
# By Alexandre Bureau

RVsharing.fn = function(id, dad.id, mom.id,carriers)

N = length(id)
# vector of indices of final descendants
fdi = which(!(id%in%dad.id | id%in%mom.id))
nfd = length(fdi)
if (nfd < 2) stop("There are fewer than 2 descendants for which to compute a rare variant sharing probability.")
if (!missing(carriers))
	missc = setdiff(carriers,id)
	if(length(missc)>0) stop(missc," not in pedigree.")
	# Check all carriers are non-founders
  names(dad.id) = id
  if (any(is.na(dad.id[as.character(carriers)])))
    stop ("Carriers ",carriers[is.na(dad.id[as.character(carriers)])]," are founders. This is not supported by RVsharing.")

# Getting the depth of each subject in the pedigree
dv = kindepth(id, dad.id, mom.id)
# Number of founders
Nf = sum(dv==0)

ped_datastruct = function(fdi,dv)
nfd = length(fdi)
md = max(dv)
# List of distance to founders of each final descendant
desfounders = list()
# List of list of final descendants and intermediate ancestors below each founder below each ancestor
foundersdegreedes = list()
# List of each descendant of a founder who is an intermediate ancestor (others are NAs)
iancestor.as.descendant = list()
# List of intermediate ancestors
iancestors = character(0)
# Number of founders below each intermediate ancestor
iancestors.Nf = numeric(0)
# List of vectors of degrees of relatedness of final descendants below each intermediate ancestor
ancestorsdegreedes = list()
# List of intermediate ancestors on the current pedigree degree
lev.ia = list()
# ia: intermediate ancestors index
# lia: reverse level index from 1 at lev = md-1 to md-1 at lev=1
ia = lia = 1

# Collecting the degrees between the sequenced children, the founders and the intermediate ancestors
degvec = numeric(nfd)
currentnonfounders = currentfounders = character(nfd)
active = rep(TRUE,nfd) 

# Initializing the currentnonfounders vector with the final descendants or carriers at the deepest level
currentnonfounders[dv[fdi]==md] = id[fdi][dv[fdi]==md]

# Loop from highest to lowest depth
if (md > 1)
for (lev in (md-1):1)
  # Incrementing D for final descendants and intermediate ancestors
  degvec[dv[fdi]>lev&active] = degvec[dv[fdi]>lev&active] + 1
  # Listing ancestors at current depth of final descendants and intermediate ancestors
  # Loop over final descendants and intermediate ancestors with depth greater than current depth
  for (i in (1:nfd)[dv[fdi]>lev&active])
    # The currentnonfounders are those from the previous level
    currentdad=dad.id[id == currentnonfounders[i]]
    currentmom=mom.id[id == currentnonfounders[i]]  
    # Identify non-founder among mom and dad
    currentnonfounders[i] = ifelse(is.na(dad.id[id == currentdad]),currentmom,currentdad)
    # Identify founder among mom and dad
    currentfounders[i] = ifelse(is.na(dad.id[id == currentdad]),currentdad,currentmom)
  # Adding final descendants at the current level to the currentnonfounders for the next level
  currentnonfounders[dv[fdi]==lev] = id[fdi][dv[fdi]==lev]

