
Defines functions date.dayofweek date.day date.week date.month date.quarter date.all date.period.test date.week.ends date.month.ends date.quarter.ends date.semiannual.ends date.year.ends ends.add.last.date date.periodicity.map date.ends.fn apply.business.days apply.business.days.internal business.days.location.end date.ends.index date.ends date.end date.ends.n business.days business.days.till.end business.days.since.end next.business.day last.business.day third.friday.month map.spx.expiration

Documented in apply.business.days business.days business.days.location.end business.days.since.end business.days.till.end date.all date.day date.dayofweek date.end date.ends date.ends.fn date.ends.index date.ends.n date.month date.month.ends date.periodicity.map date.quarter date.quarter.ends date.semiannual.ends date.week date.week.ends date.year.ends last.business.day next.business.day third.friday.month

#' Dates Functions
#' @param dates collection of dates
#' @return transformed dates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' date.dayofweek(Sys.Date())
#' }
#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.dayofweek <- function(dates) { 

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.day <- function(dates) { 

# wday 0-6 day of the week, starting on Sunday.
# %U Week of the year as decimal number (00-53) using Sunday as the first day 1 of the week (and typically with the first Sunday of the year as day 1 of week 1). The US convention.
#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.week <- function(dates) { 
	dates = as.POSIXlt(dates)
	offset = (7 + dates$wday - dates$yday %% 7) %%7
	(dates$yday +  offset)%/% 7

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.month <- function(dates) { 
	as.POSIXlt(dates)$mon + 1

quarter.map = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4)

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.quarter <- function(dates) { 	

semiannual.map = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2)

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.semiannual = function (dates) {

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.year = function (dates) {
	as.POSIXlt(dates)$year + 1900

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.all = function(dates) 
	dates = as.POSIXlt(dates)
	offset = (7 + dates$wday - dates$yday %% 7) %%7

		dayofweek = dates$wday,
		mday = dates$mday,
		yday = dates$yday,
		weeks = (dates$yday +  offset)%/% 7,
		months = dates$mon + 1,		
		quarters = quarter.map[dates$mon + 1],
		semiannual = semiannual.map[dates$mon + 1],
		years = dates$year + 1900	

# Test above functionality
date.period.test = function() {
	# test date functions
	# ?DateTimeClasses
	# ?strptime 
	date.dayofweek0 <- function(dates) { 
	  return(as.double(format(dates, '%w')))
	date.day0 <- function(dates) { 
	  return(as.double(format(dates, '%d')))
	date.week0 <- function(dates) { 
	  return(as.double(format(dates, '%U')))
	date.month0 <- function(dates) { 
		return(as.double(format(dates, '%m')))
	# (((1:12)-1) %/% 3)+1  
	date.quarter0 <- function(dates) { 	
		(((date.month(dates))-1) %/% 3)+1
	date.year0 = function (dates) {
		return(as.double(format(dates, '%Y')))


	dates1 = seq(Sys.Date()-100000, Sys.Date(), 1)
	all.equal(diff(date.week0(dates1))!=0 , diff(date.week(dates1))!=0 )
	dates = seq(Sys.Date()-10000, Sys.Date(), 1)

    	test1 = diff(date.week0(dates))!=0, 
       	test2 = diff(date.week(dates))!=0, 
       	columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
       	order = "relative",
       	replications = 200

	all.equal(diff(date.dayofweek0(dates1))!=0 , diff(date.dayofweek(dates1))!=0 )
    	test1 = diff(date.dayofweek0(dates))!=0, 
       	test2 = diff(date.dayofweek(dates))!=0, 
       	columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
       	order = "relative",
       	replications = 200
	all.equal(diff(date.day0(dates1))!=0 , diff(date.day(dates1))!=0 )
    	test1 = diff(date.day0(dates))!=0, 
       	test2 = diff(date.day(dates))!=0, 
       	columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
       	order = "relative",
       	replications = 200
	all.equal(diff(date.month0(dates1))!=0 , diff(date.month(dates1))!=0 )
    	test1 = diff(date.month0(dates))!=0, 
       	test2 = diff(date.month(dates))!=0, 
       	columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
       	order = "relative",
       	replications = 200
	all.equal(diff(date.quarter0(dates1))!=0 , diff(date.quarter(dates1))!=0 )
    	test1 = diff(date.quarter0(dates))!=0, 
       	test2 = diff(date.quarter(dates))!=0, 
       	columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
       	order = "relative",
       	replications = 200

