
Defines functions plot.synthdid_estimate synthdid_rmse_plot synthdid_units_plot synthdid_placebo_plot synthdid_plot

Documented in plot.synthdid_estimate synthdid_placebo_plot synthdid_plot synthdid_rmse_plot synthdid_units_plot

#' Plots treated and synthetic control trajectories and overlays a 2x2 diff-in-diff diagram of our estimator.
#' In this overlay, the treatment effect is indicated by an arrow.
#' The weights lambda defining our synthetic pre-treatment time period are plotted below.
#' If a list of estimates is passed, plots all of them. By default, does this in different facets.
#' To overlay estimates in the same facet, indicate a facet for each estimator in the argument 'facet'.
#' For SC estimates, i.e., if lambda is a vector of zeros, plots the trajectories and SC estimate of the effect, but no diagram.
#' Requires ggplot2
#' Due to differences between ggplot and ggplotly, this will warn about an unknown aesthetic frame.
#' @param estimates, a list of estimates output by synthdid_estimate. Or a single estimate.
#' @param treated.name, the name of the treated curve that appears in the legend. Defaults to 'treated'
#' @param control.name, the name of the control curve that appears in the legend. Defaults to 'synthetic control'
#' @param spaghetti.units, a list of units to plot individually. spaghetti.unit %in% rownames(Y) must work. Defaults to the empty list.
#' @param spaghetti.matrices, a list of matrices --- one for each element of estimates --- of trajectories to plot individually.
#'        The rows of these matrices should be the same length as the trajectories in Y 
#'        and they must be named --- set rownames(spaghetti.trajectories\[\[i\]\]) --- so trajectories can be labeled in the plot.
#' @param facet, a list of the same length as estimates indicating the facet in which to plot each estimate.
#'        The values of the elements of the list are used to label the facets.
#'        If NULL, plot each estimate in a different facet. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param facet.vertical, TRUE if facets should be stacked vertically. Defaults to FALSE (horizonal).
#' @param lambda.comparable, TRUE if the weights lambda should be plotted in such a way that the ribbons
#'        have the same mass from plot to plot, assuming the treated curve is the same. Useful for side-by-side or overlaid plots.
#' 	  Defaults to FALSE if facet is not passed, TRUE if passed.
#' @param overlay, a number in \[0,1\] defaulting to 0, can be used to shift the control trajectory toward the treated trajectory.
#'        When a nonzero value is passed, we plot the control after subtracting
#'        that fraction of the diff-in-diff style adjustment for the difference between lambda-weighted pre-treatment averages of the treated and control.
#'        With intercept of almost one, this makes it easier to assess parallel-ness by making trajectories closer
#'        With intercept of one, this essentially overlays the curves, and plotting a diagram is suppressed as in the case of a SC estimate.
#'	  To use different values for different plots, pass these values as an attribute 'overlay' of each estimate.
#'        If a vector is passed, plots at different intercept levels indicated by the 'frame' aesthetic. ggplotly will interpret this as an animation.
#' @param lambda.plot.scale determines the scale of the plot of the weights lambda.
#' @param trajectory.linetype, the linetype of the treated and synthetic control trajectories
#' @param effect.curvature, the curvature of the arrows indicating the treatment effect. Defaults to zero.
#'        Nonzero values help avoid overplotting when plotting multiple estimates in one facet.
#' @param line.width the line width.
