
Defines functions counts.to.probs

#' @rdname learn.network
#' @aliases learn.network,BN
          function(x, y = NULL, algo = "mmhc", scoring.func = "BDeu", initial.network = NULL, 
                   alpha = 0.05, ess = 1, bootstrap = FALSE, layering = c(),
                   max.fanin = num.variables(y) -1, max.fanin.layers = NULL,
                   max.parents = num.variables(y) -1, max.parents.layers = NULL,
                   layer.struct = NULL, cont.nodes = c(), use.imputed.data = FALSE, use.cpc = TRUE, 
                   mandatory.edges = NULL, ...)
            if (is.null(y) || !inherits(y, "BNDataset"))
              stop("A BNDataset must be provided in order to learn a network from it. ",
                   "Please take a look at the documentation of the method: > ?learn.network")
            bn <- x
            dataset <- y
            if (num.time.steps(dataset) > 1) {
              bn <- learn.dynamic.network(bn, dataset, num.time.steps(dataset), algo, scoring.func,
                                          initial.network, alpha, ess, bootstrap, layering,
                                          max.fanin, max.fanin.layers, max.parents, max.parents.layers,
                                          layer.struct, cont.nodes, use.imputed.data, use.cpc, 
                                          mandatory.edges, ...)
            } else {
              bn <- learn.structure(bn, dataset, algo, scoring.func, initial.network, alpha, ess,
                                    bootstrap, layering, max.fanin, max.fanin.layers, max.parents,
                                    max.parents.layers, layer.struct, cont.nodes, use.imputed.data, use.cpc,
                                    mandatory.edges, ...)
              if (!bootstrap && algo != "mmpc")
                bn <- learn.params(bn, dataset, ess, use.imputed.data)
#' @rdname learn.network
#' @aliases learn.network,BNDataset
          function(x, algo = "mmhc", scoring.func = "BDeu", initial.network = NULL,
                   alpha = 0.05, ess = 1, bootstrap = FALSE, layering = c(),
                   max.fanin = num.variables(x) - 1, max.fanin.layers = NULL,
                   max.parents = num.variables(x) - 1, max.parents.layers = NULL,
                   layer.struct = NULL, cont.nodes = c(), use.imputed.data = FALSE, use.cpc = TRUE,
                   mandatory.edges = NULL, ...)
            dataset <- x
            bn <- BN(dataset)
            if (num.time.steps(dataset) > 1) {
              bn <- learn.dynamic.network(bn, dataset, num.time.steps(dataset), algo, scoring.func,
                                          initial.network, alpha, ess, bootstrap, layering,
                                          max.fanin, max.fanin.layers, max.parents, max.parents.layers,
                                          layer.struct, cont.nodes, use.imputed.data, use.cpc,
                                          mandatory.edges, ...)
            } else {
              bn <- learn.structure(bn, dataset, algo, scoring.func, initial.network, alpha, ess,
                                    bootstrap, layering, max.fanin, max.fanin.layers, max.parents,
                                    max.parents.layers, layer.struct, cont.nodes, use.imputed.data,
                                    use.cpc, mandatory.edges, ...)
              if (!bootstrap && algo != "mmpc")
                bn <- learn.params(bn, dataset, ess, use.imputed.data)

#' @rdname learn.dynamic.network
#' @aliases learn.dynamic.network,BN
          function(x, y = NULL, num.time.steps = num.time.steps(y), algo = "mmhc", scoring.func = "BDeu", initial.network = NULL, 
                   alpha = 0.05, ess = 1, bootstrap = FALSE, layering = c(),
                   max.fanin = num.variables(y) - 1, max.fanin.layers = NULL,
                   max.parents = num.variables(y) - 1, max.parents.layers = NULL,
                   layer.struct = NULL, cont.nodes = c(), use.imputed.data = FALSE, use.cpc = TRUE,
                   mandatory.edges = NULL, ...)
            if (is.null(y) || !inherits(y, "BNDataset"))
              stop("A BNDataset must be provided in order to learn a network from it. ",
                   "Please take a look at the documentation of the method: > ?learn.dynamic.network")
            bn <- x
            dataset <- y
            if (num.variables(dataset) %% num.time.steps != 0) {
              stop("There should be the same number of variables in each time step.")
