
Defines functions subset_to_codes setup_network_data

Documented in setup_network_data subset_to_codes

#' Convert phenotype dataframe to a data list that works with network plotting
#' functions
#' Helper functions related to the networks module Takes a subset of the
#' individual data along with phewas results and returns a set of network data
#' in the form of edges and vertices as required by \code{\link{network_plot}}.
#' @param data A phenome dataframe with phecodes as columns and also with an
#'   \code{IID} column and a \code{snp} status column
#' @param phecode_info Information about each codes results in phewas study in
#'   form of columns: \code{code}, \code{category}, \code{color},
#'   \code{tooltip}.
#' @param inverted_codes An array of codes that are inverted. Note that if a
#'   code is inverted that should also be reflected in \code{data}. This is only
#'   for visual modifications.
#' @param case_size Size of nodes drawn for cases (default of 0.1)
#' @param code_size Size of nodes drawn for phecodes (default of 0.3)
#' @param no_copies Color of cases nodes with no minor allele copy (default
#'   grey)
#' @param one_copy Color of cases nodes with one minor allele copy (default
#'   orangered)
#' @param two_copies Color of cases nodes with two minor allele copies (default
#'   redish)
#' @return A list containing two dataframes: \code{vertices} a dataframe
#'   containing each unique node in network (all unique IIDs and Phecodes) along
#'   with columns \code{snp_status}, \code{name}, \code{color}, \code{size},
#'   \code{selectable}, \code{id}, \code{tooltip} which are all attributes used
#'   by the various network plotting functions included in library \code{edges}:
#'   a dataframe with columns \code{source} and \code{target} corresponding to
#'   the edges between each vertices according to the assigned interger
#'   \code{id}.
#' @examples
#' setup_network_data(data, phewas_results)
setup_network_data <- function(
  inverted_codes = c(),
  case_size = 0.1,
  code_size = 0.3,
  no_copies = '#bdbdbd',
  one_copy = 'orangered',
  two_copies = 'red'

  # get rid of superfluous columns so we just have phenotypes
  data_small <- data %>%
    dplyr::select(-IID, -snp)

  n_phenos <- data_small %>% ncol()
  n_cases <- data_small %>% nrow()

  pheno_names <- colnames(data_small)
  case_names <- paste('case', 1:n_cases)

  code_to_color <- phecode_info %>%
    # Throw away phecodes not seen in our data
    dplyr::filter(code %in% pheno_names) %>%
    # Add column for code inversion status
    dplyr::mutate( inverted = code %in% inverted_codes ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(name = code)

  vertices <- dplyr::tibble(
    # Integer index for keeping track of edges source and destinations
    index = 1:(n_cases + n_phenos),
    # How many snp allele copies for each case, 0s for phenotypes for obvious reasons
    snp_status = c(data$snp, rep(0, n_phenos)),
    # User-facing names of each node
    name = c(case_names, pheno_names)
  ) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(code_to_color, by = 'name') %>%
      color = dplyr::case_when(
        snp_status == 1 ~ one_copy,
        snp_status == 2 ~ two_copies,
        is.na(color) ~ no_copies,
        TRUE ~ color
      size = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(name, 'case'), case_size, code_size),
      selectable = !stringr::str_detect(name, 'case'),
      id = index

  colnames(data_small) <- (n_cases + 1):(n_cases + n_phenos)

  edges <- data_small %>%
    dplyr::mutate(case = as.character(1:dplyr::n())) %>%
    tidyr::gather(code, connected, -case) %>%
    dplyr::filter(connected == 1) %>%
    dplyr::transmute(source = as.numeric(case), target = as.numeric(code))

    edges = edges,
    vertices = vertices

#' Subset phenotype data to a given list of phecodes
#' Removes individuals who have none of the requested codes
#' @param data A wide phenotype file with columns IID, snp, and all the
#'   normalized phecode names
#' @param desired_codes Character vector of the phecodes to be extracted
#' @param codes_to_invert Character vector of phecodes that the user has
#'   requested be inverted (e.g. not having the code is considered 'having' it.)
#' @return A wide dataframe with just the columns desired and only rows
#'   corresponding to cases with one or more of the desired codes.
#' @examples
#' subset_to_codes(myPhenotypes, c('001.00', '002.00'), codes_to_invert = c('001.00'))
subset_to_codes <- function(data, desired_codes, codes_to_invert = c()) {
  # Normalize phecodes in case it hasn't been done already
  desired_codes <- desired_codes %>% meToolkit::normalize_phecodes()
  codes_to_invert <- codes_to_invert %>% meToolkit::normalize_phecodes()

  # are we going to invert any of these codes?
  inverting_codes <- length(codes_to_invert) > 0

  data[, c('IID', 'snp', desired_codes)] %>%
    tidyr::gather(code, value,-IID,-snp) %>% {
      if (inverting_codes) {
                         dplyr::tibble(code = codes_to_invert, invert = TRUE),
                         by = 'code'
      } else {
        dplyr::mutate(., invert = FALSE)
    } %>% # Deal with inversion scenarios
      value = as.numeric(value),
      #gets mad when value is an integer, so just in case make sure to force it to double.
      value = dplyr::case_when(
        value == 1 & invert ~ 0,
        value == 0 & invert ~ 1,
        is.na(value) ~ 0,
        # unknowns always are 'nos'
        TRUE ~ value
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(IID) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(total_codes = sum(value)) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::filter(total_codes > 0) %>% # remove individuals with none of the requested codes
    dplyr::select(-total_codes,-invert) %>%
    tidyr::spread(code, value)
tbilab/meToolkit documentation built on June 23, 2020, 9:55 a.m.