#' @param guide.linetype determines the (ggplot) linetype of the vertical segments of the parallelogram
#' @param point.size determines the size of the points of the parallelogram
#' @param trajectory.alpha determines transparency of trajectories
#' @param diagram.alpha determines transparency of diff-in-diff diagram
#' @param effect.alpha determines transparency of effect arrows
#' @param onset.alpha determines transparency of vertical lines indicating onset of treatment
#' @param ci.alpha determines transparency of the arrows illustrating upper and lower bounds of a 95% confidence interval for the effect
#' @param spaghetti.line.width determines the width of spaghetti trajectories
#' @param spaghetti.label.size determines the size of spaghetti labels
#' @param spaghetti.line.alpha determines transparency of spaghetti trajectories
#' @param spaghetti.label.alpha determines transparency of spaghetti trajectory labels
#' @param se.method determines the method used to calculate the standard error used for this confidence interval. if 'none', don't show the interval
#' @param alpha.multiplier, a vector of the same length as estimates, is useful for comparing multiple estimates in
#'        one facet but highlighting one or several. All plot elements associated with the estimate are displayed
#'        with alpha multiplied by the corresponding element of alpha.multiplier. Defaults to a vector of ones.
#' @export synthdid_plot
synthdid_plot = function(estimates, treated.name = 'treated', control.name = 'synthetic control', 
			 spaghetti.units = c(), spaghetti.matrices = NULL,
                         facet = NULL, facet.vertical = TRUE, lambda.comparable = !is.null(facet), overlay = 0,
                         lambda.plot.scale = 3, trajectory.linetype = 1, effect.curvature = .3, line.width = .5, guide.linetype = 2, point.size = 1,
                         trajectory.alpha = .5, diagram.alpha = .95, effect.alpha = .95, onset.alpha = .3, ci.alpha=.3,
			 spaghetti.line.width = .2, spaghetti.label.size = 2, 
			 spaghetti.line.alpha = .3, spaghetti.label.alpha = .5,
			 se.method='jackknife', alpha.multiplier = NULL) {
  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    .ignore <- tryCatch(attachNamespace("ggplot2"), error = function(e) e)
  } else {
    stop("Plotting requires the package `ggplot2`. Install it to use this function.")
  if (class(estimates) == 'synthdid_estimate') { estimates = list(estimates) }
  if (is.null(names(estimates))) { names(estimates) = sprintf('estimate %d', 1:length(estimates)) }
  if (is.null(alpha.multiplier)) { alpha.multiplier = rep(1, length(estimates)) }
  if (!is.null(spaghetti.matrices) && length(spaghetti.matrices) != length(estimates)) { stop('spaghetti.matrices must be the same length as estimates') }
  multiple.frames = length(overlay) > 1
  treated = 1
  control = 2
  groups = factor(c(control, treated), labels = c(control.name, treated.name))
  estimate.factors = factor(1:(length(estimates) + 1), labels = c(treated.name, names(estimates)))
  facet_factors = if (is.null(facet)) {
    factor(1:length(estimates), labels = names(estimates))
  } else {
    factor(facet, levels = 1:length(unique(facet)), labels = unique(facet))
  grid = expand.grid(estimate = 1:length(estimates), overlay = 1:length(overlay))
  plot.descriptions = lapply(1:nrow(grid), function(row) {
    est = estimates[[grid$estimate[row]]]
    over = overlay[grid$overlay[row]]
    se = if(se.method == 'none') { NA } else { sqrt(vcov(est, method=se.method)) }
    setup = attr(est, 'setup')
    weights = attr(est, 'weights')
    Y = setup$Y - contract3(setup$X, weights$beta)
    N0 = setup$N0; N1 = nrow(Y) - N0
    T0 = setup$T0; T1 = ncol(Y) - T0

