
Defines functions get.fd.indices GeneDropSimExcessSharing.fn GeneDropSim.allsubsets.fn GeneDropSim.fn gene.drop.fn

Documented in GeneDropSim.allsubsets.fn GeneDropSimExcessSharing.fn GeneDropSim.fn

gene.drop.fn <- function(g1,g2){
  if( is.na(g1) | is.na(g2) ){
    goff <- NA
  }else if( g1 == 0 && g2 == 1 ){
    goff <- sample( x = 0:1, size = 1, prob = rep(0.5,2) )
  }else if( g1 == 1 && g2 == 0 ){
    goff <- sample( x = 0:1, size = 1, prob = rep(0.5,2) )
  }else if( g1 == 1 && g2 == 1 ){
    goff <- sample( x = 0:2, size = 1, prob = c(0.25,0.5,0.25) )
  }else if( g1 == 0 && g2 == 0 ){
    goff <- 0
  }else if( g1 == 2 && g2 == 0 ){
    goff <- 1
  }else if( g1 == 0 && g2 == 2 ){
    goff <- 1
  }else if( g1 == 1 && g2 == 2 ){
    goff <- sample( x = 1:2, size = 1, prob = rep(0.5,2) )
  }else if( g1 == 2 && g2 == 1 ){
    goff <- sample( x = 1:2, size = 1, prob = rep(0.5,2) )
  }else if( g1 == 2 && g2 == 2 ){
    goff <- 2
    goff <- "error"

GeneDropSim.fn <- function(trio.list, id, dt.vec, fd.indices, carriers=dt.vec, n = 1e3, k = 10, nf = 1){
  n.bail <- k*n; i <- 1;
  share.vec <- logical(n.bail); occur.vec <- logical(n.bail);
  geno.vec = rep(NA,length(id))
  names(geno.vec) = id
  geno.vec[fd.indices] = 0

  while( sum(occur.vec) < n & i <= n.bail ){
      founder <- sample(fd.indices,nf,replace = FALSE)
      geno.vec[founder] <- 1
      geno.vec.sim = geno.vec
      for (j in 1:length(trio.list))
        geno.vec.sim <- GeneDrop(trio.list[[j]], geno.vec.sim)
      if( any(is.na(geno.vec.sim))) stop("GeneDrop returned NA genotype.")
      share.vec[i] <- all( geno.vec.sim[carriers]==1 ) & all( geno.vec.sim[setdiff(dt.vec,carriers)]==0 )      
      occur.vec[i] <- any( geno.vec.sim[dt.vec]==1 )
      geno.vec[founder] <- 0
      i <- i + 1
  return(sum(share.vec)/sum(occur.vec)) # note that these vectors have length n.bail

GeneDropSim.allsubsets.fn <- function(trio.list, id, dt.vec, fd.indices, carriers=dt.vec, n = 1e3, k = 10, nf = 1){
  n.bail <- k*n; i <- 1;
  share.vec <- character(n.bail); occur.vec <- logical(n.bail);
  geno.vec = rep(NA,length(id))
  names(geno.vec) = id
  geno.vec[fd.indices] = 0
  carriers = sort(carriers)

  while( sum(occur.vec) < n & i <= n.bail ){
      founder <- sample(fd.indices,nf,replace = FALSE)
      geno.vec[founder] <- 1
      geno.vec.sim = geno.vec
      for (j in 1:length(trio.list))
        geno.vec.sim <- GeneDrop(trio.list[[j]], geno.vec.sim)
      if( any(is.na(geno.vec.sim))) stop("GeneDrop returned NA genotype.")
      if (all( geno.vec.sim[setdiff(dt.vec,carriers)]==0 ) & any( geno.vec.sim[dt.vec]>0 )) share.vec[i] <- paste(carriers[geno.vec.sim[carriers]>0],collapse=";")     
      occur.vec[i] <- any( geno.vec.sim[dt.vec]>0 )
      geno.vec[founder] <- 0
      i <- i + 1
  return(table(share.vec[share.vec!=""])/sum(occur.vec)) # note that these vectors have length n.bail