            nv <- num.variables(dataset) / num.time.steps
            nl <- layering
            ls <- layer.struct
            if (is.null(layering)) {
              nl <- rep(1,nv)
            } else {
              if (length(layering) != nv && length(layering) != num.variables(y)) {
                stop("If a layering is provided, it should be either as long as the number of variables in each time step, or as the total number of variables in all the time steps.")
            num.layers <- length(unique(nl))
            copynl <- nl
            while (length(nl) < num.variables(y)) {
              nl <- c(nl, copynl+max(nl))
            layering <- nl
            if (is.null(layer.struct)) {
              ls <- matrix(0, num.layers * num.time.steps, num.layers * num.time.steps)
              ls[upper.tri(ls, diag=TRUE)] <- 1
              layer.struct <- ls
            } else {
              tmp.ls <- NULL
              for (i in 1:num.time.steps) {
                if (i == 1)
                  nr <- ls
                  nr <- matrix(0, num.layers, num.layers)
                for (j in 2:num.time.steps) {
                  if (j < i) {
                    nr <- cbind(nr, matrix(0, num.layers, num.layers))
                  } else if (i == j) {
                    nr <- cbind(nr, ls)
                  } else {
                    nr <- cbind(nr, matrix(1, num.layers, num.layers))
                tmp.ls <- rbind(tmp.ls, nr)
              layer.struct <- tmp.ls
            bn <- learn.structure(bn, dataset, algo, scoring.func, initial.network, alpha, ess,
                                  bootstrap, layering, max.fanin, max.fanin.layers, max.parents, max.parents.layers,
                                  layer.struct, cont.nodes, use.imputed.data, use.cpc, mandatory.edges, ...)
            if (!bootstrap && algo != "mmpc")
              bn <- learn.params(bn, dataset, ess, use.imputed.data)
#' @rdname learn.dynamic.network
#' @aliases learn.dynamic.network,BNDataset
          function(x, num.time.steps = num.time.steps(x), algo = "mmhc", scoring.func = "BDeu", initial.network = NULL,
                   alpha = 0.05, ess = 1, bootstrap = FALSE, layering = c(),
                   max.fanin = num.variables(x) - 1, max.fanin.layers = NULL,
                   max.parents = num.variables(x) - 1, max.parents.layers = NULL,
                   layer.struct = NULL, cont.nodes = c(), use.imputed.data = FALSE, use.cpc = TRUE,
                   mandatory.edges = NULL, ...) {
            dataset <- x
            bn <- BN(dataset)
            if (num.variables(x) %% num.time.steps != 0) {
              stop("There should be the same number of variables in each time step.")
            nv <- num.variables(x) / num.time.steps
            nl <- layering
            ls <- layer.struct
            if (is.null(layering)) {
              nl <- rep(1,nv)
            } else {
              if (length(layering) != nv && length(layering) != num.variables(x)) {
                stop("If a layering is provided, it should be either as long as the number of variables in each time step, or as the total number of variables in all the time steps.")
            num.layers <- length(unique(nl))
            copynl <- nl
            while (length(nl) < num.variables(x)) {
              nl <- c(nl, copynl+max(nl))
            layering <- nl
            if (is.null(layer.struct)) {
              ls <- matrix(0, num.layers * num.time.steps, num.layers * num.time.steps)
              ls[upper.tri(ls, diag=TRUE)] <- 1
              layer.struct <- ls
            } else {
              tmp.ls <- NULL
              for (i in 1:num.time.steps) {
                if (i == 1)
                  nr <- ls
                  nr <- matrix(0, num.layers, num.layers)
                for (j in 2:num.time.steps) {
                  if (j < i) {
                    nr <- cbind(nr, matrix(0, num.layers, num.layers))
                  } else if (i == j) {
                    nr <- cbind(nr, ls)
                  } else {
                    nr <- cbind(nr, matrix(1, num.layers, num.layers))
                tmp.ls <- rbind(tmp.ls, nr)
              layer.struct <- tmp.ls
            bn <- learn.structure(bn, dataset, algo, scoring.func, initial.network, alpha, ess,
                                  bootstrap, layering, max.fanin, max.fanin.layers, max.parents,
                                  max.parents.layers, layer.struct, cont.nodes, use.imputed.data,
                                  use.cpc, mandatory.edges, ...)
