
Defines functions predictProb.randomForest predictProb.ols predictProb.glm predictProb predictSurvProb.rfsrc predictSurvProb.riskRegression predictSurvProb.psm predictSurvProb.survfit predict.survfit predictSurvProb.prodlim predictSurvProb.selectCox predictSurvProb.cph predictSurvProb.coxph predictSurvProb.pecRpart pecRpart predictSurvProb.cox.aalen predictSurvProb.aalen predictSurvProb.matrix predictSurvProb.numeric predictSurvProb.default predictSurvProb

Documented in pecRpart predictSurvProb predictSurvProb.aalen predictSurvProb.cox.aalen predictSurvProb.coxph predictSurvProb.cph predictSurvProb.default predictSurvProb.matrix predictSurvProb.pecRpart predictSurvProb.prodlim predictSurvProb.psm predictSurvProb.rfsrc predictSurvProb.riskRegression predictSurvProb.selectCox predictSurvProb.survfit

#' Predicting survival probabilities
#' Function to extract survival probability predictions from various modeling
#' approaches. The most prominent one is the Cox regression model which can be
#' fitted for example with `coxph' and with `cph'.
#' The function predictSurvProb is a generic function that means it invokes
#' specifically designed functions depending on the 'class' of the first
#' argument.
#' The function \code{pec} requires survival probabilities for each row in
#' newdata at requested times. These probabilities are extracted from a fitted
#' model of class \code{CLASS} with the function \code{predictSurvProb.CLASS}.
#' Currently there are \code{predictSurvProb} methods for objects of class cph
#' (library rms), coxph (library survival), aalen (library timereg), cox.aalen
#' (library timereg), 
#' rpart (library rpart), product.limit (library prodlim),
#' survfit (library survival), psm (library rms)
#' @aliases predictSurvProb predictSurvProb.aalen
#' predictSurvProb.riskRegression predictSurvProb.cox.aalen
#' predictSurvProb.coxph predictSurvProb.cph predictSurvProb.default
#' predictSurvProb.rfsrc predictSurvProb.matrix predictSurvProb.pecCtree
#' predictSurvProb.pecCforest predictSurvProb.prodlim predictSurvProb.psm
#' predictSurvProb.selectCox predictSurvProb.survfit 
#' predictSurvProb.pecRpart
#' @usage
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{aalen}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{riskRegression}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{cox.aalen}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{cph}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{coxph}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{matrix}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{selectCox}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{pecCforest}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{prodlim}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{psm}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{survfit}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' \method{predictSurvProb}{pecRpart}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' #' \method{predictSurvProb}{pecCtree}(object,newdata,times,...)
#' @param object A fitted model from which to extract predicted survival
#' probabilities
#' @param newdata A data frame containing predictor variable combinations for
#' which to compute predicted survival probabilities.
#' @param times A vector of times in the range of the response variable, e.g.
#' times when the response is a survival object, at which to return the
#' survival probabilities.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments that are passed on to the current method.
#' @return A matrix with as many rows as \code{NROW(newdata)} and as many
#' columns as \code{length(times)}. Each entry should be a probability and in
#' rows the values should be decreasing.
#' @note In order to assess the predictive performance of a new survival model
#' a specific \code{predictSurvProb} S3 method has to be written. For examples,
#' see the bodies of the existing methods.
#' The performance of the assessment procedure, in particular for resampling
#' where the model is repeatedly evaluated, will be improved by supressing in
#' the call to the model all the computations that are not needed for
#' probability prediction. For example, \code{se.fit=FALSE} can be set in the
#' call to \code{cph}.
#' @author Thomas A. Gerds \email{tag@@biostat.ku.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict}},\code{\link{survfit}}
#' @references Ulla B. Mogensen, Hemant Ishwaran, Thomas A. Gerds (2012).
#' Evaluating Random Forests for Survival Analysis Using Prediction Error
#' Curves. Journal of Statistical Software, 50(11), 1-23. DOI
#' 10.18637/jss.v050.i11
#' @keywords survival
##' @examples
##' # generate some survival data
##' library(prodlim)
##' set.seed(100)
##' d <- SimSurv(100)
##' # then fit a Cox model
##' library(survival)
##' library(rms)
##' coxmodel <- cph(Surv(time,status)~X1+X2,data=d,surv=TRUE)
##' # Extract predicted survival probabilities 
##' # at selected time-points:
##' ttt <- quantile(d$time)
##' # for selected predictor values:
##' ndat <- data.frame(X1=c(0.25,0.25,-0.05,0.05),X2=c(0,1,0,1))
##' # as follows
##' predictSurvProb(coxmodel,newdata=ndat,times=ttt)
##' # stratified cox model
##' sfit <- coxph(Surv(time,status)~strata(X1)+X2,data=d,,x=TRUE,y=TRUE)
##' predictSurvProb(sfit,newdata=d[1:3,],times=c(1,3,5,10))
##' ## simulate some learning and some validation data
##' learndat <- SimSurv(100)
##' valdat <- SimSurv(100)
##' ## use the learning data to fit a Cox model
##' library(survival)
##' fitCox <- coxph(Surv(time,status)~X1+X2,data=learndat,x=TRUE,y=TRUE)
##' ## suppose we want to predict the survival probabilities for all patients
##' ## in the validation data at the following time points:
##' ## 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
##' psurv <- predictSurvProb(fitCox,newdata=valdat,times=seq(0,60,12))
##' ## This is a matrix with survival probabilities
##' ## one column for each of the 5 time points
##' ## one row for each validation set individual
##' ## Cox with ridge option
##' f1 <- coxph(Surv(time,status)~X1+X2,data=learndat,x=TRUE,y=TRUE)
##' f2 <- coxph(Surv(time,status)~ridge(X1)+ridge(X2),data=learndat,x=TRUE,y=TRUE)
##' plot(predictSurvProb(f1,newdata=valdat,times=10),
##'      pec:::predictSurvProb.coxph(f2,newdata=valdat,times=10),
##'      xlim=c(0,1),
##'      ylim=c(0,1),
##'      xlab="Unpenalized predicted survival chance at 10",
##'      ylab="Ridge predicted survival chance at 10")
#' @export 
predictSurvProb <- function(object,newdata,times,...){

