#' @rdname em
#' @aliases em,InferenceEngine,BNDataset
function(x, dataset, threshold = 0.001, max.em.iterations = 10, ess = 1)
# We assume:
# 1) there is a BN with learnt or known parameters
# 2) there is a raw dataset with missing values (raw complete data case is not treated)
# We do:
# 1) belief propagation
# 2) re-guess imputed data, substituting NAs with most probable values obtained with BP step above
# 3) re-learn parameters for BN from imputed data from step 2
# 4) if convergence condition is met (parameters vary by less than threshold) stop, otherwise go back to step 1
# for steps 1,2:
# - do bp
# - get computed network
# - get cpts of computed network
# - for NA values:
# - select corresponding cpts
# - set parents to observed values
# - in case of parents with missing values: take variables in topological order
# - compute values according to distribution
bnstruct.start.log("starting EM algorithm ...")
rawdata <- raw.data(dataset)
if (test.updated.bn(x))
orig.bn <- updated.bn(x)
orig.bn <- bn(x)
bak.bn <- orig.bn
bn <- orig.bn
eng <- x
num.items <- num.items(dataset)
num.nodes <- num.nodes(orig.bn)
node.sizes <- node.sizes(orig.bn)
var.names <- variables(orig.bn)
discrete <- discreteness(orig.bn)
quantiles <- quantiles(orig.bn)
cliques <- jt.cliques(x)
# ndataset <- dataset
no.iterations <- 1
difference <- threshold + 1
prev.log.lik <- 0
while((difference > threshold && no.iterations <= max.em.iterations) || no.iterations < 2)
observations(eng) <- list(NULL, NULL) # clean observations, if needed
eng <- belief.propagation(eng)
imp.data <- matrix(data=rep(0, prod(dim(rawdata))),
still.has.NAs <- c()
for (row in 1:num.items)
y <- rawdata[row,]
# mpv <- rep(0, num.nodes)
obsd.vars <- which(!is.na(y))
obsd.vals <- y[obsd.vars]
non.obsd.vars <- setdiff(1:num.nodes, obsd.vars)
mpv <- c(y)
if (length(non.obsd.vars) == 0)
imp.data[row,] <- mpv
j <- jpts(eng)
to.evaluate <- non.obsd.vars
overall.obsd.vars <- obsd.vars
overall.obsd.vals <- obsd.vals
while(length(to.evaluate) > 0)
to.evaluate.next <- c()
for (i in to.evaluate)
# TODO: PROFILING: which is really better?
#target.cliques <- which(!is.na(sapply(cliques, function(cl) {match(i, c(cl))})))
target.cliques <- which(sapply(cliques, function(cl) {i %in% cl}))
tc <- 1
while (tc <= length(target.cliques))
target.clique <- target.cliques[tc]
jpt <- j[[target.clique]]
# TODO: PROFILING: can this be improved?
d <- c(match(names(dimnames(jpt)),var.names))
# TODO: PROFILING: is there anything better than intersect?
if (length(intersect(d, overall.obsd.vars)) == length(d)-1)
dd <- d
for (v in intersect(d, overall.obsd.vars))
#dmnms <- dimnames(jpt)
#nms <- names(dimnames(jpt))
cpt <- rep(0, node.sizes[v])
if (discrete[v] == FALSE && length(quantiles[[v]]) > 1) {
tmp.idx <- cut( mpv[v], quantiles[[v]], labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
cpt[tmp.idx] <- 1
} else {
cpt[mpv[v]] <- 1
out <- mult(jpt, dd, cpt, c(v), node.sizes)
jpt <- out$potential
dd <- out$vars
jpt <- jpt / sum(jpt)
#dimnames(jpt) <- dmnms
#names(dimnames(jpt)) <- nms
# out <- marginalize(jpt, dd, v)
# jpt <- out$potential
# dd <- out$vars
remaining <- (1:length(dd))[-which(dd == v)]
dd <- dd[remaining]
jpt <- apply(jpt, remaining, sum)
if (length(dd) == 1 && !is.element(NaN,jpt) && !is.element(NA,jpt))