	all.equal(diff(date.year0(dates1))!=0 , diff(date.year(dates1))!=0 )
    	test1 = diff(date.year0(dates))!=0, 
       	test2 = diff(date.year(dates))!=0, 
       	columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
       	order = "relative",
       	replications = 200

#' Dates Index Functions
#' @param dates collection of dates
#' @param last.date flag to include last date, \strong{defaults to TRUE}
#' @return location of the week/month/year ends
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' date.week.ends(seq(Sys.Date()-100, Sys.Date(), 1))
#' }
#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex
date.week.ends <- function(dates, last.date=T) 
  ends = which(diff( 100*date.year(dates) + date.week(dates) ) != 0)
  ends.add.last.date(ends, len(dates), last.date)

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex
date.month.ends <- function(dates, last.date=T) 
  ends = which(diff( 100*date.year(dates) + date.month(dates) ) != 0)
  ends.add.last.date(ends, len(dates), last.date)

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex
date.quarter.ends <- function(dates, last.date=T) 
  ends = which(diff( 10*date.year(dates) + date.quarter(dates) ) != 0)
  ends.add.last.date(ends, len(dates), last.date)

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex
date.semiannual.ends = function(dates, last.date=T) 
  ends = which(diff( 10*date.year(dates) + date.semiannual(dates) ) != 0)
  ends.add.last.date(ends, len(dates), last.date)

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex
date.year.ends <- function(dates, last.date=T) 
  ends = which(diff( date.year(dates) ) != 0)
  ends.add.last.date(ends, len(dates), last.date)

# helper function to add last date
ends.add.last.date = function(ends, last.date, action=T) 
    unique(c(ends, last.date))

#' Dates Mapping Functions
#' @param periodicity periodicity (i.e. weeks, months)
#' @return standard periodicity
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' date.freq.map('week')
#' }
#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsMap
date.periodicity.map = function(periodicity) {
	days = 'days',
    day = 'days',
    daily = 'days',
	d = 'days',
    weeks = 'weeks',
    week = 'weeks',
    weekly = 'weeks',
	w = 'weeks',
    months = 'months',
    month = 'months',
    monthly = 'months',
	m = 'months',
    quarters = 'quarters',
    quarter = 'quarters',
    quarterly = 'quarters',
	q = 'quarters',

	semiannual = 'semiannual',
	semiannually = 'semiannual',
	s = 'semiannual',
    years = 'years',
    year = 'years',
    yearly = 'years',
    annual = 'years',
    annually = 'years',
	y = 'years',
    # default

#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsMap
date.ends.fn = function(periodicity) {
    weeks = date.week.ends,
    months = date.month.ends,
    quarters = date.quarter.ends,
	semiannual = date.semiannual.ends,
    years = date.year.ends,
    # default

#' Apply Business Date logic to provided Dates function 
#' @param dates dates, dates are assumed to contain only business dates
#' @param dates.fn dates function that returns index of selected dates, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param calendar RQuantLib calendar name to use to determine business days, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @return index of business days
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' dates = seq(Sys.Date()-1000, Sys.Date(), 1)
#' apply.business.days(dates, date.week.ends, 'UnitedStates/NYSE')
#' apply.business.days(dates, date.week.ends, 'Canada/TSX')
#' }
#' @export 
apply.business.days = function(dates, dates.fn = NULL, calendar = NULL, base = T) {
	# assume that if xts is given; it is sourced from historical data and
	# does not contain holidays; we just need to check boundary cases
	if( xts::is.xts(dates) ) {
		dates = index(dates)
		apply.business.days.internal(dates, dates.fn, calendar, base)
	} else {
		ok.index = business.days(dates = dates, calendar = calendar, return.index=T)	
		index = apply.business.days.internal(dates[ok.index], dates.fn, calendar, base)

apply.business.days.internal = function(dates, dates.fn = NULL, calendar = NULL, base = T) {
	if( xts::is.xts(dates) ) dates = index(dates)
	dates = as.Date(dates)
		n = len(dates)

