^2 - n edges.
  # Start by getting the list of edges
  edges = which( matrix( TRUE, nrow=n, ncol=n ) & ! diag( n ) )
  # Keep track of max score per structure per reporter
  reporter.ancestry = array(
    dim = c(n,n+1,nReporters),
    dimnames = list(
      getActors( laps ),
      c( getActors( laps ), "r" ),
      getReporters( laps ) ) )

  reporter.scores = rep( -Inf, nReporters )
  # Next iterate over 0-max num of edges
  for ( n.edges in 0:length( edges ) )
    # Iterate over combinations
    for ( combination in combn(edges, n.edges, simplify = FALSE) ){
      # Make ancestry graph
      ancestry = diag( n )
      rownames( ancestry ) = colnames( ancestry) = getActors( laps )
      for ( i in combination ) ancestry[i] = TRUE
      # Check ancestry (skip if not holding)
      if ( all( ancestry == inclusive.ancestry( ancestry ) ) ){
        # Debug statements!
        print("Getting best reporter configuration for the following ancestry:")
        print( ancestry )
        # Keep track of seen reporter ancestries
        ancestryHistory = matrix( nrow = n, ncol = 0)
        # For each subset of actors
        for ( k in 0:n ){
          for ( actors in combn( getActors( laps ), k, simplify = FALSE ) ){
            # Get full ancestry for this reporter combination
            reporterAncestry = apply(as.matrix( ancestry[,actors] ),1,any)
            if (
              dim(ancestryHistory)[2] < 1 ||
              !any( apply( as.matrix( reporterAncestry == ancestryHistory ), 2, all ) )
              ancestryHistory = cbind( ancestryHistory, reporterAncestry )
              # For each reporter
              for ( r in 1:nReporters ){
                # Get the score contribution of this configuration:
                # Simple ancestry component:
                score =
                  sum( ancestryScoreMatrix( laps )[reporterAncestry,r], na.rm=TRUE ) +
                  sum( log1mexp(ancestryScoreMatrix( laps )[!reporterAncestry,r]), na.rm=TRUE )
                # 2le KO component:
                if ( length(actors) > 1 ){
                  for ( i in 2:length(actors) ){
                    for ( b in actors[1:(i-1)] ){
                      a = actors[i]
                      score = score +
                        if ( ancestry[a,b] || ancestry[b,a] )
                          scoreSharedPathways( laps, a, b )[r]
                          scoreIndependentPathways( laps, a, b )[r]
                # Check against contribution vector
                if ( !is.na(score) && !is.nan(score) && score > reporter.scores[r] ){
                  # Update contribution vector and network structure
                  reporter.scores[r] = score
                  reporter.ancestry[,,r] = cbind( ancestry, reporterAncestry )
        print( paste0( "Best score found to be: ", sum(reporter.scores) ) )
        infinite = which( reporter.scores == -Inf )
        if( length(infinite) > 0 ){
          print( paste0( "Found ", length(infinite), " prblematic reporters:" ) )
          print( getReporters( laps )[infinite] )
  # Need to resolve these ancestries into one network we'll do that in another
  # function.  
  return( list( scores = reporter.scores, ancestries = reporter.ancestry ) )
###################### END November 10, 2015 ########################

##################### Start November 11, 2015 #######################
#' A function to collapse the array of ancestries into one tree with
#' Possibly duplicate nodes.

ancestries2graph = function(
  ancestries, # An (actors)x(actors+1)x(reporters) array
  actors = dimnames( ancestries )[[1]],
  reporters = dimnames( ancestries )[[3]] ){
  n = length( actors )
  nReporters = length( reporters )
  # Coerce to logical
  ancestries = ancestries == TRUE
  # The final outcome will have this list-of-pointers representation
  rList = NULL #as.list( rep( NULL, nReporters ) )
  #names( rList ) = reporters
  # The pointers will point into the list-of-lists where you have
  # each actor represented by a list of versions, defined by the actor's ancestry
  aList = list()
  #names( aList ) = actors
  for ( r in 1:nReporters ){
    # First, infer parents from ancestry.
    parents = ancestries[,n+1,r]
    done = any( parents )
    for ( i in 1:n ){
      if ( parents[i] ){
        if ( any( ancestries[i,1:n,r] & !logicVector( n, i ) & parents ) )
          parents[i] = FALSE
    # Now, parenthood is going to become "pointers" into a list-of-lists,
    # representing the multiple parent versions.
    pointers = matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2)
    colnames(pointers) = c("gene","version")
    #print( parents )
    for ( parent in which( parents == TRUE ) ){
      actorDescriptor = NULL
      if ( length( aList ) >= parent ){
        actorDescriptor = aList[[parent]]
      # Try to find parent in aList
      # First get the identifying ancestry matrix for parent
      parent.ancestry = ancestries[1:n,1:n,r]
      parent.ancestry[,!ancestries[,parent,r]] = FALSE
      # Then compare it to every identifying matrix in aList
      ver = 1
      for ( item in actorDescriptor ){
        if ( all( item == parent.ancestry ) )
        ver = ver + 1
      if ( ver > length( actorDescriptor ) )
        actorDescriptor[[ver]] = parent.ancestry
      aList[[parent]] = actorDescriptor
      pointers = rbind(pointers,c(parent,ver))
    rList[[reporters[r]]] = pointers
  # Now get actors to point at actor versions too
  aPtrList = NULL
  for ( a in 1:n ){
    vList = NULL
    for ( ver in 1:length( aList[[a]] ) ){
      pList = matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2)
      colnames( pList ) = c("gene","version")
      ancestry = aList[[a]][[ver]]
      for ( ancestor in which( ancestry[,a] ) ){
        if ( ancestor != a ){
          # Try and find the right version
          v2 = 1
          for ( prof in aList[[ancestor]] ){
            profile_vector = prof[,prof[,ancestor]]
            ancestry_vector = ancestry[,ancestry[,ancestor]]
            if ( length( profile_vector ) == length( ancestry_vector ) &&
                 all( profile_vector == ancestry_vector ) )
            v2 = v2 + 1
          pList = rbind( pList, c(ancestor,v2) )
      vList[[ver]] = pList
    aPtrList[actors[a]] = list(vList)
  #names(aPtrList) = actors
  return ( list( reporter.pointers = rList, actor.ptrs = aPtrList, actor.specs = aList ) )