  # Checking if there is an intermediate ancestor with more than one descendant at the current level
  tab.currentnonfounders = table(currentnonfounders[currentnonfounders>0&active])
  # If there is more than one, stop because it is not implemented
  # if (sum(tab.currentnonfounders>1) > 1) stop ("More than one intermediate ancestor at the same level with two or more descendant")
  # If there is any intermediate ancestor with more than one descendant at the current level
  if (any(tab.currentnonfounders>1))
    lev.ia[[lia]] = names(tab.currentnonfounders)[tab.currentnonfounders>1]
    iancestors = c(iancestors,lev.ia[[lia]])
    for (i in which(iancestors %in% lev.ia[[lia]]))
    # Adding the degrees of final descendants below the current intermediate ancestor to his list
    ancestorsdegreedes[[i]] = degvec[currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active]
    names(ancestorsdegreedes[[i]]) = id[fdi][currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active]
    # Include degrees between spouse and final descendants in list of ancestors  (assumes only one spouse)
    foundersdegreedes[[i]] = list(degvec[currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active])
    # Setting indicator of whether the descendant is the previous intermediate ancestor
    if (ia>1)
#      if (length(lev.ia[[lia-1]])>1) stop ("More than one subject at level ",lev," with two or more descendants (intermediate ancestors).")
#      iancestor.as.descendant[[i]] = list(id[fdi][currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active] == iancestors[ia-1])
	   iancestor.as.descendant[[i]] = list(ifelse(id[fdi][currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active] %in% lev.ia[[lia-1]],id[fdi][currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active],NA))
      # Recording number of founders below intermediate ancestor
    else iancestor.as.descendant[[i]] = list(rep(NA,length(foundersdegreedes[[i]][[1]])))
    # Include previous ancestors of final descendants if any
    if (any(names(desfounders) %in% id[fdi][currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active]))
      ii = 1
      tmp = desfounders[names(desfounders) %in% id[fdi][currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]&active]]
      # Loop over final descendants 
      # check whether this is correct with more than one intermediate ancestors on the same level
      for (k in 1:length(tmp))
        foundersdegreedes[[i]][(ii+1):(ii+length(tmp[[k]]))] = tmp[[k]]
        # Recording whether the descendant of all ancestors in tmp[[k]] is the previous intermediate ancestor
 		if (ia>1)
        iancestor.as.descendant[[i]][(ii+1):(ii+length(tmp[[k]]))] = list(ifelse(names(tmp)[k] %in% lev.ia[[lia-1]],names(tmp)[k], NA))
        else iancestor.as.descendant[[i]][(ii+1):(ii+length(tmp[[k]]))] = NA
        ii = ii + length(tmp[[k]])
        # Adding spouse of intermediate ancestor to list of founders of current final descendant
      iancestors.Nf[i] = ifelse(any(!is.na(unlist(iancestor.as.descendant[[i]]))),iancestors.Nf[ia-1],0) + length(iancestor.as.descendant[[i]])
  # Adding the current founder ancestral to each final descendants to his list of founders
  if (length(currentfounders[currentfounders>0][!is.na(currentfounders)])>0)
    for (i in (1:nfd)[dv[fdi]>lev&active])
      # If there are at least i elements in desfounders
      if (length(desfounders)>=i)
        desfounders[[i]][length(desfounders[[i]])+1] = degvec[i]
        # Keeping the name of the founder
        names(desfounders[[i]])[length(desfounders[[i]])] = currentfounders[i]
        desfounders[[i]] = list(degvec[i])
        names(desfounders[[i]])[1] = currentfounders[i]
      # Assigning the ID of the subject as name
      names(desfounders)[i] = id[fdi][i]
  # Finishing processing the current intermediate ancestor if there is one
  if (any(tab.currentnonfounders>1))
    for (i in which(iancestors %in% lev.ia[[lia]]))
    # Turning these final descendants to inactive
    active[currentnonfounders==iancestors[i]] = FALSE
    # Removing spouse(s) of intermediate ancestor from currentfounders 
    # Note: the spouse(s) have the same positions in the currentfounders vector as the 
    # intermediate ancestor in the currentnonfounders vector
    currentfounders = currentfounders[currentnonfounders != iancestors[i]]
    # Adding the intermediate ancestor to the vector of subjects with a degree
    if (any(id==iancestors[i]))
    nfd = nfd + 1
    fdi[nfd] = which(id==iancestors[i])
    degvec[nfd] = 0
    active[nfd] = TRUE
    # Adding the intermediate ancestor to the vector of currentnonfounders
    currentnonfounders[nfd] = iancestors[i]
    # Incrementing ia
    ia = ia + length(lev.ia[[lia]])
    lia = lia + 1
# Depth 0: there should be at most 2 founders common to all subjects
# We assign one of them as a dummy "intermediate" ancestor
# Incrementing D for final descendants and intermediate ancestors
degvec[active] = degvec[active] + 1
# Listing ancestors at current depth of final descendants and intermediate ancestors
# The currentnonfounders are those from the previous level
currentdads=dad.id[id %in% currentnonfounders[active]]
currentmoms=mom.id[id %in% currentnonfounders[active]]