            if (!bootstrap && algo != "mmpc")
              bn <- learn.params(bn, dataset, ess, use.imputed.data)

#' @rdname learn.params
#' @aliases learn.params,BN,BNDataset
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases median pchisq quantile runif
          c("BN", "BNDataset"),
          function(bn, dataset, ess = 1, use.imputed.data = FALSE)
            # Learn the CPTs of each node, given data, DAG, node sizes and equivalent sample size
            # CPTs have the parents on dimensions 1:(n-1) and the child on the last dimension,
            # so that the sum over the last dimension is always 1
            if (struct.algo(bn) == "mmpc") {
              bnstruct.start.log("no parameter learning possible for network learnt using the MMPC algorithm")
            bnstruct.start.log("learning network parameters ... ")
            # just to play safe
            if (use.imputed.data)
              data <- as.matrix(imputed.data(dataset))
              data <- as.matrix(raw.data(dataset))
            # storage.mode(data) <- "integer"
            node.sizes <- node.sizes(bn)
            dag        <- dag(bn)
            n.nodes    <- num.nodes(bn)
            variables  <- variables(bn)
            #             storage.mode(dag) <- "integer"
            storage.mode(node.sizes) <- "integer"
            # quantize data of continuous nodes 
            cont.nodes <- which(!discreteness(bn))
            levels <- rep( 0, n.nodes )
            levels[cont.nodes] <- node.sizes[cont.nodes]
            # data <- quantize.with.na.matrix( data, levels )
            out.data <- quantize.matrix( data, levels )
            data <- out.data$quant
            quantiles(bn) <- out.data$quantiles
            quantiles(dataset) <- out.data$quantiles
            #n.nodes <- dataset@num.items #dim(data)[2]
            cpts <- list("list",n.nodes)
            var.names <- c(unlist(variables))  # colnames(data)
            d.names <- mapply(function(name,size)(1:size),var.names,node.sizes)
            # esimate a cpt for each family from data
            for ( i in 1:n.nodes )
              #cat("node " ,i, "\n")
              family <- c( which(dag[,i]!=0), i )
              counts <- .Call( "bnstruct_compute_counts_nas", data[,family], node.sizes[family], 
                               PACKAGE = "bnstruct" )
              counts <- array(c(counts), c(node.sizes[family]))
              cpts[[i]] <- counts.to.probs( counts + ess / prod(dim(counts)) )
              dms <- NULL
              dns <- NULL
              for (j in 1:length(family))
                dms[[j]] <- as.list(c(1:node.sizes[family[j]]))
                dns[[j]] <- c(var.names[family[j]])
              dimnames(cpts[[i]])          <- dms
              names( dimnames(cpts[[i]]) ) <- dns
            names(cpts) <- var.names
            #return( cpts )
            cpts(bn) <- cpts
            bnstruct.end.log("parameter learning done.")

#' @rdname learn.structure
#' @aliases learn.structure,BN,BNDataset
          c("BN", "BNDataset"),
          function(bn, dataset, algo = "mmhc", scoring.func = "BDeu", initial.network = NULL,
                   alpha = 0.05, ess = 1, bootstrap = FALSE, layering = c(),
                   max.fanin = num.variables(dataset) - 1, max.fanin.layers = NULL,
                   max.parents = num.variables(dataset) - 1, max.parents.layers = NULL,
                   layer.struct = NULL, cont.nodes = c(), use.imputed.data = FALSE, use.cpc = TRUE,
                   mandatory.edges = NULL, ...)
            # setup
            num.nodes(bn)  <- num.variables(dataset)
            node.sizes(bn) <- node.sizes(dataset)
            variables(bn)  <- variables(dataset)
            node.sizes <- node.sizes(bn)
            num.nodes  <- num.nodes(bn)
            if (length(cont.nodes) == 0)
              cont.nodes <- setdiff(1:num.nodes,which(discreteness(dataset)))
            # get data
            if (bootstrap)
              if (!has.boots(dataset))
                stop("Bootstrap samples not available. Please generate samples before learning with bootstrap.\nSee > ?bootstrap for help.")
              if (use.imputed.data && !has.imputed.boots(dataset))
                stop("Imputed samples not available. Please generate imputed samples before learning.\nSee > ?bootstrap for help.")