GeneDropSimExcessSharing.fn <- function(trio.list, id, dt.vec, fd.indices, phihat, RVfreq, carriers=dt.vec, ord=5, n = 1e3, k = 10)

#if (ord > 5) stop ("Order of the polynomial approximation cannot exceed 5.")
if (ord <= 0) stop ("Order of the polynomial approximation must be at least 1.")
if (any(phihat < 0)) stop ("Mean kinship between founders must be non-negative.")

n.bail <- k*n; 
geno.vec = rep(NA,length(id))
names(geno.vec) = id
geno.vec[fd.indices] = 0
nrep = length(phihat)
papprox = pMC = PFU.vec = rep(NA,nrep)
nf = length(fd.indices)
# Vector of phia
phi.vec = compute.phi.vec(nf,2*nf-ord)

# Loop over the estimates of phi in the vector phihat 
for (r in 1:nrep)
  theta = max(infer.theta(phihat[r],phi.vec))
  # Debugging code
  # print (theta)
  if (theta>=0)
  i <- 1;
  share.vec <- logical(n.bail); occur.vec <- logical(n.bail);

  # Distribution of number of duplicated alleles
  distri = theta^(0:ord)/factorial(0:ord)
  distri = distri/sum(distri)

  while( sum(occur.vec) < n & i <= n.bail )
      # Define vector of indices of the allele copies in the founders
      copyindex = 1:(2*nf)
      # Sample number of duplicated alleles
      nduplic = sample(0:ord,1,prob=distri)
  # Debugging code
  # print (nduplic)

     # If no frequency is specified for the RV, it implies a single copy of the RV
     if (missing(RVfreq))
       RVcopies = 1
     # Else the number of copies of the RV is sampled from a truncated binomial distribution from 1 to 2*nf-duplic
       distri.RVcopies = dbinom(1:(2*nf-nduplic),2*nf-nduplic,RVfreq)/(1-dbinom(0,2*nf-nduplic,RVfreq))
       RVcopies = sample(1:(2*nf-nduplic),prob=distri.RVcopies)
      # Sample RV among the alleles
      RV = sample.int(2*nf-nduplic,RVcopies)

      # If RV is among the duplicated alleles, sample two gene copies for the RV
      if (RV[1] <= nduplic)
        RVi = sample.int(length(copyindex),2,replace = FALSE)
      # Else sample a single gene copy for the RV
      else RVi = sample.int(length(copyindex),1)
      founder <- rep(fd.indices,2)[copyindex[RVi]]
      copyindex = copyindex[-RVi]
      # If more than one copy of the RV is introduced
      if (length(RV) > 1)
      for (k in 2:length(RV))
        # If RV is among the duplicated alleles, sample two founders who introduce it
        if (RV[k] <= nduplic)
          RVi = sample.int(length(copyindex),2,replace = FALSE)
        # Else sample a single founder introducing the RV
        else RVi = sample.int(length(copyindex),1)
        founder <- c(founder,rep(fd.indices,2)[copyindex[RVi]])
        copyindex = copyindex[-RVi]        
      tab.founder = table(founder)
      founder = unique(founder)
      # Debugging code
      #print (tab.founder)
      geno.vec[founder] = tab.founder

      geno.vec.sim = geno.vec
      for (j in 1:length(trio.list))
        geno.vec.sim <- GeneDrop(trio.list[[j]], geno.vec.sim)
      if( any(is.na(geno.vec.sim))) stop("GeneDrop returned NA genotype.")
      share.vec[i] <- all( geno.vec.sim[carriers]>0 & all( geno.vec.sim[setdiff(dt.vec,carriers)]==0 ) )
      occur.vec[i] <- any( geno.vec.sim[dt.vec]>0 )
      geno.vec[founder] <- 0
      # Debugging code
      #print (geno.vec)
      i <- i + 1
    pMC[r] = sum(share.vec)/sum(occur.vec) # note that these vectors have length n.bail
    else warning(paste("Negative mean value for the truncated Poisson approximation to the distribution for the number of alleles distinct by descent among the founders when phihat = ",phihat[r]," Try increasing ord."))

get.fd.indices <- function(ped){
  dv = kindepth(ped)
syounkin/RVsharing documentation built on July 26, 2024, 12:55 p.m.