# The dummy intermediate ancestor has all founders below him (except himself)
iancestors.Nf[ia] = Nf - 1 
# If all subjects have the same dad, use him as last ancestor
if (all(currentdads==currentdads[1]))
  iancestors[ia] = currentdads[1]
  currentfounders = currentmoms
# else if all subjects have the same mom, use her as last ancestor
  if (all(currentmoms==currentmoms[1])) 
    iancestors[ia] = currentmoms[1]
    currentfounders = currentdads
# else there is no common ancestor, and the probability of sharing is 0
  else return (0)
    # Adding the degrees of final descendants below the current intermediate ancestor to his list
    ancestorsdegreedes[[ia]] = degvec[active]
    names(ancestorsdegreedes[[ia]]) = id[fdi][active]
    # Include first spouse in list of ancestors
    spousevec = unique(currentfounders)
    foundersdegreedes[[ia]]= list(degvec[active][currentfounders==spousevec[1]])
    # Setting indicator of whether the descendant is one of the intermediate ancestors at the previous level
    if (ia>1)
      iancestor.as.descendant[[ia]] = list(ifelse(id[fdi[active]][currentfounders==spousevec[1]] %in% lev.ia[[lia-1]],id[fdi[active]][currentfounders==spousevec[1]],NA))
    else iancestor.as.descendant[[ia]] = list(rep(NA,length(foundersdegreedes[[ia]][[1]])))
    # Add additional spouses if any
    # Warning! This is going to work only if all previous intermediate ancestors are under the same spouse
      for (i in 2:length(spousevec))
        foundersdegreedes[[ia]][[i]] = degvec[active][currentfounders==spousevec[i]]
        if (ia>1)
          iancestor.as.descendant[[ia]][[i]] = ifelse(id[fdi[active]][currentfounders==spousevec[i]] %in% lev.ia[[lia-1]], id[fdi[active]][currentfounders==spousevec[i]], NA)
        else iancestor.as.descendant[[ia]][[i]] = rep(NA,length(foundersdegreedes[[ia]][[i]]))
    # Include previous ancestors of final descendants if any
    if (any(names(desfounders) %in% id[fdi[active]]))
      ii = length(spousevec)
      tmp = desfounders[names(desfounders) %in% id[fdi[active]]]
      # Loop over final descendants 
      for (k in 1:length(tmp))
        foundersdegreedes[[ia]][(ii+1):(ii+length(tmp[[k]]))] = tmp[[k]]
        # Setting indicator of whether the descendant of all ancestors in tmp[[k]] is a previous intermediate ancestor
 		if (ia>1)
        iancestor.as.descendant[[ia]][(ii+1):(ii+length(tmp[[k]]))] = list(ifelse (names(tmp)[k] %in% lev.ia[[lia-1]],names(tmp)[k], NA))
        else iancestor.as.descendant[[ia]][(ii+1):(ii+length(tmp[[k]]))] = NA
        ii = ii + length(tmp[[k]])
      # Adding the current founder couple ancestral to each final descendants to his list of founders
      # This is not required for the sharing probability computation, but is used for kinship estimation
    # print(currentfounders)
      j = 1
    for (i in (1:nfd)[active])
      # If there are at least i elements in desfounders
      if (length(desfounders)>=i)
        desfounders[[i]][length(desfounders[[i]])+(1:2)] = degvec[i]
        # Keeping the name of the founder
        names(desfounders[[i]])[length(desfounders[[i]])-1] = currentfounders[j]
        names(desfounders[[i]])[length(desfounders[[i]])] = iancestors[ia]
        desfounders[[i]] = rep(degvec[i],2)
        names(desfounders[[i]])[1] = currentfounders[j]
        names(desfounders[[i]])[2] = iancestors[ia]
      # Assigning the ID of the subject as name
      names(desfounders)[i] = id[fdi][i]
      j = j+1
# fdi in ouput contains indices of intermediate ancestors in addition to final descendants 

pl = ped_datastruct(fdi,dv)

# Computation of numerator
num = 1
for (i in 1:pl$ia)
  num = num * 1/2^sum(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])
# Computation for top founder or founders
# If there is only one spouse, then a couple of founders can transmit a variant to all final descendents
if (length(pl$spousevec)==1) num = num*2
# Division by the number of founders
num = num/Nf

