
Defines functions count_images qti_item_xml prep_item_text clean_text print.qti_item qti_item

Documented in qti_item

#' The qti_item class
#' These functions build and manipulate qti_item objects, for analysis and
#' for reading and writing to QTI XML.
#' @param id Item ID as an integer or string.
#' @param title Item title, as a string, with max 280 characters.
#' @param type Item type, only "choice" is currently supported.
#' @param prompt Stem text, as a single string.
#' @param options Option text, as vector of strings, one per option.
#' @param key Numeric vector of 0/1 response scores, one per option.
#' @param rm_prefix Logical with default \code{TRUE} for removing prefixes,
#' e.g., \code{a.}, \code{b.}, \code{c.} from prompt and options.
#' @param href Optional file name for item, with default created using
#' \code{id}.
#' @param xml Optional XML representation of item, as character. If not
#' supplied, this is created automatically from the remaining arguments.
#' @return \code{qti_item} returns an object of class
#' \dQuote{\code{qti_item}}, which is a list containing named elements for
#' the item \code{id}, \code{title}, and \code{type}, as supplied via
#' arguments, the \code{prompt} and \code{options} text with formatting and
#' resources stripped, and the QTI XML representation of the item.
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' item <- qti_item(
#'   id = 999,
#'   title = "Example Item",
#'   type = "choice",
#'   prompt = "What does this image tell you? <img src='life.png' />",
#'   options = c("Everything", "Something",
#'     "Nothing, but look at this code:<br/><pre>lm(life ~ R)</pre>"),
#'   key = c(1, 1, 0)
#' )
#' item
#' @export
qti_item <- function(id = NULL, title = NULL, type = c("choice"),
  prompt = NULL, options = NULL, key = NULL, rm_prefix = TRUE,
  href = sprintf("qti-item-%s.xml", id), xml = NULL) {
  out <- list(id = id,
    title = substr(title, 1, 280),
    type = match.arg(type),
    prompt = prompt,
    options = options,
    key = key,
    href = href)
  if (is.null(xml))
    out$xml <- qti_item_xml(out)
    out$xml <- xml
  out$prompt <- prep_item_text(paste(prompt, collapse = ""),
    rm_prefix = rm_prefix)
  out$options <- prep_item_text(options, rm_prefix = rm_prefix)
  out$n_images <- count_images(out$prompt) + count_images(out$options)
  class(out) <- "qti_item"

#' @export
print.qti_item <- function(x, preface = LETTERS, note_correct = "*", ...) {
  cat(x$title, "\n")
  cat(x$id, "\n\n")
  cat(x$prompt, "\n\n")
  ops <- x$options
  if (!is.null(preface))
    ops <- paste(preface[1:length(ops)], ops, sep = ". ")
  if (!is.null(note_correct))
    ops[as.logical(x$key)] <-
      paste0(note_correct, ops[as.logical(x$key)], note_correct)
  cat(paste(ops, collapse = "\n\n"), "\n\n")

clean_text <- function(x, rm_prefix = TRUE) {
  # Remove newlines, leading option letters, and leading and trailing space
  # Subs image, img, math, pre, and table tags with placeholders
  # Strip names
  out <- x
  if (rm_prefix)
    out <- sapply(out, function(y) gsub("^\\s*\\w{1}\\.{1}", "", y))
  out <- sapply(out, function(y) gsub("\\s+", " ", y))
  out <- sapply(out, function(y) gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", y))
  names(out) <- NULL

prep_item_text <- function(x, xpaths = c("//image", "//img",
  "//math", "//pre", "//table"), xtext = gsub("(//)(.+)", " [\\2] ", xpaths),
  rm_prefix) {
  # Replace any text contents of image, img, math, pre, and table with
  # placeholders
  # Remove all children, which also removes closing tag
  # Remove all attributes
  # Set text to be placeholder in xtext, which adds closing tag
  # All HTML is about to be stripped. Replace </br> with space to separate
  # sentences
  out <- character(length = length(x))
  for (i in seq_along(out)) {
    x[i] <- gsub("(<br/>)+", " ", x[i])
    temp_item <- xml2::read_html(sprintf("<p>%s</p>", x[i]))
    for (j in seq_along(xpaths)) {
      temp_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(temp_item, xpaths[j])
      xml2::xml_attrs(temp_nodes) <- NULL
      xml2::xml_text(temp_nodes) <- xtext[j]
    out[i] <- clean_text(xml2::xml_text(temp_item), rm_prefix = rm_prefix)

qti_item_xml <- function(x, template) {
  if (x$type == "choice") {
    if (missing(template))
      template <- system.file("templates", "choice.xml", package = "qti")
    choice_template <- xml2::read_xml(template)
    n_ops <- length(unlist(x$options))
    choice_labels <- paste0("Choice", LETTERS[1:n_ops])
    xml2::xml_attr(choice_template, "identifier") <- x$id
    xml2::xml_attr(choice_template, "title") <- x$title
    # Add prompt
    # Canvas QTI requires HTML formatting, at least with <p>
    temp_prompt_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(choice_template, "//d1:prompt")
    new_prompt_node <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("<prompt>", x$prompt,
    xml2::xml_replace(temp_prompt_node, new_prompt_node)
    # Add simpleChoice children under choiceInteraction
    # Add value children under correctResponse for each key
    temp_interaction_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(choice_template,
    temp_correct_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(choice_template,
    for (o in 1:n_ops) {
      temp_choice_node <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("<simpleChoice>",
        x$options[o], "</simpleChoice>"))
      xml2::xml_attr(temp_choice_node, "identifier") <- choice_labels[o]
      xml2::xml_add_child(temp_interaction_node, temp_choice_node)
      if (x$key[o] == 1) {
        temp_value_node <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("<value>", choice_labels[o],
        xml2::xml_add_child(temp_correct_node, temp_value_node)
    rm(temp_choice_node, temp_interaction_node, temp_prompt_node)

count_images <- function(x, pattern = "\\[image\\]|\\[img\\]") {
  sum(unlist(gregexpr(pattern, x)) > 0)
talbano/qti documentation built on Jan. 25, 2023, 4:02 a.m.