	# getHolidayList	
	holidays = NULL
	if( !is.null(calendar) ) {	  	
		if( requireNamespace('RQuantLib', quietly = T) )
			holidays = RQuantLib::getHolidayList(calendar, dates[1] - 60, dates[1] - 1)
			warning('RQuantLib could not be loaded')
	before = business.days(dates[1] - 60, dates[1] - 1, holidays)
		n.before = len(before) 

	if( !is.null(holidays) ) 
		holidays = RQuantLib::getHolidayList(calendar, dates[n] + 1, dates[n] + 60)   
	after = business.days(dates[n] + 1, dates[n] + 60, holidays)

	dates = c(before, dates, after)
	if( !is.null(dates.fn) ) 
		index = dates.fn(dates)
		index = 1:len(dates)

	# map back to original dates
	if( base ) {
		index = index[index > n.before & index <= (n.before + n)]
			index = index - n.before
	# till / since logic (business.days.location.end)
	original.dates.index = (n.before + 1) : (n.before + n)
	temp.cum = cumsum(rep(1, len(dates)))
		temp = temp.cum * NA
		temp[index] = temp.cum[index]
	days.since = temp.cum - ifna.prev(temp)
	days.till = temp[ifna.prevx.rev(temp)] - temp.cum
	list(days.since = days.since[original.dates.index], days.till = days.till[original.dates.index])	

#' Business Date Since / Till function 
#' @param dates dates
#' @param dates.fn dates function that returns index of selected dates, \strong{defaults to date.month.ends}
#' @param calendar RQuantLib calendar name to use to determine business days, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @return list with days.since and days.till arrays
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' dates = seq(Sys.Date()-1000, Sys.Date(), 1)
#' business.days.location.end(dates, date.week.ends, 'UnitedStates/NYSE')
#' business.days.location.end(dates, date.week.ends, 'Canada/TSX')
#' }
#' @export 
business.days.location.end = function(dates, dates.fn = date.month.ends, calendar = NULL) { 
	apply.business.days(dates, dates.fn, calendar, F)

#' out is result of the business.days.location.end
#' @export 
date.ends.index <- function(out, timing) {
  if(timing <= 0)
    which(out$days.till == (-timing))
    which(out$days.since == (timing))

#' Date Ends function 
#' @param dates dates
#' @param periodicity periodicity
#' @param by take every *by* item, \strong{defaults to 1}
#' @param skip skip periods, \strong{defaults to 0}
#' @param last.date flag to include last date, \strong{defaults to TRUE}
#' @param calendar RQuantLib calendar name to use to determine business days, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @return index of date ends
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' dates = seq(Sys.Date()-1000, Sys.Date(), 1)
#' date.ends(dates, 'year', calendar = 'UnitedStates/NYSE')
#' date.ends(dates, 'year', calendar = 'Canada/TSX')
#' date.ends(dates, 'bi-weekly')
#' }
#' @export 
date.ends = function(dates, periodicity, by=1, skip=0, last.date=T, calendar = NULL) {
	periodicity = trim(tolower(periodicity))
	# bi- means 'every two', as in every two [weeks/months/years, etc]
	# biweekly = every two weeks / bimonthly = every two months
	# semi- to mean 'twice every' (as semiannually - twice per year)
	# semiweekly = twice a week / semimonthly = twice a month
	bi.flag = substr(periodicity,1,2) == 'bi'
	#semi.flag = substr(periodicity,1,4) == 'semi'	