# Initialisation of counter of removed subjects
ncremoved = 0

if (missing(carriers))
numo = num
  carriers0 = carriers
  noncarriers = setdiff(id[!(id%in%dad.id | id%in%mom.id)],carriers)
  if (length(noncarriers)>0)
  fd.subsets = list(as.matrix(carriers))
  # Loop over number of non-carriers to include as "carrier" in the possible subset
  if (length(noncarriers)>1)
    for (k in 1:(length(noncarriers)-1))
  	  tmp = combn(noncarriers,k)
  	  fd.subsets[[k+1]] = rbind(matrix(carriers,length(carriers),ncol(tmp)),tmp)
  subsetp = numeric(length(fd.subsets))
  # Loop over possible subsets
  for (k in 1:length(fd.subsets))	
    sn = nrow(fd.subsets[[k]])
    # If there is only one final descendant or carrier in the subset, then the probability he is a carrier is 1/Nf
    if (sn == 1) subsetp[k] = 1/Nf
    nsubs = ncol(fd.subsets[[k]])
    subsetkp = numeric(nsubs)
  	for (h in 1:nsubs)
  	  # Initialize meiosis reduction counter
      meir = 0
  	  # If there is more than one intermediate ancestor
  	  if (pl$ia>1)
		insubset = logical(sn)
  	    # Loop over intermediate ancestors
  	    i = 1
  	    iia = numeric(0)
  	    done = FALSE
  	    ia.is.carrier = FALSE
  	    for (lia in 1:length(pl$lev.ia))
  	    # At first iteration over lia, iia is length 0, so no iancestor gets added
  	    fdsi = c(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],pl$iancestors[iia])
  	      carriers.tmp = NULL
		  for (cr in carriers)
		    # Check that the current carrier is a final descendant or intermediate ancestor in the current subset sharing a RV
		    if (!(cr %in% intersect(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],id[pl$fdi])))
		    # check if carrier is intermediate ancestor (other than the last)
		    if (cr %in% pl$iancestors[-pl$ia])
		      	# If he has at least one descendant in the current subset sharing a RV then discard him
		      if (any(fd.subsets[[k]][,h] %in% names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[which(pl$iancestors==cr)]])))
		        carriers.tmp = setdiff(carriers,cr)
		        # Else do nothing, and the intermediate ancestor should be recognized as a descendant of
		        # the intermediate ancestor above him, and treated as a final descendant
		      # check if carrier is parent of a final descendant or intermediate ancestor
		      if (cr %in% union(dad.id[pl$fdi],mom.id[pl$fdi]))
		      	# discard him or her
		        carriers.tmp = setdiff(carriers,cr)
		        fdsi = setdiff(fdsi,cr)
		        # If he or she does not have at least one child among the current subset sharing a RV then add one of his children to the carriers in his place and increment the meiosis reduction counter
		      if (!any(fd.subsets[[k]][,h] %in% id[dad.id==cr | mom.id==cr]))
		        carriers.tmp = c(carriers.tmp,id[pl$fdi][dad.id[pl$fdi]==cr | mom.id[pl$fdi]==cr][1])    	
		        fdsi = c(fdsi,id[pl$fdi][dad.id[pl$fdi]==cr | mom.id[pl$fdi]==cr][1])    	
		        meir = meir + 1      	
				# Substitution of carriers in the current subset
				fd.subsets[[k]][1:length(carriers.tmp),h] = carriers.tmp
				#fdsi = c(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],pl$iancestors[iia])
		      # If fdsi was shortened, then shorten insubset also
			  insubset = insubset[1:length(fdsi)]
		      else stop("Probability computations for subsets of carriers including ",cr," cannot be performed by RVsharing.")
		if(!is.null(carriers.tmp)) carriers  = carriers.tmp
  	    insubset = c(insubset,rep(FALSE,length(iia)))
  	    for (ian in 1:length(pl$lev.ia[[lia]]))
		    # If at least one final descendant in the current subset is below the current intermediate ancestor i, then
		    if (any(fdsi%in%names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])))
		        # add that intermediate ancestor to the indices used in the computation for the current subset
		    	iia = c(iia,i)
		    	# records which final descendants from the subset are below that intermediate ancestor		    	
		    	insubset[fdsi%in%names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])] = TRUE		    	
		    # Check if all carriers in current possible subset are descendants of current intermediate ancestor and this is the first intermediate ancestors at this level, or all final descendants are below the current intermediate ancestor, then the following intermediate ancestors
 	  			# are not needed for the computation
 	  		if (all(insubset) & (ian == 1 | all(fdsi%in%names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])))) {done = TRUE; ia.is.carrier = FALSE; break}
 	  		# Alternatively, one of the carriers in current possible subset can be the intermediate ancestor
 	  		# This will affect the numerator computation, so record the fact that the IA is carrier.
 	  		if (all(insubset | fdsi %in% pl$iancestors[iia]) & (ian == 1 | all(fdsi%in%names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])))) {done = TRUE; ia.is.carrier = TRUE; break}