              num.boots <- num.boots(dataset)
              # not bootstrap (default)
              if (use.imputed.data && has.imputed.data(dataset))
                data   <- imputed.data(dataset)
              else if (use.imputed.data && !has.imputed.data(dataset))
                stop("Imputed data not available. Please impute data before learning.\nSee > ?impute for help.")
                data <- raw.data(dataset)
            # get scoring function:
            # 0 for BDeu
            # 1 for AIC
            # 2 for BIC
            # to ease things on the C side
            scoring.func <- match(tolower(scoring.func), c("bdeu", "aic", "bic"))
            if (is.na(scoring.func))
              bnstruct.log("scoring function not recognized, using BDeu")
              scoring.func <- 0
            else {
              scoring.func <- scoring.func - 1
            scoring.func(bn) <- c("BDeu", "AIC", "BIC")[scoring.func + 1]
            algo <- tolower(algo)
            if (!algo %in% c("sm", "mmhc", "sem", "mmpc", "hc")) {
              bnstruct.log("structure learning algorithm not recognized, using MMHC")
              bnstruct.log("(available options are: SM, MMHC, MMPC, HC, SEM)")
              algo <- "mmhc"
            # get initial.network
            if (!is.null(initial.network))
              if (inherits(initial.network, "BN"))
                init.net <- initial.network
              else if (inherits(initial.network, "matrix"))
                init.net      <- BN(dataset)
                dag(init.net) <- initial.network
                init.net      <- learn.params(init.net, dataset)
              else if (inherits(initial.network, "character") &&
                       tolower(initial.network) == "random.chain")
                init.net <- sample.chain(dataset)
              else # string != "random.chain"
                init.net <- NULL
              if (!is.null(init.net))
              init.net <- NULL
            # check consistency between max.parents and max.fanin
            #if (max.fanin < max.parents) {
            #  # bnstruct.log ("bounding max.parents to max.fanin")
            #  max.parents <- max.fanin
            # other params
            other.args <- list(...)
            if ("tabu.tenure" %in% names(other.args))
              tabu.tenure <- as.numeric(other.args$tabu.tenure)
              tabu.tenure <- 100
            if ("seed" %in% names(other.args))
            if ("wm.max" %in% names(other.args))
              wm.max <- as.numeric(other.args$wm.max)
              wm.max <- 15
            if ("initial.cpc" %in% names(other.args))
              initial.cpc <- as.numeric(other.args$initial.cpc)
              initial.cpc <- NULL
            #if ("struct.threshold" %in% names(other.args))
            #struct.threshold <- as.numeric(other.args$struct.threshold)
            #struct.threshold <- 10
            # switch on algorithm
            if (algo == "sm")
              # check consistency between max.parents and max.fanin
              if ( max.fanin < max.parents                                   ||
                   (is.null(max.parents.layers) && !is.null(max.fanin.layers))  ) {
                bnstruct.log ("SM uses 'max.parents' and 'max.parents.layers' parameters, ",
                              "but apparently you set 'max.fanin' and 'max.fanin.layers', ",
                              "changing accordingly.")
                max.parents <- max.fanin
                max.parents.layers <- max.fanin.layers
              bnstruct.start.log("learning the structure using SM ...")
              if (bootstrap)
                finalPDAG <- matrix(0,num.nodes,num.nodes)
                for( i in seq_len(num.boots(dataset)) )
                  data <- boot(dataset, i, use.imputed.data = use.imputed.data)
                  dag <- sm(data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cont.nodes, max.parents, layering,
                            max.parents.layers, ess, initial.cpc, mandatory.edges)
                  finalPDAG <- finalPDAG + dag.to.cpdag( dag, layering, layer.struct )
                wpdag(bn) <- finalPDAG
                dag(bn)  <- sm(data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cont.nodes,
                               max.parents, layering, max.parents.layers, ess,
                               initial.cpc, mandatory.edges)
              bnstruct.end.log("learning using SM completed.")