	if(bi.flag) periodicity = substr(periodicity,3,1000)
		by = if(bi.flag) 2 else by
	#if(semi.flag) periodicity = substr(periodicity,5,1000)
	periodicity = trim(gsub('-','',periodicity))
	ends = apply.business.days(dates, calendar = calendar,
		dates.fn = function(x) {			
			fn = date.ends.fn(periodicity)
			if( is.null(fn) )
				xts::endpoints(xts::xts(1:len(x), x), periodicity)			
				fn(x, last.date=F)		

	if( xts::is.xts(dates) ) dates = index(dates)		
	ends = ends.add.last.date(ends, len(dates), last.date)		
	if( skip > 0) ends = ends[-c(1:skip)]
	if( by > 1) ends = ends[seq(1, len(ends), by=by)]


#' last calendar day of period
#' date.end('2014-01-13')
#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex 
date.end <- function(date = Sys.Date(), periodicity = 'months', date.format = '%Y-%m-%d') {
  date = as.Date(paste(date), date.format)
  temp = seq(date, date + 40, 1)

#' index of dates apart by a given n
#' one.year = date.ends.n(prices, 365)
#' @export 
#' @rdname DateFunctionsIndex 
date.ends.n = function(dates, n, start=1, less = T, silent=T) {
	if (xts::is.xts(dates))
		dates = index(dates)
	days = cumsum(as.numeric(diff(dates)))	
	nperiods = len(dates)
	periods = c(start)	
	while( last(periods) < (nperiods-1) )
			periods = c(periods, last(which((days - days[last(periods)]) < n)))
			periods = c(periods, 2 + last(which((days - days[last(periods)]) < n)))
	if(!less) periods[periods > nperiods] = nperiods
		if(less) print( max(diff(dates[periods])) )
		else print( diff(dates[periods]) )

#' Extract Business Days
#' @param from start date (ignored if dates are provided)
#' @param to start date (ignored / optional if dates are provided)
#' @param holidays list of holidays, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param dates dates, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param calendar RQuantLib calendar name to use to determine business days, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param return.index flag to return index of valid dates instead of dates, \strong{defaults to FALSE}
#' @return business days
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' library(RQuantLib)
#' from = as.Date('10Jun2013','%d%b%Y')
#' to = as.Date('10Jan2014','%d%b%Y')
#' holidays = getHolidayList('UnitedStates/NYSE', from, to)  
#' holidays = getHolidayList('Canada/TSX', from, to)  
#' business.days(from, to, holidays = holidays)
#' business.days(dates = dates, calendar = 'UnitedStates/NYSE')
#' }
#' @export 
business.days = function(
	from = Sys.Date(), 
	to = as.Date(from) + 31, 
	holidays = NULL, 
	dates = NULL, 
	calendar = NULL,
	return.index = F
) {
	if( is.null(dates) ) 
		dates = seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 1)
	else if( xts::is.xts(dates) ) 
		dates = index(dates)
	dates = as.Date(dates)
    rm.index = date.dayofweek(dates) == 6 | date.dayofweek(dates) == 0

	# getHolidayList	
	if( !is.null(calendar) ) {	  	
		if( requireNamespace('RQuantLib', quietly = T) )
			holidays = RQuantLib::getHolidayList(calendar, dates[1], dates[len(dates)])
			warning('RQuantLib could not be loaded')
    if( !is.null(holidays) ) {
        holidays = as.Date(holidays)
        rm.index = rm.index | !is.na(match(dates, holidays))        
	if( return.index )

#' Business Date Functions
#' @param from start date
#' @param holidays list of holidays, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param fn.ends function that return periods ends, \strong{defaults to date.month.ends}
#' @return number of business days
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' from = as.Date('27Dec2013','%d%b%Y')
#' holidays = getHolidayList('UnitedStates/NYSE', from-40, from+10)  
#' business.days.till.end(from, holidays)
#' business.days.since.end(from, holidays)
#' }
#' @export 
#' @rdname BusinessDateFunctions
business.days.till.end <- function(from, holidays = NULL, fn.ends = date.month.ends) {
  from = as.Date(from)
  # make sure from is a business date
  dates = business.days(from - 10, from, holidays)
  from = dates[len(dates)]
  dates = business.days(from, from + 40, holidays)
  index = match.fun(fn.ends)(dates, F)
  index[1] - 1