#' Turn graph into edge-node representation
cytoscapeThatGraph = function( customResult ){
  displayed.names = vector(mode = "character")
  unique.names = vector(mode = "character")
  duplication.id = vector(mode = "numeric")
  edge.source = vector(mode = "character")
  edge.target = vector(mode = "character")
  actors = names( customResult$actor.ptrs )
  reporters = names( customResult$reporter.pointers )
  # For readability we'll use indeces to grow vectors
  j = 0 # Node table index
  k = 0 # Edge table index
  for ( i in 1:length( actors ) ){
    for ( ver in 1:length( customResult$actor.ptrs[[i]] ) ){
      j = j + 1
      displayed.names[j] = actors[i]
      unique.names[j] = paste0( actors[i], "(", ver, ")" )
      duplication.id[j] = ver
      parents = customResult$actor.ptrs[[i]][[ver]]
      rows = dim( parents )[1]
      if ( rows > 0 ) for ( row in 1:rows ){
        k = k + 1
        edge.source[k] = paste0( actors[parents[row,1]], "(", parents[row,2], ")" )
        edge.target[k] = unique.names[j]
  displayed.names = c( displayed.names, reporters )
  unique.names = c( unique.names, reporters )
  duplication.id = c( duplication.id, rep( 0, length( reporters ) ) )
  for ( i in 1:length( reporters ) ){
    parents = customResult$reporter.pointers[[i]]
    rows = dim( parents )[1]
    if ( rows > 0 ) for ( row in 1:rows ){
      k = k + 1
      edge.source[k] = paste0( actors[parents[row,1]], "(", parents[row,2], ")" )
      edge.target[k] = reporters[i]
  nodes = data.frame( uid = unique.names, label = displayed.names, copy = duplication.id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  edges = data.frame( src = edge.source, dst = edge.target, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  return( list( edges = edges, nodes = nodes ) )

###################### End November 11, 2015 ########################

#' Inclusive ancestry of the square part of the matrix
inclusive.ancestry = function(network) {
  # Get square part of network
  rows = nrow( network )
  cols = ncol( network )
  n = min( rows, cols )
  # Add self-ancestry
  ancestry = network[1:n,1:n] | diag(n)
    old.ancestry = ancestry
    for (node in 1:n) {
      ancestry[,node] = apply(as.matrix(ancestry[,ancestry[,node]]),1,any)
    if( all(ancestry == old.ancestry) ) { return(ancestry) }

#' Data prep help: get log probability from log-odds
lprob.from.lods = function( lods ){
  result = lods - log1p( exp( lods ) )
  result[ lods == Inf ] = 0
  return( result )

#' And the backwards conversion
lprob2lods = function( lprob ){
  lprob - log1mexp( lprob )

#' Data prep help: check that element-wise signs match on two vectors
signs.match = function( a, b ){ sign(a)==sign(b) }

#' Compute log(1-exp(x)) accurately.
#' Based on "Accurately Computing log(1-exp(-|a|))" by Martin Mächler
log1mexp = function(x){
  if ( length(x) < 1 ) return( numeric(0) )
  if ( length(x) > 1 ){
    result = log(-expm1(x))
    calculate.differently = is.finite(x) & (x < log(2))
    result[calculate.differently] = log1p(-exp(x[calculate.differently]))
  } else {
    if( is.na(x) )
    else if( x < log(2) )

#' Utility for output
#' Convert adjacency matrix to cytoscape edge list
edgesFromMatrix = function(
  nodeNames =
      1:max(dim(adjacency)) )
  indeces = which( adjacency, arr.ind=TRUE )
  sources = nodeNames[indeces[,1]]
  targets = nodeNames[indeces[,2]]

  # return
  data.frame( source=sources, target=targets, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )

#' How to score an edge toggle
score.edge.toggles.old <- function( network, lprobs, score=score.network(network,lprobs) ){
  # Naive hackery:
  # Just score every move the old fashioned way
  toggle.scores <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(network), ncol=ncol(network))
  for( i in 1:length(network) ){
    new.network <- network
    new.network[i] <- !network[i]
    toggle.scores[i] <- score.network(new.network,lprobs) - score
sverchkov/bionetwork documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:48 p.m.