            } # end if algo == sm
            if (algo == "sem")
              bnstruct.start.log("learning the structure using SEM ...")
              bn <- sem(bn, dataset,
                        scoring.func = c("BDeu", "AIC", "BIC")[scoring.func + 1],
                        initial.network = init.net,
                        alpha = alpha, ess = ess, bootstrap = bootstrap,
                        layering = layering, max.fanin.layers = max.fanin.layers,
                        max.fanin = max.fanin,
                        max.parents = max.parents, cont.nodes = cont.nodes,
                        use.imputed.data = use.imputed.data,
                        use.cpc = use.cpc, mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges, ...)
              bnstruct.end.log("learning using SEM completed.")
            } # end if (algo == sem)
            # could be done just by changing some parameters and leaving it to
            # mmhc, but as we have the log messages I prefer to avoid confusion
            # I assume the following settings, otherwise it makes little sense, so I ignore them:
            # - use.cpc = TRUE
            # - init.net = NULL
            # Doubt: I save the non-dag in wpdag(bn), is this ok?
            # Saving in dag() gould cause problems in case of loops.
            # Shall we assume the users know what they're doing?
            if (algo == "mmpc")
              if ( max.parents < max.fanin) {
                bnstruct.log ("MMPC uses 'max.fanin', ",
                              "but apparently you set 'max.parents', ",
                              "changing accordingly.")
                max.parents <- max.fanin
                max.parents.layers <- max.fanin.layers
              bnstruct.start.log("learning the structure using MMPC ...")
              if (bootstrap)
                finalPDAG <- matrix(0,num.nodes,num.nodes)
                for( i in seq_len(num.boots(dataset)) )
                  data <- boot(dataset, i, use.imputed.data=use.imputed.data)
                  cpc <- mmpc( data, node.sizes, cont.nodes, alpha, layering,
                               layer.struct, max.fanin=max.fanin, mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                  finalPDAG <- finalPDAG + cpc
                wpdag(bn) <- finalPDAG
                cpc <- mmpc( data, node.sizes, cont.nodes, alpha, layering,
                             layer.struct, max.fanin=max.fanin, mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                wpdag(bn) <- cpc
              bnstruct.end.log("learning using MMPC completed.")
            } # end if algo == mmpc
            # same here.
            # use.cpc = FALSE
            if (algo == "hc")
              if ( max.parents < max.fanin                                   ||
                   (is.null(layer.struct) && !is.null(max.parents.layers))  ) {
                bnstruct.log ("HC uses 'max.fanin' and 'layer.struct' parameters, ",
                              "but apparently you set 'max.parents' and 'max.parents.layers', ",
                              "changing accordingly.")
                max.parents <- max.fanin
                max.parents.layers <- max.fanin.layers
              bnstruct.start.log("learning the structure using HC ...")
              if (!is.null(init.net))
                in.dag <- dag(init.net)
                in.dag <- NULL
              if (bootstrap)
                finalPDAG <- matrix(0,num.nodes,num.nodes)
                for( i in seq_len(num.boots(dataset)) )
                  data <- boot(dataset, i, use.imputed.data=use.imputed.data)
                  cpc <- matrix(rep(1, num.nodes*num.nodes), nrow = num.nodes, ncol = num.nodes)
                  # MODIFIED for bnstruct_score
                  # OLD
                  # dag <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                  #            tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents, init.net = in.dag,
                  #            wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                  #            mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges)
                  # finalPDAG <- finalPDAG + dag.to.cpdag( dag, layering, layer.struct )
                  # NEW
                  all.dags <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                             tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents, init.net = in.dag,
                             wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                             mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges)
                  dag <- tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag
                  finalPDAG <- finalPDAG + dag.to.cpdag( dag, layering, layer.struct )
                  best.scores(bn) <- append(best.scores(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$score))
                  best.dags(bn) <- append(best.dags(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag))                   
                  all.scores(bn) <- append(all.scores(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$score)))
                  all.dags(bn) <- append(all.dags(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$dag)))
                wpdag(bn) <- finalPDAG
                if (is.null(initial.cpc)) {
                  cpc <- matrix(rep(1, num.nodes*num.nodes), nrow = num.nodes, ncol = num.nodes)
                } else {
                  cpc <- initial.cpc
                # MODIFIED for bnstruct_score
                # OLD
                # dag(bn) <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                #                tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents, init.net = in.dag,
                #                wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                #                mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges)
                # NEW
                all.dags <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                                tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents, init.net = in.dag,
                                wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                                mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges)
                dag(bn) <- tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag
                best.scores(bn) <- append(best.scores(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$score))
                best.dags(bn) <- append(best.dags(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag))                   
                all.scores(bn) <- append(all.scores(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$score)))
                all.dags(bn) <- append(all.dags(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$dag)))
              bnstruct.end.log("learning using HC completed.")