			i = i+1
		 if (done) break
#		 print (done)
         # If not all final descendant in the current subset are below one of the intermediate ancestors up to level 1
         # then add the last intermediate ancestor at level 0         
		 if (!done) iia = c(iia,i)
		 # Else there is only one intermediate ancestor
		 	done = FALSE
		 	# For now we don't allow founders like the last intermediate ancestor to be affected
  	    		ia.is.carrier = FALSE
		 	iia = 1
		    for (cr in carriers)
		      # Check that the current carrier is a final descendant in the current subset sharing a RV
		      if (!(cr %in% intersect(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],id[fdi])))
		      # check if carrier is parent of a final descendant
		      if (cr %in% union(dad.id[fdi],mom.id[fdi]))
		      	# discard him
		        carriers.tmp = setdiff(carriers,cr)
				fdsi = setdiff(c(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],pl$iancestors[iia]),cr)
		        # If he or she does not have at least one child among the current subset sharing a RV then add one of his children to the carriers in his place and increment the meiosis reduction counter
		      if (!any(fd.subsets[[k]][,h] %in% id[dad.id==cr | mom.id==cr]))
		        carriers.tmp = c(carriers.tmp,id[fdi][dad.id[fdi]==cr | mom.id[fdi]==cr][1])    	
		        meir = meir + 1      	
				# Substitution of carriers in the current subset
				fd.subsets[[k]][1:length(carriers.tmp),h] = carriers.tmp
				fdsi = c(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],pl$iancestors[iia])
		      else stop("Probability computations for subsets of carriers including ",cr," cannot be performed by RVsharing.")
		 # Compute probability of subset
		 numsub = 1
		 # Correction for replacing parent by his child
		 if (meir>0) 
		 	numsub = numsub * 2^meir
		 	# Substitution of carriers in the current subset (moved earlier)
		 	# fd.subsets[[k]][1:length(carriers),h] = carriers
		 for (ii in iia)
		 	# Here the intermediate ancestors in iancestors are in the list used in the computation for the current subset	
		      numsub = numsub * 1/2^sum(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[ii]][unique(c(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],pl$iancestors[iia]))],na.rm=TRUE)
		 # If the intermediate ancestor above the current subset is not a carrier, then we have
		 # to count the transmission for his or her spouse, if that spouse is also above the current subset.
		 if (!ia.is.carrier)
		 # If all members of the current subset have the same ancestor among the spouses of the final iancestor, then
		 # done is set to true to count transmissions from that ancestor in addition to those from the final iancestor
		 if (length(unique(sapply(pl$desfounders[intersect(fd.subsets[[k]][,h],as.character(id[fdi]))],function (vec) names(vec)[length(vec)-1])))==1) done = TRUE
		 # If there is only one spouse, then a couple of founders can transmit a variant to all final descendents
		 if (done | length(pl$spousevec)==1) numsub = 2*numsub
		 # Divide by the number of founders of the highest intermediate ancestor needed
		 subsetkp[h] = numsub/Nf
		 # set carriers vector back to initial carrier vector
		 carriers = carriers0
  	  subsetp[k] = sum(subsetkp)
  # Add joint prob for all final descendents
  subsetp = c(subsetp,num)
  # Computation of sharing probability of observed subset
  numo = sum(subsetp*(-1)^(0:(length(subsetp)-1)))
  # Else there are no non-carriers, i.e. all affected subjects are carriers
  else numo = num