tc <- length(target.cliques) + 100
# TODO: PROFILING: can this be done more efficiently?
wm <- which(!is.na(match(c(jpt),max(jpt))))
if (length(wm) == 1)
mpv[i] <- wm # jpt[wm]
mpv[i] <- sample(wm,1) #,replace=TRUE
if (discrete[i] == FALSE && length(quantiles[[i]]) > 1) {
lb <- quantiles[[i]][mpv[i]]
ub <- quantiles[[i]][mpv[i]+1]
mpv[i] <- runif(1, lb, ub)
overall.obsd.vars <- sort(c(overall.obsd.vars,i))
tc <- tc + 1
if(tc <= length(target.cliques)+2 || is.element(NaN,jpt) || is.element(NA, jpt))
to.evaluate.next <- c(to.evaluate.next, i)
if (length(to.evaluate.next) < length(to.evaluate))
to.evaluate <- to.evaluate.next
# ok, for now skip, or will loop.
# find out how to deal with this.
to.evaluate <- c()
still.has.NAs <- c(still.has.NAs, row)
imp.data[row,] <- mpv
# Fill in holes left by rows with too many NAs for being all identified.
# Use the network
if (length(still.has.NAs) > 0)
bis.data <- imp.data[-still.has.NAs,]
bis.dataset <- dataset
imputed.data(bis.dataset) <- bis.data
num.items(bis.dataset) <- num.items - length(still.has.NAs)
bis.net <- learn.params(bn, bis.dataset, ess=ess, use.imputed.data=T)
for (bis.row in still.has.NAs)
bis.ie <- InferenceEngine(bis.net)
ov <- which(!is.na(imp.data[bis.row,]))
bis.ie.1 <- belief.propagation(bis.ie, list("observed.vars" = ov,
"observed.vals" = (imp.data[bis.row,])[ov]))
imp.data[bis.row,] <- get.most.probable.values(bis.ie.1, imp.data[bis.row,])
# storage.mode(imp.data) <- "integer"
imputed.data(dataset) <- imp.data
bn <- learn.params(bn, dataset, ess=ess, use.imputed.data=T)
no.iterations <- no.iterations + 1
curr.log.lik <- imputed.log.likelihood(dataset, bn, use.imputed.data = T)
difference <- prev.log.lik - curr.log.lik
orig.bn <- bn
prev.log.lik <- curr.log.lik
updated.bn(x) <- bn
bnstruct.end.log("EM algorithm completed.")
return(list("InferenceEngine" = x, "BNDataset" = dataset))
# Compute log likelihood of the imputed part of a dataset given the network.
# Since it is used only as convergence criterion for EM, there is no need to compute
# it over the whole dataset, but only on the imputed observations
# (those that change after imputation).
# Takes a BNDataset and a BN as input.
imputed.log.likelihood <- function(dataset, net, use.imputed.data = FALSE)
dag <- dag(net)
node.sizes <- node.sizes(net)
n.nodes <- num.nodes(net)
variables <- variables(dataset)
parents <- lapply(1:n.nodes, function(x) which(dag[,x] != 0))
jpts <- lapply(cpts(net), function(x) x / sum(x))
dim.vars <- lapply(1:n.nodes,
names(dimnames(jpts[[x]])), F, F
if (use.imputed.data)
data <- imputed.data(dataset)
data <- raw.data(dataset)
# discretize continuous variables
cont.nodes <- which(!discreteness(net))
levels <- rep( 0, n.nodes )
levels[cont.nodes] <- node.sizes[cont.nodes]
out.data <- quantize.matrix( data, levels )
data <- out.data$quant
quantiles(net) <- out.data$quantiles
quantiles(dataset) <- out.data$quantiles
sorted.nodes <- topological.sort(dag)
vals <- rep(0, n.nodes)
ll <- 0
# select only rows that originally contained NAs
target.rows <- which(sapply(1:nrow(data), function(x) any(is.na(raw.data(dataset)[x,]))))
for (row in target.rows) {
for (node in sorted.nodes)
if (length(parents[[node]]) == 0) {
vals[node] <- data[row,node]
ll <- ll + log(jpts[[node]][data[row,node]])
} else {
jpt <- jpts[[node]]
vars <- c(unlist(dim.vars[[node]]))
for (p in parents[[node]]) {
sumout <- rep(0, node.sizes[p])
sumout[vals[p]] <- 1
out <- mult(jpt, vars, sumout, c(p), node.sizes)
jpt <- out$potential
vars <- out$vars
jpt <- c(jpt[which(jpt != 0)])
vals[node] <- data[row,node]
ll <- ll + log(jpt[data[row,node]])
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