            } # end if algo == hc
            if (algo == "mmhc") # default
              if ( max.fanin < max.parents) {
                bnstruct.log ("MMHC uses 'max.fanin', ",
                              "but apparently you set 'max.parents', ",
                              "changing accordingly.")
                max.parents <- max.fanin
                max.parents.layers <- max.fanin.layers
              bnstruct.start.log("learning the structure using MMHC ...")
              if (!is.null(init.net))
                in.dag <- dag(init.net)
                in.dag <- NULL
              if (bootstrap)
                finalPDAG <- matrix(0,num.nodes,num.nodes)
                for( i in seq_len(num.boots(dataset)) )
                  data <- boot(dataset, i, use.imputed.data=use.imputed.data)
                  if (use.cpc){
                    if (!is.null(initial.cpc)) {
                      cpc <- initial.cpc
                    } else {
                      cpc <- mmpc( data, node.sizes, cont.nodes, alpha, layering,
                                   layer.struct, max.fanin=max.fanin, mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                    cpc <- matrix(rep(1, num.nodes*num.nodes), nrow = num.nodes, ncol = num.nodes)
                  # MODIFIED for bnstruct_score
                  # OLD
                  # dag <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                  #            tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents,
                  #            init.net = in.dag, wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                  #            mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                  # finalPDAG <- finalPDAG + dag.to.cpdag( dag, layering, layer.struct )
                  # NEW
                  all.dags <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                                  tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents,
                                  init.net = in.dag, wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                                  mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                  dag <- tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag
                  finalPDAG <- finalPDAG + dag.to.cpdag( dag, layering, layer.struct )
                  best.scores(bn) <- append(best.scores(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$score))
                  best.dags(bn) <- append(best.dags(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag))                   
                  all.scores(bn) <- append(all.scores(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$score)))
                  all.dags(bn) <- append(all.dags(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$dag)))
                wpdag(bn) <- finalPDAG
                if (use.cpc)
                  if (!is.null(initial.cpc)) {
                    cpc <- initial.cpc
                  } else {
                    cpc <- mmpc( data, node.sizes, cont.nodes, alpha, layering,
                                 layer.struct, max.fanin=max.fanin, mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                  cpc <- matrix(rep(1, num.nodes*num.nodes), nrow = num.nodes, ncol = num.nodes)
                # MODIFIED for bnstruct_score
                # OLD
                # dag(bn) <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                #                tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents, init.net = in.dag,
                #                wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                #                mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                # NEW
                all.dags <- hc( data, node.sizes, scoring.func, cpc, cont.nodes, ess = ess,
                                tabu.tenure = tabu.tenure, max.parents = max.parents, init.net = in.dag,
                                wm.max=wm.max, layering=layering, layer.struct=layer.struct,
                                mandatory.edges = mandatory.edges )
                dag(bn) <- tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag
                best.scores(bn) <- append(best.scores(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$score))
                best.dags(bn) <- append(best.dags(bn), list(tail(all.dags, n=1)[[1]]$dag))                   
                all.scores(bn) <- append(all.scores(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$score)))
                all.dags(bn) <- append(all.dags(bn), list(lapply(all.dags[-length(all.dags)], function(x) x$dag)))
              bnstruct.end.log("learning using MMHC completed.")
            } # end if algo == mmhc
            struct.algo(bn) <- algo

counts.to.probs <- function( counts )
  d <- dim(counts)
  if( length(d) == 1 )
    return( counts / sum(counts) )
    # last dimension on the columns, everything else on the rows
    tmp.d <- c( prod(d[1:(length(d)-1)]), d[length(d)] )
    dim(counts) <- tmp.d
    # normalization
    nor <- rowSums( counts )
    nor <- nor + (nor == 0) # for the next division
    counts <- counts / array(nor,tmp.d)
    dim(counts) <- d
    return( counts )
tavazzie/bnstructScore documentation built on Dec. 23, 2021, 7:47 a.m.