#' @export 
#' @rdname BusinessDateFunctions
business.days.since.end <- function(from, holidays = NULL, fn.ends = date.month.ends) {
  from = as.Date(from)
  # make sure from is a business date
  dates = business.days(from - 10, from, holidays)
  from = dates[len(dates)]
  dates = business.days(from - 40, from + 10, holidays)
  index = match.fun(fn.ends)(dates, F)
  last.index = index[len(index)]
  if( dates[last.index] == from) return(0)
  from.index = sum(dates <= from)
  if( dates[last.index] < from) return(from.index - last.index)
  last.index = index[(len(index) - 1)]
  return(from.index - last.index)

#' @export 
#' @rdname BusinessDateFunctions
next.business.day <- function(from, holidays = NULL, offset = 0) {
  from = as.Date(from)
  # make sure from is a business date
  dates = business.days(from + offset, from + 10, holidays)

#' @export last.business.day
#' @rdname BusinessDateFunctions
last.business.day <- function(from, holidays = NULL, offset = 0) {
  from = as.Date(from)
  # make sure from is a business date
  dates = business.days(from - 10, from - offset, holidays)

#' Compute the expiration date of stock options (3rd Friday of the month)
#' @param year year
#' @param month month
#' @return date for the third Friday of the given month and year
#' @references 
#' \url{http://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/161147-find-day-week-month-year}
#' \url{http://www.mysmp.com/options/options-expiration-week.html}
#' The week beginning on Monday prior to the Saturday of options expiration is referred to as options expiration week. 
#' Since the markets are closed on Saturday, the third Friday of each month represents options expiration.
#' If the third Friday of the month is a holiday, all trading dates are moved forward; meaning that Thursday will be the last trading day to exercise options.
#' \url{http://www.cboe.com/TradTool/ExpirationCalendar.aspx}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' third.friday.month(2012,1)
#' }
#' @export 
third.friday.month <- function(years, months)
helper <- function(year, month) {
  day = date.dayofweek( as.Date(c('', 10000*year + 100*month + 1), '%Y%m%d')[-1] )
  day = c(20,19,18,17,16,15,21)[1 + day]
  as.Date(c('', 10000*year + 100*month + day), '%Y%m%d')[-1]
  if(len(years) > 1 && len(months) > 1) {
    out = c()
    for(month in months)
      out = c(out, helper(years,month))
  } else

# Special days
# http://www.cboe.com/AboutCBOE/xcal2014.pdf
# third.friday.month(2010:2013, 4)  
# key.date = map.spx.expiration(data$prices)  
# VIX settles 30 days prior to SPY
# key.date = map.spx.expiration(data$prices, offset=30)   
# na.omit(key.date['2014'])
#' @export
map.spx.expiration <- function(data, backfill = T, offset = 0) {
  dates = as.Date(index(data))
  # 3rd Friday of the month is last trading day for equity options
  years = date.year(range(dates))
  friday = third.friday.month(years[1]:(years[2]+1), 1:12)
    friday.future = friday[friday > dates[len(dates)]]
    friday = friday[friday <= dates[len(dates)]]
  key.date.index = match(friday, dates)
  na.index = which(is.na(key.date.index))
  # backfill NA's
  if(backfill && len(na.index)>0)
    key.date.index[na.index] = match(friday[na.index]-1, dates)

  if(offset != 0) {
    friday = c(dates[key.date.index], friday.future)
    offset.date = friday - offset
    key.date.index = match(offset.date, dates)
  key.date.index = na.omit(key.date.index)
  key.date = NA * data[,1]
    key.date[key.date.index,] = T
systematicinvestor/SIT.date documentation built on March 5, 2020, 10:22 a.m.