    lambda.synth = c(weights$lambda, rep(0, T1))
    lambda.target = c(rep(0, T0), rep(1 / T1, T1))
    omega.synth = c(weights$omega, rep(0, N1))
    omega.target = c(rep(0, N0), rep(1 / N1, N1))

    # pull estimate-specific overlay from attribute if present
    # if we're given a synthetic control estimate or overlay is one, take note: we'll plot it differently
    if (!is.null(attr(est, 'overlay'))) { over = attr(est, 'overlay') } 
    is.sc = all(weights$lambda == 0) || over==1

    intercept.offset = over * c((omega.target - omega.synth) %*% Y %*% lambda.synth)
    obs.trajectory = as.numeric(omega.target %*% Y)
    syn.trajectory = as.numeric(omega.synth %*% Y) + intercept.offset
    spaghetti.trajectories = Y[rownames(Y) %in% spaghetti.units, , drop=FALSE] 
    if(!is.null(spaghetti.matrices)) {
	more.spaghetti.trajectories = spaghetti.matrices[[grid$estimate[row]]]	
	if(ncol(more.spaghetti.trajectories) != ncol(Y)) { stop('The elements of spaghetti.matrices must be matrices with the same number of columns as Y') }
	if(is.null(rownames(more.spaghetti.trajectories))) { stop('The elements of the list spaghetti.matrices must have named rows') }
	spaghetti.trajectories = rbind(spaghetti.trajectories, more.spaghetti.trajectories)

    treated.post = omega.target %*% Y %*% lambda.target
    treated.pre = omega.target %*% Y %*% lambda.synth
    control.post = omega.synth %*% Y %*% lambda.target + intercept.offset
    control.pre = omega.synth %*% Y %*% lambda.synth + intercept.offset
    sdid.post = as.numeric(control.post + treated.pre - control.pre)

    time = as.numeric(timesteps(Y))
    if (length(time) == 0 || !all(is.finite(time))) { time = 1:(T0 + T1) }
    pre.time = lambda.synth %*% time
    post.time = lambda.target %*% time

    # construct objects on graph
    lines = data.frame(x = rep(time, 2),
      y = c(obs.trajectory, syn.trajectory),
      color = rep(groups[c(treated, control)], each = length(time)))
    points = data.frame(x = c(post.time, post.time), y = c(treated.post, sdid.post), color = groups[c(treated, control)])
    did.points = data.frame(x = c(pre.time, pre.time, post.time, post.time),
      y = c(treated.pre, control.pre, control.post, treated.post),
      color = groups[c(treated, control, control, treated)])
    did.segments = data.frame(x = c(pre.time, pre.time),
      xend = c(post.time, post.time),
      y = c(control.pre, treated.pre),
      yend = c(control.post, treated.post),
      color = groups[c(control, treated)])
    hallucinated.segments = data.frame(x = pre.time, xend = post.time, y = treated.pre, yend = sdid.post)
    guide.segments = data.frame(x = c(pre.time, post.time),
      xend = c(pre.time, post.time),
      y = c(control.pre, control.post),
      yend = c(treated.pre, sdid.post))
    arrows = data.frame(x = post.time, xend = post.time, y = sdid.post, yend = treated.post, 
	xscale = max(time) - post.time, color = groups[control])
    ub.arrows = data.frame(x = post.time, xend = post.time, y = sdid.post + 1.96*se, yend = treated.post, 
	xscale = max(time) - post.time, color = groups[control])
    lb.arrows = data.frame(x = post.time, xend = post.time, y = sdid.post - 1.96*se, yend = treated.post, 
	xscale = max(time) - post.time, color = groups[control])
    spaghetti.lines = data.frame(x=rep(time, nrow(spaghetti.trajectories)),
				 unit=rep(rownames(spaghetti.trajectories), each=length(time)))
    spaghetti.labels = data.frame(x=rep(time[1], nrow(spaghetti.trajectories)),

    T0s = attr(est, 'T0s')
    if (!is.null(T0s)) {
      vlines = data.frame(xintercept = time[T0s])
    } else {
      vlines = data.frame(xintercept = time[T0])

    if (lambda.comparable) {
      height = (max(c(obs.trajectory)) - min(c(obs.trajectory))) / lambda.plot.scale
      bottom = min(c(obs.trajectory)) - height
      ribbons = data.frame(x = time[1:T0], ymin = rep(bottom, T0), ymax = bottom + height * lambda.synth[1:T0], color = groups[control])
    } else {
      height = (max(c(obs.trajectory, syn.trajectory)) - min(c(obs.trajectory, syn.trajectory))) / lambda.plot.scale
      bottom = min(c(obs.trajectory, syn.trajectory)) - height
      ribbons = data.frame(x = time[1:T0], ymin = rep(bottom, T0), ymax = bottom + height * lambda.synth[1:T0] / max(lambda.synth), color = groups[control])
    elements = list(lines = lines, points = points, did.segments = did.segments, did.points = did.points,
      hallucinated.segments = hallucinated.segments, guide.segments = guide.segments,
      arrows = arrows, lb.arrows = lb.arrows, ub.arrows = ub.arrows, spaghetti.lines=spaghetti.lines, spaghetti.labels=spaghetti.labels,
      vlines = vlines, ribbons = ribbons)
    lapply(elements, function(x) {
      if(nrow(x) > 0) { 
	x$frame = over
	x$is.sc = is.sc
	x$estimate = estimate.factors[grid$estimate[row] + 1] # offset because the treated pseudo-estimate factor is first