##' @export 
predictSurvProb.default <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
  stop("No method for evaluating predicted probabilities from objects in class: ",class(object)[[1]],call.=FALSE)

##' @export 
predictSurvProb.numeric <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    if (NROW(object) != NROW(newdata))
        ## || NCOL(object) != length(times))
      stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(object)," x ",NCOL(object),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export 
predictSurvProb.matrix <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    if (NROW(object) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(object) != length(times)){
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(object)," x ",NCOL(object),"\n\n",sep=""))
        ## stop(paste("Prediction matrix has wrong dimensionss: ",NROW(object)," rows and ",NCOL(object)," columns.\n But requested are predicted probabilities for ",NROW(newdata), " subjects (rows) in newdata and ",NCOL(newdata)," time points (columns)",sep=""))

##' @export 
predictSurvProb.aalen <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    ## require(timereg)
    time.coef <- data.frame(object$cum)
    ntime <- nrow(time.coef)
    objecttime <- time.coef[,1,drop=TRUE]
    ntimevars <- ncol(time.coef)-2
    covanames <- names(time.coef)[-(1:2)]
    notfound <- match(covanames,names(newdata),nomatch=0)==0
    if (any(notfound))
        stop("\nThe following predictor variables:\n\n",
             "\n\nwere not found in newdata, which only provides the following variables:\n\n",
    time.vars <- cbind(1,newdata[,names(time.coef)[-(1:2)],drop=FALSE])
    nobs <- nrow(newdata)
    hazard <- .C("survest_cox_aalen",
    hazard <- matrix(hazard,ncol=ntime,nrow=nobs,dimnames=list(1:nobs,paste("TP",1:ntime,sep="")))
    surv <- pmin(exp(-hazard),1)
    if (missing(times)) times <- sort(unique(objecttime))
    p <- surv[,prodlim::sindex(jump.times=objecttime,eval.times=times)]
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export 
predictSurvProb.cox.aalen <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    #  require(timereg)
    ##  The time-constant effects first
    const <- c(object$gamma)
    names(const) <- substr(dimnames(object$gamma)[[1]],6,nchar(dimnames(object$gamma)[[1]])-1)
    constant.part <- t(newdata[,names(const)])*const
    constant.part <- exp(colSums(constant.part))
    ##  Then extract the time-varying effects
    time.coef <- data.frame(object$cum)
    ntime <- nrow(time.coef)
    objecttime <- time.coef[,1,drop=TRUE]
    ntimevars <- ncol(time.coef)-2
    time.vars <- cbind(1,newdata[,names(time.coef)[-(1:2)],drop=FALSE])
    nobs <- nrow(newdata)
    time.part <- .C("survest_cox_aalen",timehazard=double(ntime*nobs),as.double(unlist(time.coef[,-1])),as.double(unlist(time.vars)),as.integer(ntimevars+1),as.integer(nobs),as.integer(ntime),PACKAGE="pec")$timehazard
    time.part <- matrix(time.part,ncol=ntime,nrow=nobs)
    ## dimnames=list(1:nobs,paste("TP",1:ntime,sep="")))
    surv <- pmin(exp(-time.part*constant.part),1)
