
Defines functions create.an.edgeList create.a.network

Documented in create.an.edgeList create.a.network

#' Create a network
#' This function will generate a network from an events dataframe.
#' @param data Dataframe containing all events. The first two coloums should contain the 'to' and 'from' indentities involved in the interaction, while the third column should contain the 'weight' of the interaction.
#' @param directed Treat the network as directed or not (Default=FALSE).
#' @param SRI Wether to use the simple ratio index or not (Default=FALSE).
#' @import igraph
#' @export
create.a.network<-function(data, directed = FALSE, SRI=FALSE){

    gg <- graph_from_data_frame(elist, directed = directed, vertices = NULL)

    if(is.simple(gg)==FALSE)gg<-simplify(gg, edge.attr.comb=list(weight="sum"))

  } else {


    if(is.simple(gg)==FALSE)gg<-simplify(gg, edge.attr.comb=list(weight="sum"))




#' Create an edge list
#' This function will generate an edge list from an events dataframe
#' @param data Dataframe containing all events. The first two coloums should contain the 'to' and 'from' indentities involved in the interaction, while the third column should contain the 'weight' of the interaction.
#' @import data.table
#' @export

  #create a network and add it to the list
  elist <- as.data.frame(as.data.table(data)[,.(sum(weight)), by=list(from,to)])


#' Create a window
#' This function will generate a window from a larger event dataframe, based on the time of the events
#' @param data dataframe containing all events
#' @param start the starting time of the window
#' @param end the ending time of the window
#' @export
create.window <- function(data, start, end){

  df.window <- data[data[[3]] >= start & data[[3]] < end,]

  return (df.window)

#' Create a network from an edge list using the SRI.
#' This function will generate an SRI network from an event dataframe. Right now only directed graphs are considered.
#' @param events dataframe containing all events.
#' @param directed Wether the network is directed or not (Default=FALSE).
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise filter
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame
#' @export
create.a.network.SRI <- function(events, directed=FALSE){


  elist.sri <-  data.frame(from="NA",to="NA",weight=-1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  for(i in 1:nrow(elist)){

    #how much A interacts with B
    Nab <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(from==as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(to==as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))

    #how much A interacts with not B
    Na <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(from==as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(to!=as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))

    #how much B gets interacted with by not A
    Nb <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(to==as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(from!=as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))

    #if no events

    #add SRI to the list
    df.temp<-data.frame(from=elist[i,][,1],to=elist[i,][,2],weight=as.numeric(Nab / (Nab + Na + Nb)))
    elist.sri <- rbind(elist.sri,df.temp)


  elist.sri <- elist.sri[-1,]

  names(elist.sri)<- c("from", "to", "weight")
  elist.sri <- elist.sri[complete.cases(elist.sri),]
  gg <- graph_from_data_frame(elist.sri, directed = TRUE, vertices = NULL)

  } else { #Undirected SRI

    elist.sri <- data.frame(from="-1",to="-1",weight=1 , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


    for(i in 1:nrow(elist)){

      #how much A and B interact
      Nab <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(from==as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(to==as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))

      #how much A interacts with not B
      Na1 <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(from==as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(to!=as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))
      Na2 <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(to==as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(from!=as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))
      Na <- Na1+Na2

      #how much B interacts with not A
      Nb1 <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(to==as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(from!=as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))
      Nb2 <- elist %>% dplyr::filter(from==as.character(elist[i,][,2]) ) %>% dplyr::filter(to!=as.character(elist[i,][,1]) ) %>% summarise(x=sum(weight))
      Nb <- Nb1 + Nb2

      #if no events

      #add SRI to the list
      df.temp<-data.frame(from=elist[i,][,1],to=elist[i,][,2],weight=as.numeric(Nab / (Nab + Na + Nb)))
      elist.sri <- rbind(elist.sri,df.temp)


    elist.sri <- elist.sri[-1,]

    names(elist.sri)<- c("from", "to", "weight")
    elist.sri <- elist.sri[complete.cases(elist.sri),]
    gg <- graph_from_data_frame(elist.sri, directed = FALSE, vertices = NULL)


tbonne/netTS documentation built on July 26, 2021, 2:27 a.m.