  one.per.facet = length(unique(facet_factors)) == length(facet_factors)
  concatenate.field = function(field) {
    do.call(rbind, lapply(plot.descriptions, function(desc) {
      element = desc[[field]]
      estimate.factor = element$estimate[1]
      element$facet = facet_factors[as.integer(estimate.factor) - 1] # offset because the treated pseudo-estimate factor is first
      element$show = alpha.multiplier[as.integer(element$estimate) - 1] # "
      element$show[element$color == groups[treated]] = 1 # show treated observations
      # if there are multiple plots per facet, color by estimator rather than by treatment/control
      # make all treated observations the same color, assuming that we're using only one treated observation per facet
      if (!one.per.facet && 'color' %in% colnames(element)) {
        color = element$estimate
        color[element$color == groups[treated]] = estimate.factors[1] # treated `estimate factor'
        element$color = color
      # if there are multiple plots per facet, curve treatment effect arrows so they don't lie on top of one another
  conc = lapply(names(plot.descriptions[[1]]), concatenate.field)
  names(conc) = names(plot.descriptions[[1]])
  no.sc = function(x) { x[!x$is.sc, ] }
  # invoke the geom with 'frame=frame' included in the aesthetic only if there are multiple frames
  # This cuts down on warnings without restricting function.
  #   ggplotly understands frame and uses it to create animations if there are multiple
  #   ggplot2's display doesn't and warns 'ignoring unknown aesthetic' if you include it
  # returns geom(aes, data=data, ...) where aes=base.aes if there's a single frame
  #					    aes=(base.aes, frame=frame) if there's more than one
  with.frame = function(geom, base.aes, data, ...) {
	new.aes = if(multiple.frames) { modifyList(base.aes, aes(frame=frame)) } else { base.aes } 
	do.call(geom, c(list(new.aes, data=data), list(...))) 

  p = ggplot() +
    with.frame(geom_line, aes(x = x, y = y, color = color, alpha = trajectory.alpha * show), data = conc$lines, 
	linetype = trajectory.linetype, size = line.width) +
    with.frame(geom_point, aes(x = x, y = y, color = color, alpha = diagram.alpha * show), data = conc$points, 
	shape = 21, size = point.size) +
    with.frame(geom_point, aes(x = x, y = y, color = color, alpha = diagram.alpha * show), data = no.sc(conc$did.points), 
	size = point.size) +
    with.frame(geom_segment, aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, color = color, alpha = diagram.alpha * show), data = no.sc(conc$did.segments), 
	size = line.width) +
    with.frame(geom_segment, aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, group = estimate, alpha = .6 * diagram.alpha * show), data = no.sc(conc$hallucinated.segments), 
	linetype = guide.linetype, size = line.width, color = 'black') +
    with.frame(geom_segment, aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, group = estimate, alpha = .5 * diagram.alpha * show), data = no.sc(conc$guide.segments), 
	size = line.width, linetype = guide.linetype, color = 'black') +
    geom_vline(aes(xintercept = xintercept, alpha = onset.alpha * show), data = conc$vlines, 
	size = line.width, color = 'black') +
    geom_ribbon(aes(x = x, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, group = color, fill = color, alpha = .5 * diagram.alpha * show),  data = no.sc(conc$ribbons), 
	color = 'black', size = line.width, show.legend = FALSE) +
    geom_curve(aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, alpha = effect.alpha * show), data = conc$arrows, 
    	curvature = effect.curvature, color = 'black', size = line.width, arrow = arrow(length = unit(.2, 'cm'))) + 
    geom_curve(aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, alpha = ci.alpha * show), data = conc$ub.arrows, na.rm=TRUE,
	curvature = effect.curvature, color = 'black', size = line.width, arrow = arrow(length = unit(.2, 'cm'))) + 
    geom_curve(aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, alpha = ci.alpha * show), data = conc$lb.arrows, na.rm=TRUE, 
	curvature = effect.curvature, color = 'black', size = line.width, arrow = arrow(length = unit(.2, 'cm')))
    # plot spaghetti if there is any
    if(nrow(conc$spaghetti.labels) > 0) {
	p = p + geom_text(aes(x=x, y=y, label = unit, alpha = spaghetti.label.alpha * show), data = conc$spaghetti.labels,
		    color='black', size=spaghetti.label.size) + 
		geom_line(aes(x=x, y=y, group = unit, alpha = spaghetti.line.alpha * show),  data = conc$spaghetti.lines,
		    color='black', size=spaghetti.line.width) 