    if (missing(times)) times <- sort(unique(objecttime))
    p <- surv[,prodlim::sindex(objecttime,times)]
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

#' Combines the rpart result with a stratified Kaplan-Meier (prodlim) to predict survival
#' @title Predict survival based on rpart tree object
#' @param formula passed to rpart
#' @param data passed to rpart
#' @param ... passed to rpart
#' @return list with three elements: ctree and call
#' @examples
#' library(prodlim)
#' if (!requireNamespace("rpart",quietly=TRUE)){
#' library(rpart)
#' library(survival)
#' set.seed(50)
#' d <- SimSurv(50)
#' nd <- data.frame(X1=c(0,1,0),X2=c(-1,0,1))
#' f <- pecRpart(Surv(time,status)~X1+X2,data=d)
#' predictSurvProb(f,newdata=nd,times=c(3,8))
#' }
#' @export 
pecRpart <- function(formula,data,...){
    if (!requireNamespace("rpart",quietly=TRUE)){stop("Need package rpart.")}
    robj <- do.call(rpart::rpart,list(formula=formula,data=data,...))
    nclass <- length(unique(robj$where))
    data$rpartFactor <- factor(predict(robj,newdata=data,...))
    form <- update(formula,paste(".~","rpartFactor",sep=""))
    survfit <- prodlim::prodlim(form,data=data)
    out <- list(rpart=robj,survfit=survfit,levels=levels(data$rpartFactor))
    class(out) <- "pecRpart"

##' @export
predictSurvProb.pecRpart <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    newdata$rpartFactor <- factor(predict(object$rpart,newdata=newdata),
    p <- predictSurvProb(object$survfit,newdata=newdata,times=times)
##' @export 
predictSurvProb.coxph <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    p <- riskRegression::predictCox(object=object,
                    se = FALSE,
                    iid = FALSE,
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times)){
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))
## baselineHazard.coxph(object,times)
## require(survival)
## new feature of the survival package requires that the
## original data are included
## survival.survfit.coxph <- getFromNamespace("survfit.coxph",ns="survival")
## survival.summary.survfit <- getFromNamespace("summary.survfit",ns="survival")
## b <- function(x){browser()}
## b()
## survfit.object <- survival::survfit(object,newdata=newdata,se.fit=FALSE,conf.int=FALSE)
## if (is.null(attr(object$terms,"specials")$strata)){
## case without strata 
## inflated.pred <- summary(survfit.object,times=times)$surv
## if (is.null(inflated.pred)){
## can happen when all times beyond maxtime  
## p=matrix(NA,ncol=length(times),nrow=NROW(newdata))
## } else{
## p <- t(inflated.pred)        
## if ((beyond <- (length(times)-NCOL(p)))>0)
## p <- cbind(p,matrix(NA,nrow=NROW(newdata),ncol=beyond))
## }
## }else{
## case with strata 
## inflated.pred <- summary(survfit.object,times=times)
## plist <- split(inflated.pred$surv,inflated.pred$strata)
## p <- do.call("rbind",lapply(plist,function(x){
## beyond <- length(times)-length(x)
## c(x,rep(NA,beyond))
## }))
## p <- matrix(inflated.pred,ncol=length(times),byrow=TRUE)
## }
## if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
## stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))
## p
## }