# Remove children of carriers (except intermediate ancestors) from list of final descendants if there are any
# for computation of denominator
  if (!all(carriers %in% id[pl$fdi]))
  fdci = fdi
  for (cr in carriers)
    if (cr %in% union(dad.id[fdi],mom.id[fdi]) & !(cr %in% pl$iancestors))
      	# Remove child of carriers from list of final descendants 
      	# (he can only have one, otherwise he would be intermediate ancestor)
      	fdci = setdiff(fdci,which(dad.id==cr | mom.id==cr))
    	# Add carrier to list of final descendants
    	fdci = c(fdci,which(id==cr))
    	# increment number of children removed
    	ncremoved = ncremoved + 1
  pl = ped_datastruct(fdci,dv)

denom.branch = function(current_ia,pl,carriers)
# Probability that no variant has been transmitted
p0 = 0

if (current_ia %in% pl$iancestors)
# Current intermediate ancestor
i = which(pl$iancestors==current_ia)

# Probability that no variant has been transmitted from previous intermediate ancestors : 
pk.vec = numeric(length(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]]))
names(pk.vec) = names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])

for (k in 1:length(pk.vec))
  		plist = denom.branch(names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])[k],pl,carriers)
  		pk.vec[k] = plist$pk 
		# Increment p0 with value obtained for founders below names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])[k]
  		p0 = p0 + plist$p0   		

    if (missing(carriers)) compute.pk = TRUE
      if (current_ia%in%carriers) compute.pk = FALSE 
      else compute.pk = TRUE
# Update p0
for (j in 1:length(pl$foundersdegreedes[[i]]))
	p0 = p0 + prod((1-1/2^pl$foundersdegreedes[[i]][[j]]) + ifelse(is.na(pl$iancestor.as.descendant[[i]][[j]]),0,(1/2^pl$foundersdegreedes[[i]][[j]])*pk.vec[as.character(pl$iancestor.as.descendant[[i]][[j]])]))
  # Updates the probability of the current intermediate ancestor, unless he is a carrier, in which case we keep it 1  
  # For now, intermediate ancestors can have only one spouse, this is why we take the indicators of the first founder attached to him
    if (compute.pk)     pk = prod((1-1/2^pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]]) + ifelse(is.na(pl$iancestor.as.descendant[[i]][[1]]),0,1/2^pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]]*pk.vec))	
    else pk=0
 # Computation of denominator
# First call denom.branch for final intermediate ancestor
plist = denom.branch(pl$iancestors[pl$ia],pl,carriers) 

# Probability that no variant has been transmitted 
p0 = plist$p0

# Process the dummy "intermediate" ancestor. He is currently the only one who can have more than one spouse
# but only one of his spouses can be the parent of the previous intermediate ancestors.
  # Debugging code
  # print (foundersdegreedes[[i]])
  # print (ancestorsdegreedes[[i]])
  # print (iancestor.as.descendant[[i]])
  # print (p0)
if (length(pl$spousevec)>1)
	ptmp2 = 1
  	ia.tmp = unlist(pl$iancestor.as.descendant[[pl$ia]][1:length(pl$spousevec)])
  	# Note: iancestor.as.descendant and ancestorsdegreedes are constructed such that they are of same length
  	# The structure of ancestorsdegreedes will need to be changed to allow intermediate ancestors below more than one spouse
  	for (j in 1:length(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[pl$ia]]))
  		# If descendant is an intermediate ancestor
  		if (!is.na(ia.tmp[j]))
  			# Here the name of the intermediate ancestor to process is obtained from pl$ancestorsdegreedes
   			plist = denom.branch(names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[pl$ia]])[j],pl,carriers)
  			# Increment with value obtained for founders below names(pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[i]][j])
  			ptmp = (1/2^pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[pl$ia]][j]) * plist$pk 
  	   	else ptmp = 0
   		# adding probability of non transmission to descendant j
   		ptmp = ptmp + 1-1/2^pl$ancestorsdegreedes[[pl$ia]][j]
   		# Contribution to p0
   		ptmp2 = ptmp2 * ptmp
  p0 = p0 + ptmp2
  # If there is only one spouse, the contribution of the final intermediate ancestor to p0 equals pk
  # returned by denom.branch
  else p0 = p0 + plist$pk
  # If children have been removed, add the probability that their other parent did not transmit them the RV
  p0 = p0 +  (1/2)*ncremoved
    # Debugging code
    # print (p0)
  # sharing probability
  pshare = numo/(1-p0/Nf)   
if (missing(carriers)) carrier.vec = as.character(id[fdi])
else carrier.vec=as.character(carriers0)

# Wrappers for pedigree object
# Returns only pshare
RVsharing.ped.pshare = function(ped)
syounkin/RVsharing documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:47 a.m.