  # facet if we want multiple facets
  if (!all(conc$lines$facet == conc$lines$facet[1])) {
    if (facet.vertical) { p = p + facet_grid(facet ~ ., scales = 'free_y') }
    else { p = p + facet_grid(. ~ facet) }
  # if only one estimate per facet, exclude estimate-denoting linetype from legend
  if (is.null(facet)) { p = p + guides(linetype = 'none') }

  # if timesteps(Y) is a date, the x coordinates in our plot are as.numeric(timesteps(Y))
  # that's in units of days since the unix epoch: 1970-01-01
  # to improve readability, display ticks as Dates
  p = tryCatch({
    as.Date(colnames(attr(estimates[[1]], 'setup')$Y))
    p + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(time) { as.Date(time, origin = '1970-01-01') })
  }, error = function(e) { p })

  p + xlab('') + ylab('') + labs(color = '', fill = '') + scale_alpha(guide = 'none') +
    theme_light() + theme(legend.direction = "horizontal", legend.position = "top")

#' For our estimator and a placebo, plots treated and synthetic control trajectories and overlays a 2x2 diff-in-diff diagram.
#' Requires ggplot2
#' @param estimate, as output by synthdid_estimate.
#' @param overlay, binary, indicates whether plots should be overlaid or shown in different facets. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param treated.fraction as in synthdid_placebo
#' @export synthdid_placebo_plot
synthdid_placebo_plot = function(estimate, overlay = FALSE, treated.fraction = NULL) {
  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    .ignore <- tryCatch(attachNamespace("ggplot2"), error = function(e) e)
  } else {
    stop("Plotting requires the package `ggplot2`. Install it to use this function.")
  estimates = list(estimate = estimate, placebo = synthdid_placebo(estimate, treated.fraction = treated.fraction))
  synthdid_plot(estimates, facet = if (overlay) { c(1, 1) } else { NULL })

#' Plots unit by unit difference-in-differences. Dot size indicates the weights omega_i
#' used in the average that yields our treatment effect estimate. 
#' This estimate and endpoints of a 95% CI are plotted as horizontal lines.
#' Requires ggplot2
#' @param estimates as output by synthdid_estimate. Can be a single one or a list of them.
#' @param negligible.threshold Unit weight threshold below which units are plotted as small, transparent xs instead of circles. Defaults to .001.
#' @param negligible.alpha Determines transparency of those xs.
#' @param se.method the method used to calculate standard errors for the CI. See vcov.synthdid_estimate. 
#'        Defaults to 'jackknife' for speed. If 'none', don't plot a CI.
#' @param units a list of control units --- elements of rownames(Y) --- to plot differences for. Defaults to NULL, meaning all of them.
#' @export synthdid_units_plot
synthdid_units_plot = function(estimates, negligible.threshold = .001, negligible.alpha = .3, se.method='jackknife', units=NULL) {
  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    .ignore <- tryCatch(attachNamespace("ggplot2"), error = function(e) e)
  } else {
    stop("Plotting requires the package `ggplot2`. Install it to use this function.")
  if (class(estimates) == 'synthdid_estimate') { estimates = list(estimates) }
  if (is.null(names(estimates))) { names(estimates) = sprintf('estimate %d', 1:length(estimates)) }
  plot.data = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(estimates), function(ee) {
    estimate = estimates[[ee]]
    setup = attr(estimate, 'setup')
    weights = attr(estimate, 'weights')
    Y = setup$Y - contract3(setup$X, weights$beta)
    N0 = setup$N0; N1 = nrow(Y) - N0
    T0 = setup$T0; T1 = ncol(Y) - T0