## predictSurvProb.coxph.penal <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
## require(survival)
## frailhistory <- object$history$ frailty(cluster) $history
## frailVar <- frailhistory[NROW(frailhistory),1]
## survfit.object <- survival.survfit.coxph(object,newdata=newdata,se.fit=FALSE,conf.int=FALSE)
## linearPred <- predict(object,newdata=newdata,se.fit=FALSE,conf.int=FALSE)
## basehaz <- basehaz(object)
## bhTimes <- basehaz[,2]
## bhValues <- basehaz[,1]
## survPred <- do.call("rbind",lapply(1:NROW(newdata),function(i){
## (1+frailVar*bhValues*exp(linearPred[i]))^{-1/frailVar}
## }))
## where <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times=bhTimes,eval.times=times)
## p <- cbind(1,survPred)[,where+1]
## if ((miss.time <- (length(times) - NCOL(p)))>0)
## p <- cbind(p,matrix(rep(NA,miss.time*NROW(p)),nrow=NROW(p)))
## if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
## stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))
## p
## }

##' @export 
predictSurvProb.cph <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    if (!match("surv",names(object),nomatch=0)) stop("Argument missing: set surv=TRUE in the call to cph!")
    p <- rms::survest(object,times=times,newdata=newdata,se.fit=FALSE,what="survival")$surv
    if (is.null(dim(p))) p <- matrix(p,nrow=NROW(newdata))
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export
predictSurvProb.selectCox <- function(object,newdata,times,...){

##' @export
predictSurvProb.prodlim <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    ## require(prodlim)
    p <- predict(object=object,
    if (NROW(newdata)==1 && inherits(x = p,what = "list")){
        p <- unlist(p)
    if (is.null(dim(p)) && NROW(newdata)>=1){
        ## if the model has no covariates
        ## then all cases get the same prediction
        ## in this exceptional case we return a vector
        ## p[is.na(p)] <- 0
        p <- as.vector(p)
        if (length(p)!=length(times))
            stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))
        if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
            stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))
        ## stop("Prediction failed")
    rownames(p) <- NULL

predict.survfit <- function(object,newdata,times,bytimes=TRUE,fill="last",...){
    if (!inherits(x = object,what = "survfit") || object$typ !="right")
        stop("Predictions only available \nfor class 'survfit', possibly stratified Kaplan-Meier fits.\n For class 'cph' Cox models see survest.cph.")
    if (missing(newdata))
        npat <- 1
        if (is.data.frame(newdata))
            npat <- nrow(newdata)
        else stop("If argument `newdata' is supplied it must be a dataframe." )
    ntimes <- length(times)
    sfit <- summary(object,times=times)
    if (is.na(fill))
        Fill <- function(x,len){x[1:len]}
    else if (fill=="last")
        Fill <- function(x,len){
            y <- x[1:len]
            y[is.na(y)] <- x[length(x)]
    else stop("Argument fill must be the string 'last' or NA.")
    if (is.null(object$strata)){
        pp <- Fill(sfit$surv,ntimes)
        p <- matrix(rep(pp,npat),
        covars <- attr(terms(eval.parent(object$call$formula)),"term.labels")
        if (!all(match(covars,names(newdata),nomatch=FALSE)))
            stop("Not all strata defining variables occur in newdata.")
        ## FIXME there are different ways to build strata levels
        ## how can we test which one was used???
        stratdat <- newdata[,covars,drop=FALSE]
        names(stratdat) <- covars
        NewStratVerb <- survival::strata(stratdat)
        NewStrat <- interaction(stratdat,sep=" ")
        levs <- levels(sfit$strata)
        #    print(levs)
        #    print(levels(NewStrat))
        #    print(levels(NewStratVerb))
        if (!all(choose <- match(NewStratVerb,levs,nomatch=F))
            !all(choose <- match(NewStrat,levs,nomatch=F)))
            stop("Not all strata levels in newdata occur in fit.")
        survlist <- split(sfit$surv,sfit$strata)
        pp <- lapply(survlist[choose],Fill,ntimes)
        p <- matrix(unlist(pp,use.names=FALSE),
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export
predictSurvProb.survfit <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    p <- predict.survfit(object,newdata=newdata,times=times,bytimes=TRUE,fill="last")
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

