# test_seq <- c("ATGC", "AGCT--GT")
# gp <-
# bstr2df(test_seq) %>%
# ggplot(aes(pos, seq_name, label = residue, fill = residue))
# gp
# gp + geom_raster() + scale_fill_manual(values = dna_color) + geom_text()
# gp + geom_raster() + geom_text()
# temp <- bstringr::read_fasta("~/Desktop/i_blast/out_align/caf1/for_tree_HsCAF1.fas")
# temp %>%
# bstr_sub_true(1, 1, 100) %>%
# .[1:10] %>%
# bstr2df() %>%
# mutate_percentage() %>%
# mutate_alpha_by_ident() %>%
# ggplot(aes(pos, seq_name, label = residue, fill = residue)) +
# geom_raster(aes(alpha = al)) +
# scale_fill_manual(values = color_aa_zappo) +
# geom_text()
# bstr2df(bstr(test_seq, c("A", "A")))
# temp %>%
# bstr_sub_true(1, 1, 30) %>%
# bstr2df() %>%
# calc_ident_per_pos()
# mutate_percentage <-
# function(df){
# pos_df <-
# df %>%
# group_by(pos, residue) %>%
# summarise(freq = n()) %>%
# mutate(per = freq / sum(freq) * 100) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# mutate(ID = paste0(pos, residue)) %>%
# select(-residue, -pos)
# mutate(df, ID = paste0(pos, residue)) %>%
# left_join(pos_df, by = "ID") %>%
# select(-ID)
# }
# set_color_by_identity <-
# function(df, threshold = 60){
# df %>%
# mutate(al = if_else(per >= threshold, residue, NA_character_))
# }
# mutate_alpha_by_ident <-
# function(df, threshold = 60){
# threshold <- sort(threshold)
# df <- mutate(df, al = NA_real_)
# for(th in threshold){
# df <-
# mutate(df, al = if_else(per >= th, th, al))
# }
# df
# }
# gp <-
# hoge %>%
# mutate(ID = paste0(seq, pos)) %>%
# left_join(hige, by = "ID") %>%
# create_gp() %>%
# plot_shade() %>%
# plot_seq(5)
# gp +
# coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1, 35)) +
# theme(
# text = element_text(size = 5 * ggplot2::.pt),
# axis.title = element_blank(),
# rect = element_blank(),
# legend.position = "none"
# )
# hoge <- bstr(c("ATGC--CG", "ACGC-GGG"))
# mf2 <- function(x, g = "-") if(any(x != g)) x[1] == x[2]
# mf <- function(x) x[1] == x[2]
# calc_ident_2seq <-
# function(x, y, gap_chr = "-"){
# str_extract_all(c(x, y), ".", simplify = T) %>%
# apply(2, mf2) %>%
# unlist %>%
# {sum(.)/length(.)}
# }
# calc_ident_2seq(hoge[1], hoge[2])
# calc_ident_mat <-
# function(bstrobj, gap_chr = "-"){
# l <- length(bstrobj)
# n <- names(bstrobj)
# mat <- matrix(nrow = l, ncol = l)
# row.names(mat) <- n
# colnames(mat) <- n
# cb <- combn(seq_along(bstrobj), 2, simplify = F)
# for(i in cb){
# mat[i[1], i[2]] <-
# calc_ident_2seq(bstrobj[i[1]], bstrobj[i[2]], gap_chr = gap_chr)
# }
# return(t(mat))
# }
# calc_ident_mat(
# read_fasta("~/Desktop/i_blast/out_align/caf1/xout_HsCAF1_onlyarabi.fas")
# ) %>%
# round(digits = 2)
# calc_ident_mat(
# read_fasta("~/Desktop/i_blast/out_align/not9/for_tree_HsNOT9.fas")
# ) %>%
# round(digits = 2)
# # read_fasta("~/Desktop/i_blast/out_align/clustalo_out_APUM.fas") %>%
# # bstr2df() %>%
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