    lambda.pre = c(weights$lambda, rep(0, T1))
    lambda.post = c(rep(0, T0), rep(1 / T1, T1))
    omega.control = c(weights$omega, rep(0, N1))
    omega.treat = c(rep(0, N0), rep(1 / N1, N1))
    difs = as.vector(t(omega.treat) %*% Y %*% (lambda.post - lambda.pre)) - as.vector(Y[1:N0, ] %*% (lambda.post - lambda.pre))
    se = if (se.method == 'none') { NA } else { sqrt(vcov(estimate, method=se.method)) }
    include.units = if(is.null(units)) { 1:N0 } else { which(rownames(Y)[1:N0] %in% units) }
    data.frame(y = difs[include.units], unit = rownames(Y)[include.units], weight = omega.control[include.units],
      estimate = c(estimate), se = se, estimator = names(estimates)[[ee]])
  p = ggplot(plot.data) +
    geom_point(aes(x = unit, y = y, size = weight), data = plot.data[plot.data$weight > negligible.threshold, ]) +
    geom_point(aes(x = unit, y = y, size = weight), data = plot.data[plot.data$weight <= negligible.threshold, ], alpha = negligible.alpha, shape = 4, show.legend = FALSE) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = estimate), size = .75)
  if (!all(is.na(plot.data$se))) {
    p = p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = estimate - 1.96 * se), size = .5, alpha = .5) +
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept = estimate + 1.96 * se), size = .5, alpha = .5)
  p + facet_grid(. ~ estimator) + xlab('') + ylab('') + guides(shape = 'none') +
    theme_light() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

#' A diagnostic plot for sc.weight.fw.covariates. Plots the objective function, regularized RMSE,
#' as a function of the number of Frank-Wolfe / Gradient steps taken.
#' Requires ggplot2
#' @param estimates, a list of estimates output by synthdid_estimate. Or a single estimate.
#' @export synthdid_rmse_plot
synthdid_rmse_plot = function(estimates) { # pass an estimate or list of estimates
  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    .ignore <- tryCatch(attachNamespace("ggplot2"), error = function(e) e)
  } else {
    stop("Plotting requires the package `ggplot2`. Install it to use this function.")
  if (class(estimates) == 'synthdid_estimate') { estimates = list(estimates) }
  if (is.null(names(estimates))) { names(estimates) = sprintf('estimate %d', 1:length(estimates)) }
  rmse = lapply(estimates, function(est) { sqrt(attr(est, 'weights')$vals) })
  plot.data = data.frame(rmse = unlist(rmse),
    iteration = unlist(lapply(rmse, function(vals) { 1:length(vals) })),
    method = unlist(mapply(function(vals, name) { rep(factor(name), length(vals)) }, rmse, names(estimates), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
  ggplot(plot.data[!is.na(plot.data$rmse), ]) + geom_line(aes(x = iteration, y = rmse, color = method)) + scale_y_log10() +
    theme_light() + theme(legend.direction = "horizontal", legend.position = "top") + labs(color = '')

#' Plot a synthdid object
#' @param x The object to plot
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @method plot synthdid_estimate
#' @export
plot.synthdid_estimate = function(x, ...) {
  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    .ignore <- tryCatch(attachNamespace("ggplot2"), error = function(e) e)
  } else {
    stop("Plotting requires the package `ggplot2`. Install it to use this function.")
  synthdid_plot(x, ...)
synth-inference/synthdid documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 7:21 a.m.