## library randomSurvivalForest
## predictSurvProb.rsf <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
## p <- predict.rsf(object,newdata=newdata,times=times,bytimes=TRUE,fill="last")
## if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
## stop("Prediction failed")
## p
## }

##' @export
predictSurvProb.psm <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    if (length(times)==1){
        p <- rms::survest(object,times=c(0,times),newdata=newdata,what="survival",conf.int=FALSE)[,2]
        p <- rms::survest(object,times=times,newdata=newdata,what="survival",conf.int=FALSE)
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export
predictSurvProb.riskRegression <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    if (missing(times))stop("Argument times is missing")
    temp <- predict(object,newdata=newdata)
    pos <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times=temp$time,eval.times=times)
    p <- cbind(1,1-temp$cuminc)[,pos+1,drop=FALSE]
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export
predictSurvProb.rfsrc <- function(object, newdata, times, ...){
    ptemp <- predict(object,newdata=newdata,importance="none",...)$survival
    pos <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times=object$time.interest,eval.times=times)
    p <- cbind(1,ptemp)[,pos+1,drop=FALSE]
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

# methods for uncensored regression
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

predictProb <- function(object,newdata,times,...){

##' @export
predictProb.glm <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
  ## no censoring -- only normal family with mu=0 and sd=sd(y)
  N <- NROW(newdata)
  NT <- length(times)
  if (!(unclass(family(object))$family=="gaussian"))
    stop("Currently only gaussian family implemented for glm.")
  betax <- predict(object,newdata=newdata,se.fit=FALSE)
  ##   print(betax[1:10])
  pred.matrix <- matrix(rep(times,N),byrow=TRUE,ncol=NT,nrow=N)
  p <- 1-pnorm(pred.matrix - betax,mean=0,sd=sqrt(var(object$y)))
  if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
      stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export
predictProb.ols <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
    ## no censoring -- only normal family with mu=0 and sd=sd(y)
    N <- NROW(newdata)
    NT <- length(times)
    if (!(unclass(family(object))$family=="gaussian"))
        stop("Currently only gaussian family implemented.")
    betax <- predict(object,newdata=newdata,type="lp",se.fit=FALSE)
    ##   print(betax[1:10])
    pred.matrix <- matrix(rep(times,N),byrow=TRUE,ncol=NT,nrow=N)
    p <- 1-pnorm(pred.matrix - betax,mean=0,sd=sqrt(var(object$y)))
    if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
        stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

##' @export
predictProb.randomForest <- function(object,newdata,times,...){
  ## no censoring -- only normal family with mu=0 and sd=sd(y)
  N <- NROW(newdata)
  NT <- length(times)
  predMean <- predict(object,newdata=newdata,se.fit=FALSE)
  pred.matrix <- matrix(rep(times,N),byrow=TRUE,ncol=NT,nrow=N)
  p <- 1-pnorm(pred.matrix - predMean,mean=0,sd=sqrt(var(object$y)))
  if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
      stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",NROW(newdata)," x ",length(times),"\nProvided prediction matrix: ",NROW(p)," x ",NCOL(p),"\n\n",sep=""))

## update.cox <- function(object,tstar,data){
## object$call$data <- data[data$time>tstar,]
## update <- eval(object$call)
## class(update) <- "dynamicCox"
## update
## }
##' @export
## predictProb.dynamicCox <- function(object,newdata,cutpoints,learn.data,...){
## p <- matrix(1,nrow=NROW(newdata),ncol=length(cutpoints))
## p
## }
tagteam/pec documentation built on April 25, 2023, 12:03 a.m.